Beispiel #1
class ReadGroup(db.Model, Base):
    ReadGroup entity.
    :param kf_id: Unique id given by the Kid's First DCC
    :param external_id: Name given to sequencing experiment by contributor
    :param paired_end: The direction of the read
    :param flow_cell: The identifier for the group's flow cell
    :param lane_number: The group's lane
    :param quality_scale: The quality score encoding of the fastq file
    __tablename__ = 'read_group'
    __prefix__ = 'RG'

    external_id = db.Column(db.Text(),
                            doc='Name given to read group by the contributor')
    flow_cell = db.Column(db.Text(),
                          doc='The identifier of the group\'s flow cell')
    lane_number = db.Column(db.Float(), doc='The group\'s lane')
    quality_scale = db.Column(db.Text(),
                              doc='The scale used to encode quality scores')

    genomic_files = association_proxy(
        creator=lambda gf: ReadGroupGenomicFile(genomic_file=gf))

    read_group_genomic_files = db.relationship('ReadGroupGenomicFile',
                                               cascade='all, delete-orphan')
class SequencingExperiment(db.Model, Base):
    SequencingExperiment entity.
    :param kf_id: Unique id given by the Kid's First DCC
    :param external_id: Name given to sequencing experiment by contributor
    :param experiment_date : Date of the sequencing experiment conducted
    :param experiment_strategy: Text term that represents the library strategy
    :param library_name: Text term that represents the name of the library
    :param library_strand: Text term that represents the library stranded-ness
    :param is_paired_end: Boolean term specifies whether reads have paired end
    :param platform: Name of the platform used to obtain data
    :param instrument_model: Text term that represents the model of instrument
    :param max_insert_size: Maximum size of the fragmented DNA
    :param mean_insert_size: Mean size of the fragmented DNA
    :param mean_depth: (Coverage)Describes the amount of sequence data that
           is available per position in the sequenced genome territory
    :param total_reads: Total reads of the sequencing experiment
    :param mean_read_length: Mean lenth of the reads
    __tablename__ = 'sequencing_experiment'
    __prefix__ = 'SE'

    external_id = db.Column(db.Text(), nullable=False,
                            doc='Name given to sequencing experiment by'
                            ' contributor')
    experiment_date = db.Column(db.DateTime(),
                                doc='Date of the sequencing experiment'
                                ' conducted')
    experiment_strategy = db.Column(db.Text(), nullable=False,
                                    doc='Text term that represents the'
                                    ' Library strategy')
    library_name = db.Column(db.Text(),
                             doc='Text term that represents the name of the'
                             ' library')
    library_strand = db.Column(db.Text(),
                               doc='Text term that represents the'
                               ' library stranded-ness')
    is_paired_end = db.Column(db.Boolean(), nullable=False,
                              doc='Boolean term specifies whether reads have'
                              ' paired end')
    platform = db.Column(db.Text(), nullable=False,
                         doc='Name of the platform used to obtain data')
    instrument_model = db.Column(db.Text(),
                                 doc='Text term that represents the model of'
                                 ' instrument')
    max_insert_size = db.Column(db.Integer(),
                                doc='Maximum size of the fragmented DNA')
    mean_insert_size = db.Column(db.Float(),
                                 doc='Mean size of the fragmented DNA')
    mean_depth = db.Column(db.Float(),
                           doc='Mean depth or coverage describes the amount of'
                           ' sequence data that is available per position in'
                           ' the sequenced genome territory')
    total_reads = db.Column(db.Integer(),
                            doc='Total reads of the sequencing experiment')
    mean_read_length = db.Column(db.Float(),
                                 doc='Mean lenth of the reads')
    genomic_files = db.relationship(GenomicFile,
    sequencing_center_id = db.Column(KfId(),
                                     doc='The kf_id of the sequencing center')
class Biospecimen(db.Model, Base):
    Biospecimen entity.
    :param kf_id: Unique id given by the Kid's First DCC
    :param external_sample_id: Name given to sample by contributor
    :param external_aliquot_id: Name given to aliquot by contributor
    :param composition : The cellular composition of the biospecimen.
    :param source_text_tissue_type: description of the kind of tissue collected
           with respect to disease status or proximity to tumor tissue
    :param source_text_anatomical_site : The name of the primary disease site
           of the submitted tumor biospecimen
    :param age_at_event_days: Age at the time biospecimen was
           acquired, expressed in number of days since birth
    :param source_text_tumor_descriptor: The kind of disease present in the
           tumor specimen as related to a specific timepoint
    :param shipment_origin : The origin of the shipment
    :param analyte_type: Text term that represents the kind of molecular
           specimen analyte
    :param concentration_mg_per_ml: The concentration of an analyte or aliquot
           extracted from the biospecimen or biospecimen portion, measured in
           milligrams per milliliter
    :param volume_ul: The volume in microliters (ul) of the aliquots derived
           from the analyte(s) shipped for sequencing and characterization
    :param shipment_date: The date item was shipped in YYYY-MM-DD format
    :param uberon_id_anatomical_site: The ID of the term from Uber-anatomy
           ontology which represents harmonized anatomical ontologies
    :param ncit_id_tissue_type: The ID term from the National Cancer Institute
           Thesaurus which represents a harmonized tissue_type
    :param ncit_id_anatomical_site: The ID term from the National Cancer
           Institute Thesaurus which represents a harmonized anatomical_site
    :param spatial_descriptor: Ontology term that harmonizes the spatial
           concepts from Biological Spatial Ontology
    :param consent_type: Short name of consent
    :param dbgap_consent_code: Consent classification code from dbgap

