def make_dataloader(FG): x, y, train_idx, test_idx, ratio = fold_split( k=FG.fold, running_k=FG.running_fold, labels=FG.labels, subject_ids_path=os.path.join(FG.data_root, 'subject_ids.pkl'), diagnosis_path=os.path.join(FG.data_root, 'diagnosis.pkl')) # x = image, y=target trainset = ADNIDataset(FG.labels, FG.data_root, x[train_idx], y[train_idx], transform_preset('random_crop')) validset = ADNIDataset(FG.labels, FG.data_root, x[test_idx], y[test_idx]) trainloader = DataLoader(trainset, batch_size=FG.batch_size, shuffle=True, pin_memory=True, num_workers=4) validloader = DataLoader(validset, batch_size=len(FG.devices), shuffle=False, pin_memory=True, num_workers=4) return trainloader, validloader
'info_loss', opts=dict(showlegend=True, title='info_loss', ytickmin=0, ytinkmax=10)), acc=Scalar(vis, 'Accuracy', opts=dict(showlegend=True, title='Accuracy', ytickmin=0, ytinkmax=2.0)), inputs=Image3D(vis, 'inputs'), outputs=Image3D(vis, 'outputs')) # create train set, x = image, y=target x, y, train_idx, test_idx, ratio = fold_split(FG) #transform=Compose([ToWoldCoordinateSystem(), Normalize((0.5, 0.9)), ToTensor()]) transform = Compose([ToWoldCoordinateSystem(), ToTensor()]) trainset = ADNIDataset(FG, x[train_idx], y[train_idx], transform=transform) testset = ADNIDataset(FG, x[test_idx], y[test_idx], transform=transform) trainloader = DataLoader(trainset, batch_size=FG.batch_size, shuffle=True, pin_memory=True, num_workers=4) testloader = DataLoader(testset, batch_size=FG.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=4,
def main(): # option flags FLG = train_args() # torch setting device = torch.device('cuda:{}'.format(FLG.devices[0])) torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True torch.cuda.set_device(FLG.devices[0]) # create summary and report the option visenv = FLG.model summary = Summary(port=39199, env=visenv) summary.viz.text(argument_report(FLG, end='<br>'), win='report' + str(FLG.running_fold)) train_report = ScoreReport() valid_report = ScoreReport() timer = SimpleTimer() fold_str = 'fold' + str(FLG.running_fold) best_score = dict(epoch=0, loss=1e+100, accuracy=0) #### create dataset ### # kfold split target_dict = np.load(pjoin(FLG.data_root, 'target_dict.pkl')) trainblock, validblock, ratio = fold_split( FLG.fold, FLG.running_fold, FLG.labels, np.load(pjoin(FLG.data_root, 'subject_indices.npy')), target_dict) def _dataset(block, transform): return ADNIDataset(FLG.labels, pjoin(FLG.data_root, FLG.modal), block, target_dict, transform=transform) # create train set trainset = _dataset(trainblock, transform_presets(FLG.augmentation)) # create normal valid set validset = _dataset( validblock, transform_presets('nine crop' if FLG.augmentation == 'random crop' else 'no augmentation')) # each loader trainloader = DataLoader(trainset, batch_size=FLG.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=4, pin_memory=True) validloader = DataLoader(validset, num_workers=4, pin_memory=True) # data check # for image, _ in trainloader: # summary.image3d('asdf', image) # create model def kaiming_init(tensor): return kaiming_normal_(tensor, mode='fan_out', nonlinearity='relu') if 'plane' in FLG.model: model = Plane(len(FLG.labels), name=FLG.model, weights_initializer=kaiming_init) elif 'resnet11' in FLG.model: model = resnet11(len(FLG.labels), FLG.model, weights_initializer=kaiming_init) elif 'resnet19' in FLG.model: model = resnet19(len(FLG.labels), FLG.model, weights_initializer=kaiming_init) elif 'resnet35' in FLG.model: model = resnet35(len(FLG.labels), FLG.model, weights_initializer=kaiming_init) elif 'resnet51' in FLG.model: model = resnet51(len(FLG.labels), FLG.model, weights_initializer=kaiming_init) else: raise NotImplementedError(FLG.model) print_model_parameters(model) model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model, FLG.devices) # criterion train_criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(weight=torch.Tensor( list(map(lambda x: x * 2, reversed(ratio))))).to(device) valid_criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss().to(device) # TODO resume # optimizer optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(),, weight_decay=FLG.l2_decay) # scheduler scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ExponentialLR(optimizer, FLG.lr_gamma) start_epoch = 0 global_step = start_epoch * len(trainloader) pbar = None for epoch in range(1, FLG.max_epoch + 1): timer.tic() scheduler.step() summary.scalar('lr', fold_str, epoch - 1, optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'], ytickmin=0, # train() torch.set_grad_enabled(True) model.train(True) train_report.clear() if pbar is None: pbar = tqdm(total=len(trainloader) * FLG.validation_term, desc='Epoch {:<3}-{:>3} train'.format( epoch, epoch + FLG.validation_term - 1)) for images, targets in trainloader: images = images.cuda(device, non_blocking=True) targets = targets.cuda(device, non_blocking=True) optimizer.zero_grad() outputs = model(images) loss = train_criterion(outputs, targets) loss.backward() optimizer.step() train_report.update_true(targets) train_report.update_score(F.softmax(outputs, dim=1)) summary.scalar('loss', 'train ' + fold_str, global_step / len(trainloader), loss.item(), ytickmin=0, ytickmax=1) pbar.update() global_step += 1 if epoch % FLG.validation_term != 0: timer.toc() continue pbar.close() # valid() torch.set_grad_enabled(False) model.eval() valid_report.clear() pbar = tqdm(total=len(validloader), desc='Epoch {:>3} valid'.format(epoch)) for images, targets in validloader: true = targets npatchs = 1 if len(images.shape) == 6: _, npatchs, c, x, y, z = images.shape images = images.view(-1, c, x, y, z) targets =[targets for _ in range(npatchs)]).squeeze() images = images.cuda(device, non_blocking=True) targets = targets.cuda(device, non_blocking=True) output = model(images) loss = valid_criterion(output, targets) valid_report.loss += loss.item() if npatchs == 1: score = F.softmax(output, dim=1) else: score = torch.mean(F.softmax(output, dim=1), dim=0, keepdim=True) valid_report.update_true(true) valid_report.update_score(score) pbar.update() pbar.close() # report vloss = valid_report.loss / len(validloader) summary.scalar('accuracy', 'train ' + fold_str, epoch, train_report.accuracy, ytickmin=-0.05, ytickmax=1.05) summary.scalar('loss', 'valid ' + fold_str, epoch, vloss, ytickmin=0, ytickmax=0.8) summary.scalar('accuracy', 'valid ' + fold_str, epoch, valid_report.accuracy, ytickmin=-0.05, ytickmax=1.05) is_best = False if best_score['loss'] > vloss: best_score['loss'] = vloss best_score['epoch'] = epoch best_score['accuracy'] = valid_report.accuracy is_best = True print('Best Epoch {}: validation loss {} accuracy {}'.format( best_score['epoch'], best_score['loss'], best_score['accuracy'])) # save if isinstance(model, torch.nn.DataParallel): state_dict = model.module.state_dict() else: state_dict = model.state_dict() save_checkpoint( dict(epoch=epoch, best_score=best_score, state_dict=state_dict, optimizer_state_dict=optimizer.state_dict()), FLG.checkpoint_root, FLG.running_fold, FLG.model, is_best) pbar = None timer.toc() print('Time elapse {}h {}m {}s'.format(*
def test(FLG): device = torch.device('cuda:{}'.format(FLG.devices[0])) torch.set_grad_enabled(False) torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True torch.cuda.set_device(FLG.devices[0]) report = [ScoreReport() for _ in range(FLG.fold)] overall_report = ScoreReport() target_dict = np.load(pjoin(FLG.data_root, 'target_dict.pkl')) if 'plane' in FLG.model: model = Plane(len(FLG.labels), name=FLG.model) elif 'resnet11' in FLG.model: model = resnet11(len(FLG.labels), FLG.model) elif 'resnet19' in FLG.model: model = resnet19(len(FLG.labels), FLG.model) elif 'resnet35' in FLG.model: model = resnet35(len(FLG.labels), FLG.model) elif 'resnet51' in FLG.model: model = resnet51(len(FLG.labels), FLG.model) else: raise NotImplementedError(FLG.model) for running_fold in range(FLG.fold): _, validblock, _ = fold_split( FLG.fold, running_fold, FLG.labels, np.load(pjoin(FLG.data_root, 'subject_indices.npy')), target_dict) validset = ADNIDataset(FLG.labels, pjoin(FLG.data_root, FLG.modal), validblock, target_dict, transform=transform_presets(FLG.augmentation)) validloader = DataLoader(validset, pin_memory=True) epoch, _ = load_checkpoint(model, FLG.checkpoint_root, running_fold, FLG.model, None, True) model.eval() for image, target in validloader: true = target npatches = 1 if len(image.shape) == 6: _, npatches, c, x, y, z = image.shape image = image.view(-1, c, x, y, z) target = torch.stack([target for _ in range(npatches)]).squeeze() image = image.cuda(device, non_blocking=True) target = target.cuda(device, non_blocking=True) output = model(image) if npatches == 1: score = F.softmax(output, dim=1) else: score = torch.mean(F.softmax(output, dim=1), dim=0, keepdim=True) report[running_fold].update_true(true) report[running_fold].update_score(score) overall_report.update_true(true) overall_report.update_score(score) print('At {}'.format(epoch)) print( metrics.classification_report(report[running_fold].y_true, report[running_fold].y_pred, target_names=FLG.labels, digits=4)) print('accuracy {}'.format(report[running_fold].accuracy)) print('over all') print( metrics.classification_report(overall_report.y_true, overall_report.y_pred, target_names=FLG.labels, digits=4)) print('accuracy {}'.format(overall_report.accuracy)) with open(FLG.model + '_stat.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(report, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def test(FLG): device = torch.device('cuda:{}'.format(FLG.devices[0])) torch.set_grad_enabled(False) torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True torch.cuda.set_device(FLG.devices[0]) report = [ScoreReport() for _ in range(FLG.fold)] overall_report = ScoreReport() target_dict = np.load(pjoin(FLG.data_root, 'target_dict.pkl')) with open(FLG.model + '_stat.pkl', 'rb') as f: stat = pickle.load(f) summary = Summary(port=10001, env=str(FLG.model) + 'CAM') class Feature(object): def __init__(self): self.blob = None def capture(self, blob): self.blob = blob if 'plane' in FLG.model: model = Plane(len(FLG.labels), name=FLG.model) elif 'resnet11' in FLG.model: model = resnet11(len(FLG.labels), FLG.model) elif 'resnet19' in FLG.model: model = resnet19(len(FLG.labels), FLG.model) elif 'resnet35' in FLG.model: model = resnet35(len(FLG.labels), FLG.model) elif 'resnet51' in FLG.model: model = resnet51(len(FLG.labels), FLG.model) else: raise NotImplementedError(FLG.model) ad_h = [] nl_h = [] adcams = np.zeros((4, 3, 112, 144, 112), dtype="f8") nlcams = np.zeros((4, 3, 112, 144, 112), dtype="f8") sb = [9.996e-01, 6.3e-01, 1.001e-01] for running_fold in range(FLG.fold): _, validblock, _ = fold_split( FLG.fold, running_fold, FLG.labels, np.load(pjoin(FLG.data_root, 'subject_indices.npy')), target_dict) validset = ADNIDataset(FLG.labels, pjoin(FLG.data_root, FLG.modal), validblock, target_dict, transform=transform_presets(FLG.augmentation)) validloader = DataLoader(validset, pin_memory=True) epoch, _ = load_checkpoint(model, FLG.checkpoint_root, running_fold, FLG.model, None, True) model.eval() feature = Feature() def hook(mod, inp, oup): return feature.capture( _ = model.layer4.register_forward_hook(hook) fc_weights = transformer = Compose([CenterCrop((112, 144, 112)), ToFloatTensor()]) im, _ = original_load(validblock, target_dict, transformer, device) for image, target in validloader: true = target npatches = 1 if len(image.shape) == 6: _, npatches, c, x, y, z = image.shape image = image.view(-1, c, x, y, z) target = torch.stack([target for _ in range(npatches)]).squeeze() image = image.cuda(device, non_blocking=True) target = target.cuda(device, non_blocking=True) output = model(image) if npatches == 1: score = F.softmax(output, dim=1) else: score = torch.mean(F.softmax(output, dim=1), dim=0, keepdim=True) report[running_fold].update_true(true) report[running_fold].update_score(score) overall_report.update_true(true) overall_report.update_score(score) print(target) if s = 0 cams = [] if target[0] == 0: s = score[0][0] #s = s.cpu().numpy()[()] cams = adcams else: sn = score[0][1] #s = s.cpu().numpy()[()] cams = nlcams if s > sb[0]: cams[0] = summary.cam3d(FLG.labels[target], im, feature.blob, fc_weights, target, cams[0], s, num_images=5) elif s > sb[1]: cams[1] = summary.cam3d(FLG.labels[target], im, feature.blob, fc_weights, target, cams[1], s, num_images=5) elif s > sb[2]: cams[2] = summary.cam3d(FLG.labels[target], im, feature.blob, fc_weights, target, cams[2], s, num_images=5) else: cams[3] = summary.cam3d(FLG.labels[target], im, feature.blob, fc_weights, target, cams[3], s, num_images=5) #ad_h += [s] #nl_h += [sn] print('At {}'.format(epoch)) print( metrics.classification_report(report[running_fold].y_true, report[running_fold].y_pred, target_names=FLG.labels, digits=4)) print('accuracy {}'.format(report[running_fold].accuracy)) #print(np.histogram(ad_h)) #print(np.histogram(nl_h)) print('over all') print( metrics.classification_report(overall_report.y_true, overall_report.y_pred, target_names=FLG.labels, digits=4)) print('accuracy {}'.format(overall_report.accuracy)) with open(FLG.model + '_stat.