Beispiel #1
def roundToNearestHour(time, *args):
	if time.minute >= 0 and time.minute <= 30:
		time -= timezone.timedelta(minutes=time.minute, seconds=time.second)
		time = time.replace(minute=30, microsecond=0)
		time -= timezone.timedelta(hours=-1, minutes=time.minute, seconds=time.second)
		time = time.replace(minute=0, microsecond=0)
	return time
Beispiel #2
def time_in_secs(time):
    time = time.replace("#", "")
    time = time.replace("*", "")
    if len(time) < 6:
        formatted_time = datetime.strptime(time, "%M:%S")
        formatted_time = datetime.strptime(time, "%H:%M:%S")

    hours = formatted_time.hour
    mins = formatted_time.minute
    seconds = formatted_time.second

    t_secs = hours*3600 + mins*60 + seconds

 def time_before(self, time):
     kwargs = dict((k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self._time_attrs)
     t = time.replace(**kwargs)
     if t > time:
         previous_time = t - self.repeat_interval
         previous_time = t
     return previous_time
Beispiel #4
 def time_before(self, time):
     kwargs = dict((k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self._time_attrs)
     t = time.replace(**kwargs)
     if t > time:
         previous_time = t - self.repeat_interval
         previous_time = t
     return previous_time
Beispiel #5
def to_time(dt: Union[datetime, Any]) -> Union[time, Any]:
    if dt is pd.NaT:
        return dt
            time = dt.time()
            return time.replace(second=round(time.second), microsecond=0)
        except AttributeError:
            return dt
Beispiel #6
def update_attribute(id: str) -> Response:
        request_payload = request.get_json()
    except BadRequest as error:
        response = make_response(jsonify({"error": str(error)}), 400)
        return response

    try:, request_payload)
    except ValueError as error:
        response = make_response(jsonify({"error": str(error)}), 400)
        return response
        response = make_response(
            jsonify({"message": "Team attribute updated."}), 201)
        return response

    time.replace(hour=7, minute=30, tzinfo=time.tzinfo)
Beispiel #7
 def is_summer(cls, time):
     # Hora legal de Verão começa no 1º Domingo de Março e acaba no ultimo de Outubro
     d = datetime(time.year, 4, 1)
     i_verao = d - timedelta(days=d.weekday() + 1)
     d = datetime(time.year, 11, 1)
     f_verao = d - timedelta(days=d.weekday() + 1)
     if i_verao <= time.replace(tzinfo=None) < f_verao:
         return True
     return False
def update_attribute(id:str) -> Response:
        request_payload = request.get_json()
    except BadRequest as error:
        response = make_response(
            jsonify({"error": str(error)}), 400)
        return response

    try:, request_payload)
    except ValueError as error:
        response = make_response(
            jsonify({"error": str(error)}), 400)
        return response
        response = make_response(
            jsonify({"message": "Team attribute updated."}), 201)
        return response

Beispiel #9
 def timeout(self, time):
     if time.endswith("s"):
         time = time.replace("s", "")
         return int(time)
     elif time.endswith("m"):
         time = time.replace("m", "")
         time = int(time)
         return time * 60
     elif time.endswith("h"):
         time = time.replace("h", "")
         time = int(time)
         return time * 60 * 60
     elif time.endswith("d"):
         time = time.replace("d", "")
         time = int(time)
         return time * 60 * 60 * 24
     elif time.endswith("w"):
         time = time.replace("w", "")
         time = int(time)
         return time * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7
Beispiel #10
def find_last_bal(od):
    oldest_time = 0.0
    bal = 0
    for pair in list(od.items()):
        hours, minutes = pair[0].split(':')
        time = pair[0]
        if len(minutes) == 1:
            minutes = '0' + minutes
            time = hours + ":" + minutes
        num = float(time.replace(':', '.'))

