def plot_img_with_bbox3(img, bbox1: bbox.BBox, bbox2: bbox.BBox, bbox3: bbox.BBox) -> None: x, y, w, h = bbox1.as_xywh() fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) img = mpimg.imread(img) ax.imshow(img) rect = patches.Rectangle((x, y), w, h, linewidth=1, edgecolor='r', facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(rect) x, y, w, h = bbox2.as_xywh() rect = patches.Rectangle((x, y), w, h, linewidth=1, edgecolor='g', facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(rect) # Intersection x, y, w, h = bbox3.as_xywh() rect = patches.Rectangle((x, y), w, h, linewidth=1, edgecolor='b', facecolor='blue') ax.add_patch(rect)
def get_annotation_from_ufpr_txt_files(path: str) -> 'Annotations': with open(path, 'r') as f: # txt = f.readlines() txt = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] picture_bboxes = [ od.Annotation( BBox(int(txt[1].split(' ')[1]), int(txt[1].split(' ')[2]), int(txt[1].split(' ')[3]), int(txt[1].split(' ')[4])), 1.0, txt[2].split(' ')[1]), od.Annotation( BBox(int(txt[7].split(' ')[1]), int(txt[7].split(' ')[2]), int(txt[7].split(' ')[3]), int(txt[7].split(' ')[4])), 1.0, 'license_plate') ] return picture_bboxes
def get_labels(self) -> 'Annotations': df = pandas.read_csv(self.path.joinpath('dataset.csv'), delimiter=',') annotations = [] for index_annotations in range(len(df)): # h, w, _ = cv2.imread(str(self.paths_to_images[anno])).shape with[index_annotations]), 'r') as img: w, h = img.size annotations.append([ od.Annotation( BBox.build_from_center_and_size( np.array([ int(df['x_center'][index_annotations] * w), int(df['y_center'][index_annotations] * h) ]), np.array([ int(df['width'][index_annotations] * w), int(df['height'][index_annotations] * h) ])), 1.0, 'license_plate') ]) del df annos = dataset_merger.merging.DatasetMerger.create_dict_from_annotations_detected( self, annotations) with open(self.path.joinpath('detections.json')) as det: detections_vehicles = json.load(det) for img_ann in annos['content']: ann = self.find_anos(detections_vehicles, img_ann['file_name']) for a in ann: img_ann['annotations'].append(a) return annos
def start(self, uris: Iterable, const_confidence: float) -> Annotations: """ return type class Detection[] -> bbboxes + confidences + labels """ annotations = [] inputs = [self.utils.prepare_input(uri) for uri in uris] tensor = self.utils.prepare_tensor(inputs, self.precision == 'fp16') with torch.no_grad(): detections_batch = self.ssd_model(tensor) results_per_input = self.utils.decode_results(detections_batch) best_results_per_input = [ self.utils.pick_best(results, const_confidence) for results in results_per_input ] # best_results_per_input = [self.utils.pick_best(results, 0.40) for results in results_per_input] for image_idx in range(len(best_results_per_input)): bboxes, classes, confidences = best_results_per_input[image_idx] bboxes_on_picture = [] for idx in range(len(bboxes)): left, bot, right, top = bboxes[idx] x, y, w, h = [ val * 300 for val in [left, bot, right - left, top - bot] ] bboxes_on_picture.append \ (Annotation(BBox(int(x), int(y), int(w), int(h)), confidences[idx] * 100, self.classes_to_labels[classes[idx] - 1])) annotations.append(bboxes_on_picture) return annotations
def build_dict(self) -> dict: # with[index_annotations]), 'r') as img: # w, h = img.size annotations_path = self.path.joinpath('annotations') annotations = [] data = {'content': []} # n = self.path.joinpath('annotations').iterdir() # print(n[0]) for img in self.imgs_path: data['content'].append({ 'file_name': f'{}', 'annotations': [] }) picture_bboxes = [] img_name ='.jpg') txt_path = annotations_path.joinpath(f"{img_name}.txt") with, 'r') as img: w, h = img.size with open(txt_path, "r") as file: picture_bboxes = [] lines = file.readlines() for line in lines: atrs = line.split() width = int((float(atrs[3]) * w)) height = int((float(atrs[4]) * h)) t_x = int((float(atrs[0]) * w) - (width / 2)) t_y = int((float(atrs[1]) * h) - (height / 2)) if t_x < 0: t_x = 0 if t_y < 0: t_y = 0 data['content'][ len(data['content']) - 1]['annotations'].append( od.Annotation(BBox(t_x, t_y, width, height), 1.0, "license_plate").build_dictionary()) return data
def get_labels(self) -> 'Annotations': """ Reading .csv file delimiter = ';' example: relative_img_path;bbox_x1;bbox_y1;bbox_x2;bbox_y2;class;test car_ims/000001.jpg;112;7;853;717;1;0 """ df = pandas.read_csv(self.path.joinpath('cars_annos.txt'), delimiter=';') annotations = [] for img in range(len(df)): bboxes_on_picture = [ od.Annotation( BBox(int(df['bbox_x1'][img]), df['bbox_y1'][img], df['bbox_x2'][img], df['bbox_y2'][img]), 1.0, 'car') ] annotations.append(bboxes_on_picture) del df #complete return annotations
def detect_vehicles_in_dataset(path, img_size=416, conf_thres=0.5, nms_thres=0.4) -> 'Annotations': device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") act_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) #model = Darknet(os.path.join(act_dir, )r"D:\bakalarkaaaa\object_detectors\yolov3\config\yolov3.cfg", img_size=img_size).to(device) model = Darknet(os.path.join(act_dir, r"config\yolov3.cfg"), img_size=img_size).to(device) # model.load_darknet_weights(r"D:\bakalarkaaaa\object_detectors\yolov3\weights\yolov3.weights") model.load_darknet_weights( os.path.join(act_dir, r"weights\yolov3.weights")) model.eval() # Set in evaluation mode dataloader = DataLoader( ImageFolder(path, transform= \ transforms.Compose([DEFAULT_TRANSFORMS, Resize(img_size)])), batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=0, # Mozna zmena! ) # classes = load_classes(r"D:\bakalarkaaaa\object_detectors\yolov3\data\coco.names") # Extracts class labels from file classes = load_classes(os.path.join( act_dir, r"data\coco.names")) # Extracts class labels from file Tensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor if torch.cuda.is_available( ) else torch.FloatTensor imgs = [] # Stores image paths img_detections = [] # Stores detections for each image index print("\nPerforming object detection:") prev_time = time.time() for batch_i, (img_paths, input_imgs) in enumerate(dataloader): # Configure input input_imgs = Variable(input_imgs.type(Tensor)) # Get detections with torch.no_grad(): detections = model(input_imgs) detections = non_max_suppression(detections, conf_thres, nms_thres) # Log progress current_time = time.time() inference_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds=current_time - prev_time) prev_time = current_time print("\t+ Batch %d, Inference Time: %s" % (batch_i, inference_time)) # Save image and detections imgs.extend(img_paths) img_detections.extend(detections) # Bounding-box colors cmap = plt.get_cmap("tab20b") colors = [cmap(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 1, 20)] confirm_labels = ['car', 'truck', 'motorcycle', 'bus'] annotations = [] for img_i, (path, detections) in enumerate(zip(imgs, img_detections)): print("(%d) Image: '%s'" % (img_i, path)) # Create plot img = np.array( if detections is not None: # Rescale boxes to original image detections = rescale_boxes(detections, img_size, img.shape[:2]) unique_labels = detections[:, -1].cpu().unique() n_cls_preds = len(unique_labels) bbox_colors = random.sample(colors, n_cls_preds) # print(detections) bboxes_on_picture = [] for x1, y1, x2, y2, conf, cls_pred in detections: box_w = x2 - x1 box_h = y2 - y1 if classes[int(cls_pred)] in confirm_labels: bboxes_on_picture.append( object_detector.Annotation( BBox(int(x1), int(y1), int(box_w), int(box_h)), conf.item(), classes[int(cls_pred)])) annotations.append(bboxes_on_picture) return annotations pass
def compare_two_annotations(annotation1: dict, annotation2: dict, confidence_treshold=0.8, difference_in_confidence=0.05, bbox_perc_intersection=0.6): bbox_1 = BBox(annotation1['bbox']['x'], annotation1['bbox']['y'], annotation1['bbox']['width'], annotation1['bbox']['height']) bbox_2 = BBox(annotation2['bbox']['x'], annotation2['bbox']['y'], annotation2['bbox']['width'], annotation2['bbox']['height']) bbox_i = BBox.intersection(bbox_1, bbox_2) if bbox_i is not None: bbox_1_c, bbox_2_c, bbox_i_c = bbox_1.capacity(), bbox_2.capacity( ), bbox_i.capacity() if bbox_i_c / bbox_1_c > bbox_perc_intersection or bbox_i_c / bbox_2_c > bbox_perc_intersection: # Maybe I will change this one del bbox_1_c, bbox_2_c, bbox_i_c if annotation1[ 'confidence'] > confidence_treshold and annotation2[ 'confidence'] > confidence_treshold: if abs(annotation1['confidence'] - annotation2['confidence'] ) <= difference_in_confidence: bbox_i.rescale(1.1, 1.1) return 3, object_detector.Annotation( bbox_i, min(annotation1['confidence'], annotation2['confidence']), annotation1['label']) else: if annotation1['confidence'] > annotation2['confidence']: bbox_1.rescale(1.1, 1.1) return 1, object_detector.Annotation( bbox_1, annotation1['confidence'], annotation1['label']) else: bbox_2.rescale(1.1, 1.1) return 2, object_detector.Annotation( bbox_2, annotation2['confidence'], annotation2['label']) return -1, None
def compare_annotations_in_img( img_detection: dict, confidence_treshold=0.8, difference_in_confidence=0.05, bbox_perc_intersection=0.6) -> 'Annotations': """ Work: Separate vehicles and lpns Note: vehicles lpns """ vehicles = [] lpns = [] for index_annotation in range(len(img_detection['annotations'])): # Check if img contains 'license_plate' else add to vehicle list if img_detection['annotations'][index_annotation][ 'label'] == 'license_plate': lpns.append(img_detection['annotations'][index_annotation]) else: vehicles.append(img_detection['annotations'][index_annotation]) # If img does not contain vehicles, img is automaticaly added to manual annotation list #if len(vehicles) == 0: # return None # None for manual annotations or I return new annotations """ Work: Compare vehicles Note: result successful Annotations """ # index, which were added added = [] successful_annotations_vehicles = [] if len(vehicles) == 1: if vehicles[0]['confidence'] > confidence_treshold: bbox_ = BBox(vehicles[0]['bbox']['x'], vehicles[0]['bbox']['y'], vehicles[0]['bbox']['width'], vehicles[0]['bbox']['height']) successful_annotations_vehicles.append( object_detector.Annotation(bbox_, vehicles[0]['confidence'], vehicles[0]['label'])) else: return None else: for x, y in itertools.combinations(range(len(vehicles)), 2): if not x in added: if not y in added: index, result = DatasetMerger.compare_two_annotations( vehicles[x], vehicles[y], confidence_treshold, difference_in_confidence, bbox_perc_intersection ) # If none is for manual annotations if index == -1: continue if result is None: return None successful_annotations_vehicles.append(result) if index == 3: added.append(x) added.append(y) elif index == 1: added.append(x) else: added.append(y) del added #return successful_annotations if len(successful_annotations_vehicles) == 0: return None """ Work: Compare LPNs Note: """ added = [] successful_annotations_lpns = [] if len(lpns) == 1: if lpns[0]['confidence'] > confidence_treshold: bbox_ = BBox(lpns[0]['bbox']['x'], lpns[0]['bbox']['y'], lpns[0]['bbox']['width'], lpns[0]['bbox']['height']) successful_annotations_lpns.append( object_detector.Annotation(bbox_, lpns[0]['confidence'], lpns[0]['label'])) else: for x, y in itertools.combinations(range(len(lpns)), 2): if not x in added: if not y in added: index, result = DatasetMerger.compare_two_annotations( lpns[x], lpns[y], confidence_treshold, difference_in_confidence, bbox_perc_intersection ) # If none is for manual annotations if index == -1: continue if result is None: continue #return None # -----------------------?----------------------------- successful_annotations_lpns.append(result) if index == 3: added.append(x) added.append(y) elif index == 1: added.append(x) else: added.append(y) del added """ Work: Detect LPNs on vehicles. Note: LPN should be in the detected vehicle. LPN can't be without vehicle append to successful_annotations_vehicles for return """ # for lpn_detection in successful_annotations_lpns: bbox_lpn = lpn_detection.bbox for vehicle_detection in successful_annotations_vehicles: bbox_vehicle = vehicle_detection.bbox bbox_i = BBox.intersection(bbox_lpn, bbox_vehicle) if bbox_i is not None: if bbox_i.capacity() / bbox_lpn.capacity( ) > 0.9: # Define number, which define us when the bounding boxe is in another successful_annotations_vehicles.append(lpn_detection) break return successful_annotations_vehicles
def get_labels(self) -> 'Annotations': annotations_path = self.path.joinpath('annotations') annotations = [] for img_xml in annotations_path.iterdir(): picture_bboxes = [] data = bdict.from_xml(img_xml.__str__()) if len(data['annotation']['object']) != 6: for object in data['annotation']['object']: picture_bboxes.append( od.Annotation( BBox( int(object['bndbox']['xmin']), int(object['bndbox']['ymin']), int(object['bndbox']['xmax']) - int(object['bndbox']['xmin']), int(object['bndbox']['ymax']) - int(object['bndbox']['ymin'])), 1, 'license_plate')) #print(object) else: #print(data['annotation']['object']['bndbox']['xmin']) try: picture_bboxes.append( od.Annotation( BBox( int(data['annotation']['object']['bndbox'] ['xmin']), int(data['annotation']['object']['bndbox'] ['ymin']), int(data['annotation']['object']['bndbox'] ['xmax']) - int(data['annotation']['object']['bndbox'] ['xmin']), int(data['annotation']['object']['bndbox'] ['ymax']) - int(data['annotation']['object']['bndbox'] ['ymin'])), 1, 'license_plate')) except: for object in data['annotation']['object']: picture_bboxes.append( od.Annotation( BBox( int(object['bndbox']['xmin']), int(object['bndbox']['ymin']), int(object['bndbox']['xmax']) - int(object['bndbox']['xmin']), int(object['bndbox']['ymax']) - int(object['bndbox']['ymin'])), 1, 'license_plate')) annotations.append(picture_bboxes) annos = dataset_merger.merging.DatasetMerger.create_dict_from_annotations_detected( self, annotations) with open( self.path.joinpath('Our_detections').joinpath( 'detections.json')) as file: detections = json.load(file) for index in range(len(detections['content'])): #add annootations for x in CarLicensePlates.find_anos( annos, detections['content'][index]['file_name']): detections['content'][index]['annotations'].append(x) dataset_merger.merging.DatasetMerger.file_write('detections.json', detections, indent=4) #Add our annotations return detections