Beispiel #1
    def transform(self, X: dt.Frame):
        """Transform features once grouped by Time Group Columns (TGC)"""
        # With the col_type set to "all", X can contain text features
        # So restrict to int float and bool types
        # This is easily done in datatable
        X = X[:, [int, float, bool]]
        # If after the filtering there are no features left then just return a zero valued features
        if X.ncols == 0:
            return np.zeros(X.nrows)

        # Move to pandas to use the apply method
        X = X.to_pandas()

        group_cols = [_f for _f in self.tgc if _f != self.time_column]

        # Check if we really have any group columns available
        if len(group_cols) == 0:
            # Apply MACD directly on the available features but drop the time column
            features = [_f for _f in X.columns if _f != self.time_column]
            return self.normalized_macd(X[features])

        # Get the data columns, i.e. not the group columns or time column
        col = np.setdiff1d(X.columns, self.tgc)
        if len(col) > 0:
            # Groupby by the TGC and apply normalized MACD to the data
            # Pandas.apply ios not time effective so should move this to data table
            res = X.groupby(group_cols)[col].apply(self.normalized_macd)

            res.index = X.index
            return res
            return np.zeros(X.nrows)
Beispiel #2
    def transform(self, X: dt.Frame, **kwargs):
        Uses fitted models (1 per time group) to predict the target
        :param X: Datatable Frame containing the features
        :return: FB Prophet predictions
        # Get the logger if it exists
        logger = None
        if self.context and self.context.experiment_id:
            logger = make_experiment_logger(

        tmp_folder = self._create_tmp_folder(logger)

        n_jobs = self._get_n_jobs(logger, **kwargs)

        # Reduce X to TGC
        tgc_wo_time = list(np.setdiff1d(self.tgc, self.time_column))
        X = X[:, self.tgc].to_pandas()

        # Fill NaNs or None
        X = X.replace([None, np.nan], 0)

        # Change date feature name to match Prophet requirements
        X.rename(columns={self.time_column: "ds"}, inplace=True)

        # Predict y using unique dates
        X_time = X[['ds']].groupby('ds').first().reset_index()
        with suppress_stdout_stderr():
            y_avg = self.model.predict(X_time)[['ds', 'yhat']]

        # Prophet transforms the date column to datetime so we need to transfrom that to merge back
        X_time.sort_values('ds', inplace=True)
        X_time['yhat'] = y_avg['yhat']

        # Merge back into original frame on 'ds'
        # pd.merge wipes the index ... so keep it to provide it again
        indices = X.index
        X = pd.merge(
            right=X_time[['ds', 'yhat']],
        X.index = indices

        # Go through groups and recover the scaled target for knowed groups
        if len(tgc_wo_time) > 0:
            X_groups = X.groupby(tgc_wo_time)
            X_groups = [([None], X)]

        inverted_ys = []
        for key, X_grp in X_groups:
            grp_hash = self.get_hash(key)

            # Scale target for current group
            if grp_hash in self.scalers.keys():
                inverted_y = self.scalers[grp_hash].inverse_transform(X_grp[['yhat']])
                inverted_y = self.general_scaler.inverse_transform(X_grp[['yhat']])

            # Put back in a DataFrame to keep track of original index
            inverted_df = pd.DataFrame(inverted_y, columns=['yhat'])
            inverted_df.index = X_grp.index

        XX_general = pd.concat(tuple(inverted_ys), axis=0).sort_index()

        if self.top_groups:
            # Go though the groups and predict only top
            XX_paths = []
            model_paths = []

            def processor(out, res):
            num_tasks = len(self.top_groups)
            pool_to_use = small_job_pool
            pool = pool_to_use(logger=None, processor=processor, num_tasks=num_tasks, max_workers=n_jobs)

            nb_groups = len(X_groups)
            for _i_g, (key, X_grp) in enumerate(X_groups):

