def setNewest(compList=False): Log('updating new seasons', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) if not compList: compList = getCategories() catList = compList['tv_shows'] db.waitforDB(tvDB) c = tvDB.cursor() db.cur_exec(c, 'drop table if exists categories') db.cur_exec(c, 'create table categories(title TEXT, asins TEXT)') db.cur_exec(c, 'update seasons set recent=null') count = 1 for catid in catList: if catid == 'PrimeTVRecentlyAdded': for asin in catList[catid]: seasonasin = lookupTVdb(asin, rvalue='seasonasin') if not seasonasin: seasonasin = asin db.cur_exec(c, "update seasons set recent=? where asin like (?)", (count, '%' + seasonasin + '%')) count += 1 else: db.cur_exec(c, 'insert ignore into categories values (?,?)', [catid, catList[catid]]) tvDB.commit()
def fixTitles(): Log('fixing titles', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) c = tvDB.cursor() for asins, title in db.cur_exec(c, 'select asin, seriestitle from shows').fetchall(): for asin in asins.split(','): db.cur_exec(c, 'update seasons set seriestitle = (?) where seriesasin = (?)', (title, asin)) db.cur_exec(c, 'update episodes set seriestitle = (?) where seriesasin = (?)', (title, asin))
def fixGenres(): Log('fixing genres', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) c = tvDB.cursor() seasons = db.cur_exec(c, 'select distinct seriestitle,genres from seasons where genres is not null').fetchall() for series, genres in seasons: db.cur_exec(c, "update seasons set genres=? where seriestitle=? and genres is null", (genres, series)) db.cur_exec(c, "update shows set genres=? where seriestitle=? and genres is null", (genres, series))
def fixDBLShows(): Log('fixing double shows', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) c = tvDB.cursor() allseries = [] for asin, seriestitle in db.cur_exec( c, 'select asin,seriestitle from shows').fetchall(): flttitle = cleanTitle(seriestitle) addlist = True index = 0 for asinlist, titlelist, fltlist in allseries: if flttitle == fltlist: allseries.pop(index) allseries.insert(index, [asinlist + ',' + asin, titlelist, fltlist]) db.cur_exec( c, 'delete from shows where seriestitle = (?) and asin = (?)', (seriestitle, asin)) addlist = False index += 1 if addlist: allseries.append([asin, seriestitle, flttitle]) for asinlist, titlelist, fltlist in allseries: db.cur_exec(c, "update shows set asin = (?) where seriestitle = (?)", (asinlist, titlelist))
def lookupTVdb(value, rvalue='distinct *', tbl='episodes', name='asin', single=True, exact=False): db.waitforDB(tvDB) c = tvDB.cursor() value = value.decode('utf-8') if not db.cur_exec(c, 'counttables', (tbl,)).fetchone(): return '' if single else [] sqlstring = 'select %s from %s where %s ' % (rvalue, tbl, name) retlen = len(rvalue.split(',')) if not exact: value = "%{0}%".format(value) sqlstring += 'like (?)' else: sqlstring += '= (?)' if db.cur_exec(c, sqlstring, (value,)).fetchall(): result = db.cur_exec(c, sqlstring, (value,)).fetchall() if single: if len(result[0]) > 1: return result[0] return result[0][0] else: return result if (retlen < 2) and single: return None return (None,) * retlen
def lookupMoviedb(value, rvalue='distinct *', name='asin', single=True, exact=False, table='movies'): db.waitforDB(MovieDB) c = MovieDB.cursor() if not db.cur_exec(c, 'counttables', (table, )).fetchone(): return '' if single else [] sqlstring = 'select %s from %s where %s ' % (rvalue, table, name) retlen = len(rvalue.split(',')) if not exact: value = b"%{0}%".format(value) sqlstring += 'like (?)' else: sqlstring += '= (?)' if db.cur_exec(c, sqlstring, (value, )).fetchall(): result = db.cur_exec(c, sqlstring, (value, )).fetchall() if single: if len(result[0]) > 1: return result[0] return result[0][0] else: return result if (retlen < 2) and single: return None return (None, ) * retlen
