Beispiel #1
def overlayFov(mapObj, codes=None, ids=None, names=None, dateTime=None,
               plot_all=False, maxGate=None, rangeLimits=None, beamLimits=None,
               model='IS', fov_dir='front', fovColor=None, fovAlpha=0.2,
               beams=None, beamsColors=None, hemi=None, fovObj=None, zorder=2,
               lineColor='k', lineWidth=1):
    """ Overlay FoV position(s) on map

    mapObj : mapObj or Basemap object
        Object on which to overplot the radar position(s)
    codes : Optional[list]
        List of radar 3-letter codes to plot
    ids : Optional[list]
        List of radar IDs to plot
    names : Optional[list]
        List of radar names to plot
    dateTime : Optional[datetime.datetime]
        Object to use for the FOV.  Default: uses mapObj.dateTime
    plot_all : Optional[boolean]
        Set to true to plot all the radars (active ones)
    maxGate : Optional[int]
        Maximum number of gates to be plotted. Defaults to
        hdw.dat information.
    rangeLimits : Optional[list, int]
        Plot only between the range gates specified.
    beamLimits : Optional[2-element list]
        Plot only between the beams specified.
    model : Optional[str]
        IS : standard ionospheric scatter projection model (default)
        GS : standard ground scatter projection model
        S  : standard projection model
        E1 : for Chisham E-region 1/2-hop ionospheric projection model
        F1 : for Chisham F-region 1/2-hop ionospheric projection model
        F3 : for Chisham F-region 1 1/2-hop ionospheric projection model
        C  : Chisham projection model
        None : if you trust your elevation or altitude values
    fov_dir : Optional[str]
        Field of view direction ('front' or 'back'). Value in fov object will
        overwrite this choice.  Default='front'
    zorder : Optional[int]
        The overlay order number
    lineColor : Optional[str]
        FoV contour line color. Default is 'k' for black.
    lineWidth : Optional[int]
        FoV contour line width
    fovColor : Optional[str]
        Field of view fill color
    fovAlpha : Optional[str]
        Field of view fill color transparency
    fovObj : Optional[fov object]
        See pydarn.radar.radFov.fov
    hemi : Optional[str]
        'north' or 'south', ignore radars from the other hemisphere
    beams : Optional[int]
        hightlight specified beams
    beamsColors : Optional[str]
        colors of the hightlighted beams


        import pydarn, utils
        # Width and height give the window size in meters
        width = 111e3*40
        # Plot radar position and code
        pydarn.plot.overlayRadar(m, fontSize=12, codes='bks')
        # Plot radar fov
        pydarn.plot.overlayFov(m, codes='bks', maxGate=75, beams=[0,4,7,8,23])

    written by Sebastien, 2012-09

    from davitpy.pydarn.radar import network
    from davitpy.pydarn.radar.radFov import fov
    from datetime import datetime as dt
    from datetime import timedelta
    import as cm
    from numpy import transpose, ones, concatenate, vstack, shape
    import numpy as np
    from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
    from pylab import gca

    # Set dateTime.
    if dateTime is not None:
        if hasattr(mapObj, 'dateTime') and dateTime != mapObj.dateTime:
            logging.warning("dateTime is " + str(dateTime) +
                            ", not mapObj.dateTime " + str(mapObj.dateTime))
        dateTime = mapObj.dateTime

    # Load radar structure
    network_obj = network()

    # If all radars are to be plotted, create the list
    if plot_all: codes = network_obj.getAllCodes(datetime=dateTime, hemi=hemi)

    # Define how the radars to be plotted are identified (code, id or name)
    if codes:
        rad_input = {'meth': 'code', 'vals': codes}
    elif ids:
        rad_input = {'meth': 'id', 'vals': ids}
    elif names:
        rad_input = {'meth': 'name', 'vals': names}
        logging.error('No radars to plot')

    # Check if radars is given as a list
    if not isinstance(rad_input['vals'], list):
        rad_input['vals'] = [rad_input['vals']]

    nradars = len(rad_input['vals'])

    # Initialize the line color for the field of view
    lcolor = lineColor

    # iterates through radars to be plotted
    for ir in xrange(nradars):
        # Get field of view coordinates
        if fovObj is None:
            rad = network_obj.getRadarBy(rad_input['vals'][ir],
            if not rad:
            site = rad.getSiteByDate(dateTime)
            if not site:
            # Set number of gates to be plotted
            egate = site.maxgate - 1 if not maxGate else maxGate
            ebeam = site.maxbeam

            if not hasattr(mapObj, 'coords'):
                rad_fov = fov(site=site, ngates=egate + 1, model=model,
                rad_fov = fov(site=site, ngates=egate + 1,
                              coords=mapObj.coords, model=model,
                              date_time=dateTime, fov_dir=fov_dir)
            rad_fov = fovObj
            egate = len(fovObj.gates)
            ebeam = len(fovObj.beams)
            model = fovObj.model
            fov_dir = fovObj.fov_dir

        if rangeLimits is not None:
            sgate = rangeLimits[0]
            egate = rangeLimits[1]
            sgate = 0

        if beamLimits is not None:
            sbeam = beamLimits[0]
            ebeam = beamLimits[1]
            sbeam = 0

        if model == 'GS':
            # Ground scatter model is not defined for close in rangegates.
            # np.nan will be returned for these gates.
            # Set sGate >= to the first rangegate that has real values.

