Beispiel #1
def test_expandpath():
    eq_(expandpath("some", False), expanduser('some'))
    eq_(expandpath("some", False), expandvars('some'))
    # this may have to go because of platform issues
    if not on_windows:
        # expanduser is not influenced by our HOME setting adjustments
        # for the tests on windows
        eq_(expandpath("$HOME"), expanduser('~'))
Beispiel #2
def resolve_path(path, ds=None):
    """Resolve a path specification (against a Dataset location)

    Any explicit path (absolute or relative) is returned as an absolute path.
    In case of an explicit relative path, the current working directory is
    used as a reference. Any non-explicit relative path is resolved against
    as dataset location, i.e. considered relative to the location of the
    dataset. If no dataset is provided, the current working directory is

    Absolute path
    # first make sure it's actually a valid path:
    from import PathRI
    if not isinstance(RI(path), PathRI):
        raise ValueError("%s is not a valid path" % path)

    path = expandpath(path, force_absolute=False)
    if is_explicit_path(path):
        # normalize path consistently between two (explicit and implicit) cases
        return dlabspath(path, norm=True)

    # no dataset given, use CWD as reference
    # note: abspath would disregard symlink in CWD
    top_path = getpwd() \
        if ds is None else ds.path if isinstance(ds, Dataset) else ds
    return normpath(opj(top_path, path))
Beispiel #3
def resolve_path(path, ds=None):
    """Resolve a path specification (against a Dataset location)

    Any explicit path (absolute or relative) is returned as an absolute path.
    In case of an explicit relative path, the current working directory is
    used as a reference. Any non-explicit relative path is resolved against
    as dataset location, i.e. considered relative to the location of the
    dataset. If no dataset is provided, the current working directory is

    Absolute path
    # first make sure it's actually a valid path:
    from import PathRI
    if not isinstance(RI(path), PathRI):
        raise ValueError("%s is not a valid path" % path)

    path = expandpath(path, force_absolute=False)
    if is_explicit_path(path):
        # normalize path consistently between two (explicit and implicit) cases
        return dlabspath(path, norm=True)

    # no dataset given, use CWD as reference
    # note: abspath would disregard symlink in CWD
    top_path = getpwd() \
        if ds is None else ds.path if isinstance(ds, Dataset) else ds
    return normpath(opj(top_path, path))
Beispiel #4
def resolve_path(path, ds=None):
    """Resolve a path specification (against a Dataset location)

    Any explicit path (absolute or relative) is returned as an absolute path.
    In case of an explicit relative path, the current working directory is
    used as a reference. Any non-explicit relative path is resolved against
    as dataset location, i.e. considered relative to the location of the
    dataset. If no dataset is provided, the current working directory is

    Absolute path
    path = expandpath(path, force_absolute=False)
    # TODO: normpath?!
    if is_explicit_path(path):
        return abspath(path)
    # no dataset given, use CWD as reference
    # note: abspath would disregard symlink in CWD
    top_path = getpwd() \
        if ds is None else ds.path if isinstance(ds, Dataset) else ds
    return normpath(opj(top_path, path))
Beispiel #5
def resolve_path(path, ds=None):
    """Resolve a path specification (against a Dataset location)

    Any explicit path (absolute or relative) is returned as an absolute path.
    In case of an explicit relative path, the current working directory is
    used as a reference. Any non-explicit relative path is resolved against
    as dataset location, i.e. considered relative to the location of the
    dataset. If no dataset is provided, the current working directory is

    Absolute path
    path = expandpath(path, force_absolute=False)
    # TODO: normpath?!
    if is_explicit_path(path):
        return abspath(path)
    # no dataset given, use CWD as reference
    # note: abspath would disregard symlink in CWD
    top_path = getpwd() \
        if ds is None else ds.path if isinstance(ds, Dataset) else ds
    return normpath(opj(top_path, path))
Beispiel #6
def resolve_path(path, ds=None):
    """Resolve a path specification (against a Dataset location)

    Any explicit path (absolute or relative) is return as an absolute path.
    In case of an explicit relative path, the current working directory is
    used as a reference. Any non-explicit relative path is resolved against
    as dataset location, i.e. considered relative to the location of the
    dataset. If no dataset is provided, the current working directory is