def fixHDshows(): Log('fixing HD infos', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) c = tvDB.cursor() db.cur_exec(c, "update shows set isHD=?", (False,)) HDseasons = db.cur_exec(c, 'select distinct seriestitle from seasons where isHD = (?)', (True,)).fetchall() for series in HDseasons: db.cur_exec(c, "update shows set isHD=? where seriestitle=?", (True, series[0]))
def fixStars(): Log('fixing stars', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) c = tvDB.cursor() series = db.cur_exec(c, 'select seriestitle from shows where votes = 0').fetchall() for title in series: title = title[0] stars = db.cur_exec(c, 'select avg(stars) from seasons where seriestitle like ? and votes != 0', (title,)).fetchone()[0] if stars: db.cur_exec(c, 'update shows set stars = (?) where seriestitle = (?)', (stars, title))
def loadTVShowdb(filterobj=None, value=None, sortcol=None): db.waitforDB(tvDB) c = tvDB.cursor() if filterobj: value = '%' + value + '%' return db.cur_exec(c, 'select distinct * from shows where %s like (?)' % filterobj, (value,)) elif sortcol: return db.cur_exec(c, 'select distinct * from shows where %s is not null order by %s asc' % (sortcol, sortcol)) else: return db.cur_exec(c, 'select distinct * from shows order by seriestitle asc')
def updateEpisodes(): Log('updateing num of epsiodes', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) c = tvDB.cursor() shows = db.cur_exec(c, 'select distinct asin from shows where episodetotal = 0').fetchall() for asin in shows: asinn = asin[0] nums = 0 for sasin in asinn.split(','): nums += int((db.cur_exec(c, "select count(*) from episodes where seriesasin like ?", (sasin,)).fetchone())[0]) db.cur_exec(c, "update shows set episodetotal=? where asin=?", (nums, asinn))
def loadTVShowdb(filterobj=None, value=None, sortcol=None): db.waitforDB(tvDB) c = tvDB.cursor() if filterobj: value = "%{0}%".format(value.decode('utf-8')) return db.cur_exec(c, 'select distinct * from shows where %s like (?)' % filterobj, (value,)) elif sortcol: return db.cur_exec(c, 'select distinct * from shows where %s is not null order by %s asc' % (sortcol, sortcol)) else: return db.cur_exec(c, 'select distinct * from shows order by seriestitle asc')
def loadTVSeasonsdb(seriesasin=None, sortcol=None, seasonasin=None): db.waitforDB(tvDB) c = tvDB.cursor() if seriesasin: return db.cur_exec(c, 'select distinct * from seasons where seriesasin = (?)', (seriesasin,)) if seasonasin: seasonasin = '%' + seasonasin + '%' return db.cur_exec(c, 'select distinct * from seasons where asin like (?)', (seasonasin,)) elif sortcol: return db.cur_exec(c, 'select distinct * from seasons where %s is not null order by %s asc' % (sortcol, sortcol)) else: return db.cur_exec(c, 'select distinct * from seasons')
def addDB(table, data): c = tvDB.cursor() columns = {'shows': 22, 'seasons': 24, 'episodes': 23} query = '?,' * columns[table] num = db.cur_exec(c, 'insert ignore into %s values (%s)' % (table, query[0:-1]), data).rowcount if not num and table == 'seasons': oldepi = db.cur_exec(c, 'select episodetotal from seasons where asin=(?)', (data[0],)).fetchall()[0][0] Log('Updating show %s season %s (O:%s N:%s)' % (data[3], data[2], oldepi, data[13]), xbmc.LOGDEBUG) num = db.cur_exec(c, 'update seasons set episodetotal=(?) where asin=(?)', (data[13], data[0])).rowcount if num: tvDB.commit() c.close() return num
def loadTVEpisodesdb(seriestitle): db.waitforDB(tvDB) c = tvDB.cursor() return db.cur_exec( c, 'select distinct * from episodes where seasonasin = (?) order by episode', (seriestitle, ))
