def POST(self): form = config_form() result = db.getOAuthConnectionDetails(db.getConn(core.configobj)) token = result[0] secret = result[1] smugmug.set_oauth_token(token, secret) if not form.validates(): return self._GET(smugmug, form, False, form.value['root_dir'],form.value['log_dir'],form.value['data_dir'],form.value['start_time_hour']+':'+form.value['start_time_minute']) else: try: if smugmug.oauth_token == None: smugmug.auth_getAccessToken() except smugpy.SmugMugException: return self._GET(smugmug, form, True, form.value['root_dir'],form.value['log_dir'],form.value['data_dir'],form.value['start_time_hour']+':'+form.value['start_time_minute']) else: #self.first = False core.configobj.picture_root = form.value['root_dir'] core.configobj.log_dir = form.value['log_dir'] core.configobj.data_dir = form.value['data_dir'] core.configobj.start_time = form.value['start_time_hour']+':'+form.value['start_time_minute'] core.configobj.saveConfig()"Config file Created.") db.initDb(core.configobj)"Database started.") db.setOAuthConnectionDetails(db.getConn(core.configobj), smugmug.oauth_token, smugmug.oauth_token_secret) return self._GET(smugmug, form, False, core.configobj.picture_root, core.configobj.log_dir, core.configobj.data_dir,core.configobj.start_time)
def GET(self): form = config_form() result = db.getOAuthConnectionDetails(db.getConn(core.configobj)) token = result[0] secret = result[1] smugmug.set_oauth_token(token, secret) return self._GET(smugmug, form, False, core.configobj.picture_root, core.configobj.log_dir, core.configobj.data_dir,core.configobj.start_time)
def upload(configobj, smugmug, lock): """ This method will upload all the missing files 5 at a time. """"upload() parent process:'{0}' process id:'{1}".format(os.getppid(),os.getpid())) start = time.time() myLogger.debug('upload - parent process: %s process id: %s', os.getppid(), os.getpid()) conn = db.getConn(configobj) sync = myLogger.debug("getting images to upload") uploadImages = db.imagesToUpload(conn) myLogger.debug("Have list of images that need to be uploaded.") #Loop through the images and download them queue = Queue.Queue() #spawn a pool of threads, and pass them queue instance threads = [] for i in range(3): t = UploadThread(queue, conn, configobj, smugmug, lock) t.start() threads.append(t) #populate queue with data size = 0 for uploadImage in uploadImages: queue.put(uploadImage) size = size + 1 print size #wait on the queue until everything has been processed queue.join() end = time.time() myLogger.debug("queue emptied in %d", (end - start)) #stop the threads myLogger.debug("finished uploading images. it took %d", (end - start))
def main(): movs = [ join(mFolder, f) for f in listdir(mFolder) if isfile(join(mFolder, f)) and 'MP4' in f ] # movs =[mFolder + 'GP038537.MP4'] conn = db.getConn(dbase) #TODO get list of movies # movs = ['/Users/swoolf/GitHub/SoccerHighlights/cv/Videos/180517_v1.MP4','/Users/swoolf/GitHub/SoccerHighlights/cv/Videos/180517_v2.MP4'] #setUp MT/S3 Clients session = boto3.Session() client = goal2MT.getClient(session, isLive) s3 = boto3.client('s3') #Find potential goals and host on S3 # findGoals.mov2gifs(movs, conn, folder) # gifs = db.list_gifs_by_status(conn, 'gif') # host.uploadGifs(s3, gifs, bucket) # # # # # #publish to MT # goal2MT.urls2MT(client, conn, hostURL, gifs) # db.printDB(conn) # check MT # goal2MT.updateMTanswers(client, conn) # db.printDB(conn) # compileVideo and post to youTube clipsInfo = db.getClips(conn) print(clipsInfo) movEdit.compileMov('soccerVideo.MP4', clipsInfo)
def upload(): '''adds a post's information into the database''' roomCode = request.form.get("rCode") roomNum = request.form.get("rNum") rating = request.form.get("rating") review = request.form.get("review") rmID = roomCode + roomNum username = session['CAS_USERNAME'] try: postconn = db.getConn(DB) uid = db.getUid(postconn, username) if db.checkReview(postconn, uid, rmID): flash( 'Already posted a review. Go to your profile to edit your review!' ) return redirect(url_for('index')) #upload folder path, and allowed extension of file images #check if this exists path = 'static/img/{}'.format(username) if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir('static/img/{}'.format(username)) UPLOAD_FOLDER = 'static/img/{}/'.format(username) ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = {'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif'} app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] = UPLOAD_FOLDER #add code to change file name #check allowed files def allowed_file(filename): return '.' in filename and \ filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower() in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS uid = db.getUid(postconn, username) file = request.files['upload'] # print("FILE:") #print(file) if file.filename == '': #check if they uploaded an img filePath = 'NA' db.insertReview(postconn, uid, rmID, rating, review, filePath) return redirect(url_for('roomReview', rmID=rmID)) filePath = None if file and allowed_file(file.filename): filename = secure_filename(file.filename) #get the filename app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) #save the file to the upload folder destination filePath = os.path.join( 'img/{}/'.format(username), filename ) #make a modified path so the profile.html can read it db.insertReview(postconn, uid, rmID, rating, review, filePath) return redirect(url_for('roomReview', rmID=rmID)) return redirect(url_for('index')) except Exception as err: # print("upload failed because " + str(err)) flash('Upload failed {why}'.format(why=err)) return redirect(request.referrer)
def insertData(date, cate, title): conn = getConn() cur = conn.cursor() ins_query = 'insert into crowling values({},"{}","{}")'.format( date, cate, title) cur.execute(ins_query) conn.commit() conn.close()
def GET(self): messages =["Passed along request to upload images."] lock = multiprocessing.Lock() result = db.getOAuthConnectionDetails(db.getConn(core.configobj)) token = result[0] secret = result[1] smugmug.set_oauth_token(token, secret) core.smugmugupload.start(smugmug, core.configobj, lock) return json.dumps(messages)
def create_table(): conn = getConn() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute('''create table crowling( date int, category varchar(20), title varchar(10000) )''') conn.commit() conn.close()
def followingList(username): '''gets a list of users links that the current profile is following''' conn = db.getConn(DB) profUID = db.getUid(conn, username) users = db.followingUsers(conn, profUID) print(users) return render_template("listofFollowing.html", page_title="{} Following".format(username), users=users, options=False)
def GET(self): lock = multiprocessing.Lock() result = db.getOAuthConnectionDetails(db.getConn(core.configobj)) token = result[0] secret = result[1] smugmug.set_oauth_token(token, secret) core.smugmugscan.start(smugmug, core.configobj, lock) web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json') messages =["Passed along request to Scan SmugMug."] return json.dumps(messages)
def sync(configobj, smugmug, lock): """ Does the whole thing, scans, uploads, downloads, etc. """"sync() parent process:'{0}' process id:'{1}".format(os.getppid(),os.getpid())) myLogger.debug('sync - parent process: %s process id: %s', os.getppid(), os.getpid()) conn = db.getConn(configobj) sync = createMissingContainers(conn, smugmug,sync,lock)
def createMissingContainers(configobj, smugmug, lock): """ This method will create all the missing Categories, SubCategories and Albums that were found locally, but not on SmugMug. """"createMissingContainers() parent process:'{0}' process id:'{1}".format(os.getppid(),os.getpid())) conn = db.getConn(configobj) sync = createMissingCategories(conn,smugmug, sync, lock) createMissingSubCategories(conn,smugmug, sync, lock) createMissingAlbums(conn,smugmug, sync, lock)
def downloadAndSaveFilmInfo(): conn = db.getConn() all = db.getAllFilmsUrls(conn) downloaded = db.getDownloadedFilmsUrls(conn) print len(all) print len(downloaded) for url in all - downloaded: soup = filmweb.getFilmSoup(url) f = Film(url, soup) db.saveFilmInfo(conn, f) conn.close()
def likesList(post): '''gets the lists of people who liked that particular post ''' conn = db.getConn(DB) #profUID = db.getUid(conn, username) pid = post userLikesList = db.likesList(conn, pid) conn.close() return render_template("listofFollowing.html", page_title="Who Likes this post", users=userLikesList, options=False)
def likes(post): ''' ajax function that updates the number of likes when either a like is added or deleted''' try: conn = db.getConn(DB) profUID = db.getUid(conn, username) numberLikes = db.countLikes(conn, post) conn.close() return jsonify(numLikes=numberLikes) except Exception as err: print(err) return jsonify({'error': True, 'err': str(err)})