            not_finite = np.logical_not(np.isfinite(rad_fov.lonFull))
            grid = np.tile(np.arange(rad_fov.lonFull.shape[1]),
                           (rad_fov.lonFull.shape[0], 1))
            grid[not_finite] = 999999
            tmp_sGate = (np.min(grid, axis=1)).max()
            if tmp_sGate > sgate: sgate = tmp_sGate

        # Get radar coordinates in map projection
        if hasattr(mapObj, 'coords'):
            x, y = mapObj(rad_fov.lonFull, rad_fov.latFull,
            x, y = mapObj(rad_fov.lonFull, rad_fov.latFull)
        # Plot field of view
        # Create contour
        contour_x = concatenate((x[sbeam, sgate:egate], x[sbeam:ebeam, egate],
                                 x[ebeam, egate:sgate:-1],
                                 x[ebeam:sbeam:-1, sgate]))
        contour_y = concatenate((y[sbeam, sgate:egate], y[sbeam:ebeam, egate],
                                 y[ebeam, egate:sgate:-1],
                                 y[ebeam:sbeam:-1, sgate]))
        # Set the color if a different color has been specified for each radar
        if isinstance(lineColor, list) and len(lineColor) > ir:
            lcolor = lineColor[ir]

        # Plot contour
        mapObj.plot(contour_x, contour_y, color=lcolor, zorder=zorder,

        # Field of view fill
        if fovColor:
            contour = transpose(vstack((contour_x, contour_y)))
            patch = Polygon(contour, color=fovColor, alpha=fovAlpha,
        # Beams fill
        if beams:
                [b for b in beams]
                beams = [beams]
            for ib in beams:
                if not (0 <= ib <= x.shape[0]): continue
                if not beamsColors:
                    bcol_rgb = ib / float(x.shape[0])
                    bcol = (bcol_rgb / 2., bcol_rgb, 1)
                    bcol = beamsColors[beams.index(ib)]
                contour_x = concatenate((x[ib, sgate:egate + 1], x[ib:ib + 2,
                                         x[ib + 1, egate:sgate:-1],
                                         x[ib + 1:ib - 1:-1, sgate]))
                contour_y = concatenate((y[ib, sgate:egate + 1], y[ib:ib + 2,
                                         y[ib + 1, egate:sgate:-1],
                                         y[ib + 1:ib - 1:-1, sgate]))
                contour = transpose(vstack((contour_x, contour_y)))
                patch = Polygon(contour, color=bcol, alpha=.4,

Beispiel #2
def radDataOpen(sTime,radcode,eTime=None,channel=None,bmnum=None,cp=None,\
                fileType='fitex',filtered=False, src=None,fileName=None, \
                noCache=False,verbose=False,local_dirfmt=None,           \
                local_fnamefmt=None,local_dict=None,remote_dirfmt=None,  \
                remote_fnamefmt=None,remote_dict=None,remote_site=None,  \
                username=None,password=None, port=None,tmpdir=None):

  """A function to establish a pipeline through which we can read radar data.  first it tries the mongodb, then it tries to find local files, and lastly it sftp's over to the VT data server.

    * **sTime** (`datetime <>`_): the beginning time for which you want data
    * **radcode** (str): the 3-letter radar code with optional channel extension for which you want data
    * **[eTime]** (`datetime <>`_): the last time that you want data for.  if this is set to None, it will be set to 1 day after sTime.  default = None
    * **[channel]** (str): the 1-letter code for what channel you want data from, eg 'a','b',...  if this is set to None, data from ALL channels will be read. default = None
    * **[bmnum]** (int): the beam number which you want data for.  If this is set to None, data from all beams will be read. default = None
    * **[cp]** (int): the control program which you want data for.  If this is set to None, data from all cp's will be read.  default = None
    * **[fileType]** (str):  The type of data you want to read.  valid inputs are: 'fitex','fitacf','lmfit','rawacf','iqdat'.   if you choose a fit file format and the specified one isn't found, we will search for one of the others.  Beware: if you ask for rawacf/iq data, these files are large and the data transfer might take a long time.  default = 'fitex'
    * **[filtered]** (boolean): a boolean specifying whether you want the fit data to be boxcar filtered.  ONLY VALID FOR FIT.  default = False
    * **[src]** (str): the source of the data.  valid inputs are 'local' 'sftp'.  if this is set to None, it will try all possibilites sequentially.  default = None
    * **[fileName]** (str): the name of a specific file which you want to open.  default=None
    * **[noCache]** (boolean): flag to indicate that you do not want to check first for cached files.  default = False.
    * **[verbose]** (boolean): Be very verbose about file fetching and reading. default=False
    * **[remote_site]** (str): The remote data server's address.
    * **[port]** (str): The port number to use for remote_site.
    * **[username]** (str): Username for remote_site.
    * **[password]** (str/bool): Password for remote_site. If password is set to True, the user is prompted for the remote_site password.
    * **[remote_dirfmt]** (str): The remote_site directory structure. Can include keywords to be replaced by dictionary keys in remote_dict. ex) remote_dirfmt='/{year}/{month}'
    * **[remote_fnamefmt]** (str/list): The remote_site file naming format. Can include keywords to be replaced by dictionary keys in remote_dict. ex) remote_fnamefmt=['{date}.{radar}.{ftype}','{date}.{channel}.{radar}.{ftype}']
    * **[local_dirfmt]** (str): The local directory structure. Can include keywords to be replaced by dictionary keys in remote_dict. ex) remote_dirfmt='/{year}/{month}' 
    * **[local_fnamefmt]** (str/list): The local file naming format. Can include keywords to be replaced by dictionary keys in remote_dict. ex) remote_fnamefmt=['{date}.{radar}.{ftype}','{date}.{channel}.{radar}.{ftype}']
    * **[tmpdir]** (str): The directory in which to store temporary files.