    Absolute path
    path = expandpath(path, force_absolute=False)
    if is_explicit_path(path):
        return abspath(path)
    if ds is None:
        # no dataset given, use CWD as reference
        # TODO: Check whether we should use PWD instead of CWD here. Is it done
        # by abspath?
        return abspath(path)
        return normpath(opj(ds.path, path))
Beispiel #7
def resolve_path(path, ds=None):
    """Resolve a path specification (against a Dataset location)

    Any explicit path (absolute or relative) is return as an absolute path.
    In case of an explicit relative path, the current working directory is
    used as a reference. Any non-explicit relative path is resolved against
    as dataset location, i.e. considered relative to the location of the
    dataset. If no dataset is provided, the current working directory is

    Absolute path
    path = expandpath(path, force_absolute=False)
    if is_explicit_path(path):
        return abspath(path)
    if ds is None:
        # no dataset given, use CWD as reference
        # TODO: Check whether we should use PWD instead of CWD here. Is it done
        # by abspath?
        return abspath(path)
        return normpath(opj(ds.path, path))
Beispiel #8
def test_is_explicit_path():
    # by default expanded paths are absolute, hence explicit
Beispiel #9
def test_expandpath():
    eq_(expandpath("some", False), expanduser('some'))
    eq_(expandpath("some", False), expandvars('some'))
    # this may have to go because of platform issues
    eq_(expandpath("$HOME"), expanduser('~'))
Beispiel #10
    def __call__(dataset=None, path=None, source=None, recursive=False,
        lgr.debug("Installation attempt started")
        # shortcut
        ds = dataset

        if ds is not None and not isinstance(ds, Dataset):
            ds = Dataset(ds)

        if isinstance(path, list):
            if not len(path):
                # normalize value to expected state when nothing was provided
                path = None
            elif len(path) == 1:
                # we can simply continue with the function as called with a
                # single argument
                path = path[0]
                lgr.debug("Installation of multiple targets was requested: {0}".format(path))
                return [Install.__call__(
                        recursive=recursive) for p in path]

        # resolve the target location against the provided dataset
        if path is not None:
            # make sure it is not a URL, `resolve_path` cannot handle that
            if is_url(path):
                    path = get_local_path_from_url(path)
                    path = resolve_path(path, ds)
                except ValueError:
                    # URL doesn't point to a local something
                path = resolve_path(path, ds)

        # any `path` argument that point to something local now resolved and
        # is no longer a URL

        # if we have no dataset given, figure out which one we need to operate
        # on, based on the resolved target location (that is now guaranteed to
        # be specified, but only if path isn't a URL (anymore) -> special case,
        # handles below
        if ds is None and path is not None and not is_url(path):
            # try to find a dataset at or above the installation target
            dspath = GitRepo.get_toppath(abspath(path))
            if dspath is None:
                # no top-level dataset found, use path as such
                dspath = path
            ds = Dataset(dspath)

        if ds is None and source is None and path is not None:
            # no dataset, no source
            # this could be a shortcut install call, where the first
            # arg identifies the source
            if is_url(path) or os.path.exists(path):
                # we have an actual URL -> this should be the source
                # OR
                # it is not a URL, but it exists locally
                    "Single argument given to install and no dataset found. "
                    "Assuming the argument identifies a source location.")
                source = path
                path = None

        lgr.debug("Resolved installation target: {0}".format(path))

        if ds is None and path is None and source is not None:
            # we got nothing but a source. do something similar to git clone
            # and derive the path from the source and continue
                "Neither dataset not target installation path provided. "
                "Assuming installation of a remote dataset. "
                "Deriving destination path from given source {0}".format(
            ds = Dataset(_installationpath_from_url(source))

        if not path and ds is None:
            # no dataset, no target location, nothing to do
            raise InsufficientArgumentsError(
                "insufficient information for installation (needs at "
                "least a dataset or an installation path")

        assert(ds is not None)

        lgr.debug("Resolved target dataset for installation: {0}".format(ds))

