Beispiel #1
    def parseLine(self,line):
        line = line.rstrip('\n')
        ff = line.split('\t')

        #chr1	unknown	CDS	3054734	3054733	.	+	-1	gene_id "ENSMUSG00000090025"; gene_name "ENSMUSG00000090025"; transcript_id "ENSMUST00000160944";

        f = Feature()

        f.qid   = ff[0]
        f.type1 = ff[1]
        f.type2 = ff[2]

        f.qstart = int(ff[3])
        f.qend   = int(ff[4])

        if ff[5] != ".":
            f.score = double(ff[5])

        if ff[6] != ".":
            if ff[6] == "+":
                f.strand = 1
            elif ff[6] == 1:
                f.strand = 1
            elif ff[6] == "-":
                f.strand = -1
            elif ff[6] == -1:
                f.strand = -1

        if ff[7] != ".":
            f.phase = int(ff[7])

        featf = ff[8].split(';')
        for feat in featf:
            feat = feat.strip()
            tmp  = feat.split(' ')

            if len(tmp) == 2:

                key = tmp[0].strip()
                val = tmp[1].strip()
                val = val.strip('"')

                f.hitattr[key] = val

                if key == "transcript_id":
                    f.hid = val
        return f
Beispiel #2
    def nextGFF(self):

        for line in self.fh:

            if line is None:

            if'^##FASTA', line):
                return None

            if'^#', line):

            line = line.rstrip('\n')
            ff = line.split('\t')

            ##gff-version 3
            #!gff-spec-version 1.20
            #!processor NCBI annotwriter
            #!genome-build ASM72083v1
            #!genome-build-accession NCBI_Assembly:GCF_000720835.1
            ##sequence-region NZ_JODT01000001.1 1 388890
            #NZ_JODT01000001.1       RefSeq  region  1       388890  .       +       .       ID=id0;Dbxref=taxon:67256;collection-date=2010;country=Japan: Suginami%2C Tokyo;culture-collection=NRRL:B-2120;gbkey=Src;isolation-source=garden soil;mol_type=genomic DNA;strain=NRRL B-2120;sub-species=achromogenes
            #NZ_JODT01000001.1       RefSeq  gene    283     1188    .       -       .       ID=gene0;Name=IH25_RS0100010;gbkey=Gene;locus_tag=IH25_RS0100010
            #NZ_JODT01000001.1       Protein Homology        CDS     283     1188    .       -       0       ID=cds0;Parent=gene0;Dbxref=Genbank:WP_030600633.1;Name=WP_030600633.1;gbkey=CDS;product=DeoR faimly transcriptional regulator;protein_id=WP_030600633.1;transl_table=11
            #NZ_JODT01000001.1       RefSeq  gene    1391    2839    .       -       .       ID=gene1;Name=IH25_RS0100015;gbkey=Gene;locus_tag=IH25_RS0100015
            #NZ_JODT01000001.1       Protein Homology        CDS     1391    2839    .       -       0       ID=cds1;Parent=gene1;Dbxref=Genbank:WP_030600636.1;Name=WP_030600636.1;Note=catalyzes the reduction of nonspecific electron acceptors such as 2%2C6-dimethyl-1%2C4-benzoquinone and 5-hydroxy-1%2C4-naphthaquinone%3B does not have lipoamide dehydrogenase activity;gbkey=CDS;product=flavoprotein disulfide reductase;protein_id=WP_030600636.1;transl_table=11
            #NZ_JODT01000001.1       RefSeq  gene    2936    3373    .       +       .       ID=gene2;Name=IH25_RS0100020;gbkey=Gene;locus_tag=IH25_RS0100020
            #NZ_JODT01000001.1       Protein Homology        CDS     2936    3373    .       +       0       ID=cds2;Parent=gene2;Dbxref=Genbank:WP_030600640.1;Name=WP_030600640.1;gbkey=CDS;product=gamma-glutamyl cyclotransferase;protein_id=WP_030600640.1;transl_table=11
            #NZ_JODT01000001.1       RefSeq  gene    3499    4323    .       +       .       ID=gene3;Name=IH25_RS0100025;gbkey=Gene;locus_tag=IH25_RS0100025
            #NZ_JODT01000001.1       Protein Homology        CDS     3499    4323    .       +       0       ID=cds3;Parent=gene3;Dbxref=Genbank:WP_03060

            if len(ff) < 8:
                raise Exception(
                    "GFF line needs 8 or more fields to parse [%s]" % line)

            f = Feature()

            f.qid = ff[0]
            f.type1 = ff[1]
            f.type2 = ff[2]
            f.qstart = int(ff[3])
            f.qend = int(ff[4])
            f.score = ff[5]
            f.strand = ff[6]
            f.phase = ff[7]

            if f.score == ".":
                f.score = 0
                f.score = int(f.score)

            if f.strand == "+":
                f.strand = 1

            if f.strand == "-":
                f.strand = -1

            if f.strand == ".":
                f.strand = 0

            if len(ff) > 8:

                hidstr = ff[8]
                hitattr = {}

                hffarr = hidstr.split(';')

                for hff in hffarr:

                    tmparr = hff.split('=')

                    hitattr[tmparr[0]] = tmparr[1]

                f.hitattr = hitattr

            return f