    * **myPtr** (:class:`pydarn.sdio.radDataTypes.radDataPtr`): a radDataPtr object which contains a link to the data to be read.  this can then be passed to radDataReadRec in order to actually read the data.

  **ENVIRONMENT Variables**:
    * DB                     : Used to specify the DB address (overridden by remote_site).
    * DB_PORT                : Used to specify the DB port (overridden by port).
    * DBREADUSER             : Used to specify the DB user username (overridden by username).
    * DBREADPASS             : Used to specify the DB user password (overridden by password).
    * DAVIT_REMOTE_DIRFORMAT : Used to specify the remote data directory structure (overridden by remote_dirfmt).
    * DAVIT_REMOTE_FNAMEFMT  : Used to specify the remote filename format (overridden by remote_fnamefmt).
    * DAVIT_LOCAL_DIRFORMAT  : Used to specify the local data directory structure (overridden by local_dirfmt).
    * DAVIT_LOCAL_FNAMEFMT   : Used to specify the local filename format (overridden by local_fnamefmt).
    * DAVIT_TMPDIR           : Directory used for davitpy temporary file cache (overridden by tmpdir).

    The evironment variables are python dictionary capable formatted strings appended encode radar name, channel, and/or date information. Currently supported dictionary keys which can be used are: 

    "date"    : datetime.datetime.strftime("%Y%m%d")
    "year"    : 0 padded 4 digit year 
    "month"   : 0 padded 2 digit month 
    "day"     : 0 padded 2 digit day 
    "hour"    : 0 padded 2 digit day 
    "ftype"   : filetype string
    "radar"   : 3-chr radarcode 
    "channel" : single character string, ex) 'a'

      import datetime as dt
      myPtr = pydarn.sdio.radDataOpen(dt.datetime(2011,1,1),'bks',eTime=dt.datetime(2011,1,1,2),channel=None, bmnum=7,cp=153,fileType='fitex',filtered=False, src=None):
  Written by AJ 20130110
  from davitpy.pydarn.sdio import radDataPtr
  from davitpy.pydarn.radar import network

  myPtr = radDataPtr(sTime=sTime,radcode=radcode,eTime=eTime,            \
               channel=channel,bmnum=bmnum,cp=cp,fileType=fileType,      \
               filtered=filtered,src=src,fileName=fileName,              \
               local_fnamefmt=local_fnamefmt,local_dict=local_dict,      \
               remote_dirfmt=remote_dirfmt,remote_dict=remote_dict,      \
               remote_fnamefmt=remote_fnamefmt,remote_site=remote_site,  \
               username=username,port=port,password=password,            \
               stid=int(network().getRadarByCode(radcode).id),           \
  return myPtr
Beispiel #3
def overlayRadar(mapObj, codes=None, ids=None, names=None, dateTime=None,
                 annotate=True, plot_all=False, hemi=None, zorder=2,
                 markerColor='k', markerSize=10, fontSize=10, font_color='k',
                 xOffset=None, yOffset=-5):
    """Overlay radar position(s) and name(s) on map

    mapObj : mapObj class object or Basemap map object

    codes : Optional[list]
        Radar 3-letter codes to plot
    ids : Optional[list]
        Radar IDs to plot
    names : Optional[list]
        Radar names to plot
    dateTime : Optional[datetime.datetime]
        Datetime object to use for the radar.  Default: uses mapObj.dateTime
    annotate : Optional[boolean]
        Flag to show whether or not to show the radar(s) name(s)
    plot_all : Optional[boolean]
        Set to true to plot all the radars (active ones)
    hemi : Optional[str]
        'north', 'south', or None.  If a hemisphere is specified, limits
        radar calls to that hemisphere.  Default: None
    zorder : Optional[int]
        The overlay order number. Default: 2
    markerColor : Optional[str]
        Default: 'k' (black)
    markerSize : Optional[int]
        [point] Default: 10
    fontSize : Optional[int]
        [point] Default: 10
    xOffset : Optional[int]
        x-Offset of the annotation in points.  Default: None
    yOffset : Optional[int]
        y-Offset of the annotation in points.  Default: -5


        import pydarn
        import utils
        m1 = utils.plotUtils.mapObj(boundinglat=30., gridLabels=True, \
        pydarn.plot.overlayRadar(m1, fontSize=8, plot_all=True, markerSize=5)

    written by Sebastien, 2012-08

    from davitpy.pydarn.radar import network
    from datetime import datetime as dt
    from datetime import timedelta
    from davitpy.utils.plotUtils import textHighlighted

    # List paired radars.  Each member of a pair is placed in a different
    # sublist, with the more westward member in the first sublist
    nearby_rad = [['adw', 'kod', 'cve', 'fhe', 'wal', 'gbr', 'pyk', 'aze',
                  ['ade', 'ksr', 'cvw', 'fhw', 'bks', 'sch', 'sto', 'azw',