    __tablename__ = 'biospecimen'
    __prefix__ = 'BS'

    external_sample_id = db.Column(db.Text(),
                                   doc='Name given to sample by contributor')
    external_aliquot_id = db.Column(db.Text(),
                                    doc='Name given to aliquot by contributor')
    source_text_tissue_type = db.Column(db.Text(),
                                        doc='Description of the kind of '
                                        'biospecimen collected')
    composition = db.Column(db.Text(),
                            doc='The cellular composition of the biospecimen')
    source_text_anatomical_site = db.Column(db.Text(),
                                            doc='The anatomical location of '
    age_at_event_days = db.Column(db.Integer(),
                                  doc='Age at the time of event occurred in '
                                  'number of days since birth.')
    source_text_tumor_descriptor = db.Column(db.Text(),
                                             doc='Disease present in the '
    shipment_origin = db.Column(db.Text(),
                                doc='The original site of the aliquot')
    analyte_type = db.Column(db.Text(),
                             doc='The molecular description of the aliquot')
    concentration_mg_per_ml = db.Column(db.Float(),
                                        doc='The concentration of the aliquot')
    volume_ul = db.Column(db.Float(), doc='The volume of the aliquot')
    shipment_date = db.Column(db.DateTime(),
                              doc='The date the aliquot was shipped')
    uberon_id_anatomical_site = db.Column(db.Text(),
                                          doc='The ID of the term from '
                                          'Uber-anatomy ontology which '
                                          'represents harmonized anatomical'
                                          ' ontologies')
    ncit_id_tissue_type = db.Column(db.Text(),
                                    doc='The ID term from the National Cancer'
                                    'Institute Thesaurus which represents a '
                                    'harmonized tissue_type')
    ncit_id_anatomical_site = db.Column(db.Text(),
                                        doc='The ID term from the National'
                                        'Cancer Institute Thesaurus which '
                                        'represents a harmonized'
                                        ' anatomical_site')
    spatial_descriptor = db.Column(db.Text(),
                                   doc='Ontology term that harmonizes the'
                                   'spatial concepts from Biological Spatial'
                                   ' Ontology')
    method_of_sample_procurement = db.Column(db.Text(),
                                             doc='The method used to procure '
                                             'the sample used to extract '
    participant_id = db.Column(KfId(),
                               doc='The kf_id of the biospecimen\'s donor')
    sequencing_center_id = db.Column(KfId(),
                                     doc='The kf_id of the sequencing center')
    consent_type = db.Column(db.Text(), doc='Short name of consent')
    dbgap_consent_code = db.Column(
        db.Text(), doc='Consent classification code from dbgap')
    genomic_files = association_proxy(
        creator=lambda genomic_file: BiospecimenGenomicFile(genomic_file=

    diagnoses = association_proxy(
        creator=lambda dg: BiospecimenDiagnosis(diagnosis=dg))

    biospecimen_genomic_files = db.relationship(BiospecimenGenomicFile,
                                                cascade='all, delete-orphan')