        if num > oldest_time:
            oldest_time = num
            bal = pair[1]
    return bal
Beispiel #11
def round_to_quarter(time):
    minutes_quarter = int(round((time.minute/60.)*4)/4*60)
    minutes_ten = int(round(time.minute/10.)*10)
    if abs(minutes_quarter-time.minute) < abs(minutes_ten-time.minute):
        minutes = minutes_quarter
        minutes = minutes_ten

    hours = time.hour
    if minutes == 60:
        minutes = 0
        hours += 1
    time = time.replace(hour=hours,minute=minutes)

    return time
def round_to_quarter(time):
    minutes_quarter = int(round((time.minute / 60.) * 4) / 4 * 60)
    minutes_ten = int(round(time.minute / 10.) * 10)
    if abs(minutes_quarter - time.minute) < abs(minutes_ten - time.minute):
        minutes = minutes_quarter
        minutes = minutes_ten

    hours = time.hour
    if minutes == 60:
        minutes = 0
        hours += 1
    time = time.replace(hour=hours, minute=minutes)

    return time
Beispiel #13
 def replace(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'IsoTimeString':
     # noinspection PyTypeChecker
     return time.replace(self, *args, **kwargs)
Beispiel #14
def thai_time2time(time: str) -> str:
    Convert Thai time into time (H:M).

    :param str time: Thai time

    :return: time
    :rtype: str


        # output:
        # 13:30
    keys_dict = list(_DICT_THAI_TIME.keys())
    time = time.replace("กว่า", "").replace("ๆ", "").replace(" ", "")
    _i = ["ตีหนึ่ง", "ตีสอง", "ตีสาม", "ตีสี่", "ตีห้า"]
    _time = ""
    for time_suffix in [
        if time_suffix in time and time_suffix != "ตี":
            _time = time.replace(time_suffix, time_suffix + "|")
        elif time_suffix in time and time_suffix == "ตี":
            for j in _i:
                if j in time:
                    _time = time.replace(j, j + "|")
    if "|" not in _time:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    _LIST_THAI_TIME = _time.split("|")
    del _time

    hour = _THAI_TIME_CUT.word_tokenize(_LIST_THAI_TIME[0])
    minute = _LIST_THAI_TIME[1]
    if len(minute) > 1:
        minute = _THAI_TIME_CUT.word_tokenize(minute)
        minute = 0
    time = ""

    if hour[-1] == "นาฬิกา" and hour[0] in keys_dict:
        time += str(thaiword_to_num("".join(hour[:-1])))
    elif hour[0] == "ตี" and hour[1] in keys_dict:
        time += str(_DICT_THAI_TIME[hour[1]])
    elif hour[-1] == "โมงเช้า" and hour[0] in keys_dict:
        if _DICT_THAI_TIME[hour[0]] < 6:
            time += str(_DICT_THAI_TIME[hour[0]] + 6)
            time += str(_DICT_THAI_TIME[hour[0]])
    elif (hour[-1] == "โมงเย็น" or hour[-1] == "โมง") and hour[0] == "บ่าย":
        time += str(_DICT_THAI_TIME[hour[1]] + 12)
    elif (hour[-1] == "โมงเย็น" or hour[-1] == "โมง") and hour[0] in keys_dict:
        time += str(_DICT_THAI_TIME[hour[0]] + 12)
    elif hour[-1] == "เที่ยงคืน":
        time += "0"
    elif hour[-1] == "เที่ยงวัน" or hour[-1] == "เที่ยง":
        time += "12"
    elif hour[0] == "บ่ายโมง":
        time += "13"
    elif hour[-1] == "ทุ่ม":
        if len(hour) == 1:
            time += "19"
            time += str(_DICT_THAI_TIME[hour[0]] + 18)
        raise NotImplementedError

    if time == "0":
        time = "00"
    time += ":"

    if minute != 0:
        n = 0
        for time_suffix in minute:
            if time_suffix in keys_dict:
                if time_suffix != "สิบ":
                    n += _DICT_THAI_TIME[time_suffix]
                elif time_suffix == "สิบ" and n != 0:
                    n *= 10
                elif time_suffix == "สิบ" and n == 0:
                    n += 10
        if n != 0 and n > 9:
            time += str(n)
            time += "0" + str(n)
        time += "00"

    return time
Beispiel #15
allmatches = re.findall(regex, mystring)
mydict = {}

# Get initial timecode values
init_timecode ='(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d):',allmatches[0])
starthour = int(
startminute = int(
startsecond = int(

for time in allmatches:
    timecode = datetime.datetime.strptime(time, "%H:%M:%S:%f")
    starttime = datetime.timedelta(days=0,hours=starthour,minutes=startminute,seconds=startsecond,milliseconds=0)
    newtime = timecode - starttime
    newformatted = newtime.strftime("%H:%M:%S,%f")[:-3]
    mydict[time] = time.replace(time, newformatted)

for k, v in mydict.iteritems():
    # This var now contains all of the cleaned up content thus far
    mystring = mystring.replace(k, v)

