Beispiel #1
def delete_region(request):
    md = request.matchdict
    userid = authenticated_userid(request)
    table = db.REGION_TABLES_DICT[md["trackType"]]
    db.AnnotationCounts(userid, md["name"]).put(None)
    regions = table(userid, md["name"], md["chr"])
    removed, after = regions.remove(int(request.matchdict["id"]))
    result = {}
    # if md["trackType"] == "breakpoints":
    #     evec = db.ModelError(userid, md["name"], md["chr"])
    #     err_removed, err_after = evec.remove(removed["error"])
    #     chroms = update_model(db.Models(md["name"], md["chr"]).get(),
    #                           err_after,
    #                           after,
    #                           md["name"],
    #                           md["chr"],
    #                            userid)
    #  else:
    res = db.DisplayedProfile(userid, md["name"])
    chroms = res.remove(removed, md["chr"])
    result["updates"] = [
            "profile_id": md["name"],
            "chromosome": ch,
            #    "update": model,
        } for ch in chroms.iteritems()
    #, model in chroms.iteritems()]
    return result
Beispiel #2
def table_profiles(names, userid):
    profiles = []
    for pname in names:
        p = db.Profile(pname).get_export(userid)
        # add info for how many annotations for this user.
        counts = db.AnnotationCounts(userid, pname).get()
    return profiles
Beispiel #3
def unannotated(userid):
    """Find an un-annotated chromosome."""
    names = db.UserProfiles(userid).get()
    chorder = list(db.ChromLengths.CHROM_ORDER)
    for name in names:
        ac = db.AnnotationCounts(userid, name)
        counts = ac.get()
        for ch in chorder:
            if counts[ch] == 0:
                return name, ch
Beispiel #4
def add_region(request):
    md = request.matchdict
    userid = authenticated_userid(request)
    table = db.REGION_TABLES_DICT[md["trackType"]]
    regions = table(userid, md["name"], md["chr"])
    # TODO: check if the region that we add has the same min value as
    # an existing annotation. In that case the SegAnnot segmentation
    # is undefined and so we should reject the new annotation.
    db.AnnotationCounts(userid, md["name"]).put(None)
    reg = {
        "min": int(md["min"]),
        "max": int(md["max"]),
        "annotation": md["annotation"],
    # first calculate error of this region.
    ###if md["trackType"] == "breakpoints":
    #   models = db.Models(md["name"], md["chr"]).get()
    #   breaks = numpy.array([
    #       ((reg["min"] < m["breaks"]) & (m["breaks"] < reg["max"])).sum()
    #       for m in models
    #       ])
    #   error = breaks != TARGET_BREAKS[reg["annotation"]]
    #   reg["error"] = error.astype(int)
    added, after = regions.add(reg)
    # then add to the total error.
    result = {}
    #if md["trackType"] == "breakpoints":
    #    evec = db.ModelError(userid, md["name"], md["chr"])
    #    err_added, err_after = evec.add(reg["error"])
    #    chroms = update_model(models,
    #                          err_after,
    #                          after,
    #                          md["name"],
    #                          md["chr"],
    #                          userid)
    res = db.DisplayedProfile(userid, md["name"])
    chroms = res.add(added, md["chr"])
    # do not send numpy error.
    if "error" in added:
    result["updates"] = [
            "profile_id": md["name"],
            "chromosome": ch,
            #    "update": model,
        } for ch in chroms.iteritems()
    #, models in chroms.iteritems()]
    result["region"] = added
    #return {}
    return result