Beispiel #1
def avg_feature(timestep):
    calculates the average feature of all available files for a particular timestep
    @param :timestep: timestep of interest

    # initialization
    if timestep >= 0 and timestep <= 50000:
        iterations = 50000
        dump_interval = 50
        directory = ".\\dump\\young\\"
        extension = ".YOUNG"
    elif timestep >= 4000000 and timestep <= 5000000:
        iterations = 1000000
        dump_interval = 1000
        timestep -= 4000000
        directory = ".\\dump\\old\\"
        extension = ".OLD"
        raise ValueError("No data available for this timestep")

    if timestep % dump_interval != 0:
        raise ValueError("Timestep has to be dividible by the dump_interval")

    timestep = int(timestep / dump_interval)
    amount = 0

    # iterate through dump files
    for file in os.listdir(os.fsencode(directory)):
        filename = os.fsdecode(file)
        if filename.endswith(extension):

            print("Calculating file " + str(amount) + ' for timestep ' +
                  sep=' ',

            _, types, _, _, _, _, Data = read_data(directory + filename,
                                                   iterations, dump_interval)

            if amount == 0:
                rdf = np.asarray(calc_rdf(Data[0, timestep], types[timestep]))
                SF = np.asarray(calc_SF(rdf))
                rdf_new = np.asarray(
                    calc_rdf(Data[0, timestep], types[timestep]))
                rdf += rdf_new
                SF += np.asarray(calc_SF(rdf))

            amount += 1

    rdf /= amount
    SF /= amount
    return rdf, SF
def avg_voronoi(timestep):
    Returns the voronoi area and the amount of voronoi edges for each particle 
    averaged over all dump files for given timestep

    # initialization
    if timestep >= 0 and timestep <= 50000:
        iterations = 50000
        dump_interval = 50
        directory = ".\\dump\\young\\"
        extension = ".YOUNG"
    elif timestep >= 4000000 and timestep <= 5000000:
        timestep -= 4000000
        iterations = 1000000
        dump_interval = 1000
        directory = ".\\dump\\old\\"
        extension = ".OLD"
        raise ValueError("No data available for this timestep")

    if timestep % dump_interval != 0:
        raise ValueError("Timestep has to be dividible by the dump_interval")

    timestep = int(timestep / dump_interval)
    amount = 0

    # iterate through dump files
    for file in os.listdir(os.fsencode(directory)):
        filename = os.fsdecode(file)
        if filename.endswith(extension): 

            print("Calculating file " + str(amount) + ' for timestep ' + str(timestep * dump_interval), sep=' ', end='\r', file=sys.stdout, flush=False)

            _, types, _, _, vor_area, vor_amn, Data = read_data(directory + filename, iterations, dump_interval)
            if amount == 0:
                voronoi_area = vor_area[timestep]
                voronoi_amount = vor_amn[timestep]
                voronoi_area += vor_area[timestep]
                voronoi_amount += vor_amn[timestep]
            amount += 1

    voronoi_area /= amount
    voronoi_amount /= amount

    return voronoi_area, voronoi_amount
def calc_rdf_cutoff(age):

    dr = params['dr']

    if age == 'young':
        directory = ".\\dump\\young\\"
        file_ending = ".YOUNG"
        iterations = 50000
        dump_interval = 50

    if age == 'old':
        directory = ".\\dump\\old\\"
        file_ending = ".OLD"
        iterations = 1000000
        dump_interval = 1000

    grAA, grBB, grAB = [], [], []

    for file in os.listdir(os.fsencode(directory)):
        filename = os.fsdecode(file)
        if filename.endswith(file_ending):

            print('calculating', filename)

            # load data
            timesteps, types, q6_re, q6_im, Data = read_data(
                directory + filename, iterations, dump_interval)
            posData = Data[0]

            # get minimum for each timestep
            grAA_amin, grBB_amin, grAB_amin = calc_rdf_minimum(posData, types)


            # get mean of cutoff for different times

    grAA = np.array(grAA)
    grBB = np.array(grBB)
    grAB = np.array(grAB)