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(report, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def test_cam(): with open(FLG.model + '_stat.pkl', 'rb') as f: stat = pickle.load(f) summary = Summary(port=10001, env=str(FLG.model) + 'CAM') class Feature(object): def __init__(self): self.blob = None def capture(self, blob): self.blob = blob # TODO: create model device = torch.device('cuda:{}'.format(FLG.devices[0])) torch.set_grad_enabled(False) torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True torch.cuda.set_device(FLG.devices[0]) report = [ScoreReport() for _ in range(FLG.fold)] target_dict = np.load(pjoin(FLG.data_root, 'target_dict.pkl')) model = Plane(len(FLG.labels), name=FLG.model) transformer = Compose([CenterCrop((112, 144, 112)), ToFloatTensor()]) def original_load(validblock): originalset = ADNIDataset(FLG.labels, pjoin(FLG.data_root, 'spm_normalized'), validblock, target_dict, transform=transformer) originloader = DataLoader(originalset, pin_memory=True) for image, target in originloader: if len(image.shape) == 6: _, npatches, c, x, y, z = image.shape image = image.view(-1, c, x, y, z) target = torch.stack([target for _ in range(npatches)]).squeeze() image = image.cuda(device, non_blocking=True) target = target.cuda(device, non_blocking=True) break return image, target hadcams = np.zeros((3, 112, 144, 112), dtype="f8") madcams = np.zeros((3, 112, 144, 112), dtype="f8") sadcams = np.zeros((3, 112, 144, 112), dtype="f8") zadcams = np.zeros((3, 112, 144, 112), dtype="f8") nlcams = np.zeros((4, 3, 112, 144, 112), dtype="f8") sb = [4.34444371e-16, 1.67179015e-18, 4.08813312e-23] #im, _ = original_load(validblock) for running_fold in range(FLG.fold): # validset _, validblock, _ = fold_split( FLG.fold, running_fold, FLG.labels, np.load(pjoin(FLG.data_root, 'subject_indices.npy')), target_dict) validset = ADNIDataset(FLG.labels, pjoin(FLG.data_root, FLG.modal), validblock, target_dict, transform=transformer) validloader = DataLoader(validset, pin_memory=True) load_checkpoint(model, FLG.checkpoint_root, running_fold, FLG.model, epoch=None, is_best=True) model.eval() feature = Feature() def hook(mod, inp, oup): return feature.capture( _ = model.layer4.register_forward_hook(hook) fc_weights = im, _ = original_load(validblock) ad_s = [] for image, target in validloader: true = target npatches = 1 if len(image.shape) == 6: _, npatches, c, x, y, z = image.shape image = image.view(-1, c, x, y, z) target = torch.stack([target for _ in range(npatches)]).squeeze() image = image.cuda(device, non_blocking=True) target = target.cuda(device, non_blocking=True) #_ = model(image.view(*image.shape)) output = model(image) if npatches == 1: score = F.softmax(output, dim=1) else: score = torch.mean(F.softmax(output, dim=1), dim=0, keepdim=True) sa = score[0][1] #name = 'k'+str(running_fold) sa = sa.cpu().numpy()[()] print(score, score.shape) if true == torch.tensor([0]): if sa > sb[0]: hadcams = summary.cam3d(FLG.labels[target], im, feature.blob, fc_weights, target, hadcams, sa, num_images=5) elif sa > sb[1]: madcams = summary.cam3d(FLG.labels[target], im, feature.blob, fc_weights, target, madcams, sa, num_images=5) elif sa > sb[2]: sadcams = summary.cam3d(FLG.labels[target], im, feature.blob, fc_weights, target, sadcams, sa, num_images=5) else: zadcams = summary.cam3d(FLG.labels[target], im, feature.blob, fc_weights, target, zadcams, sa, num_images=5) else: if s > sb[0]: nlcams[0] = summary.cam3d(FLG.labels[target], im, feature.blob, fc_weights, target, nlcams[0], sr, num_images=5) elif sr > sb[1]: nlcams[1] = summary.cam3d(FLG.labels[target], im, feature.blob, fc_weights, target, nlcams[1], sr, num_images=5) elif sr > sb[2]: nlcams[2] = summary.cam3d(FLG.labels[target], im, feature.blob, fc_weights, target, nlcams[2], sr, num_images=5) else: nlcams[3] = summary.cam3d(FLG.labels[target], im, feature.blob, fc_weights, target, nlcams[3], sr, num_images=5) ad_s += [sr] print('histogram', np.histogram(ad_s))