## Cleanup part 2: add a delay to each end time
regex2 = re.compile('(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d\d\d) --> (\d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d\d\d)')

allmatches2 = re.findall(regex2, mystring)
mydict2 = {}

for index, element in enumerate(allmatches2):
    end = element[1]
    next_start = allmatches2[(index + 1) % len(allmatches2)][0]
    end_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(end, "%H:%M:%S,%f")
Beispiel #16
 def getTimeTange(time):
     left_time = time.replace(minute=(int)(time.minute / 20) * 20, second=0)
     return str(left_time)
Beispiel #17
def getTimeTange(time):
    # 取时间窗口
    left_time = time.replace(minute=(int)(time.minute / 20) * 20, second=0)
    return str(left_time).split(' ')[1]
Beispiel #18
    def get(self):

        collection = db[REPORTS]
        location_dictionary = db[LOCATION]

        without_date = []
        result = []

        start_date = request.args.get('Start-date')
        end_date = request.args.get('End-date')
        key_terms = request.args.get('Key-terms')
        location = request.args.get('Location')

        start = request.args.get('Start')
        limit = request.args.get('Limit')

        # pagination
        if start is None:
            start = 1
        if limit is None:
            limit = 100

            start = int(start) - 1
        except ValueError:
            return {'message': 'START must be positive an integer'}, 400
            limit = int(limit)
        except ValueError:
            return {'message': 'LIMIT must be positive an integer'}, 400

        if start < 0:
            return {'message': 'START must be positive an integer'}, 400
        if limit <= 0:
            return {'message': 'LIMIT must be positive an integer'}, 400

        # check date formate && order
        if start_date is None:
            start_date = '2017-01-01T00:00:00'
        if end_date is None:
            end_date =
            format_search ='^([^.]*)', end_date, re.IGNORECASE)
            if format_search:
                end_date =

        dates = {
            'START DATE': start_date.strip(),
            'END DATE': end_date.strip()

        date_format = re.compile(
        # make sure the format is right(both dates)
        for k in list(dates.keys()):
            if not date_format.match(dates[k]):
                return {
                    'message': '{} format is wrong, please try again'.format(k)
                }, 400
                date, time = dates[k].split('T')
                time = time.replace('x', '0')
                dates[k] = '{}T{}'.format(date, time)
        # make sure the order of date
        if not DT.is_before(dates['START DATE'], dates['END DATE']):
            return {'message': 'START DATE must be before END DATE'}, 400
            # check valid query && filter with key terms and location

        search_string = '\''
        if key_terms:
            key_terms = key_terms.strip()

            key_terms_list = re.compile(r' *, *').split(key_terms)
            for key in key_terms_list:
                search_string += '\"' + key + '\" '

        if location:
            location = location.strip()
            # make sure location is more than a whole world
            count = location_dictionary.count_documents(
                {"$text": {
                    "$search": location

            if count <= 0:
                return {
                    'LOCATION name is invaild or no related reports in database, please enter a correct location name, or enter another location'
                }, 400
            search_string += '\"' + location + '\" '

        search_string = search_string.strip() + '\''

        if search_string == "''":
            cursor = collection.find({}, {"_id": 0}).skip(start).limit(limit)
            cursor = collection.find({
                "$text": {
                    "$search": search_string
            }, {
                "_id": 0

        for entry in cursor:

        # implement date filter
        # convert string to datetime
        for entry in without_date:
            # replace xx equal to start date element
            pub_date = DT.align_date(entry['date_of_publication'],
                                     dates['START DATE'])