    # Set dateTime.
    if dateTime is not None:
        if hasattr(mapObj, 'dateTime') and dateTime != mapObj.dateTime:
            estr = 'dateTime is {:}'.format(dateTime)
            estr += ' not mapObj.dateTime {:}'.format(mapObj.dateTime)
        dateTime = mapObj.dateTime

    # Load radar structure
    NetworkObj = network()

    # If all radars are to be plotted, create the list
    if plot_all:
        codes = NetworkObj.getAllCodes(datetime=dateTime, hemi=hemi)

    # Define how the radars to be plotted are identified (code, id or name)
    if codes:
        rad_input = {'meth': 'code', 'vals': codes}
    elif ids:
        rad_input = {'meth': 'id', 'vals': ids}
    elif names:
        rad_input = {'meth': 'name', 'vals': names}
        logging.error('No radars to plot')

    # Check if radars is given as a list
    if not isinstance(rad_input['vals'], list):
        rad_input['vals'] = [rad_input['vals']]

    # Check if the radar text colors were given as a list
    if isinstance(font_color, list):
        rad_input['fcolor'] = font_color
        rad_input['fcolor'] = [font_color for i in rad_input['vals']]

    # Check if the radar marker colors were given as a list
    if isinstance(markerColor, list):
        rad_input['mcolor'] = markerColor
        rad_input['mcolor'] = [markerColor for i in rad_input['vals']]

    # Map width and height
    width = mapObj.urcrnrx - mapObj.llcrnrx
    height = mapObj.urcrnry - mapObj.llcrnry

    if hemi is None:
        hemiInt = 0
        hemiInt = 1 if hemi.lower()[0] == 'n' else -1

    # iterates through radars to be plotted
    for ir, radN in enumerate(rad_input['vals']):
        rad = NetworkObj.getRadarBy(radN, rad_input['meth'])
        if not rad: continue
        site = rad.getSiteByDate(dateTime)
        if not site: continue
        # Check for hemisphere specification
        if site.geolat * hemiInt < 0: continue
        # Get radar coordinates in map projection
        if not hasattr(mapObj, 'coords'):
            x, y = mapObj(site.geolon, site.geolat)
            x, y = mapObj(site.geolon, site.geolat, coords='geo')
        if not mapObj.xmin <= x <= mapObj.xmax: continue
        if not mapObj.ymin <= y <= mapObj.ymax: continue

        # Plot radar position
        mapObj.scatter(x, y, s=markerSize, marker='o',
                       color=rad_input['mcolor'][ir], zorder=zorder)

        # Now add radar name
        if annotate:
            # If any of the other radar is too close...
            if rad.code[0] in nearby_rad[0]:
                xOff = 5 if not xOffset else xOffset
                ha = 0
            elif rad.code[0] in nearby_rad[1]:
                xOff = -5 if not xOffset else xOffset
                ha = 1
                xOff = 0.0
                ha = .5

            # Plot radar name
            textHighlighted((x, y), rad.code[0].upper(),,
                            xytext=(xOff, yOffset), text_alignment=(ha, 1),
                            variant='small-caps', fontsize=fontSize,
                            zorder=zorder, color=rad_input['fcolor'][ir])

Beispiel #4
def radDataOpen(sTime, radcode, eTime=None, channel=None, bmnum=None, cp=None,
                fileType='fitex', filtered=False, src=None, fileName=None,
                noCache=False, local_dirfmt=None, local_fnamefmt=None,
                local_dict=None, remote_dirfmt=None, remote_fnamefmt=None,
                remote_dict=None, remote_site=None, username=None,
                password=None, port=None, tmpdir=None, remove=False,

    """A function to establish a pipeline through which we can read radar data.
    first it tries the mongodb, then it tries to find local files, and lastly
    it sftp's over to the VT data server.