def getMovieTypes(col): db.waitforDB(MovieDB) c = MovieDB.cursor() items = db.cur_exec(c, 'select distinct %s from movies' % col) l = getTypes(items, col) c.close() return l
def getShowTypes(col): db.waitforDB(tvDB) c = tvDB.cursor() items = db.cur_exec(c, 'select distinct %s from shows' % col) l = getTypes(items, col) c.close() return l
def updateMoviedb(asin, col, value): db.waitforDB(MovieDB) c = MovieDB.cursor() asin = '%' + asin + '%' sqlquery = 'update movies set %s=? where asin like (?)' % col result = db.cur_exec(c, sqlquery, (value, asin)).rowcount return result
def getIMDbID(asins, title): url = imdbid = None db.waitforDB(tvDB) c = tvDB.cursor() for asin in asins.split(','): asin = '%' + asin + '%' url = db.cur_exec(c, 'select imdburl from seasons where seriesasin like (?) and imdburl is not null', (asin,)).fetchone() if url: url = url[0] break if not url: while not imdbid: data = getURL('' + urllib.quote_plus(title)) if data['Response'] == 'True': imdbid = data['imdbID'] else: oldtitle = title if title.count(' - '): title = title.split(' - ')[0] elif title.count(': '): title = title.split(': ')[0] elif title.count('?'): title = title.replace('?', '') if title == oldtitle: imdbid = na else: imdbid = re.compile('/title/(.+?)/', re.DOTALL).findall(url) Log(imdbid + asins.split(',')[0]) return imdbid
def loadMoviedb(filterobj=None, value=None, sortcol=False): db.waitforDB(MovieDB) c = MovieDB.cursor() if filterobj: value = b"%{0}%".format(value) return db.cur_exec( c, 'select distinct * from movies where %s like (?)' % filterobj, (value, )) elif sortcol: return db.cur_exec( c, 'select distinct * from movies where %s is not null order by %s asc' % (sortcol, sortcol)) else: return db.cur_exec( c, 'select distinct * from movies order by movietitle asc')
def getIMDbID(asins, title): url = imdbid = None db.waitforDB(tvDB) c = tvDB.cursor() for asin in asins.split(','): asin = '%' + asin + '%' url = db.cur_exec(c, 'select imdburl from seasons where seriesasin like (?) and imdburl is not null', (asin,)).fetchone() if url: url = url[0] break if not url: while not imdbid: data = getURL('' + urllib.quote_plus(title.encode('utf-8'))) if data['Response'] == 'True': imdbid = data['imdbID'] else: oldtitle = title if title.count(' - '): title = title.split(' - ')[0] elif title.count(': '): title = title.split(': ')[0] elif title.count('?'): title = title.replace('?', '') if title == oldtitle: imdbid = na else: imdbid = re.compile('/title/(.+?)/', re.DOTALL).findall(url) Log(imdbid + asins.split(',')[0]) return imdbid
def updatePop(): db.waitforDB(MovieDB) c = MovieDB.cursor() db.cur_exec(c, "update movies set popularity=null") Index = 0 maxIndex = MAX * 3 while -1 < Index < maxIndex: jsondata = appfeed.getList('Movie', Index, NumberOfResults=MAX) titles = jsondata['message']['body']['titles'] for title in titles: Index += 1 asin = title['titleId'] if asin: updateMoviedb(asin, 'popularity', Index) if len(titles) == 0: Index = -1
def updatePop(): Log('updating popular titles', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) c = tvDB.cursor() db.cur_exec(c, "update shows set popularity=null") Index = 0 maxIndex = MAX * 3 while -1 < Index < maxIndex: jsondata = appfeed.getList('tvepisode,tvseason,tvseries&RollupToSeries=T', Index, NumberOfResults=MAX) titles = jsondata['message']['body']['titles'] for title in titles: Index += 1 asin = title['titleId'] if asin: db.cur_exec(c, "update shows set popularity=? where asin like (?) and popularity is null", (Index, '%' + asin + '%')) if len(titles) == 0: Index = -1
