Beispiel #1
def get_local_file_url(fname, compatibility='git-annex'):
    """Return OS specific URL pointing to a local file

    fname : string
        Filename.  If not absolute, abspath is used
    compatibility : {'git', 'git-annex'}, optional
        On Windows, and only on that platform, file:// URLs may need to look
        different depending on the use case or consuming application. This
        switch selects different compatibility modes: 'git' for use with
        Git commands (e.g. `clone` or `submodule add`); 'git-annex` for
        Git-annex command input (e.g. `addurl`). On any other platform this
        setting has no effect.
    # we resolve the path to circumwent potential short paths on unfortunate
    # platforms that would ruin the URL format.
    #path = Path(fname).resolve().absolute()
    path = Path(fname).resolve()
    if on_windows:
        # in addition we need to absolute(), as on windows resolve() doesn't
        # imply that
        path = path.absolute().as_posix()
        furl = 'file://{}{}'.format(
            '/' if compatibility == 'git' else '',
            urlquote(re.sub(r'([a-zA-Z]):', r'\1', path)))
        # TODO:  need to fix for all the encoding etc
        furl = str(URL(scheme='file', path=str(path)))
    return furl