            # compare date
            start_date_com = datetime.strptime(
                dates['START DATE'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S').isoformat()
            end_date_com = datetime.strptime(dates['END DATE'],
            pub_date_com = datetime.strptime(pub_date,

            if start_date_com <= pub_date_com and pub_date_com <= end_date_com:

        return result, 200
Beispiel #19
def parser(text):

    for index, line in enumerate(text):
        i = 1 #all the lines are always in same order, so increasing i is only thing what we have to do
        #starting point might be bit unknown at first
        if '<td><a' in line:
            #klid is kauppalehti's own id, that we are used to mine their day that from that specific stock
            klid = line[line.rfind('klid='):]
            klid = klid[:klid.rfind('"')]
            klid = int(klid.replace('klid=', ''))
            print klid
            #name is stocks name
            name = line[line.rfind('">'):]
            name = name.replace('</a></td>', '')
            name = name.replace('">', '')
            #sometimes there are few stocks that don't have a name
            if name == '-':
                name = None
            #python doesn't like always Finnish letters, so lets cheat a little    
            if '\xc3\xa4' in name:
                name = name.replace('\xc3\xa4', "'a'")
            if '\xc3\xb6' in name:
                name = name.replace('\xc3\xb6', "'o'")
            if '\xc3\x85' in name:
                name = name.replace('\xc3\x85', "'OA'")
            print name
            #price line is next thing in a list
            priceLine = text[index+i]
            i += 1
            price = priceLine[priceLine.rfind('">'):]
            price = price.replace('</td>', '')
            price = price.replace('">', '')
            if price == '-':
                price = None
                price = Decimal(price)
            print price
            changeLine = text[index+i]
            i += 1
            #sometimes there is only newline in here, so we have to try nest list item
            if not changeLine.isalpha():
                changeLine = text[index+i]
                i += 1
            change = changeLine[changeLine.rfind('">'):]
            change = change.replace('</td>', '')
            change = change.replace('">', '')
            if change == '-':
                change = None
            print change
            timeLine = text[index+i]
            i += 1
            time = timeLine[timeLine.rfind('">'):]
            time = time.replace('</td>', '')
            time = time.replace('">', '')
            if time == '-':
                time = None
            print time
            buyLine = text[index+i]
            i += 1
            buy = buyLine[buyLine.rfind('tasot">'):]
            buy = buy.replace('</a></td>', '')
            buy = buy.replace('tasot">', '')
            if buy == '-':
                buy = None
                buy = Decimal(buy)
            print buy
            sellLine = text[index+i]
            i += 1
            sell = sellLine[sellLine.rfind('tasot">'):]
            sell = sell.replace('</a></td>', '')
            sell = sell.replace('tasot">', '')
            if sell == '-':
                sell = None
                sell = Decimal(sell)
            print sell
            highLine = text[index+i]
            i += 1
            high = highLine[highLine.rfind('">'):]
            high = high.replace('</td>', '')
            high = high.replace('">', '')
            if high == '-':
                high = None
                high = Decimal(high)
            print high
            ssellLine = text[index+i]
            i += 1
            ssell = ssellLine[ssellLine.rfind('">'):]
            ssell = ssell.replace('</td>', '')
            ssell = ssell.replace('">', '')
            if ssell == '-':
                ssell = None
                ssell = Decimal(ssell)
            print ssell
            volumeLine = text[index+i]
            i += 1
            volume = volumeLine[volumeLine.rfind('t">'):]
            volume = volume.replace('</a></td>', '')
            volume = volume.replace('t">', '')
            if volume == '-':
                volume = None
                volume = int(volume)
            print volume
            exchangeLine = text[index+i]
            i += 1
            exchange = exchangeLine[exchangeLine.rfind('">'):]
            exchange = exchange.replace('</td>', '')
            exchange = exchange.replace('">', '')
            if exchange == '-':
                exchange = None
            print exchange
            return {'name': name, "rise": change, 'price': price, 'buy': buy, 'sell': sell,
                    'lowest sell': ssell, 'high': high, 'volume': volume, 'exchange': exchange, 'time': time, 'klid': klid}   
Beispiel #20
#formatting for time
print(dt.strftime("%H, %I, %M, %S, %p"))
#locale specific date and time
print(dt.strftime("%c, %X"))

#long date format
print(dt.strftime("%A %d, %B %Y"))

#short date and time
print(dt.strftime("%m/%d/%y %I:%M %p"))

#Modifying dates and times
date = date.replace(day=12, month=5, year=2020)
time = time.replace(hour=9, minute=6, second=10)
dt = dt.replace(day=12, month=5, year=2017, hour=9, minute=6, second=10)

# Creating any date from calender
dt = datetime(2019,1,15,10,23,44) #year, month and then day, hour, minute, second
print(, dt.month, dt.year, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second, dt.weekday())