    sTime : (datetime)
        The beginning time for which you want data
    radcode : (str)
        The 3-letter radar code with optional channel extension for which you
        want data
    eTime : (datetime/NoneType)
        The last time that you want data for.  If this is set to None, it will
        be set to 1 day after sTime.  (default=None)
    channel : (str/NoneType)
        The 1-letter code for what channel you want data from, eg 'a','b',...
        if this is set to None, data from ALL channels will be read.
    bmnum : (int/NoneType)
        The beam number which you want data for.  If this is set to None, data
        from all beams will be read. (default=None)
    cp : (int)
        The control program which you want data for.  If this is set to None,
        data from all cp's will be read.  (default=None)
    fileType : (str)
        The type of data you want to read.  valid inputs are: 'fitex','fitacf',
        'lmfit','rawacf','iqdat'.   If you choose a fit file format and the
        specified one isn't found, we will search for one of the others.
        Beware: if you ask for rawacf/iq data, these files are large and the
        data transfer might take a long time.  (default='fitex')
    filtered : (boolean)
        A boolean specifying whether you want the fit data to be boxcar
        filtered.  ONLY VALID FOR FIT.  (default=False)
    src : (str/NoneType)
        The source of the data.  Valid inputs are 'local' 'sftp'.  If this is
        set to None, it will try all possibilites sequentially.  (default=None)
    fileName : (str/NoneType)
        The name of a specific file which you want to open.  (default=None)
    noCache : (boolean)
        Flag to indicate that you do not want to check first for cached files.
    remote_site : (str/NoneType)
        The remote data server's address.  If None, the rcParam value DB will be
        used. (default=None)
    port : (str/NoneType)
        The port number to use for remote_site.  If None, the rcParam value
        DB_PORT will be used. (default=None)
    username : (str/NoneType)
        Username for remote_site.  If None, the rcParam value DBREADUSER will
        be used. (default=None)
    password : (str/bool/NoneType)
        Password for remote_site. If password is set to True, the user is
        prompted for the remote_site password.  If set to None, the rcParam
        value DBREADPASS will be used (default=None)
    remote_dirfmt : (str/NoneType)
        The remote_site directory structure. Can include keywords to be
        replaced by dictionary keys in remote_dict.  If None, the rcParam value
        DAVIT_REMOTE_DIRFORMAT will be used. (default=None)
        Ex) remote_dirfmt='/{year}/{month}'
    remote_fnamefmt : (str/list/NoneType)
        The remote_site file naming format. Can include keywords to be replaced
        by dictionary keys in remote_dict. If None, the rcParam value
        DAVIT_REMOTE_FNAMEFMT will be used.  (default=None)
        Ex) remote_fnamefmt=['{date}.{radar}.{ftype}',
    local_dirfmt : (str/None)
        The local directory structure. Can include keywords to be replaced by
        dictionary keys in remote_dict. If None, the rcParam value
        DAVIT_LOCAL_DIRFORMAT will be used. (default=None)
        Ex) local_dirfmt='/{year}/{month}' 
    local_fnamefmt : (str/list/NoneType)
        The local file naming format. Can include keywords to be replaced by
        dictionary keys in remote_dict. If None, the rcParam value
        DAVIT_LOCAL_FNAMEFMT will be used. (default=None)
        Ex) local_fnamefmt=['{date}.{radar}.{ftype}',
    tmpdir : (str/NoneType)
        The directory in which to store temporary files. If None, the rcParam
        value DAVIT_TMPDIR will be used. (default=None)
    remove : (bool)
        Remove compressed file after uncompression (default=False)
    try_file_types : (bool)
        If desired file type could not be found, try to download others

    myPtr : (pydarn.sdio.radDataTypes.radDataPtr)
        A radDataPtr object which contains a link to the data to be read.
        This can then be passed to radDataReadRec in order to actually read the

    The evironment variables are python dictionary capable formatted strings
    appended encode radar name, channel, and/or date information. Currently
    supported dictionary keys which can be used are: 

    "date"    : datetime.datetime.strftime("%Y%m%d")
    "year"    : 0 padded 4 digit year 
    "month"   : 0 padded 2 digit month 
    "day"     : 0 padded 2 digit day 
    "hour"    : 0 padded 2 digit day 
    "ftype"   : filetype string
    "radar"   : 3-chr radarcode 
    "channel" : single character string, ex) 'a'


    import datetime as dt
    myPtr = pydarn.sdio.radDataOpen(dt.datetime(2011,1,1),'bks', \
                  eTime=dt.datetime(2011,1,1,2),channel=None, bmnum=7,cp=153, \
                  fileType='fitex',filtered=False, src=None)

    Written by AJ 20130110
    from davitpy.pydarn.sdio import radDataPtr
    from davitpy.pydarn.radar import network

    myPtr = radDataPtr(sTime=sTime, radcode=radcode, eTime=eTime,
                       channel=channel, bmnum=bmnum, cp=cp, fileType=fileType,
                       filtered=filtered, src=src, fileName=fileName,
                       noCache=noCache, local_dirfmt=local_dirfmt,
                       local_fnamefmt=local_fnamefmt, local_dict=local_dict,
                       remote_dirfmt=remote_dirfmt, remote_dict=remote_dict,
                       remote_fnamefmt=remote_fnamefmt, remote_site=remote_site,
                       username=username, port=port, password=password,
                       tmpdir=tmpdir, remove=remove,
    return myPtr
Beispiel #5
def overlayFov(mapObj, codes=None, ids=None, names=None, dateTime=None,
               plot_all=False, maxGate=None, rangeLimits=None, beamLimits=None,
               model='IS', fov_dir='front', fovColor=None, fovAlpha=0.2,
               beams=None, beamsColors=None, hemi=None, fovObj=None, zorder=2,
               lineColor='k', lineWidth=1):
    """ Overlay FoV position(s) on map

