Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(LRHRDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        self.paths_LR = None
        self.paths_HR = None
        self.LR_env = None  # environment for lmdb
        self.HR_env = None

        # read image list from subset list txt
        if opt['subset_file'] is not None and opt['phase'] == 'train':
            with open(opt['subset_file']) as f:
                self.paths_HR = sorted([os.path.join(opt['dataroot_HR'], line.rstrip('\n')) \
                        for line in f])
            if opt['dataroot_LR'] is not None:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'Now subset only supports generating LR on-the-fly.')
        else:  # read image list from lmdb or image files
            self.HR_env, self.paths_HR = util.get_image_paths(
                opt['data_type'], opt['dataroot_HR'])
            self.LR_env, self.paths_LR = util.get_image_paths(
                opt['data_type'], opt['dataroot_LR'])

        assert self.paths_HR, 'Error: HR path is empty.'
        if self.paths_LR and self.paths_HR:
            assert len(self.paths_LR) == len(self.paths_HR), \
                'HR and LR datasets have different number of images - {}, {}.'.format(\
                len(self.paths_LR), len(self.paths_HR))

        self.random_scale_list = [1]
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(LRHRSeg_BG_Dataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        self.paths_LR = None
        self.paths_HR = None
        self.paths_HR_bg = None  # HR images for background scenes
        self.LR_env = None  # environment for lmdb
        self.HR_env = None
        self.HR_env_bg = None

        # read image list from lmdb or image files
        self.HR_env, self.paths_HR = util.get_image_paths(
            opt['data_type'], opt['dataroot_HR'])
        self.LR_env, self.paths_LR = util.get_image_paths(
            opt['data_type'], opt['dataroot_LR'])
        self.HR_env_bg, self.paths_HR_bg = util.get_image_paths(opt['data_type'], \

        assert self.paths_HR, 'Error: HR path is empty.'
        if self.paths_LR and self.paths_HR:
            assert len(self.paths_LR) == len(self.paths_HR), \
                'HR and LR datasets have different number of images - {}, {}.'.format(\
                len(self.paths_LR), len(self.paths_HR))

        self.random_scale_list = [1, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5]
        self.ratio = 10  # 10 OST data samples and 1 DIV2K general data samples(background)
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(LRHRSeg_BG_Dataset, self).__init__(opt, keys_ds=['LR', 'HR'])
        self.znorm = opt.get(
            False)  # Alternative: images are z-normalized to the [-1,1] range
        # self.opt = opt
        # self.paths_LR = None
        # self.paths_HR = None
        self.paths_HR_bg = None  # HR images for background scenes
        self.LR_env = None
        self.HR_env = None
        self.HR_env_bg = None  # environment for lmdb

        # get images paths (and optional environments for lmdb) from dataroots
        self.paths_LR, self.paths_HR = get_dataroots_paths(
            opt, strict=False, keys_ds=self.keys_ds)

        # read backgrounds image list from lmdb or image files
        self.paths_HR_bg = util.get_image_paths(opt['data_type'],

        if self.opt.get('data_type') == 'lmdb':
            self.LR_env = util._init_lmdb(
                opt.get('dataroot_' + self.keys_ds[0]))
            self.HR_env = util._init_lmdb(
                opt.get('dataroot_' + self.keys_ds[1]))
            self.HR_env_bg = util._init_lmdb(opt.get('dataroot_HR_bg'))

        assert len(self.paths_HR) == len(self.paths_HR_bg)

        self.random_scale_list = [1, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5]
        self.ratio = 10  # 10 OST data samples and 1 DIV2K general data samples(background)
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(DVDIDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        self.paths_in = None

        # read image list from lmdb or image files
        self.paths_in = get_image_paths('img', opt['dataroot_in'])
        assert self.paths_in, 'Error: Interlaced paths are empty.'
Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(DVDDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        self.debug = None  # path to a directory to save debug files, None = Disable

        self.paths_in = get_image_paths('img', opt['dataroot_in'])
        self.paths_top = get_image_paths('img', opt['dataroot_top'])
        self.paths_bot = get_image_paths('img', opt['dataroot_bottom'])
        self.paths_progressive = get_image_paths('img', opt['dataroot_progressive'])

        if self.paths_in and self.paths_top and self.paths_bot:
            assert len(self.paths_top) >= len(self.paths_in), \	
                'Top dataset contains fewer images than interlaced dataset  - {}, {}.'.format(
                len(self.paths_top), len(self.paths_in))
            assert len(self.paths_bot) >= len(self.paths_in), \	
                'Bottom dataset contains fewer images than interlaced dataset  - {}, {}.'.format(
                len(self.paths_bot), len(self.paths_in))
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(LRDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        self.paths_LR = None
        self.LR_env = None  # environment for lmdb
        self.znorm = opt.get(
            False)  # Alternative: images are z-normalized to the [-1,1] range