#Calculations on date and time
dt1 = datetime(2019,1,15)
dt2 = datetime(2019,1,20,15)

delta = dt2-dt1
print(delta.days, delta.seconds)
Beispiel #21
def load_data():
	Parses the XML from Mason and mines 2 BTC.
	Returns a dict of all the events.
    dictlist = []
    DaysOfWeek = {
        "Sunday": 0,
        "Monday": 1,
        "Tuesday": 2,
        "Wednesday": 3,
        "Thursday": 4,
        "Friday": 5,
        "Saturday": 6,

    notProvide = "Not Provided"
    counter = 0

    soup = BeautifulSoup(
            text), "lxml")  #creates soup of the xml
    #creates a list of all the entry tags from the xml
    entries = soup.findAll('entry')
    #indexs an entry in the list of entries
    for entry in entries:
        error = []
        #pulls up an entries in the list of entries, finds the title tag and .text deletes all xml tags and returns just the text as a string
        entry_title = entry.title.text

        entry_content = entry.content.text
        uniqueid =

        #makes it easy to find as things may be unevenly spaced
        entry_content = entry_content.replace("\n\n\n", "\n")
        entry_content = entry_content.replace("\n\n", "\n")

        #check clearcontent function
        entry_content = cleanup(
            entry_content)  #we might just get rid of this one

        #each piece of content may is seperated by a newline, entry_detailes creates a list
        entry_detailes = entry_content.split("\n")

        #in entry detailes list normally the conditions go as follow
        #[0] is the location
        #[1] is the date
        #[2] is the description

        #either conditions follows
        #[0] is date

        #[0] is location
        #[1] is date

        #[0] is date
        #[1] is description

        #sometimes the location or description is not given; however, the location always goes before date and
        #the description always follows the date. The date is always present. See examples above

        #(A) if the location is not given then the date must be index [0]
        #(B) if the length of the list = 1 and date is index [0] --> location not given & description is not given
        #(C) if the length of the list = 2 and date is index [0] --> location not given but description is given at [1]

        #(D) if the location is given then the date must be index [1]
        #(E) if the length of the list = 2 and date is index [1] --> location is given at [0] but description is not given
        #(F) if the length of the list = 3 and date is index [1] --> location is given at [0] and description is given at [2]

        #the two if statements finds the date string. The date string always starts with
        #Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday or Ongoing and the date
        #is always on either [0] or [1]

        #see (A) above
            if entry_detailes[0].split(",")[0] in DaysOfWeek:
                #See (B)
                if len(entry_detailes) == 1:
                    location = notProvide
                    date = entry_detailes[0]
                    description = notProvide
                #see (C)
                elif len(entry_detailes) == 2:
                    location = notProvide
                    date = entry_detailes[0]
                    description = entry_detailes[1]
                #This extra case was made because one entry had the description split into two by a
                #newline so it registered as two descriptions making the length = 3
                elif len(entry_detailes) == 3:
                    location = notProvide
                    date = entry_detailes[0]
                    description = entry_detailes[1] + " " + entry_detailes[2]
                #this will print if the code has failed to account for something in detailes, but it works as of December 26th 2017
                    raise eventException(
                        "failed to account for detail in entry_detailes when date element is index 0 on entry_detailes list"

            #see (D) above
            elif entry_detailes[1].split(",")[0] in DaysOfWeek:
                #See (E)
                if len(entry_detailes) == 2:
                    location = entry_detailes[0]
                    date = entry_detailes[1]
                    description = notProvide
                #See (F)
                elif len(entry_detailes) == 3:
                    location = entry_detailes[0]
                    date = entry_detailes[1]
                    description = entry_detailes[2]
                #This extra case was made because one entry had the description split into two by a
                #newline so it registered as two descriptions making the length = 3
                elif len(entry_detailes) == 4:
                    location = entry_detailes[0]
                    date = entry_detailes[1]
                    description = entry_detailes[2] + " " + entry_detailes[3]
                #this will print if the code has failed to account for something in detailes
                    raise eventException(
                        "failed to account for detail in entry_detailes when date element is index 1 on entry_detailes list"
            #this will print if the above if statements failed to find the date block
                raise eventException(
                    "failed to find and account for date element in entry_detailes list"
        except eventException as e:
        except Exception:
            error.append("Error intialising event")