def updatePop(): Log('updating popular titles', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) c = tvDB.cursor() db.cur_exec(c, "update shows set popularity=null") Index = 0 maxIndex = MAX * 3 while -1 < Index < maxIndex: jsondata = appfeed.getList('TVSeason', Index, NumberOfResults=MAX) titles = jsondata['message']['body']['titles'] for title in titles: Index += 1 asin = title['titleId'] if asin: seriesasin = lookupTVdb(asin, rvalue='seriesasin', tbl='seasons') if seriesasin: db.cur_exec(c, "update shows set popularity=? where asin like (?) and popularity is null", (Index, '%' + seriesasin + '%')) if len(titles) == 0: Index = -1
def addMoviedb(moviedata): c = MovieDB.cursor() num = db.cur_exec( c, 'insert ignore into movies values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', moviedata).rowcount if num: MovieDB.commit() return num
def deleteMoviedb(asin=False): movietitle = lookupMoviedb(asin, 'movietitle') num = 0 if movietitle: c = MovieDB.cursor() num = db.cur_exec(c, 'delete from movies where asin like (?)', ('%' + asin + '%', )).rowcount if num: MovieDB.commit() return num
def fixDBLShows(): Log('fixing double shows', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) c = tvDB.cursor() allseries = [] for asin, seriestitle in db.cur_exec(c, 'select asin,seriestitle from shows').fetchall(): flttitle = cleanTitle(seriestitle) addlist = True index = 0 for asinlist, titlelist, fltlist in allseries: if flttitle == fltlist: allseries.pop(index) allseries.insert(index, [asinlist + ',' + asin, titlelist, fltlist]) db.cur_exec(c, 'delete from shows where seriestitle = (?) and asin = (?)', (seriestitle, asin)) addlist = False index += 1 if addlist: allseries.append([asin, seriestitle, flttitle]) for asinlist, titlelist, fltlist in allseries: db.cur_exec(c, "update shows set asin = (?) where seriestitle = (?)", (asinlist, titlelist))
def updatePop(): Log('updating popular titles', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) c = tvDB.cursor() db.cur_exec(c, "update shows set popularity=null") Index = 0 maxIndex = MAX_RES * 3 while -1 < Index < maxIndex: MAX = randint(5, MAX_RES) jsondata = appfeed.getList('TVSeason', Index, NumberOfResults=MAX) titles = jsondata['message']['body']['titles'] for title in titles: Index += 1 asin = title['titleId'] if asin: seriesasin = lookupTVdb(asin, rvalue='seriesasin', tbl='seasons') if seriesasin: db.cur_exec(c, "update shows set popularity=? where asin like (?) and popularity is null", (Index, '%' + seriesasin + '%')) if len(titles) == 0: Index = -1
def deleteremoved(asins, refresh=True): Log('delete removed titles', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) c = tvDB.cursor() delShows = 0 delSeasons = 0 delEpisodes = 0 Log('ASINS to Remove: ' + asins.__str__()) for item in asins: for seasonasin in item.split(','): season, seriesasin = lookupTVdb(seasonasin, rvalue='season, seriesasin', tbl='seasons') if not seriesasin: season, seriesasin = lookupTVdb(seasonasin, rvalue='season, seriesasin', name='seasonasin', tbl='episodes') if seriesasin: asin = '%' + seasonasin + '%' delEpisodes += db.cur_exec( c, 'delete from episodes where season = (?) and seasonasin like (?)', (season, asin)).rowcount delSeasons += db.cur_exec( c, 'delete from seasons where season = (?) and asin like (?)', (season, asin)).rowcount if not lookupTVdb(seriesasin, rvalue='asin', tbl='seasons', name='seriesasin'): delShows += db.cur_exec( c, 'delete from shows where asin like (?)', ('%' + seriesasin + '%', )).rowcount tvDB.commit() c.close() if refresh: xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Refresh') return delShows, delSeasons, delEpisodes