    # get mean of cutoff for different files
    AA_cutoff = np.mean(grAA) * dr
    BB_cutoff = np.mean(grBB) * dr
    AB_cutoff = np.mean(grAB) * dr

    return AA_cutoff, BB_cutoff, AB_cutoff
rdf = True
q6 = False
directory = ".\\dump\\young\\"
extension = ".YOUNG"

amount = 0

# iterate through all dump files    
for file in os.listdir(os.fsencode(directory)):
     filename = os.fsdecode(file)
     if filename.endswith(extension): 

        savename = './/saves//' + filename.split(".")[0] + '-rdf.npy'

        # retrieve and process data
        timesteps, types, q6_re, q6_im, Data = read_data(directory + filename, iterations, dump_interval)
        Data = {'position': Data[0, :1], 'force': Data[1], 'q6_re': q6_re, 'q6_im': q6_im}
        types = types[:1]

        # declare variable for the first run
        if amount == 0:
            if rdf:
                gr = save_load(lambda: calc_avg_rdf(Data['position'], types), savename)

            if q6:
                mean_q6 = np.asarray((calc_mean(Data['q6_re']), calc_mean(Data['q6_im'])))
                var_q6 = np.asarray((calc_variance(Data['q6_re'], mean_q6[0]), calc_variance(Data['q6_im'], mean_q6[1])))

            if rdf:
Beispiel #5
def extract_features(directory, filename, iterations, dump_interval):

    timesteps, types, q6_re, q6_im, vor_area, vor_amn, Data = read_data(
        directory + filename, iterations, dump_interval)
    Data = {
        'position': Data[0],
        'force': Data[1],
        'q6_re': q6_re,
        'q6_im': q6_im,
        'vor_area': vor_area,
        'vor_amn': vor_amn

    savename = './/saves//' + filename.split(".")[0]

    # get the mean square displacement and the variance square displacement of the position data (deprecated)
    # msd = msd(Data['position'])
    # vsd = vsd(Data['position'], msd)

    # calculate the mean and variance nearest neighbour distance per timestep
    mnn_distance, mnn_amount = save_load(lambda: mean_nn(Data['position'], 1),
                                         savename + '-mean_nn.npy')
    vnn_distance, vnn_amount = save_load(
        lambda: variance_nn(Data['position'], mnn_distance, mnn_amount, 1),
        savename + '-var_nn.npy')

    # calculate the mean and variance of the norm of the force
    mean_force = calc_mean(Data['force'])
    variance_force = calc_variance(Data['force'], mean_force)

    # calculate the mean and variance of the real q6 parameters
    mean_q6_re = calc_mean(Data['q6_re'])
    variance_q6_re = calc_variance(Data['q6_re'], mean_q6_re)

    # calculate the mean and variance of the imaginary q6 parameters
    mean_q6_im = calc_mean(Data['q6_im'])
    variance_q6_im = calc_variance(Data['q6_im'], mean_q6_im)

    # calculate the mean and the variance of the voronoi area
    mean_vor_area = calc_mean(Data['vor_area'])
    variance_vor_area = calc_variance(Data['vor_area'], mean_vor_area)

    # calculate the mean and the variance of the voronoi area side amount
    mean_vor_amn = calc_mean(Data['vor_amn'])
    variance_vor_amn = calc_variance(Data['vor_amn'], mean_vor_amn)

    # calculate the magnitude and count of the max two peaks of the voronoi area and amount
    area_peak1_count, area_peak2_count, area_peak1_mag, area_peak2_mag, amount_peak1_count, amount_peak2_count, amount_peak1_mag, amount_peak2_mag = calc_voronoi_peaks(
        timesteps, vor_area, vor_amn)

    # prepare features in single array
    features = np.column_stack([
        mnn_distance, vnn_distance, mean_force, variance_force, mnn_amount,
        vnn_amount, mean_q6_re, variance_q6_re, mean_q6_im, variance_q6_im,
        mean_vor_area, variance_vor_area, mean_vor_amn, variance_vor_amn,
        area_peak1_count, area_peak2_count, area_peak1_mag, area_peak2_mag,
        amount_peak1_count, amount_peak2_count, amount_peak1_mag,

    return features