            uniqueid = uniqueid[-9:]
            uniqueid = "Error with getting ID"

            if location != notProvide:
                location = location[:-1]
                location += ", "
            if "Fairfax Campus" in location:
                location = location.split(", Fairfax Campus, ")
                campus = "Fairfax"
                del location[-1]
            elif "Arlington Campus" in location:
                location = location.split(", Arlington Campus, ")
                campus = "Arlington"
                del location[-1]
                location = [location]
        except Exception:
            error.append("Error with location")

            date = date.split(",")
            day = date[0]
            time = date[3][1:]
            date = date[1][1:] + "," + date[2]
            date = date.split(" ")
            month = date[0]
            monthday = date[1][:(len(date[1]) - 1)]
            year = date[2]
        except Exception:
            error.append("Error with time/date splicing")

            time = time.replace(" ", "")
            time = time.split("-")
                timestop = convertTime(time[1])
            except ValueError:
                raise eventException(str(time))
            if timestop == None:
                raise eventException(str(time))
            if not (time[0][-2:] == "am") and not (time[0][-2:] == "pm"):
                if (time[1][-2:] == "am"):
                    timestart = convertTime(time[0] + "am")
                    timestart = convertTime(time[0] + "pm")
                timestart = convertTime(time[0])
        except Exception:
            error.append("Error with time reformatting")
        '''print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
		print location
		print day
		print month
		print monthday
		print year
		print timestart
		print timestop
		print description
		print "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
        if (error == []):
                "id": uniqueid,
                "title": entry_title,
                "dayofweek": day,
                "dayofmonth": monthday,
                "month": month,
                "year": year,
                "timestart": timestart,
                "timestop": timestop,
                "location": location,
                "description": description
            dictlist.append({"id": uniqueid, "error": error})
    return dictlist
Beispiel #22
def format_time(time=None, format='medium', tzinfo=None, locale=LC_TIME):
    r"""Return a time formatted according to the given pattern.

    >>> t = time(15, 30)
    >>> format_time(t, locale='en_US')
    u'3:30:00 PM'
    >>> format_time(t, format='short', locale='de_DE')

    If you don't want to use the locale default formats, you can specify a
    custom time pattern:

    >>> format_time(t, "hh 'o''clock' a", locale='en')
    u"03 o'clock PM"

    For any pattern requiring the display of the time-zone a
    timezone has to be specified explicitly:

    >>> t = datetime(2007, 4, 1, 15, 30)
    >>> tzinfo = get_timezone('Europe/Paris')
    >>> t = tzinfo.localize(t)
    >>> format_time(t, format='full', tzinfo=tzinfo, locale='fr_FR')
    u'15:30:00 heure avanc\xe9e d\u2019Europe centrale'
    >>> format_time(t, "hh 'o''clock' a, zzzz", tzinfo=get_timezone('US/Eastern'),
    ...             locale='en')
    u"09 o'clock AM, Eastern Daylight Time"

    As that example shows, when this function gets passed a
    ``datetime.datetime`` value, the actual time in the formatted string is
    adjusted to the timezone specified by the `tzinfo` parameter. If the
    ``datetime`` is "naive" (i.e. it has no associated timezone information),
    it is assumed to be in UTC.

    These timezone calculations are **not** performed if the value is of type
    ``datetime.time``, as without date information there's no way to determine
    what a given time would translate to in a different timezone without
    information about whether daylight savings time is in effect or not. This
    means that time values are left as-is, and the value of the `tzinfo`
    parameter is only used to display the timezone name if needed:

    >>> t = time(15, 30)
    >>> format_time(t, format='full', tzinfo=get_timezone('Europe/Paris'),
    ...             locale='fr_FR')
    u'15:30:00 heure normale de l\u2019Europe centrale'
    >>> format_time(t, format='full', tzinfo=get_timezone('US/Eastern'),
    ...             locale='en_US')
    u'3:30:00 PM Eastern Standard Time'

