class Exo(object):
    """ One instanciation for each physical EXO module """
    # self.history is a tuple of 8 deque containing (date, value) tuples.
    def __init__(self, exoid, send_data):
        self.send_data = send_data
        self.exoid = exoid
        self.mydb = Db()
        self.is_present = False
        # I must find a way to provide the protocol mpd
        # self.protocol = protocol
        # self.oldstatus = list()
        self.history = tuple([deque(maxlen=HIST) for i in range(8)])
        # Not necessary, but ensure queues are not empty.
        for i in range(8):
            self.history[i].append( (, None ) )

    def update(self, src, statuslist):
        Update the Exo status
        And return the list of changes as tupple : ( channel, new_state, last_state )
        # self.oldstatus = [self.history[i][-1][1] for i in range(8)]
        list_of_changes = list()

        for i in range(8):
                if self.history[i][-1][1] != statuslist[i]:
                    now =
                    # Ok, we update the Exo history here.
                    self.history[i].append( ( now, statuslist[i] ) )
                    # But is it the right place to update the db history ?
                    self.mydb.history( now, 'EXO', self.exoid, i+1, statuslist[i] )
                    list_of_changes.append((i+1, statuslist[i], self.history[i][-2][1]))
            except IndexOutOfRange:
                print("No history yet for this Output.")
        return list_of_changes

    def update_history(self, dtime, output, status):
        """ Used to update from DB history """
        data = (dtime, status)
        self.history[output - 1].append( data )

    def set_output(self, channel, value):
        """Change the status of an EXO channel"""
        idx = channel - 1
        now =
        # These 2 lines might seem touchy, and should be explained.
        self.mydb.history( now, 'EXO', self.exoid, idx+1, value )
        self.history[ idx ].append( ( now, value ) )
        newdata = [self.history[i][-1][1] for i in range(8)]
        # FixMe : The factory shouldn't be called here !!!
        self.send_packet( self.exoid + EXOOFFSET, [01] + newdata )
        # return [self.history[i][-1][1] for i in range(8)]
        return 'Ok'

    def send_packet(self, dst, data):
        valuelist = [0x23, dst, EXIID, len(data) + 1] + data
        # valuelist.append(checksum( data ))
        print('Debug : sending packet : ' + ' '.join(
            [ '%0.2x' % c for c in valuelist ]))
        # packet = ''.join([chr(x) for x in valuelist])
        # FixMe

    def get_output(self, channel):
        """Get status of an EXO output"""
        return self.history[ channel -1 ][-1][1]