def alikes(post): '''ajax function to add a like (insert into database). The number of likes is recalculated and sent through jsonify ''' try: conn = db.getConn(DB) db.addLike(conn, post, session['uid']) numberLikes = db.countLikes(conn, post) conn.close() print("here") return jsonify(numLikes=numberLikes) except Exception as err: print(err) return jsonify({'error': True, 'err': str(err)})
def __init__(self, queue, conn, configobj, smugmug, lock): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self._queue = queue self._conn = conn self._configobj = configobj self._lock = lock self._smugmug = smugpy.SmugMug(api_key=core.API_KEY, oauth_secret=core.OAUTH_SECRET, api_version="1.3.0", app_name="Smuggler") result = db.getOAuthConnectionDetails(db.getConn(self._configobj)) token = result[0] secret = result[1] self._smugmug.set_oauth_token(token, secret) self._run = True
def dlikes(post): ''' ajax function to delete a like (delete into database). The number of likes is recalculated and sent through jsonify''' try: conn = db.getConn(DB) db.removeLike(conn, post, session['uid']) numberLikes = db.countLikes(conn, post) conn.close() print("number of likes after deleting: " + str(numberLikes)) return jsonify(numLikes=numberLikes) except Exception as err: print(err) return jsonify({'error': True, 'err': str(err)})
def Unsave(rmID): ''' ajax function for unsaving a room''' try: username = session['CAS_USERNAME'] conn = db.getConn(DB) uid = db.getUid(conn, username) db.removeSave(conn, rmID, uid) conn.close() return jsonify() except Exception as err: #print(err) return jsonify({'error': True, 'err': str(err)})
def dFollow(username): ''' ajax function deletes a follower to the Follows table and updates the follower and following count and returns that as a jsonify ''' try: conn = db.getConn(DB) profUID = db.getUid(conn, username) db.deletefollower(conn, session['uid'], profUID) numFollowing = db.numFollowing(conn, profUID) numFollowers = db.numFollowers(conn, profUID) return jsonify(updateFollowers=numFollowers, updateFollowing=numFollowing) except Exception as err: print(err) return jsonify({'error': True, 'err': str(err)})
def home(): '''if the user is not loggin, it will flash and redirect to the appropriate page from the index app route. It will get all the posts, keep track of the username, and gets all the tags. Renders the home.html page''' conn = db.getConn(DB) # posts = db.getAllPosts(conn) if "username" not in session: flash("Please log in or sign up to continue") return redirect(url_for("index")) username = session['username'] tags = db.getAllTags(conn) #change this to AJAX later tag = request.values.get('tag') sort_by = request.values.get("sort-by") conn.close() if (tag): return redirect(url_for('show_tag_posts', tag=tag)) else: conn = db.getConn(DB) if not sort_by: sort_by = "recent" # default sort by recent if sort_by == "recent": posts = db.getAllPosts( conn) # this is close enough to sort by recent elif sort_by == "rating": posts = db.getAllPostsSortByRating(conn) else: posts = None flash("need to implement sort by price!!!!") return render_template("home.html", page_title="Home • Feed", posts=posts[::-1], username=username, tags=tags, options=True, sort_by=sort_by)
def post(pid): ''' gets a single post that is rendered on post.html when clicking on the post in the home feed ''' conn = db.getConn(DB) post = db.getSinglePost(conn, pid) likes = db.countLikes(conn, pid) if not post: flash("Post not found") return redirect(request.referrer) tags = db.getTagsofPost(conn, pid) conn.close() rating = post['rating'] user = None if 'username' not in session else session['username'] posted = user == post['username'] conn = db.getConn(DB) uid = session['uid'] conn.close() conn = db.getConn(DB) liked = db.like_trueFalse(conn, pid, uid) conn.close() all_tags = [] if posted: all_tags = db.getAllTags( db.getConn(DB)) # for displaying tags in edit post return render_template("post.html", post=post, pid=pid, tags=tags, posted=posted, all_tags=all_tags, likes=likes, liked=liked)
def delete_post(pid): # might be good to check that user deleting post is valid # if # flash("post doesn't belong to user logged in") try: conn = db.getConn(DB) db.deletePost(conn, pid) except Exception as err: flash("error deleting post") print("error deleting post") return redirect(request.referrer) flash("Successfully deleted post") return redirect(url_for("home"))
