Beispiel #1
def aggregateSiteJobInfo(tmp_csv_merg, site, statusjson, pledge_SafeDivision):
    Processes site job list and aggregates it making a line per time/point
    counting how many Clean, Log, Merge, Relval, Proc and Prod jobs
    where running and pending at a site.
    siteTier = site[:2]
    nb_Run_Clean = 0
    nb_Run_Log = 0
    nb_Run_Merge = 0
    nb_Run_RelVal = 0
    nb_Run_Proc = 0
    nb_Run_Prod = 0
    nb_Pen_Clean = 0
    nb_Pen_Log = 0
    nb_Pen_Merge = 0
    nb_Pen_RelVal = 0
    nb_Pen_Proc = 0
    nb_Pen_Prod = 0

    #tmp_all a new list of results
    #read each line
    tmp_all = []
    for line in tmp_csv_merg:
        args = line.split(',')
        #print line
        #count number of running and pending jobs
        jobtype = args[2]
        if jobtype == 'Clean':
            nb_Run_Clean = int(args[0])
            nb_Pen_Clean = int(args[3])
        if jobtype == 'Log':
            nb_Run_Log = int(args[0])
            nb_Pen_Log = int(args[3])
        if jobtype == 'Merge':
            nb_Run_Merge = int(args[0])
            nb_Pen_Merge = int(args[3])
        if jobtype == 'RelVal':
            nb_Run_RelVal = int(args[0])
            nb_Pen_RelVal = int(args[3])
        if jobtype == 'Proc':
            nb_Run_Proc = int(args[0])
            nb_Pen_Proc = int(args[3])
        if jobtype == 'Prod':
            nb_Run_Prod = int(args[0])
            nb_Pen_Prod = int(args[3])
            #this is also the last of the 5 variables that I have to read, so we write away our set and reset all the others
            nb_SUMRun = nb_Run_Clean + nb_Run_Log + nb_Run_Merge + nb_Run_RelVal + nb_Run_Proc + nb_Run_Prod
            nb_SUMPen = nb_Pen_Clean + nb_Pen_Log + nb_Pen_Merge + nb_Pen_RelVal + nb_Pen_Proc + nb_Pen_Prod
            #get time and transform format
            timePoint = datetime.strptime(args[1], "%d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S")
            timePointS = timePoint.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")

            # fetching the site status at that time_point
            status = db_ExtractStatusEntry.getSiteStatusEntry(
                site, timePointS, statusjson)

            Ratio = float(nb_SUMRun) / pledge_SafeDivision
            PerfectRatio = 1
            SeventyRatio = 0.7
            #we check if site is tier 1, or is on
            Condition = (siteTier == "T1") or (status == "on")
            #glide in alarm if number of pending are under the threshold
            GL_AL = Condition and (nb_SUMPen >= 10) and (nb_SUMRun == 0)
            GL_UNDEF = not Condition
            GL_OK = (not GL_AL) or (not GL_UNDEF)

            #warning if condition, and ratio between alarm and warning threshold
            A_WARN = Condition and (thresh_alarm <= Ratio <
                                    thresh_warning) and (nb_SUMPen > 10)
            #Alarm if condition and ratio less than alarm threshold
            A_AL = Condition and (Ratio < thresh_alarm) and (nb_SUMPen > 10)
            #Alarm is undef if not condition
            A_UNDEF = (not Condition)
            #Alarm is ok if not warning, not alarm  and not undefined
            A_OK = (not A_AL) and (not A_WARN) and (not A_UNDEF)
            SPEC_Cond = Condition and (nb_SUMPen >= 10)
            if SPEC_Cond:
                SPEC_SUMRun = nb_SUMRun
                SPEC_SUMRun = 0
            if SPEC_Cond:
                SPEC_Pledge = pledge_SafeDivision
                SPEC_Pledge = 0