        # read image list from lmdb or image files
        self.LR_env, self.paths_LR = util.get_image_paths(
            opt['data_type'], opt['dataroot_LR'])
        assert self.paths_LR, 'Error: LR paths are empty.'
Beispiel #7
def paired_dataset_validation(A_images_paths,

    if isinstance(A_images_paths, str) and isinstance(B_images_paths, str):
        A_images_paths = [A_images_paths]
        B_images_paths = [B_images_paths]

    paths_A = []
    paths_B = []
    for paths in zip(A_images_paths, B_images_paths):
        A_paths = get_image_paths(data_type, paths[0],
                                  max_dataset_size)  # get image paths
        B_paths = get_image_paths(data_type, paths[1],
                                  max_dataset_size)  # get image paths
        for imgs in zip(A_paths, B_paths):
            _, A_filename = os.path.split(imgs[0])
            _, B_filename = os.path.split(imgs[1])
            assert A_filename == B_filename, f'Wrong pair of images {A_filename} and {B_filename}'
    return paths_A, paths_B
Beispiel #8
def process_img_paths(images_paths=None,
    if not images_paths:
        return images_paths

    # process images_paths
    paths_list = []
    for path in images_paths:
        paths = get_image_paths(data_type, path, max_dataset_size)
        for imgs in paths:
    paths_list = sorted(paths_list)
    return paths_list
Beispiel #9
    def __init__(self, opt):
        super(LRHRDataset, self).__init__()
        self.opt = opt
        self.paths_LR, self.paths_HR = None, None
        self.LR_env, self.HR_env = None, None  # environment for lmdb
        self.output_sample_imgs = None

        if opt.get('dataroot_kernels', None):
            #TODO: note: use the model scale to get the right kernel
            scale = opt.get('scale', 4)

            self.ds_kernels = KernelDownscale(
                scale=scale, kernel_paths=opt['dataroot_kernels'])

        if opt['phase'] == 'train' and opt.get(
                'lr_noise_types', 3) and "patches" in opt['lr_noise_types']:
            assert opt['noise_data']
            self.noise_patches = NoisePatches(
                opt.get('HR_size', 128) / opt.get('scale', 4))
            self.noise_patches = None

        # read image list from subset list txt
        if opt['subset_file'] is not None and opt['phase'] == 'train':
            with open(opt['subset_file']) as f:
                self.paths_HR = sorted([os.path.join(opt['dataroot_HR'], line.rstrip('\n')) \
                        for line in f])
            if opt['dataroot_LR'] is not None:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'Subset only supports generating LR on-the-fly.')
        else:  # read image list from lmdb or image files
            # Check if dataroot_HR is a list of directories or a single directory. Note: lmdb will not currently work with a list
            HR_images_paths = opt['dataroot_HR']
            # if receiving a single path in str format, convert to list
            if type(HR_images_paths) is str:
                HR_images_paths = [HR_images_paths]

            # Check if dataroot_LR is a list of directories or a single directory. Note: lmdb will not currently work with a list
            LR_images_paths = opt['dataroot_LR']
            if not LR_images_paths:
                LR_images_paths = []
            # if receiving a single path in str format, convert to list
            if type(LR_images_paths) is str:
                LR_images_paths = [LR_images_paths]

            self.paths_HR = []
            self.paths_LR = []

            # special case when dealing with duplicate HR_images_paths or LR_images_paths
            # LMDB will not be supported with this option
            if len(HR_images_paths) != len(set(HR_images_paths)) or \
                len(LR_images_paths) != len(set(LR_images_paths)):

