def test_with_only_raises_attribute_error_when_second_argument_is_not_list():
    Test datamegh.util.with_only() would return an Attribute error when attrs is an invalid

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as ex:
        with_only({}, 1)

    assert (ex.value.args[0] ==
            "Second argument must be a list, invalid argument received '1'.")
def test_with_only_raises_type_error_when_first_argument_is_not_dictionary():
    Test datamegh.util.with_only() would return an Attribute error when no arguments
    are provided to it.

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as ex:

    assert (
        ex.value.args[0] ==
        "with_only() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'src' and 'attrs'"
def test_with_only_raises_attribute_error_when_first_argument_is_not_dictionary(
    Test datamegh.util.with_only() would return an Attribute error when src is an invalid

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as ex:
        with_only(1, [])

    assert (
        ex.value.args[0] ==
        "First argument must be a dictionary, invalid argument received '1'.")
def test_with_only_returns_empty_dictionary_when_attrs_is_empty():
    Test datamegh.util.with_only() would return an empty dictionary when empty attrs
    list is provided to it.

    assert with_only({"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}, []) == {}
def test_with_only_returns_dictionary_when_both_src_and_attrs_are_valid_arguments(
    Test datamegh.util.with_only() would return a dictionary when a valid source
    and attrs are provided to it

    assert with_only({
        "key1": "value1",
        "key2": "value2"
    }, ["key1"]) == {
        "key1": "value1"