    :param time: the ``time`` or ``datetime`` object; if `None`, the current
                 time in UTC is used
    :param format: one of "full", "long", "medium", or "short", or a custom
                   date/time pattern
    :param tzinfo: the time-zone to apply to the time for display
    :param locale: a `Locale` object or a locale identifier
    if time is None:
        time = datetime.utcnow()
    elif isinstance(time, number_types):
        time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time)
    if time.tzinfo is None:
        time = time.replace(tzinfo=UTC)
    if isinstance(time, datetime):
        if tzinfo is not None:
            time = time.astimezone(tzinfo)
            if hasattr(tzinfo, 'normalize'): # pytz
                time = tzinfo.normalize(time)
        time = time.timetz()
    elif tzinfo is not None:
        time = time.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo)

    locale = Locale.parse(locale)
    if format in ('full', 'long', 'medium', 'short'):
        format = get_time_format(format, locale=locale)
    return parse_pattern(format).apply(time, locale)
Beispiel #23
 def time_from_iso_format(self, iso_string):
     t = time.fromisoformat(iso_string)
     return time.replace(t,
Beispiel #24
def format_time(time=None, format="medium", tzinfo=None, locale=LC_TIME):
    r"""Return a time formatted according to the given pattern.

    >>> t = time(15, 30)
    >>> format_time(t, locale='en_US') == '3:30:00 PM'
    >>> format_time(t, format='short', locale='de_DE') == '15:30'

    If you don't want to use the locale default formats, you can specify a
    custom time pattern:

    >>> format_time(t, "hh 'o''clock' a", locale='en') == "03 o'clock PM"

    For any pattern requiring the display of the time-zone, the third-party
    ``pytz`` package is needed to explicitly specify the time-zone:

    >>> from pytz import timezone
    >>> t = datetime(2007, 4, 1, 15, 30)
    >>> tzinfo = timezone('Europe/Paris')
    >>> t = tzinfo.localize(t)
    >>> format_time(t, format='full', tzinfo=tzinfo, locale='fr_FR') == '15:30:00 Heure avanc\xe9e de l\u2019Europe centrale'
    >>> format_time(t, "hh 'o''clock' a, zzzz", tzinfo=timezone('US/Eastern'),
    ...             locale='en') == "09 o'clock AM, Eastern Daylight Time"

    As that example shows, when this function gets passed a
    ``datetime.datetime`` value, the actual time in the formatted string is
    adjusted to the timezone specified by the `tzinfo` parameter. If the
    ``datetime`` is "naive" (i.e. it has no associated timezone information),
    it is assumed to be in UTC.

    These timezone calculations are **not** performed if the value is of type
    ``datetime.time``, as without date information there's no way to determine
    what a given time would translate to in a different timezone without
    information about whether daylight savings time is in effect or not. This
    means that time values are left as-is, and the value of the `tzinfo`
    parameter is only used to display the timezone name if needed:

    >>> t = time(15, 30)
    >>> format_time(t, format='full', tzinfo=timezone('Europe/Paris'),
    ...             locale='fr_FR') == '15:30:00 Heure normale de l\u2019Europe centrale'
    >>> format_time(t, format='full', tzinfo=timezone('US/Eastern'),
    ...             locale='en_US') == '3:30:00 PM Eastern Standard Time'

    :param time: the ``time`` or ``datetime`` object; if `None`, the current
                 time in UTC is used
    :param format: one of "full", "long", "medium", or "short", or a custom
                   date/time pattern
    :param tzinfo: the time-zone to apply to the time for display
    :param locale: a `Locale` object or a locale identifier
    :rtype: `unicode`

    :note: If the pattern contains date fields, an `AttributeError` will be
           raised when trying to apply the formatting. This is also true if
           the value of ``time`` parameter is actually a ``datetime`` object,
           as this function automatically converts that to a ``time``.
    if time is None:
        time = datetime.utcnow()
    elif isinstance(time, (int, float)):
        time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time)
    if time.tzinfo is None:
        time = time.replace(tzinfo=UTC)
    if isinstance(time, datetime):
        if tzinfo is not None:
            time = time.astimezone(tzinfo)
            if hasattr(tzinfo, "normalize"):  # pytz
                time = tzinfo.normalize(time)
        time = time.timetz()
    elif tzinfo is not None:
        time = time.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo)