def getMoviedbAsins(isPrime=1, retlist=False): db.waitforDB(MovieDB) c = MovieDB.cursor() content = '' sqlstring = 'select asin from movies where isPrime = (%s)' % isPrime if retlist: content = [] for item in db.cur_exec(c, sqlstring).fetchall(): if retlist: content.append([','.join(item), 0]) else: content += ','.join(item) return content
def deleteremoved(asins, refresh=True): Log('delete removed titles', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) c = tvDB.cursor() delShows = 0 delSeasons = 0 delEpisodes = 0 Log('ASINS to Remove: ' + asins.__str__()) for item in asins: for seasonasin in item.split(','): season, seriesasin = lookupTVdb(seasonasin, rvalue='season, seriesasin', tbl='seasons') if not seriesasin: season, seriesasin = lookupTVdb(seasonasin, rvalue='season, seriesasin', name='seasonasin', tbl='episodes') if seriesasin: asin = '%' + seasonasin + '%' delEpisodes += db.cur_exec(c, 'delete from episodes where season = (?) and seasonasin like (?)', (season, asin)).rowcount delSeasons += db.cur_exec(c, 'delete from seasons where season = (?) and asin like (?)', (season, asin)).rowcount if not lookupTVdb(seriesasin, rvalue='asin', tbl='seasons', name='seriesasin'): delShows += db.cur_exec(c, 'delete from shows where asin like (?)', ('%'+seriesasin+'%',)).rowcount tvDB.commit() c.close() if refresh: xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Refresh') return delShows, delSeasons, delEpisodes
def updateFanart(): if tvdb_art == '0': return seasons = False c = tvDB.cursor() sqlstring = "select asin, seriestitle, fanart, poster from shows where fanart is null" Log('TV Update: Updating Fanart') if tvdb_art == '2': sqlstring += " or fanart like ''" if tvdb_art == '3': sqlstring += " or poster like ''" seasons = True db.waitforDB(tvDB) for asin, title, oldfanart, oldposter in db.cur_exec(c, sqlstring).fetchall(): title = title.lower().replace('[ov]', '').replace('[ultra hd]', '').replace('?', '') \ .replace('omu', '').split('(')[0].strip() tvid, poster, fanart = appfeed.getTVDBImages(title, seasons=seasons) if not fanart: fanart = appfeed.getTMDBImages(title, content='tv') if oldfanart and not fanart: fanart = oldfanart if oldposter and not poster: poster = oldposter if tvid: if not fanart: fanart = na if not poster: fanart = na db.cur_exec(c, 'update shows set fanart=? where asin = (?)', (fanart, asin)) if tvdb_art == '3': db.cur_exec(c, 'update shows set poster=? where asin = (?)', (poster, asin)) if tvid: for season, url in tvid.items(): for singleasin in asin.split(','): singleasin = '%' + singleasin + '%' db.cur_exec( c, 'update seasons set poster=? where seriesasin like (?) and season = (?)', (url, singleasin, int(season))) tvDB.commit() Log('TV Update: Updating Fanart Finished')
def lookupTVdb(value, rvalue='distinct *', tbl='episodes', name='asin', single=True, exact=False): db.waitforDB(tvDB) c = tvDB.cursor() if not db.cur_exec(c, 'counttables', (tbl,)).fetchone(): return '' if single else [] sqlstring = 'select %s from %s where %s ' % (rvalue, tbl, name) retlen = len(rvalue.split(',')) if not exact: value = '%' + value + '%' sqlstring += 'like (?)' else: sqlstring += '= (?)' if db.cur_exec(c, sqlstring, (value,)).fetchall(): result = db.cur_exec(c, sqlstring, (value,)).fetchall() if single: if len(result[0]) > 1: return result[0] return result[0][0] else: return result if (retlen < 2) and single: return None return (None,) * retlen
def getTVdbAsins(table, isPrime=1, retlist=False, value='asin'): c = tvDB.cursor() content = [] if retlist else '' sqlstring = 'select %s from %s' % (value, table) if isPrime < 2: sqlstring += ' where isPrime = (%s)' % isPrime for item in db.cur_exec(c, sqlstring).fetchall(): if str(item[0]) not in str(content): if retlist: content.append(list(item)+[0, ]) else: content += ','.join(item) + ',' return content