def findPictures(configobj, smugmug, lock):"findPictures() parent process:'{0}' process id:'{1}".format(os.getppid(),os.getpid())) conn = db.getConn(configobj)"Starting file scan at => %s", configobj.picture_root) _emptyLocalTables(conn, lock) now = for root, dirs, files in os.walk(configobj.picture_root): for name in files: fullname = os.path.join(root, name) basename, extension = os.path.splitext(fullname) if extension.lower() in core.EXTENSIONS: myLogger.debug("FileName: %s", fullname) _processFoundFile(conn, configobj.picture_root, fullname, now, lock) conn.close()
def sort_rating(): # better to send posts from ajax over and sort them using python sort # or get the posts again from the db sorted by rating? # posts = request.form.get("posts") query = request.values.get("query") if query[:-1] != "null": # get posts by query conn = db.getConn(DB) posts = db.getQueryPostsSortByRating(conn, query[:-1]) else: # get all posts) conn = db.getConn(DB) posts = db.getAllPostsSortByRating(conn) return render_template("home.html", page_title="Results", posts=posts[::-1], options=True, query=query[:-1])
def search(): '''search by rating or search by time post (most recent) ''' query = request.values.get('query') if query and query[-1] == "/": query = query[:-1] # bad fix type_ = request.values.get('type') conn = db.getConn(DB) if type_ == "posts/": type_ = "posts" # how to get rid of /? if type_ == 'posts': # here we also need to check sorting sort_by = request.values.get("sort-by") if not sort_by: sort_by = "recent" if sort_by == "recent": posts = db.getQueryPosts(conn, query) elif sort_by == "rating": posts = db.getQueryPostsSortByRating(conn, query) else: posts = None flash("need to implement sort by price!!!!") conn.close() if not posts: flash("no posts found") flash("Post results for '{}'".format(query)) return render_template("home.html", page_title="Results", posts=posts[::-1], options=True, query=query, type=type_, search=True, sort_by=sort_by) else: # might be nice to have a separate html for users users = db.getQueryUsers(conn, query) print("type: " + type_) conn.close() if not users: flash("no users found") flash("User results for '{}'".format(query)) return render_template("home.html", page_title="Results", users=users, options=False, query=query, type=type_)
def createMissingCategories(configobj, smugmug, lock): """ Will create any missing Categories on SmugMug that have been found locally, but not on SmugMug. """ myLogger.debug('createMissingCategories - parent process: %s process id: %s', os.getppid(), os.getpid()) conn = db.getConn(configobj) sync = categories = db.missingSmugMugCategories(conn) for category in categories: result = smugmug.categories_create(Name=category[0]) id = result["Category"]["id"] myLogger.debug("Category created: '%s' and id '%s'", category[0], id) lock.acquire() db.insertCategoryLog(conn, id, category[0], sync) lock.release()
def deleteReview(): try: conn = db.getConn(DB) room = request.form.get('rmID') username = session['CAS_USERNAME'] uid = db.getUid(conn, session['CAS_USERNAME']) img = db.getImgfromRmID(conn, room) #print(imgPath) db.deleteReview(conn, uid, room) filePath = 'static/{}'.format(img.get('imgPath')) os.remove(filePath) #print(room, " review deleted") return redirect(request.referrer) except Exception as err: #print(err) return (redirect(request.referrer))
def roomResults(searched): ''' returns a list of shops that serve the searched drink. shows address after shop name to avoid confusion with chains of the same name''' if 'CAS_USERNAME' in session: conn = db.getConn(DB) result = db.getSearchedRooms(conn, searched) conn.close() if (len(searched) <= 4) or ( not result): #return list of rooms in that hall or no results. return render_template('searchResults.html', rooms=result, searched=searched) else: return redirect(url_for('roomReview', rmID=searched)) else: #not logged in: return redirect(url_for('index'))
def user(username): ''' gets necessary username information ''' try: conn = db.getConn(DB) if 'username' in session: username = session['username'] uid = session['uid'] fullName = session['fullname'] bioText = db.getBioText(conn, uid) profPic = db.getPPic(conn, uid) return redirect(url_for('home')) else: flash('You are not logged in. Please login or join') return redirect(url_for('index')) except Exception as err: flash('some kind of error ' + str(err)) return redirect(url_for('index'))
