Beispiel #1
def DayPageGenerator(startMonth = 1, endMonth = 12, site = None):
    if site is None:
        site = pywikibot.getSite()
    fd = date.FormatDate(site)
    firstPage = pywikibot.Page(site, fd(startMonth, 1))
    pywikibot.output(u"Starting with %s" % firstPage.title(asLink=True))
    for month in xrange(startMonth, endMonth+1):
        for day in xrange(1, date.getNumberOfDaysInMonth(month)+1):
            yield pywikibot.Page(site, fd(month, day))
Beispiel #2
def DayPageGenerator(startMonth=1, endMonth=12, site=None):
    if site is None:
        site = wikipedia.getSite()
    fd = date.FormatDate(site)
    firstPage = wikipedia.Page(site, fd(startMonth, 1))
    wikipedia.output(u"Starting with %s" % firstPage.aslink())
    for month in xrange(startMonth, endMonth + 1):
        for day in xrange(1, date.getNumberOfDaysInMonth(month) + 1):
            yield wikipedia.Page(site, fd(month, day))
Beispiel #3
def DayPageGenerator(startMonth = 1, endMonth = 12, site = None):
    if site is None:
        site = wikipedia.getSite()
    fd = date.FormatDate(site)
    firstPage = wikipedia.Page(site, fd(startMonth, 1))
    wikipedia.output(u"Starting with %s" % firstPage.aslink())
    for month in xrange(startMonth, endMonth+1):
        for day in xrange(1, date.getNumberOfDaysInMonth(month)+1):
            yield wikipedia.Page(site, fd(month, day))
Beispiel #4
def DayPageGenerator(startMonth=1, endMonth=12, site=None):
    if site is None:
        site = pywikibot.getSite()
    fd = date.FormatDate(site)
    firstPage = pywikibot.Page(site, fd(startMonth, 1))
    pywikibot.output(u"Starting with %s" % firstPage.title(asLink=True))
    for month in xrange(startMonth, endMonth + 1):
        for day in xrange(1, date.getNumberOfDaysInMonth(month) + 1):
            yield pywikibot.Page(site, fd(month, day))