Beispiel #1
    def find_matching_requirements(self, distance, radius):
        matches = self._get_result_from_cache()
        if matches:
            return matches
        bounding_coordinates = GeoHelper.get_bounding_coordinates(
            distance, radius, self.lat_rad, self.lon_rad)
        meridian180WithinDistance = bounding_coordinates[0][
            1] > bounding_coordinates[1][1]
        sql = """SELECT *, {} * (acos(sin({}) * sin(lat) + cos({}) * cos(lat) * cos(lon - {}))) as distance FROM requirements WHERE (lat >= {} AND lat <= {}) AND (lon >= {} """ + (
            "OR" if meridian180WithinDistance else "AND") + " lon <= {})"
        params = (radius, self.lat_rad, self.lat_rad, self.lon_rad,
                  bounding_coordinates[0][0], bounding_coordinates[1][0],
                  bounding_coordinates[0][1], bounding_coordinates[1][1],
        sql_where_clause = [
            "min_budget*0.75 <= %s AND max_budget*1.25 >= %s " %
            (self.price, self.price),
            "min_bed -2<= %s AND max_bed +2>= %s" %
            (self.bedroom, self.bedroom),
            "min_bath -2<= %s AND max_bath +2>= %s" %
            (self.bathroom, self.bathroom)
        sql_having_clause = " HAVING distance <= {}"
        sql_parts = [sql]
        sql = " AND ".join(sql_parts) + sql_having_clause
        results = DBHelper.execute_query(self.db.cursor(), sql.format(*params))
        matches = []
        for prop in results:
            prop = Requirement(**prop)

        return MatchesCollection.order_requirements_by_score(self, matches)
Beispiel #2
 def find_matching_properties(self, distance, radius):
     # matches = self._get_result_from_cache()
     # if matches:
     # 	return matches
     bounding_coordinates = GeoHelper.get_bounding_coordinates(
         distance, radius, self.lat_rad, self.lon_rad)
     meridian180WithinDistance = bounding_coordinates[0][
         1] > bounding_coordinates[1][1]
     sql = """SELECT *, {} * (acos(sin({}) * sin(lat) + cos({}) * cos(lat) * cos(lon - {}))) as distance FROM properties_new WHERE (lat >= {} AND lat <= {}) AND (lon >= {} """ + (
         "OR" if meridian180WithinDistance else "AND") + " lon <= {})"
     params = (radius, self.lat_rad, self.lat_rad, self.lon_rad,
               bounding_coordinates[0][0], bounding_coordinates[1][0],
               bounding_coordinates[0][1], bounding_coordinates[1][1],
     sql_where_clause = [
         "price BETWEEN %s AND %s" %
         ((self.min_budget * 0.75 or self.max_budget * 0.75),
          (self.max_budget * 1.25 or self.min_budget * 1.25)),
         "bed BETWEEN %s AND %s" %
         ((self.min_bedrooms - 2 or self.max_bedrooms - 2),
          (self.max_bedrooms + 2 or self.min_bedrooms + 2)),
         "bath BETWEEN %s AND %s" %
         ((self.min_bathroom - 2 or self.max_bathroom - 2),
          (self.max_bathroom + 2 or self.min_bathroom + 2))
     sql_having_clause = " HAVING distance <= {}"
     sql_parts = [sql]
     sql = " AND ".join(sql_parts) + sql_having_clause
     sql = sql.format(*params)
     results = DBHelper.execute_query(self.db.cursor(), sql)
     matches = []
     for prop in results:
         prop = Properties(**prop)
     return MatchesCollection.order_matches_by_score(self, matches)