def profile(username): ''' gets the uid of the profile, sees whether match is true so we know if the its the session's own profile so the edit profile button can appear on their page ''' conn = db.getConn(DB) uid = db.getUid(conn, username) #if not uid: # flash("User not found") # return render_template("home.html") uid = uid match = False if session[ 'uid'] == uid: #if the session user is on their profile or someone elses match = True fullName = db.getFullName(conn, uid) bioText = db.getBioText(conn, uid) profPic = db.getPPic(conn, uid) posts = db.getPostsByUser(conn, uid) numPosts = db.numPostsUser(conn, uid) numFollowing = db.numFollowing(conn, uid) numFollowers = db.numFollowers(conn, uid) followingBoolean = db.following_trueFalse( conn, session['uid'], uid ) #note that that a session username cannot follow itself, so jinja2 in will #figure out whether the button should show up using match variable as well, it can carry over but it's used depending on the profile if followingBoolean == True: #checks if there are already following that profile buttonText = "Following" else: buttonText = "Follow" return render_template('profile.html', profName=username, uid=uid, fname=fullName['fullname'], bio=bioText['biotxt'], ppic=profPic['profpicPath'], posts=posts, postNum=numPosts, match=match, numFing=numFollowing, numFers=numFollowers, tButton=buttonText)
def upload(): '''adds a post's information into the database''' name = request.form.get("pname") restaurant = request.form.get("restaurant") location = request.form.get("location") rating = request.form.get("rating") price = request.form.get("price") review = request.form.get("review") tags = request.form.getlist("tags") uid = session['uid'] postconn = db.getConn(DB) try: #add everything but the imgpath to the Post table pid = db.insertPost(postconn, uid, name, rating, price, review, restaurant, location) f = request.files["upload"] ext = f.filename.split('.')[-1] filename = secure_filename('{}.{}'.format(pid, ext)) user_folder = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOADS'], str(uid)) #if user folder doesn't exist, create it. Otherwise, upload it if not (os.path.isdir(user_folder)): os.mkdir(user_folder) pathname = os.path.join(user_folder, filename) #add the renamed imgpath into the Post table filePath = os.path.join('images/{}/'.format(uid), filename) db.insertFilepath(postconn, filePath, pid) #add to Tagpost table for tag in tags: tid = db.getTid(postconn, tag) db.insertTagPost(postconn, pid, tid) flash('Upload successful') return redirect(url_for('index')) except Exception as err: print("upload failed because " + str(err)) flash('Upload failed {why}'.format(why=err)) return redirect(url_for('index'))
def show_tag_posts(tag): '''displays all posts under the given tag''' conn = db.getConn(DB) #convert from tag to tid tid = db.getTid(conn, tag)['tid'] #get posts with the tag posts = db.getPostsWithTid(conn, tid) #check if user is logged in if "username" not in session: flash("Please log in or sign up to continue") return redirect(url_for("index")) username = session['username'] title = "posts under " + tag return render_template("home.html", page_title=title, posts=posts, username=username, options=False, tag=tag)
def pic(): conn = db.getConn(DB) username = session['CAS_USERNAME'] uid = db.getUid(conn, username) #uid = 1 #upload folder path, and allowed extension of file images #check if this exists # username = "******" path = 'static/img/{}'.format(username) # print(path) # print(os.path.exists(path)) try: if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir('static/img/{}'.format(username)) UPLOAD_FOLDER = 'static/img/{}/'.format(username) ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = {'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif'} app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] = UPLOAD_FOLDER #add code to change file name #check allowed files def allowed_file(filename): return '.' in filename and \ filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower() in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS file = request.files['newpic'] filePath = None if file and allowed_file(file.filename): filename = secure_filename(file.filename) #get the filename app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) #save the file to the upload folder destination filePath = os.path.join( 'img/{}/'.format(username), filename ) #make a modified path so the profile.html can read it db.changePfp(conn, uid, filePath) conn.close() conn.close() return redirect(request.referrer) except Exception as err: flash(repr(err)) return redirect(request.referrer)