def fixYears(): Log('fixing years', xbmc.LOGDEBUG) c = tvDB.cursor() seasons = db.cur_exec(c, 'select seasonasin,year,season from episodes where year is not null order by year desc').fetchall() for asin, year, season in seasons: asin = '%' + asin + '%' db.cur_exec(c, "update seasons set year=? where season=? and asin like ?", (year, season, asin)) seasons = db.cur_exec(c, 'select seriesasin,year from seasons where year is not null order by year desc').fetchall() for asin, year in seasons: asin = '%' + asin + '%' db.cur_exec(c, "update shows set year=? where asin like ?", (year, asin))
def updateFanart(): if var.tvdb_art == '0': return seasons = False c = tvDB.cursor() sqlstring = "select asin, seriestitle, fanart, poster from shows where fanart is null" Log('TV Update: Updating Fanart') if var.tvdb_art == '2': sqlstring += " or fanart like ''" if var.tvdb_art == '3': sqlstring += " or poster like ''" seasons = True db.waitforDB(tvDB) for asin, title, oldfanart, oldposter in db.cur_exec(c, sqlstring).fetchall(): title = title.lower().replace('[ov]', '').replace('[ultra hd]', '').replace('?', '') \ .replace('omu', '').split('(')[0].strip() tvid, poster, fanart = appfeed.getTVDBImages(title, seasons=seasons) if not fanart: fanart = appfeed.getTMDBImages(title, content='tv') if oldfanart and not fanart: fanart = oldfanart if oldposter and not poster: poster = oldposter if tvid: if not fanart: fanart = na if not poster: fanart = na db.cur_exec(c, 'update shows set fanart=? where asin = (?)', (fanart, asin)) if var.tvdb_art == '3': db.cur_exec(c, 'update shows set poster=? where asin = (?)', (poster, asin)) if tvid: for season, url in tvid.items(): for singleasin in asin.split(','): singleasin = '%' + singleasin + '%' db.cur_exec(c, 'update seasons set poster=? where seriesasin like (?) and season = (?)', (url, singleasin, int(season))) tvDB.commit() Log('TV Update: Updating Fanart Finished')
def setNewest(compList=False): if not compList: compList = getCategories() catList = compList['movies'] db.waitforDB(MovieDB) c = MovieDB.cursor() db.cur_exec(c, 'drop table if exists categories') db.cur_exec( c, '''create table categories( title TEXT, asins TEXT);''') db.cur_exec(c, 'update movies set recent=null') count = 1 for catid in catList: if catid == 'PrimeMovieRecentlyAdded': for asin in catList[catid]: updateMoviedb(asin, 'recent', count) count += 1 else: db.cur_exec(c, 'insert ignore into categories values (?,?)', [catid, catList[catid]]) MovieDB.commit()
def updateFanart(): if tmdb_art == '0': return sqlstring = "select asin, movietitle, year, fanart from movies where fanart is null" c = MovieDB.cursor() Log('Movie Update: Updating Fanart') if tmdb_art == '2': sqlstring += " or fanart like ''" db.waitforDB(MovieDB) for asin, movie, year, oldfanart in db.cur_exec(c, sqlstring): movie = movie.lower().replace('[ov]', '').replace('omu', '').replace( '[ultra hd]', '').split('(')[0].strip() result = appfeed.getTMDBImages(movie, year=year) if oldfanart: if result == na or not result: result = oldfanart updateMoviedb(asin, 'fanart', result) MovieDB.commit() Log('Movie Update: Updating Fanart Finished')
def countDB(tbl): c = tvDB.cursor() return len(db.cur_exec(c, 'select * from %s' % tbl).fetchall())
def loadTVEpisodesdb(seriestitle): db.waitforDB(tvDB) c = tvDB.cursor() return db.cur_exec(c, 'select distinct * from episodes where seasonasin = (?) order by episode', (seriestitle,))
def getPoster(seriestitle): c = tvDB.cursor() data = db.cur_exec(c, 'select distinct poster from seasons where seriestitle = (?)', (seriestitle,)).fetchone() return data[0]