    mapObj : mapObj or Basemap object
        Object on which to overplot the radar position(s)
    codes : Optional[list]
        List of radar 3-letter codes to plot
    ids : Optional[list]
        List of radar IDs to plot
    names : Optional[list]
        List of radar names to plot
    dateTime : Optional[datetime.datetime]
        Object to use for the FOV.  Default: uses mapObj.dateTime
    plot_all : Optional[boolean]
        Set to true to plot all the radars (active ones)
    maxGate : Optional[int]
        Maximum number of gates to be plotted. Defaults to
        hdw.dat information.
    rangeLimits : Optional[list, int]
        Plot only between the range gates specified.
    beamLimits : Optional[2-element list]
        Plot only between the beams specified.
    model : Optional[str]
        'IS for ionopsheric scatter projection model (default), 'GS' for
        ground scatter projection model, None if you are really
        confident in your elevation or altitude values
    fov_dir : Optional[str] 
        Field of view direction ('front' or 'back'). Default='front'
    zorder : Optional[int]
        The overlay order number
    lineColor : Optional[str]
        FoV contour line color. Default is 'k' for black.
    lineWidth : Optional[int]
        FoV contour line width
    fovColor : Optional[str]
        Field of view fill color
    fovAlpha : Optional[str]
        Field of view fill color transparency
    fovObj : Optional[fov object]
        See pydarn.radar.radFov.fov
    hemi : Optional[str]
        'north' or 'south', ignore radars from the other hemisphere
    beams : Optional[int]
        hightlight specified beams
    beamsColors : Optional[str] 
        colors of the hightlighted beams
        import pydarn, utils
        # Width and height give the window size in meters
        width = 111e3*40
        # Plot radar position and code
        pydarn.plot.overlayRadar(m, fontSize=12, codes='bks')
        # Plot radar fov
        pydarn.plot.overlayFov(m, codes='bks', maxGate=75, beams=[0,4,7,8,23])

    written by Sebastien, 2012-09

    from davitpy.pydarn.radar import network
    from davitpy.pydarn.radar.radFov import fov
    from datetime import datetime as dt
    from datetime import timedelta
    import as cm
    from numpy import transpose, ones, concatenate, vstack, shape
    import numpy as np
    from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
    from pylab import gca

    # Set dateTime.
    if dateTime is not None:
        if hasattr(mapObj, 'dateTime') and dateTime != mapObj.dateTime:
            logging.warning("dateTime is " + str(dateTime) + \
                    ", not mapObj.dateTime " + str(mapObj.dateTime))
        dateTime = mapObj.dateTime

    # Load radar structure
    network_obj = network()

    # If all radars are to be plotted, create the list
    if plot_all: codes = network_obj.getAllCodes(datetime=dateTime, hemi=hemi)

    # Define how the radars to be plotted are identified (code, id or name)
    if codes:
        rad_input = {'meth': 'code', 'vals': codes}
    elif ids:
        rad_input = {'meth': 'id', 'vals': ids}
    elif names:
        rad_input = {'meth': 'name', 'vals': names}
        logging.error('No radars to plot')

    # Check if radars is given as a list
    if not isinstance(rad_input['vals'], list):
        rad_input['vals'] = [rad_input['vals']]

    nradars = len(rad_input['vals'])

    # Initialize the line color for the field of view
    lcolor = lineColor

    # iterates through radars to be plotted
    for ir in xrange(nradars):
        # Get field of view coordinates
        if(fovObj is None):
            rad = network_obj.getRadarBy(rad_input['vals'][ir],
            if not rad:
            site = rad.getSiteByDate(dateTime)
            if not site:
            # Set number of gates to be plotted
            egate = site.maxgate-1 if not maxGate else maxGate
            ebeam = site.maxbeam

            if not hasattr(mapObj, 'coords'): 
                rad_fov = fov(site=site, ngates=egate+1, model=model,
                rad_fov = fov(site=site, ngates=egate+1, coords=mapObj.coords, 
                              model=model, date_time=dateTime, fov_dir=fov_dir)
            rad_fov = fovObj
            egate = len(fovObj.gates)
            ebeam = len(fovObj.beams)

        if rangeLimits is not None:
            sgate = rangeLimits[0]
            egate = rangeLimits[1]
            sgate = 0

        if beamLimits is not None:
            sbeam = beamLimits[0]
            ebeam = beamLimits[1]
            sbeam = 0

        if model == 'GS':
            # Ground scatter model is not defined for close in rangegates.
            # np.nan will be returned for these gates.
            # Set sGate >= to the first rangegate that has real values.
            not_finite  = np.logical_not(np.isfinite(rad_fov.lonFull))
            grid = np.tile(np.arange(rad_fov.lonFull.shape[1]),
            grid[not_finite] = 999999
            tmp_sGate = (np.min(grid,axis=1)).max()
            if tmp_sGate > sgate: sgate = tmp_sGate

        # Get radar coordinates in map projection
        if hasattr(mapObj, 'coords'): 
            x, y = mapObj(rad_fov.lonFull, rad_fov.latFull,
            x, y = mapObj(rad_fov.lonFull, rad_fov.latFull)
        # Plot field of view
        # Create contour
        contour_x = concatenate((x[sbeam,sgate:egate], x[sbeam:ebeam,egate],
        contour_y = concatenate((y[sbeam,sgate:egate], y[sbeam:ebeam,egate],
        # Set the color if a different color has been specified for each radar
        if isinstance(lineColor, list) and len(lineColor) > ir:

        # Plot contour
        mapObj.plot(contour_x, contour_y, color=lcolor, zorder=zorder,

        # Field of view fill
        if fovColor:
            contour = transpose(vstack((contour_x,contour_y)))
            patch = Polygon(contour, color=fovColor, alpha=fovAlpha,
        # Beams fill
        if beams:
                [b for b in beams]
                beams = [beams]
            for ib in beams:
                if not (0 <= ib <= x.shape[0]): continue
                if not beamsColors:
                    bcol_rgb = ib/float(x.shape[0])
                    bcol = (bcol_rgb/2., bcol_rgb, 1)
                    bcol = beamsColors[beams.index(ib)]
                contour_x = concatenate((x[ib,sgate:egate+1], x[ib:ib+2,egate],
                contour_y = concatenate((y[ib,sgate:egate+1], y[ib:ib+2,egate],
                contour = transpose(vstack((contour_x, contour_y)))
                patch = Polygon(contour, color=bcol, alpha=.4,