def POST(self): form = setup_form() if not form.validates(): return self._GET(form, False) else: try: smugmug.auth_getAccessToken() except smugpy.SmugMugException: return self._GET(form, True) else: #self.first = False core.configobj.picture_root = form.value['root_dir'] core.configobj.log_dir = form.value['log_dir'] core.configobj.data_dir = form.value['data_dir'] core.configobj.saveConfig()"Config file Created.") db.initDb(core.configobj)"Database started.") db.setOAuthConnectionDetails(db.getConn(core.configobj), smugmug.oauth_token, smugmug.oauth_token_secret) return web.seeother('/')
def getAllPictureInfo(configobj, smugmug, lock):"getAllPictures() parent process:'{0}' process id:'{1}".format(os.getppid(),os.getpid())) conn = db.getConn(configobj) #start fresh on this myLogger.debug("Emptying smugmug tables.") _emptySmugMugTables(conn, lock) #now get the albums myLogger.debug("Getting album info from smugmug.") albums = _getAlbums(conn, smugmug, lock) for album in albums["Albums"]: #and the pictures in each album myLogger.debug("geting picture info for album '%s'", album["Title"]) _getPictures(album, conn, smugmug, lock) #get categories ids = _getUserCategories(conn, smugmug, lock) _getUserSubCategories(conn, smugmug, lock, ids) conn.close()'Finished Scanning SmugMug')
def editProf(): '''gets info from the edit profile form and updates info accordingly ''' uid = session['uid'] username = request.form.get('pname') print("username " + username) fullName = request.form.get('displayName') biotext = request.form['bioText'] conn = db.getConn(DB) #upload folder path, and allowed extension of file images UPLOAD_FOLDER = 'static/img/{}/'.format(uid) ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = {'txt', 'pdf', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif'} app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] = UPLOAD_FOLDER #check allowed files def allowed_file(filename): return '.' in filename and \ filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower() in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS #if 'file' not in request.files: #flash('No file part') #return redirect('') file = request.files['profpic'] filePath = None if file and allowed_file(file.filename): filename = secure_filename(file.filename) #get the filename app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) #save the file to the upload folder destination filePath = os.path.join( 'img/{}/'.format(uid), filename) #make a modified path so the profile.html can read it db.updateProfile(conn, uid, username, fullName, biotext, filePath) #update profile with new pic path return redirect(url_for('profile', username=username)) else: #if not pic is uploaded, just upload the pre-filled data db.updateProfileNoPic(conn, uid, username, fullName, biotext) return redirect(url_for('profile', username=username))
def signUp(): ''' gets the info from the sign up form and inserts info into the Users table, otherwise if a field is not filled in, will reupload the page for them to try again ''' if request.method == 'GET': return redirect(url_for('index')) else: try: fullname = request.form['fName'] email = request.form['email'] username = request.form['username'] passwd1 = request.form['password1'] passwd2 = request.form['password2'] profpicPath = 'img/default_profilepic.jpeg' if passwd1 != passwd2: flash('passwords do not match') return redirect(url_for('index')) hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(passwd1.encode('utf-8'), bcrypt.gensalt()) hashed_str = hashed.decode('utf-8') conn = db.getConn(DB) curs = dbi.cursor(conn) try: curs.execute( '''INSERT INTO Users(uid,fullname,email,username,hashed, biotxt, profpicPath) VALUES(null,%s,%s,%s,%s, null, %s)''', [fullname, email, username, hashed_str, profpicPath]) except Exception as err: flash('That username is taken: {}'.format(repr(err))) return redirect(url_for('index')) curs.execute('select last_insert_id()') row = curs.fetchone() uid = row[0] session['username'] = username session['uid'] = uid session['logged_in'] = True session['fullname'] = fullname os.mkdir('static/img/{}'.format(uid)) return redirect(url_for('user', username=username)) except Exception as err: flash('form submission error: field(s) not filled in ' + str(err)) return redirect(url_for('index'))