                # Just log where we are in the fitting process
                if (_i_g + 1) % max(1, nb_groups // 20) == 0:
                    loggerinfo(logger, "FB Prophet : %d%% of groups predicted" % (100 * (_i_g + 1) // nb_groups))

                # Create dict key to store the min max scaler
                grp_hash = self.get_hash(key)
                X_path = os.path.join(tmp_folder, "fbprophet_Xt" + str(uuid.uuid4()))

                if grp_hash not in self.top_groups:
                    XX = pd.DataFrame(np.full((X_grp.shape[0], 1), np.nan), columns=['yhat'])  # unseen groups
                    XX.index = X_grp.index
                    save_obj(XX, X_path)

                if self.grp_models[grp_hash] is None:
                    XX = pd.DataFrame(np.full((X_grp.shape[0], 1), np.nan), columns=['yhat'])  # unseen groups
                    XX.index = X_grp.index
                    save_obj(XX, X_path)

                model = self.grp_models[grp_hash]
                model_path = os.path.join(tmp_folder, "fbprophet_modelt" + str(uuid.uuid4()))
                save_obj(model, model_path)
                save_obj(X_grp, X_path)

                args = (model_path, X_path, self.priors[grp_hash], tmp_folder)
                kwargs = {}
                pool.submit_tryget(None, MyParallelProphetTransformer_transform_async, args=args, kwargs=kwargs,

            XX_top_groups = pd.concat((load_obj(XX_path) for XX_path in XX_paths), axis=0).sort_index()
            for p in XX_paths + model_paths:

        self._clean_tmp_folder(logger, tmp_folder)

        features_df = pd.DataFrame()
        features_df[self.display_name + '_GrpAvg'] = XX_general['yhat']

        if self.top_groups:
            features_df[self.display_name + f'_Top{self.top_n}Grp'] = XX_top_groups['yhat']

        self._output_feature_names = list(features_df.columns)
        self._feature_desc = list(features_df.columns)

        return features_df
Beispiel #3
    def fit(self, X: dt.Frame, y: np.array = None, **kwargs):
        Fits FB Prophet models (1 per time group) using historical target values contained in y
        Model fitting is distributed over a pool of processes and uses file storage to share the data with workers
        :param X: Datatable frame containing the features
        :param y: numpy array containing the historical values of the target
        :return: self

        # Get the logger if it exists
        logger = None
        if self.context and self.context.experiment_id:
            logger = make_experiment_logger(

            # Add value of prophet_top_n in recipe_dict variable inside of config.toml file
            # eg1: recipe_dict="{'prophet_top_n': 200}"
            # eg2: recipe_dict="{'prophet_top_n':10}"
            self.top_n = config.recipe_dict['prophet_top_n']
        except KeyError:
            self.top_n = 50

        loggerinfo(logger, f"Prophet will use {self.top_n} groups as well as average target data.")

        tmp_folder = self._create_tmp_folder(logger)

        n_jobs = self._get_n_jobs(logger, **kwargs)

        # Reduce X to TGC
        tgc_wo_time = list(np.setdiff1d(self.tgc, self.time_column))
        X = X[:, self.tgc].to_pandas()

        # Fill NaNs or None
        X = X.replace([None, np.nan], 0)

        # Add target, Label encoder is only used for Classif. which we don't support...
        if self.labels is not None:
            y = LabelEncoder().fit(self.labels).transform(y)
        X['y'] = np.array(y)

        self.nan_value = X['y'].mean()

        # Change date feature name to match Prophet requirements
        X.rename(columns={self.time_column: "ds"}, inplace=True)

        # Create a general scale now that will be used for unknown groups at prediction time
        # Can we do smarter than that ?
        self.general_scaler = MinMaxScaler().fit(X[['y', 'ds']].groupby('ds').median().values)