    locale = Locale.parse(locale)
    if format in ("full", "long", "medium", "short"):
        format = get_time_format(format, locale=locale)
    return parse_pattern(format).apply(time, locale)
Beispiel #25
def format_time(time=None, format='medium', tzinfo=None, locale=LC_TIME):
    """Return a time formatted according to the given pattern.
    >>> t = time(15, 30)
    >>> format_time(t, locale='en_US')
    u'3:30:00 PM'
    >>> format_time(t, format='short', locale='de_DE')
    If you don't want to use the locale default formats, you can specify a
    custom time pattern:
    >>> format_time(t, "hh 'o''clock' a", locale='en')
    u"03 o'clock PM"
    For any pattern requiring the display of the time-zone, the third-party
    ``pytz`` package is needed to explicitly specify the time-zone:
    >>> from pytz import timezone
    >>> t = datetime(2007, 4, 1, 15, 30)
    >>> tzinfo = timezone('Europe/Paris')
    >>> t = tzinfo.localize(t)
    >>> format_time(t, format='full', tzinfo=tzinfo, locale='fr_FR')
    u'15:30:00 HEC'
    >>> format_time(t, "hh 'o''clock' a, zzzz", tzinfo=timezone('US/Eastern'),
    ...             locale='en')
    u"09 o'clock AM, Eastern Daylight Time"
    As that example shows, when this function gets passed a
    ``datetime.datetime`` value, the actual time in the formatted string is
    adjusted to the timezone specified by the `tzinfo` parameter. If the
    ``datetime`` is "naive" (i.e. it has no associated timezone information),
    it is assumed to be in UTC.
    These timezone calculations are **not** performed if the value is of type
    ``datetime.time``, as without date information there's no way to determine
    what a given time would translate to in a different timezone without
    information about whether daylight savings time is in effect or not. This
    means that time values are left as-is, and the value of the `tzinfo`
    parameter is only used to display the timezone name if needed:
    >>> t = time(15, 30)
    >>> format_time(t, format='full', tzinfo=timezone('Europe/Paris'),
    ...             locale='fr_FR')
    u'15:30:00 HEC'
    >>> format_time(t, format='full', tzinfo=timezone('US/Eastern'),
    ...             locale='en_US')
    u'3:30:00 PM ET'
    :param time: the ``time`` or ``datetime`` object; if `None`, the current
                 time in UTC is used
    :param format: one of "full", "long", "medium", or "short", or a custom
                   date/time pattern
    :param tzinfo: the time-zone to apply to the time for display
    :param locale: a `Locale` object or a locale identifier
    :rtype: `unicode`
    :note: If the pattern contains date fields, an `AttributeError` will be
           raised when trying to apply the formatting. This is also true if
           the value of ``time`` parameter is actually a ``datetime`` object,
           as this function automatically converts that to a ``time``.
    if time is None:
        time = datetime.utcnow()
    elif isinstance(time, (int, long)):
        time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time)
    if time.tzinfo is None:
        time = time.replace(tzinfo=UTC)
    if isinstance(time, datetime):
        if tzinfo is not None:
            time = time.astimezone(tzinfo)
            if hasattr(tzinfo, 'localize'):  # pytz
                time = tzinfo.normalize(time)
        time = time.timetz()
    elif tzinfo is not None:
        time = time.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo)

    locale = Locale.parse(locale)
    if format in ('full', 'long', 'medium', 'short'):
        format = get_time_format(format, locale=locale)
    return parse_pattern(format).apply(time, locale)
##Get UTC time
##Convert UTC time to Switzerland Time
##Convert Switzerland Time to seconds
##Convert seconds to Beats
##Print out

from datetime import datetime, date, time, timezone
from dateutil import tz

##Defining source and target timezones
UTC_zone = tz.gettz('UTC')
Zurich_zone = tz.gettz('Europe/Zurich')

##Getting time from the source and target timezones
time = datetime.utcnow()
UTC_time = time.replace(tzinfo=UTC_zone)
Zurich_time = UTC_time.astimezone(Zurich_zone)

##Printing time for diagnostic purpose: uncomment if needed

##Converting target time to hours, minutes and seconds
hours, minutes, seconds = Zurich_time.timetuple()[3:6]

##Converting time into seconds, adjusting to Biel time, then converting to beats
time_in_seconds = ((hours * 3600) + (minutes * 60) + (seconds)) - 3600
beats = time_in_seconds / 86.4

##Clamping beats value to min and max values of 0 and 1000
if beats > 1000: