def rng_target_dist_field(batch_size, gtG, rng, max_dist, max_dist_to_compute,
                          nodes=None, compute_path=False):
  # Sample a single node, compute distance to all nodes less than max_dist,
  # sample nodes which are a particular distance away.
  dists = []; pred_maps = []; paths = []; start_node_ids = []
  end_node_ids = rng.choice(gtG.num_vertices(), size=(batch_size,),

  for i in range(batch_size):
    dist, pred_map = gt.topology.shortest_distance(
        gt.GraphView(gtG, reversed=True), source=gtG.vertex(end_node_ids[i]),
        target=None, max_dist=max_dist_to_compute, pred_map=True)
    dist = np.array(dist.get_array())
    pred_map = np.array(pred_map.get_array())

    # Randomly sample nodes which are withing max_dist
    near_ids = np.where(dist <= max_dist)[0]
    start_node_id = rng.choice(near_ids, size=(1,), replace=False)[0]

    path = None
    if compute_path:
      path = get_path_ids(start_node_ids[i], end_node_ids[i], pred_map)

  return start_node_ids, end_node_ids, dists, pred_maps, paths
def rng_next_goal(start_node_ids, batch_size, gtG, rng, max_dist,
                  max_dist_to_compute, node_room_ids, nodes=None,
                  compute_path=False, dists_from_start_node=None):
  # Compute the distance field from the starting location, and then pick a
  # destination in another room if possible otherwise anywhere outside this
  # room.
  dists = []; pred_maps = []; paths = []; end_node_ids = [];
  for i in range(batch_size):
    room_id = node_room_ids[start_node_ids[i]]
    # Compute distances.
    if dists_from_start_node == None:
      dist, pred_map = gt.topology.shortest_distance(
        gt.GraphView(gtG, reversed=False), source=gtG.vertex(start_node_ids[i]),
        target=None, max_dist=max_dist_to_compute, pred_map=True)
      dist = np.array(dist.get_array())
      dist = dists_from_start_node[i]

    # Randomly sample nodes which are within max_dist.
    near_ids = dist <= max_dist
    near_ids = near_ids[:, np.newaxis]
    # Check to see if there is a non-negative node which is close enough.
    non_same_room_ids = node_room_ids != room_id
    non_hallway_ids = node_room_ids != -1
    good1_ids = np.logical_and(near_ids, np.logical_and(non_same_room_ids, non_hallway_ids))
    good2_ids = np.logical_and(near_ids, non_hallway_ids)
    good3_ids = near_ids
    if np.any(good1_ids):
      end_node_id = rng.choice(np.where(good1_ids)[0])
    elif np.any(good2_ids):
      end_node_id = rng.choice(np.where(good2_ids)[0])
    elif np.any(good3_ids):
      end_node_id = rng.choice(np.where(good3_ids)[0])
      logging.error('Did not find any good nodes.')

    # Compute distance to this new goal for doing distance queries.
    dist, pred_map = gt.topology.shortest_distance(
        gt.GraphView(gtG, reversed=True), source=gtG.vertex(end_node_id),
        target=None, max_dist=max_dist_to_compute, pred_map=True)
    dist = np.array(dist.get_array())
    pred_map = np.array(pred_map.get_array())


    path = None
    if compute_path:
      path = get_path_ids(start_node_ids[i], end_node_ids[i], pred_map)

  return start_node_ids, end_node_ids, dists, pred_maps, paths
def rng_room_to_room(batch_size, gtG, rng, max_dist, max_dist_to_compute,
                     node_room_ids, nodes=None, compute_path=False):
  # Sample one of the rooms, compute the distance field. Pick a destination in
  # another room if possible otherwise anywhere outside this room.
  dists = []; pred_maps = []; paths = []; start_node_ids = []; end_node_ids = [];
  room_ids = np.unique(node_room_ids[node_room_ids[:,0] >= 0, 0])
  for i in range(batch_size):
    room_id = rng.choice(room_ids)
    end_node_id = rng.choice(np.where(node_room_ids[:,0] == room_id)[0])

    # Compute distances.
    dist, pred_map = gt.topology.shortest_distance(
        gt.GraphView(gtG, reversed=True), source=gtG.vertex(end_node_id),
        target=None, max_dist=max_dist_to_compute, pred_map=True)
    dist = np.array(dist.get_array())
    pred_map = np.array(pred_map.get_array())

    # Randomly sample nodes which are within max_dist.
    near_ids = dist <= max_dist
    near_ids = near_ids[:, np.newaxis]

    # Check to see if there is a non-negative node which is close enough.
    non_same_room_ids = node_room_ids != room_id
    non_hallway_ids = node_room_ids != -1
    good1_ids = np.logical_and(near_ids, np.logical_and(non_same_room_ids, non_hallway_ids))
    good2_ids = np.logical_and(near_ids, non_hallway_ids)
    good3_ids = near_ids
    if np.any(good1_ids):
      start_node_id = rng.choice(np.where(good1_ids)[0])
    elif np.any(good2_ids):
      start_node_id = rng.choice(np.where(good2_ids)[0])
    elif np.any(good3_ids):
      start_node_id = rng.choice(np.where(good3_ids)[0])
      logging.error('Did not find any good nodes.')


    path = None
    if compute_path:
      path = get_path_ids(start_node_ids[i], end_node_ids[i], pred_map)

  return start_node_ids, end_node_ids, dists, pred_maps, paths