Beispiel #6
def overlayRadar(mapObj, codes=None, ids=None, names=None, dateTime=None, 
                 annotate=True, plot_all=False, hemi=None, zorder=2,
                 markerColor='k', markerSize=10, fontSize=10, font_color='k',
    """Overlay radar position(s) and name(s) on map 
    mapObj : mapObj class object or Basemap map object

    codes : Optional[list]
        Radar 3-letter codes to plot
    ids : Optional[list]
        Radar IDs to plot
    names : Optional[list]
        Radar names to plot
    dateTime : Optional[datetime.datetime]
        Datetime object to use for the radar.  Default: uses mapObj.dateTime
    annotate : Optional[boolean]
        Flag to show whether or not to show the radar(s) name(s)
    plot_all : Optional[boolean]
        Set to true to plot all the radars (active ones)
    hemi : Optional[str]
        'north', 'south', or None.  If a hemisphere is specified, limits 
        radar calls to that hemisphere.  Default: None
    zorder : Optional[int]
        The overlay order number. Default: 2
    markerColor : Optional[str]
        Default: 'k' (black)
    markerSize : Optional[int]
        [point] Default: 10
    fontSize : Optional[int]
        [point] Default: 10
    xOffset : Optional[int]
        x-Offset of the annotation in points.  Default: None 
    yOffset : Optional[int]
        y-Offset of the annotation in points.  Default: -5


        import pydarn
        import utils
        m1 = utils.plotUtils.mapObj(boundinglat=30., gridLabels=True, \
        pydarn.plot.overlayRadar(m1, fontSize=8, plot_all=True, markerSize=5)
    written by Sebastien, 2012-08

    from davitpy.pydarn.radar import network
    from datetime import datetime as dt
    from datetime import timedelta
    from davitpy.utils.plotUtils import textHighlighted

    # List paired radars.  Each member of a pair is placed in a different
    # sublist, with the more westward member in the first sublist
    nearby_rad = [['adw','kod','cve','fhe','wal','gbr','pyk','aze','sys'],

    # Set dateTime.
    if dateTime is not None:
        if hasattr(mapObj, 'dateTime') and dateTime != mapObj.dateTime:
            estr = 'dateTime is {:}'.format(dateTime)
            estr += ' not mapObj.dateTime {:}'.format(mapObj.dateTime)
        dateTime = mapObj.dateTime
    # Load radar structure
    NetworkObj = network()
    # If all radars are to be plotted, create the list
    if plot_all:
        codes = NetworkObj.getAllCodes(datetime=dateTime, hemi=hemi)
    # Define how the radars to be plotted are identified (code, id or name)
    if codes:
        rad_input = {'meth': 'code', 'vals': codes}
    elif ids:
        rad_input = {'meth': 'id', 'vals': ids}
    elif names:
        rad_input = {'meth': 'name', 'vals': names}
        logging.error('No radars to plot')
    # Check if radars is given as a list
    if not isinstance(rad_input['vals'], list):
        rad_input['vals'] = [rad_input['vals']]

    # Check if the radar text colors were given as a list
    if isinstance(font_color, list):
        rad_input['fcolor'] = font_color
        rad_input['fcolor'] = [font_color for i in rad_input['vals']]

    # Check if the radar marker colors were given as a list
    if isinstance(markerColor, list):
        rad_input['mcolor'] = markerColor
        rad_input['mcolor'] = [markerColor for i in rad_input['vals']]

    # Map width and height
    width = mapObj.urcrnrx - mapObj.llcrnrx
    height = mapObj.urcrnry - mapObj.llcrnry

    if hemi is None:
        hemiInt = 0
        hemiInt = 1 if hemi.lower()[0]=='n' else -1

    # iterates through radars to be plotted
    for ir,radN in enumerate(rad_input['vals']):
        rad = NetworkObj.getRadarBy(radN, rad_input['meth'])
        if not rad: continue
        site = rad.getSiteByDate(dateTime)
        if not site: continue
        # Check for hemisphere specification
        if site.geolat*hemiInt < 0: continue
        # Get radar coordinates in map projection
        if not hasattr(mapObj, 'coords'): 
            x,y = mapObj(site.geolon, site.geolat)
            x,y = mapObj(site.geolon, site.geolat, coords='geo')
        if not mapObj.xmin <= x <= mapObj.xmax: continue
        if not mapObj.ymin <= y <= mapObj.ymax: continue

        # Plot radar position
        mapObj.scatter(x, y, s=markerSize, marker='o',
                       color=rad_input['mcolor'][ir], zorder=zorder)

        # Now add radar name
        if annotate:
            # If any of the other radar is too close...
            if rad.code[0] in nearby_rad[0]:
                xOff = 5 if not xOffset else xOffset
                ha = 0
            elif rad.code[0] in nearby_rad[1]:
                xOff = -5 if not xOffset else xOffset
                ha = 1
                xOff = 0.0
                ha = .5