        # Go through groups and standard scale them
        if len(tgc_wo_time) > 0:
            X_groups = X.groupby(tgc_wo_time)
            X_groups = [([None], X)]

        self.scalers = {}
        scaled_ys = []
        print(f'{} Start of group scaling')

        for key, X_grp in X_groups:
            # Create dict key to store the min max scaler
            grp_hash = self.get_hash(key)
            # Scale target for current group
            self.scalers[grp_hash] = MinMaxScaler()
            y_skl = self.scalers[grp_hash].fit_transform(X_grp[['y']].values)
            # Put back in a DataFrame to keep track of original index
            y_skl_df = pd.DataFrame(y_skl, columns=['y'])
            # (0, 'A') (1, 4) (100, 1) (100, 1)
            # print(grp_hash, X_grp.shape, y_skl.shape, y_skl_df.shape)

            y_skl_df.index = X_grp.index

        print(f'{} End of group scaling')
        # Set target back in original frame but keep original
        X['y_orig'] = X['y']
        X['y'] = pd.concat(tuple(scaled_ys), axis=0)

        # Now Average groups
        X_avg = X[['ds', 'y']].groupby('ds').mean().reset_index()

        # Send that to Prophet
        params = {
            "country_holidays": self.country_holidays,
            "monthly_seasonality": self.monthly_seasonality
        mod = importlib.import_module('fbprophet')
        Prophet = getattr(mod, "Prophet")
        self.model = Prophet(yearly_seasonality=True, weekly_seasonality=True, daily_seasonality=True)

        if params["country_holidays"] is not None:
        if params["monthly_seasonality"]:
            self.model.add_seasonality(name='monthly', period=30.5, fourier_order=5)

        with suppress_stdout_stderr():
  [['ds', 'y']])

        print(f'{} General Model Fitted')

        self.top_groups = None
        if len(tgc_wo_time) > 0:
            if self.top_n > 0:
                top_n_grp = X.groupby(tgc_wo_time).size().sort_values().reset_index()[tgc_wo_time].iloc[-self.top_n:].values
                self.top_groups = [
                    '_'.join(map(str, key))
                    for key in top_n_grp

        if self.top_groups:
            self.grp_models = {}
            self.priors = {}

            # Prepare for multi processing
            num_tasks = len(self.top_groups)

            def processor(out, res):
                out[res[0]] = res[1]

            pool_to_use = small_job_pool
            loggerinfo(logger, f"Prophet will use {n_jobs} workers for fitting.")
            loggerinfo(logger, "Prophet parameters holidays {} / monthly {}".format(self.country_holidays, self.monthly_seasonality))
            pool = pool_to_use(
                logger=None, processor=processor,
                num_tasks=num_tasks, max_workers=n_jobs
            # Fit 1 FB Prophet model per time group columns
            nb_groups = len(X_groups)

            # Put y back to its unscaled value for top groups
            X['y'] = X['y_orig']

            for _i_g, (key, X) in enumerate(X_groups):
                # Just log where we are in the fitting process
                if (_i_g + 1) % max(1, nb_groups // 20) == 0:
                    loggerinfo(logger, "FB Prophet : %d%% of groups fitted" % (100 * (_i_g + 1) // nb_groups))

                X_path = os.path.join(tmp_folder, "fbprophet_X" + str(uuid.uuid4()))
                X = X.reset_index(drop=True)
                save_obj(X, X_path)

                grp_hash = self.get_hash(key)

                if grp_hash not in self.top_groups:

                self.priors[grp_hash] = X['y'].mean()

                params = {
                    "country_holidays": self.country_holidays,
                    "monthly_seasonality": self.monthly_seasonality

                args = (X_path, grp_hash, tmp_folder, params)
                kwargs = {}
                pool.submit_tryget(None, MyParallelProphetTransformer_fit_async,
                                   args=args, kwargs=kwargs, out=self.grp_models)

            for k, v in self.grp_models.items():
                self.grp_models[k] = load_obj(v) if v is not None else None

        self._clean_tmp_folder(logger, tmp_folder)

        return self