                # only resolve when the two path lists coincide in the number of elements,
                # they have to be ordered specifically as they will be used in the options file
                assert len(HR_images_paths) == len(LR_images_paths), \
                    'Error: When using duplicate paths, dataroot_HR and dataroot_LR must contain the same number of elements.'

                for paths in zip(HR_images_paths, LR_images_paths):
                    _, paths_HR = util.get_image_paths(opt['data_type'],
                    _, paths_LR = util.get_image_paths(opt['data_type'],
                    for imgs in zip(paths_HR, paths_LR):
                        _, HR_filename = os.path.split(imgs[0])
                        _, LR_filename = os.path.split(imgs[1])
                        assert HR_filename == LR_filename, 'Wrong pair of images {} and {}'.format(
                            HR_filename, LR_filename)
            else:  # for cases with extra HR directories for OTF images or original single directories
                self.HR_env = []
                self.LR_env = []
                # process HR_images_paths
                # if type(HR_images_paths) is list:
                for path in HR_images_paths:
                    HR_env, paths_HR = util.get_image_paths(
                        opt['data_type'], path)
                    if type(HR_env) is list:
                        for imgs in HR_env:
                    for imgs in paths_HR:
                if self.HR_env.count(None) == len(self.HR_env):
                    self.HR_env = None
                    self.HR_env = sorted(self.HR_env)
                self.paths_HR = sorted(self.paths_HR)
                # elif type(HR_images_paths) is str:
                #     self.HR_env, self.paths_HR = util.get_image_paths(opt['data_type'], HR_images_paths)

                # process LR_images_paths
                # if type(LR_images_paths) is list:
                for path in LR_images_paths:
                    LR_env, paths_LR = util.get_image_paths(
                        opt['data_type'], path)
                    if type(LR_env) is list:
                        for imgs in LR_env:
                    for imgs in paths_LR:
                if self.LR_env.count(None) == len(self.LR_env):
                    self.LR_env = None
                    self.LR_env = sorted(self.LR_env)
                self.paths_LR = sorted(self.paths_LR)
                # elif type(LR_images_paths) is str:
                #     self.LR_env, self.paths_LR = util.get_image_paths(opt['data_type'], LR_images_paths)

        assert self.paths_HR, 'Error: HR path is empty.'
        if self.paths_LR and self.paths_HR:
            # Modified to allow using HR and LR folders with different amount of images
            # - If an LR image pair is not found, downscale HR on the fly, else, use the LR
            # - If all LR are provided and 'lr_downscale' is enabled, randomize use of provided LR and OTF LR for augmentation
            assert len(self.paths_LR) == len(self.paths_HR), \
                'HR and LR datasets have different number of images - {}, {}.'.format(\
                len(self.paths_LR), len(self.paths_HR))
            assert len(self.paths_HR) >= len(self.paths_LR), \
                'HR dataset contains less images than LR dataset  - {}, {}.'.format(\
                len(self.paths_HR), len(self.paths_LR))
            if len(self.paths_LR) < len(self.paths_HR):
                    'LR contains less images than HR dataset  - {}, {}. Will generate missing images on the fly.'
                    .format(len(self.paths_LR), len(self.paths_HR)))
                i = 0
                tmp = []
                for idx in range(0, len(self.paths_HR)):
                    _, HRtail = os.path.split(self.paths_HR[idx])
                    if i < len(self.paths_LR):
                        LRhead, LRtail = os.path.split(self.paths_LR[i])

                        if LRtail == HRtail:
                            LRimg_path = os.path.join(LRhead, LRtail)
                            i += 1
                            LRimg_path = None
                    else:  #if the last image is missing
                        LRimg_path = None
                self.paths_LR = tmp
Beispiel #10
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        scale = self.opt.get('scale', 4)
        HR_size = self.opt.get('HR_size', 128)
        LR_size = HR_size // scale
        idx_center = (self.num_frames - 1) // 2
        ds_kernel = None
        # Default case: tensor will result in the [0,1] range
        # Alternative: tensor will be z-normalized to the [-1,1] range
        znorm  = self.opt.get('znorm', False)

        if self.opt['phase'] == 'train':
            if self.opt.get('lr_downscale', None) and self.opt.get('dataroot_kernels', None) and 999 in self.opt["lr_downscale_types"]:
                ds_kernel = self.ds_kernels #KernelDownscale(scale, self.kernel_paths, self.num_kernel)