            # Plot radar name
            textHighlighted((x, y), rad.code[0].upper(),,
                            xytext=(xOff, yOffset), text_alignment=(ha,1),
                            variant='small-caps', fontsize=fontSize,
                            zorder=zorder, color=rad_input['fcolor'][ir])

Beispiel #7
def radDataOpen(sTime,
    """A function to establish a pipeline through which we can read radar data.
    first it tries the mongodb, then it tries to find local files, and lastly
    it sftp's over to the VT data server.

    sTime : (datetime)
        The beginning time for which you want data
    radcode : (str)
        The 3-letter radar code with optional channel extension for which you
        want data
    eTime : (datetime/NoneType)
        The last time that you want data for.  If this is set to None, it will
        be set to 1 day after sTime.  (default=None)
    channel : (str/NoneType)
        The 1-letter code for what channel you want data from, eg 'a','b',...
        if this is set to None, data from ALL channels will be read.
    bmnum : (int/NoneType)
        The beam number which you want data for.  If this is set to None, data
        from all beams will be read. (default=None)
    cp : (int)
        The control program which you want data for.  If this is set to None,
        data from all cp's will be read.  (default=None)
    fileType : (str)
        The type of data you want to read.  valid inputs are: 'fitex','fitacf',
        'fitacf3','lmfit','rawacf','iqdat'.   If you choose a fit file format
        and the specified one isn't found, we will search for one of the
        others. Beware: if you ask for rawacf/iq data, these files are large
        and the data transfer might take a long time.  (default='fitex')
    filtered : (boolean)
        A boolean specifying whether you want the fit data to be boxcar
        filtered.  ONLY VALID FOR FIT.  (default=False)
    src : (str/NoneType)
        The source of the data.  Valid inputs are 'local' 'sftp'.  If this is
        set to None, it will try all possibilites sequentially.  (default=None)
    fileName : (str/NoneType)
        The name of a specific file which you want to open.  (default=None)
    noCache : (boolean)
        Flag to indicate that you do not want to check first for cached files.
    remote_site : (str/NoneType)
        The remote data server's address.  If None, the rcParam value DB will be
        used. (default=None)
    port : (str/NoneType)
        The port number to use for remote_site.  If None, the rcParam value
        DB_PORT will be used. (default=None)
    username : (str/NoneType)
        Username for remote_site.  If None, the rcParam value DBREADUSER will
        be used. (default=None)
    password : (str/bool/NoneType)
        Password for remote_site. If password is set to True, the user is
        prompted for the remote_site password.  If set to None, the rcParam
        value DBREADPASS will be used (default=None)
    remote_dirfmt : (str/NoneType)
        The remote_site directory structure. Can include keywords to be
        replaced by dictionary keys in remote_dict.  If None, the rcParam value
        DAVIT_REMOTE_DIRFORMAT will be used. (default=None)
        Ex) remote_dirfmt='/{year}/{month}'
    remote_fnamefmt : (str/list/NoneType)
        The remote_site file naming format. Can include keywords to be replaced
        by dictionary keys in remote_dict. If None, the rcParam value
        DAVIT_REMOTE_FNAMEFMT will be used.  (default=None)
        Ex) remote_fnamefmt=['{date}.{radar}.{ftype}',
    local_dirfmt : (str/None)
        The local directory structure. Can include keywords to be replaced by
        dictionary keys in remote_dict. If None, the rcParam value
        DAVIT_LOCAL_DIRFORMAT will be used. (default=None)
        Ex) local_dirfmt='/{year}/{month}' 
    local_fnamefmt : (str/list/NoneType)
        The local file naming format. Can include keywords to be replaced by
        dictionary keys in remote_dict. If None, the rcParam value
        DAVIT_LOCAL_FNAMEFMT will be used. (default=None)
        Ex) local_fnamefmt=['{date}.{radar}.{ftype}',
    tmpdir : (str/NoneType)
        The directory in which to store temporary files. If None, the rcParam
        value DAVIT_TMPDIR will be used. (default=None)
    remove : (bool)
        Remove compressed file after uncompression (default=False)
    try_file_types : (bool)
        If desired file type could not be found, try to download others

    myPtr : (pydarn.sdio.radDataTypes.radDataPtr)
        A radDataPtr object which contains a link to the data to be read.
        This can then be passed to radDataReadRec in order to actually read the

    The evironment variables are python dictionary capable formatted strings
    appended encode radar name, channel, and/or date information. Currently
    supported dictionary keys which can be used are: 

    "date"    : datetime.datetime.strftime("%Y%m%d")
    "year"    : 0 padded 4 digit year 
    "month"   : 0 padded 2 digit month 
    "day"     : 0 padded 2 digit day 
    "hour"    : 0 padded 2 digit day 
    "ftype"   : filetype string
    "radar"   : 3-chr radarcode 
    "channel" : single character string, ex) 'a'


    import datetime as dt
    myPtr = pydarn.sdio.radDataOpen(dt.datetime(2011,1,1),'bks', \
                  eTime=dt.datetime(2011,1,1,2),channel=None, bmnum=7,cp=153, \
                  fileType='fitex',filtered=False, src=None)

    Written by AJ 20130110
    from davitpy.pydarn.sdio import radDataPtr
    from davitpy.pydarn.radar import network

    myPtr = radDataPtr(sTime=sTime,
    return myPtr