        vcs = ds.repo
        if vcs is None:
            # TODO check that a "ds.path" actually points to a TOPDIR
            # should be the case already, but maybe nevertheless check
                with swallow_logs():
                    vcs = Install._get_new_vcs(ds, source, vcs)
            except GitCommandError:
                lgr.debug("Cannot retrieve from URL: {0}".format(source))
                # maybe source URL was missing a '/.git'
                if source and not source.rstrip('/').endswith('/.git'):
                    source = '{0}/.git'.format(source.rstrip('/'))
                    lgr.debug("Attempt to retrieve from URL: {0}".format(source))
                    vcs = Install._get_new_vcs(ds, source, vcs)
                    lgr.debug("Unable to establish repository instance at: {0}".format(ds.path))

        assert(ds.repo)  # is automagically re-evaluated in the .repo property

        runner = Runner()

        if path is None or path == ds.path:
            # if the goal was to install this dataset, we are done,
            # except for 'recursive'.

            # TODO: For now 'recursive' means just submodules.
            # See --with-data vs. -- recursive and figure it out
            if recursive:
                for sm in ds.repo.get_submodules():
                        ds, sm.path, sm.url, recursive=recursive)
            return ds

        # at this point this dataset is "installed", now we can test whether to
        # install something into the dataset

        # needed by the logic below

        # express the destination path relative to the root of this dataset
        relativepath = relpath(path, start=ds.path)
        if path.startswith(pardir):
            raise ValueError("installation path outside dataset")

            "Resolved installation target relative to dataset {0}: {1}".format(
                ds, relativepath))

        # this dataset must already know everything necessary
        # FLOW GUIDE
        # at this point we know nothing about the
        # installation targether
            # it is simplest to let annex tell us what we are dealing with
            lgr.debug("Trying to fetch file %s using annex", relativepath)
            if not isinstance(vcs, AnnexRepo):
                assert(isinstance(vcs, GitRepo))
                # FLOW GUIDE
                # this is not an annex repo, but we raise exceptions
                # to be able to treat them alike in the special case handling
                # below
                if not exists(path):
                    raise IOError("path doesn't exist yet, might need special handling")
                elif relativepath in vcs.get_indexed_files():
                    # relativepath is in git
                    raise FileInGitError("We need to handle it as known to git")
                    raise FileNotInAnnexError("We don't have yet annex repo here")
            if vcs.get_file_key(relativepath):
                # FLOW GUIDE EXIT POINT
                # this is an annex'ed file -> get it
                # TODO implement `copy --from` using `source`
                # TODO fail if `source` is something strange
                # return the absolute path to the installed file
                return path

        except FileInGitError:
            # FLOW GUIDE
            # `path` is either
            # - a  file already checked into Git
            # - known submodule
            lgr.log(5, "FileInGitError logic")
            if source is not None:
                raise FileInGitError("File %s is already in git. Specifying source (%s) makes no sense"
                                     % (path, source))
            # file is checked into git directly -> nothing to do
            # OR this is a submodule of this dataset
            submodule = [sm for sm in ds.repo.get_submodules()
                         if sm.path == relativepath]
            if not len(submodule):
                # FLOW GUIDE EXIT POINT
                # this is a file in Git and no submodule, just return its path
                lgr.debug("Don't act, data already present in Git")
                return path
            elif len(submodule) > 1:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "more than one submodule registered at the same path?")
            submodule = submodule[0]

            # we are dealing with a known submodule (i.e. `source`
            # doesn't matter) -> check it out
            lgr.debug("Install subdataset at: {0}".format(submodule.path))
            subds = _install_subds_from_flexible_source(
                ds, submodule.path, submodule.url, recursive=recursive)
            return subds

        except FileNotInAnnexError:
            # FLOW GUIDE
            # `path` is either
            # - content of a subdataset
            # - an untracked file in this dataset
            # - an entire untracked/unknown existing subdataset
            lgr.log(5, "FileNotInAnnexError logic")
            subds = get_containing_subdataset(ds, relativepath)
            if ds.path != subds.path:
                # FLOW GUIDE EXIT POINT
                # target path belongs to a known subdataset, hand
                # installation over to it
                return subds.install(
                    path=relpath(path, start=subds.path),

            # FLOW GUIDE
            # this must be an untracked/existing something, so either
            # - a file
            # - a directory
            # - an entire repository
            if exists(opj(path, '.git')):
                # FLOW GUIDE EXIT POINT
                # this is an existing repo and must be in-place turned into
                # a submodule of this dataset
                return _install_subds_inplace(
                    ds, path, relativepath, source, runner)

            # - untracked file or directory in this dataset
            if isdir(path) and not recursive:
                # this is a directory and we want --recursive for it
                raise ValueError(
                    "installation of a directory requires the `recursive` flag")

            # few sanity checks
            if source and abspath(source) != path:
                raise ValueError(
                    "installation target already exists, but `source` points to "
                    "another location (target: '{0}', source: '{0}'".format(
                        source, path))

            if not add_data_to_git and not (isinstance(vcs, AnnexRepo)):
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Trying to install file(s) into a dataset "
                    "with a plain Git repository. First initialize annex, or "
                    "provide override flag.")

            # switch `add` procedure between Git and Git-annex according to flag
            if add_data_to_git:
                added_files = resolve_path(relativepath, ds)
                # do a blunt `annex add`
                added_files = vcs.annex_add(relativepath)
                # return just the paths of the installed components
                if isinstance(added_files, list):
                    added_files = [resolve_path(i['file'], ds) for i in added_files]
                    added_files = resolve_path(added_files['file'], ds)
            if added_files:
                return added_files
                return None

        except IOError:
            # FLOW GUIDE
            # more complicated special cases -- `path` is either
            # - a file/subdataset in a not yet initialized but known
            #   submodule
            # - an entire untracked/unknown existing subdataset
            # - non-existing content that should be installed from `source`
            lgr.log(5, "IOError logic")
            # we can end up here in two cases ATM
            if (exists(path) or islink(path)) or source is None:
                # FLOW GUIDE
                # - target exists but this dataset's VCS rejects it,
                #   so it should be part of a subdataset
                # or
                # - target doesn't exist, but no source is given, so
                #   it could be a handle that is actually contained in
                #   a not yet installed subdataset
                subds = get_containing_subdataset(ds, relativepath)
                if ds.path != subds.path:
                    # FLOW GUIDE
                    # target path belongs to a subdataset, hand installation
                    # over to it
                    if not subds.is_installed():
                        # FLOW GUIDE
                        # we are dealing with a target in a not yet
                        # available but known subdataset -> install it first
                        ds.install(subds.path, recursive=recursive)
                    return subds.install(
                        path=relpath(path, start=subds.path),

                # FLOW GUIDE EXIT POINT
                raise InsufficientArgumentsError(
                    "insufficient information for installation: the "
                    "installation target {0} doesn't exists, isn't a "
                    "known handle of dataset {1}, and no `source` "
                    "information was provided.".format(path, ds))

            if not source:
                # FLOW GUIDE EXIT POINT
                raise InsufficientArgumentsError(
                    "insufficient information for installation: the "
                    "installation target {0} doesn't exists, isn't a "
                    "known handle of dataset {1}, and no `source` "
                    "information was provided.".format(path, ds))

            source_path = expandpath(source)
            if exists(source_path):
                # FLOW GUIDE EXIT POINT
                # this could be
                # - local file
                # - local directory
                # - repository outside the dataset
                # we only want to support the last case of locally cloning
                # a repo -- fail otherwise
                if exists(opj(source_path, '.git')):
                    return _install_subds_from_flexible_source(
                        ds, relativepath, source_path, recursive)

                raise ValueError(
                    "installing individual local files or directories is not "
                    "supported, copy/move them into the dataset first")

            # FLOW GUIDE
            # `source` is non-local, it could be:
            #   - repository
            #   - file
            # we have no further evidence, hence we need to try
                # FLOW GUIDE EXIT POINT
                # assume it is a dataset
                return _install_subds_from_flexible_source(
                    ds, relativepath, source, recursive)
            except CommandError:
                # FLOW GUIDE EXIT POINT
                # apaarently not a repo, assume it is a file url
                vcs.annex_addurl_to_file(relativepath, source)
                return path