            # get a random video directory
            idx_video = random.randint(0, len(self.video_list)-1)
            video_dir = self.video_list[idx_video]
            # print(video_dir)
            # only one video and paths_LR/paths_HR is already the video dir
            video_dir = ""
        # list the frames in the directory 
        # hr_dir = self.trainset_dir + '/' + video_dir + '/hr'
        paths_HR = util.get_image_paths(self.opt['data_type'], os.path.join(self.paths_HR, video_dir))
        # print(paths_HR)

        if self.opt['phase'] == 'train':
            # random reverse augmentation
            random_reverse = self.opt.get('random_reverse', False)
            # skipping intermediate frames to learn from low FPS videos augmentation
            # testing random frameskip up to 'max_frameskip' frames
            max_frameskip = self.opt.get('max_frameskip', 0)
            if max_frameskip > 0:
                max_frameskip = min(max_frameskip, len(paths_HR)//(self.num_frames-1))
                frameskip = random.randint(1, max_frameskip)
                frameskip = 1
            # print("max_frameskip: ", max_frameskip)

            assert ((self.num_frames-1)*frameskip) <= (len(paths_HR)-1), (
                f'num_frame*frameskip must be smaller than the number of frames per video, check {video_dir}')
            # if number of frames of training video is for example 31, "max index -num_frames" = 31-3=28
            idx_frame = random.randint(0, (len(paths_HR)-1)-((self.num_frames-1)*frameskip))
            # print('frameskip:', frameskip)
            frameskip = 1
            idx_frame = idx
        List based frames loading
        if self.paths_LR:
            paths_LR = util.get_image_paths(self.opt['data_type'], os.path.join(self.paths_LR, video_dir))
            paths_LR = paths_HR
            ds_algo = 777 # default to matlab-like bicubic downscale
            if self.opt.get('lr_downscale', None): # if manually set and scale algorithms are provided, then:
                ds_algo  = self.opt.get('lr_downscale_types', 777)

        # get the video directory
        HR_dir, _ = os.path.split(paths_HR[idx_frame])
        LR_dir, _ = os.path.split(paths_HR[idx_frame])

        # read HR & LR frames
        HR_list = []
        LR_list = []
        resize_type = None
        LR_bicubic = None
        HR_center = None

        # print('len(paths_HR)', len(paths_HR))
        for i_frame in range(self.num_frames):
            # print('frame path:', paths_HR[int(idx_frame)+(frameskip*i_frame)])
            HR_img = util.read_img(None, paths_HR[int(idx_frame)+(frameskip*i_frame)], out_nc=self.image_channels)
            HR_img = util.modcrop(HR_img, scale)

            if self.opt['phase'] == 'train':
                If using individual image augmentations, get cropping parameters for reuse
                if self.otf_noise and i_frame == 0: #only need to calculate once, from the first frame
                    # reuse the cropping parameters for all LR and HR frames
                    hr_crop_params, lr_crop_params = get_crop_params(HR_img, LR_size, scale)
                    if self.opt.get('lr_noise', None):
                        # reuse the same noise type for all the frames
                        noise_option = get_noise(self.opt.get('lr_noise_types', None), self.noise_patches)
                    if self.opt.get('lr_blur', None):
                        # reuse the same blur type for all the frames
                        blur_option = get_blur(self.opt.get('lr_blur_types', None))

            if self.paths_LR:
                # LR images are provided at the correct scale
                LR_img = util.read_img(None, paths_LR[int(idx_frame)+(frameskip*i_frame)], out_nc=self.image_channels)
                if LR_img.shape == HR_img.shape:
                    LR_img, resize_type = Scale(img=HR_img, scale=scale, algo=ds_algo, ds_kernel=ds_kernel, resize_type=resize_type)
                # generate LR images on the fly
                LR_img, resize_type = Scale(img=HR_img, scale=scale, algo=ds_algo, ds_kernel=ds_kernel, resize_type=resize_type)

            # get the bicubic upscale of the center frame to concatenate for SR
            if self.y_only and self.srcolors and i_frame == idx_center:
                LR_bicubic, _ = Scale(img=LR_img, scale=1/scale, algo=777) # bicubic upscale
                HR_center = HR_img
                # tmp_vis(LR_bicubic, False)
                # tmp_vis(HR_center, False)
            if self.y_only:
                # extract Y channel from frames
                # normal path, only Y for both
                HR_img = util.bgr2ycbcr(HR_img, only_y=True)
                LR_img = util.bgr2ycbcr(LR_img, only_y=True)

            # crop patches randomly if using otf noise
            #TODO: make a BasicSR composable random_crop
            #TODO: note the original crop should go here and crop after loading each image, but could also be much simpler
            # to crop after concatenating. Check the speed difference.
            if self.otf_noise and self.opt['phase'] == 'train':
                HR_img, LR_img = apply_crop_params(HR_img, LR_img, hr_crop_params, lr_crop_params)
                if self.y_only and self.srcolors and i_frame == idx_center:
                    LR_bicubic, _ = apply_crop_params(LR_bicubic, None, hr_crop_params, None)
                    HR_center, _ = apply_crop_params(HR_center, None, hr_crop_params, None)

            # expand Y images to add the channel dimension
            # normal path, only Y for both
            if self.y_only:
                HR_img = util.fix_img_channels(HR_img, 1)
                LR_img = util.fix_img_channels(LR_img, 1)

            if self.opt['phase'] == 'train':
                # single frame augmentation (noise, blur, etc). Would only be efficient if patches are cropped in this loop
                if self.opt.get('lr_blur', None):
                    if blur_option:
                        LR_img = blur_option(LR_img)
                if self.opt.get('lr_noise', None):
                    if noise_option:
                        LR_img = noise_option(LR_img)
                # expand LR images to add the channel dimension again if needed (blur removes the grayscale channel)
                #TODO: add a if condition, can compare to the ndim before the augs, maybe move inside the aug condition
                # if not fullimgchannels: #TODO: TMP, this should be when using srcolors for HR or when training with 3 channels tests, separatedly
                if self.y_only:
                    LR_img = util.fix_img_channels(LR_img, 1)
            # print("HR_img.shape: ", HR_img.shape)
            # print("LR_img.shape", LR_img.shape)

            HR_list.append(HR_img) # h, w, c
            LR_list.append(LR_img) # h, w, c

        # print(len(HR_list))
        # print(len(LR_list))

        if self.opt['phase'] == 'train':
            # random reverse sequence augmentation
            if random_reverse and random.random() < 0.5:

        if not self.y_only:
            t = self.num_frames
            HR = [np.asarray(GT) for GT in HR_list]  # list -> numpy # input: list (contatin numpy: [H,W,C])
            HR = np.asarray(HR) # numpy, [T,H,W,C]
            h_HR, w_HR, c = HR_img.shape #HR_center.shape #TODO: check, may be risky
            HR = HR.transpose(1,2,3,0).reshape(h_HR, w_HR, -1) # numpy, [H',W',CT]
            LR = [np.asarray(LT) for LT in LR_list]  # list -> numpy # input: list (contatin numpy: [H,W,C])
            LR = np.asarray(LR) # numpy, [T,H,W,C]
            LR = LR.transpose(1,2,3,0).reshape(h_HR//scale, w_HR//scale, -1) # numpy, [Hl',Wl',CT]
            HR = np.concatenate((HR_list), axis=2) # h, w, t
            LR = np.concatenate((LR_list), axis=2) # h, w, t

        if self.opt['phase'] == 'train':
            # If not using individual image augmentations, this cropping should be faster, only once 
            # crop patches randomly. If not using otf noise, crop all concatenated images 
            if not self.otf_noise:
                HR, LR, hr_crop_params, _ = random_crop_mod(HR, LR, LR_size, scale)
                if self.y_only and self.srcolors:
                    LR_bicubic, _, _, _ = random_crop_mod(LR_bicubic, _, LR_size, scale, hr_crop_params)
                    HR_center, _, _, _ = random_crop_mod(HR_center, _, LR_size, scale, hr_crop_params)
                    # tmp_vis(LR_bicubic, False)
                    # tmp_vis(HR_center, False)

            # data augmentation
            #TODO: use BasicSR augmentations
            #TODO: use variables from config
            LR, HR, LR_bicubic, HR_center = augmentation()([LR, HR, LR_bicubic, HR_center])

        # tmp_vis(HR, False)
        # tmp_vis(LR, False)
        # tmp_vis(LR_bicubic, False)
        # tmp_vis(HR_center, False)

        if self.y_only:
            HR = util.np2tensor(HR, normalize=znorm, bgr2rgb=False, add_batch=False) # Tensor, [CT',H',W'] or [T, H, W]
            LR = util.np2tensor(LR, normalize=znorm, bgr2rgb=False, add_batch=False) # Tensor, [CT',H',W'] or [T, H, W]
            HR = util.np2tensor(HR, normalize=znorm, bgr2rgb=True, add_batch=False) # Tensor, [CT',H',W'] or [T, H, W]
            LR = util.np2tensor(LR, normalize=znorm, bgr2rgb=True, add_batch=False) # Tensor, [CT',H',W'] or [T, H, W]
        #TODO: TMP to test generating 3 channel images for SR loss
        # HR = util.np2tensor(HR, normalize=znorm, bgr2rgb=False, add_batch=True) # Tensor, [CT',H',W'] or [T, H, W]
        # LR = util.np2tensor(LR, normalize=znorm, bgr2rgb=False, add_batch=True) # Tensor, [CT',H',W'] or [T, H, W]
        # if self.srcolors:
        #     HR = HR.view(c,t,HR_size,HR_size) # Tensor, [C,T,H,W]
        if not self.y_only:
            HR = HR.view(c,t,HR_size,HR_size) # Tensor, [C,T,H,W]
            LR = LR.view(c,t,LR_size,LR_size) # Tensor, [C,T,H,W]
            if self.shape == 'TCHW':
                HR = HR.transpose(0,1) # Tensor, [T,C,H,W]
                LR = LR.transpose(0,1) # Tensor, [T,C,H,W]

        # generate Cr, Cb channels using bicubic interpolation
        #TODO: check, it might be easier to return the whole image and separate later when needed
        if self.y_only and self.srcolors:
            LR_bicubic = util.bgr2ycbcr(LR_bicubic, only_y=False)
            # HR_center = util.bgr2ycbcr(HR_center, only_y=False) #not needed, can directly use rgb image
            ## LR_bicubic = util.ycbcr2rgb(LR_bicubic, only_y=False) #test, looks ok
            ## HR_center = util.ycbcr2rgb(HR_center, only_y=False) #test, looks ok
            ## _, SR_cb, SR_cr = util.bgr2ycbcr(LR_bicubic, only_y=False, separate=True)
            LR_bicubic = util.np2tensor(LR_bicubic, normalize=znorm, bgr2rgb=False, add_batch=False)
            # HR_center = util.np2tensor(HR_center, normalize=znorm, bgr2rgb=False, add_batch=False) # will test using rgb image instead
            HR_center = util.np2tensor(HR_center, normalize=znorm, bgr2rgb=True, add_batch=False)
            #TODO: TMP to test generating 3 channel images for SR loss
            # LR_bicubic = util.np2tensor(LR_bicubic, normalize=znorm, bgr2rgb=False, add_batch=True)
            # HR_center = util.np2tensor(HR_center, normalize=znorm, bgr2rgb=False, add_batch=True)
        elif self.y_only and not self.srcolors:
            LR_bicubic = []
            HR_center = []
            HR_center = HR[:,idx_center,:,:] if self.shape == 'CTHW' else HR[idx_center,:,:,:]
            LR_bicubic = []

        # return toTensor(LR), toTensor(HR)
        return {'LR': LR, 'HR': HR, 'LR_path': LR_dir, 'HR_path': HR_dir, 'LR_bicubic': LR_bicubic, 'HR_center': HR_center}
Beispiel #11
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        scale = self.opt.get('scale', 4)
        idx_center = (self.num_frames - 1) // 2
        h_LR = None
        w_LR = None

        # Default case: tensor will result in the [0,1] range
        # Alternative: tensor will be z-normalized to the [-1,1] range
        znorm  = self.opt.get('znorm', False)

        # only one video and paths_LR/paths_HR is already the video dir
        video_dir = ""
        # list the frames in the directory 
        # hr_dir = self.trainset_dir + '/' + video_dir + '/hr'