def profile(): if session['CAS_USERNAME']: try: conn = db.getConn(DB) username = session['CAS_USERNAME'] uid = db.getUid(conn, username) rooms = db.getMyRooms(conn, uid) path = db.getPicPath(conn, uid) savedRooms = db.getSaved(conn, uid) conn.close() return render_template('profile.html', page_title='Dormir', my_rooms=rooms, pic=path, username=username, starred_rooms=savedRooms) except Exception as err: flash('profile failed to load due to {why}'.format(why=err)) return redirect(request.referrer) else: return redirect(url_for('index'))
def login(): if "username" in session: return redirect(url_for("home")) if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('login.html') else: try: username = request.form['username'] passwd = request.form['password'] conn = db.getConn(DB) curs = dbi.dictCursor(conn) curs.execute( '''SELECT * FROM Users WHERE username = %s''', [username]) row = curs.fetchone() if row is None: flash( 'username and or/password is incorrect. Try again or join' ) #making it vague like other social media applications for security precautions return redirect(url_for('index')) hashed = row['hashed'] bc = bcrypt.hashpw(passwd.encode('utf-8'), hashed.encode('utf-8')) hashed2 = bcrypt.hashpw(passwd.encode('utf-8'), hashed.encode('utf-8')) hashed2_str = hashed2.decode('utf-8') if hashed2_str == hashed: session['username'] = username session['uid'] = row['uid'] session['logged_in'] = True session['fullname'] = row['fullname'] return redirect(url_for('user', username=username)) else: flash('username and or/password incorrect. Try again or join') return redirect(url_for('index')) except Exception as err: flash('please fill in all fields' + str(err)) return redirect(url_for('index'))
def createMissingAlbums(configobj, smugmug, lock): """ Will create any albums on SmugMug that have been found locally, but not on SmugMug. Currently uses the SmugMug defaults for the album properties. """ myLogger.debug('createMissingAlbums - parent process: %s process id: %s', os.getppid(), os.getpid()) conn = db.getConn(configobj) sync = albums = db.missingSmugMugAlbums(conn) for album in albums: if album[2] == None: #no category or subcategory result = smugmug.albums_create(Title=album[0]) elif album[4] == None: # category but no subcategory result = smugmug.albums_create(Title=album[0], CategoryID=album[2]) else: #has category and subcategory result = smugmug.albums_create(Title=album[0], CategoryID=album[2],SubCategoryID=album[4]) id = result["Album"]["id"] key = result["Album"]["Key"] myLogger.debug("Album created: '%s' and id '%s' and key '%s'", album[0], id, key) lock.acquire() db.addSmugAlbum(conn,album[1], album[2], album[3], album[4], album[0], sync, key, id) db.insertAlbumLog(conn, id, album[0], album[1], album[3], sync) lock.release()
def download(configobj, smugmug, lock): """ This method will download all the missing files 5 at a time. """"download() parent process:'{0}' process id:'{1}".format(os.getppid(),os.getpid())) conn = db.getConn(configobj) sync = myLogger.debug("getting images to download") downloadImages = db.imagesToDownload(conn) myLogger.debug("Have list of images that need to be downloaded.") #Loop through the images and download them queue = Queue.Queue() #spawn a pool of threads, and pass them queue instance for i in range(5): t = DownloadThread(queue, conn, configobj, smugmug, lock, sync) t.start() #populate queue with data for downloadImage in downloadImages: queue.put(downloadImage) #wait on the queue until everything has been processed queue.join() myLogger.debug("finished downloading images")
def GET(self): return pictureReport.findDuplicateSmugMugImageHtml(db.getConn(core.configobj))
def GET(self): return pictureReport.findMisatchedFilenamesHtml(db.getConn(core.configobj))
def GET(self): return pictureReport.findMismatchedCategoriesHtml(db.getConn(core.configobj))
def GET(self): return pictureReport.findMissingPicturesHtml(db.getConn(core.configobj))
def GET(self): return syncUtil.missingSmugMugSubCategoriesHTML(db.getConn(core.configobj))
def GET(self): return pictureReport.findMissingSmugMugAlbumsHtml(db.getConn(core.configobj))
def downloadAndSaveFilmHrefs(): conn = db.getConn() alreadySavedUrls = db.getAllFilmsUrls(conn) filmweb.downloadFimsFromSearch(int(raw_input('Number of pages to check: ')), int(raw_input('first page: ')), set(alreadySavedUrls), db.filmServerFunc) conn.close()
def GET(self): return syncUtil.missingSmugMugAlbumsHTML(db.getConn(core.configobj))
def getAllFilms(): conn = db.getConn() films = db.getAllFilms(conn) conn.close() return films
def GET(self): return syncUtil.missingImagesHTML(db.getConn(core.configobj))