        List based frames loading
        paths_LR = util.get_image_paths(self.opt['data_type'], os.path.join(self.paths_LR, video_dir))

        assert self.num_frames <= len(paths_LR), (
            f'num_frame must be smaller than the number of frames per video, check {video_dir}')

        idx_frame = idx
        LR_name = paths_LR[idx_frame + 1] # center frame
        # print(LR_name)
        # print(len(self.video_list))

        # read LR frames
        # HR_list = []
        LR_list = []
        resize_type = None
        LR_bicubic = None
        for i_frame in range(self.num_frames):
            if idx_frame == len(self.video_list)-2 and self.num_frames == 3:
                # print("second to last frame:", i_frame)
                if i_frame == 0:
                    LR_img = util.read_img(None, paths_LR[int(idx_frame)], out_nc=self.image_channels)
                    LR_img = util.read_img(None, paths_LR[int(idx_frame)+1], out_nc=self.image_channels)
            elif idx_frame == len(self.video_list)-1 and self.num_frames == 3:
                # print("last frame:", i_frame)
                LR_img = util.read_img(None, paths_LR[int(idx_frame)], out_nc=self.image_channels)
            # every other internal frame
                # print("normal frame:", idx_frame)
                LR_img = util.read_img(None, paths_LR[int(idx_frame)+(i_frame)], out_nc=self.image_channels)
            #TODO: check if this is necessary
            LR_img = util.modcrop(LR_img, scale)

            # get the bicubic upscale of the center frame to concatenate for SR
            if not self.y_only and self.srcolors and i_frame == idx_center:
                if self.opt.get('denoise_LRbic', False):
                    LR_bicubic = transforms.RandomAverageBlur(p=1, kernel_size=3)(LR_img)
                    # LR_bicubic = transforms.RandomBoxBlur(p=1, kernel_size=3)(LR_img)
                    LR_bicubic = LR_img
                LR_bicubic, _ = Scale(img=LR_bicubic, scale=1/scale, algo=777) # bicubic upscale
                # HR_center = HR_img
                # tmp_vis(LR_bicubic, False)
                # tmp_vis(HR_center, False)
            if self.y_only:
                # extract Y channel from frames
                # normal path, only Y for both
                LR_img = util.bgr2ycbcr(LR_img, only_y=True)

                # expand Y images to add the channel dimension
                # normal path, only Y for both
                LR_img = util.fix_img_channels(LR_img, 1)
                # print("HR_img.shape: ", HR_img.shape)
                # print("LR_img.shape", LR_img.shape)

            LR_list.append(LR_img) # h, w, c
            if not self.y_only and (not h_LR or not w_LR):
                h_LR, w_LR, c = LR_img.shape
        if not self.y_only:
            t = self.num_frames
            LR = [np.asarray(LT) for LT in LR_list]  # list -> numpy # input: list (contatin numpy: [H,W,C])
            LR = np.asarray(LR) # numpy, [T,H,W,C]
            LR = LR.transpose(1,2,3,0).reshape(h_LR, w_LR, -1) # numpy, [Hl',Wl',CT]
            LR = np.concatenate((LR_list), axis=2) # h, w, t

        if self.y_only:
            LR = util.np2tensor(LR, normalize=znorm, bgr2rgb=False, add_batch=False) # Tensor, [CT',H',W'] or [T, H, W]
            LR = util.np2tensor(LR, normalize=znorm, bgr2rgb=True, add_batch=False) # Tensor, [CT',H',W'] or [T, H, W]
            LR = LR.view(c,t,h_LR,w_LR) # Tensor, [C,T,H,W]
            if self.shape == 'TCHW':
                LR = LR.transpose(0,1) # Tensor, [T,C,H,W]

        if self.y_only and self.srcolors:
            # generate Cr, Cb channels using bicubic interpolation
            LR_bicubic = util.bgr2ycbcr(LR_bicubic, only_y=False)
            LR_bicubic = util.np2tensor(LR_bicubic, normalize=znorm, bgr2rgb=False, add_batch=False)
            HR_center = []
            LR_bicubic = []
            HR_center = []

        # return toTensor(LR), toTensor(HR)
        return {'LR': LR, 'LR_path': LR_name, 'LR_bicubic': LR_bicubic, 'HR_center': HR_center}