            #format of data.dat: dateTime State SUMRun SUMPen Pledge Ratio 1.0 0.7 ALARM_OK ALARM_WARNING ALARM_ALARM ALARM_UNDEFINED GLIDEIN_OK GLIDEIN_ALARM GLIDEIN_UNDEF SPEC_SUMRun SPEC_Pledge SPEC_CondCanBeRemoved
            #store int tmp_all
            timePointS = timePoint.strftime("%d-%b-%yT%H:%M:%S")
            tmp_all.append(timePointS + ' ' + str(status) + ' ' +
                           str(nb_SUMRun) + ' ' + str(nb_SUMPen) + ' ' +
                           str(pledge_SafeDivision) + ' ' + str(Ratio) + ' ' +
                           str(PerfectRatio) + ' ' + str(SeventyRatio) + ' ' +
                           str(A_OK) + ' ' + str(A_WARN) + ' ' + str(A_AL) +
                           ' ' + str(A_UNDEF) + ' ' + str(GL_OK) + ' ' +
                           str(GL_AL) + ' ' + str(GL_UNDEF) + ' ' +
                           str(SPEC_SUMRun) + ' ' + str(SPEC_Pledge) + ' ' +
            #reset counters
            nb_Run_Clean = 0
            nb_Run_Log = 0
            nb_Run_Merge = 0
            nb_Run_RelVal = 0
            nb_Run_Proc = 0
            nb_Run_Prod = 0
            nb_Pen_Clean = 0
            nb_Pen_Log = 0
            nb_Pen_Merge = 0
            nb_Pen_RelVal = 0
            nb_Pen_Proc = 0
            nb_Pen_Prod = 0
    return tmp_all
def aggregateSiteJobInfo(tmp_csv_merg, site, statusjson, pledge_SafeDivision):
    Processes site job list and aggregates it making a line per time/point
    counting how many Clean, Log, Merge, Relval, Proc and Prod jobs
    where running and pending at a site.
    siteTier = site[:2]
    nb_Run_Clean= 0
    nb_Run_Log= 0
    #tmp_all a new list of results
    #read each line
    tmp_all = []
    for line in tmp_csv_merg:
        args = line.split(',')
        #print line
        #count number of running and pending jobs 
        jobtype = args[2]
        if jobtype == 'Clean':
            nb_Run_Clean = int(args[0])
            nb_Pen_Clean = int(args[3])
        if jobtype == 'Log':
            nb_Run_Log = int(args[0])
            nb_Pen_Log = int(args[3])
        if jobtype == 'Merge':
            nb_Run_Merge = int(args[0])
            nb_Pen_Merge = int(args[3])
        if jobtype == 'RelVal':
            nb_Run_RelVal = int(args[0])
            nb_Pen_RelVal = int(args[3])
        if jobtype == 'Proc':
            nb_Run_Proc = int(args[0])
            nb_Pen_Proc = int(args[3])
        if jobtype == 'Prod':
            nb_Run_Prod = int(args[0])
            nb_Pen_Prod = int(args[3])
            #this is also the last of the 5 variables that I have to read, so we write away our set and reset all the others
            nb_SUMRun = nb_Run_Clean + nb_Run_Log + nb_Run_Merge  + nb_Run_RelVal + nb_Run_Proc +nb_Run_Prod
            nb_SUMPen = nb_Pen_Clean + nb_Pen_Log + nb_Pen_Merge + nb_Pen_RelVal + nb_Pen_Proc + nb_Pen_Prod
            #get time and transform format
            timePoint=datetime.strptime(args[1],"%d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S")

            # fetching the site status at that time_point
            status= db_ExtractStatusEntry.getSiteStatusEntry(site, timePointS, statusjson)

            Ratio = float(nb_SUMRun)/pledge_SafeDivision
            #we check if site is tier 1, or is on
            Condition = (siteTier == "T1") or (status == "on")
            #glide in alarm if number of pending are under the threshold
            GL_AL = Condition and (nb_SUMPen >= 10) and (nb_SUMRun == 0)
            GL_UNDEF = not Condition
            GL_OK = (not GL_AL) or (not GL_UNDEF)

            #warning if condition, and ratio between alarm and warning threshold
            A_WARN=Condition and (thresh_alarm <= Ratio < thresh_warning) and (nb_SUMPen>10)
            #Alarm if condition and ratio less than alarm threshold
            A_AL=Condition and (Ratio<thresh_alarm) and (nb_SUMPen>10)
            #Alarm is undef if not condition            
            A_UNDEF=(not Condition)
            #Alarm is ok if not warning, not alarm  and not undefined
            A_OK=(not A_AL) and (not A_WARN) and (not A_UNDEF)
            SPEC_Cond=Condition and (nb_SUMPen>=10)
            if SPEC_Cond:
            if SPEC_Cond:

            #format of data.dat: dateTime State SUMRun SUMPen Pledge Ratio 1.0 0.7 ALARM_OK ALARM_WARNING ALARM_ALARM ALARM_UNDEFINED GLIDEIN_OK GLIDEIN_ALARM GLIDEIN_UNDEF SPEC_SUMRun SPEC_Pledge SPEC_CondCanBeRemoved
            #store int tmp_all
            tmp_all.append (timePointS + ' ' + str(status) + ' ' + str(nb_SUMRun) + ' ' + str(nb_SUMPen) +
                    ' ' + str(pledge_SafeDivision) + ' ' + str(Ratio) + ' ' + str(PerfectRatio) + 
                    ' ' + str(SeventyRatio) +
                    ' ' + str(A_OK)+ ' ' + str(A_WARN) +' '+ str(A_AL)+ ' ' +str(A_UNDEF)+ 
                    ' ' +str(GL_OK)+ ' ' + str(GL_AL)+ ' ' +str(GL_UNDEF)+ 
                    ' ' +str(SPEC_SUMRun)+ ' ' +str(SPEC_Pledge) +
                    ' ' + str(SPEC_Cond))
            #reset counters
    return tmp_all
Beispiel #3
def main():

    #make a temporal directory for output everything
    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tmp')
    print 'Temporal directory: ', tmpdir
    # copy list of site
    print "Copying", site_list_origin
    shutil.copy(site_list_origin, tmpdir + '/' + sitelist)
    print "Done"

    #call db_Inititalize
    print "Initializing jason file:"
    db_Initialize.initialize(tmpdir + '/' + pledgejson,
                             tmpdir + '/' + statusjson)

    print "Done"
    #gets the curren date and time
    dateTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
    dateTimeSplit = dateTime.split('T')
    #write Json header
    outputJson = open(tmpdir + '/' + OUTPUTJSON, 'w')
    outputJson.write('{"UPDATE":{"Date":"' + dateTimeSplit[0] + '","Time":"' +
                     dateTimeSplit[1] + '"},"Sites":[')

    #read site list
    sites = [
        line.strip() for line in open(tmpdir + '/' + sitelist).readlines()

    first = True
    #for each site
    for site in sites:
        print '=========================================================================================='
        print site
        #don't do this when the site contains "_Long", we don't want info for that
        if site.endswith("_Long"):
            print "been here, will skip: site", site
        # First 2 letters of the site (T1, T2 or T3)
        siteTier = site[:2]
        # fetching the pledge numbers
        pledge = (db_ExtractStatusEntry.getSiteStatusEntry(
            site, dateTime, tmpdir + '/' + pledgejson))
        if pledge == "n/a": pledge = 0
        pledge = int(pledge)
        print "pledge:", pledge
        pledge_SafeDivision = pledge
        if pledge_SafeDivision == 0:
            pledge_SafeDivision = 1

        # fetching site information numbers of the last 24 hours
        tmp_csv_merg = fetchSiteJobInfo(site)
        #aggregate site information
        tmp_all = aggregateSiteJobInfo(tmp_csv_merg, site,
                                       tmpdir + '/' + statusjson,

        # Looping over the 4 alarms: instant, 1h, 8h, 24h
        index = 0
        GlideInAlarm = ['' for i in range(4)]
        NEW_ALARM = ['' for i in range(4)]
        #four alarms
        for nb_entries in [1, 4, 32, 96]:
            #get last nb_entries in tmp_all
            part_dat = tmp_all[-nb_entries:]

            #GLIDE IN
            #count everything
            GlideIn_UNDEF = 0
            GlideIn_OK = 0
            GlideIn_ALARM = True

            nom = 0
            denom = 0
            sum_ = 0
            for line in part_dat:
                parts = line.split()
                GlideIn_UNDEF += (1 if parts[14] == 'True' else 0)
                GlideIn_OK += (1 if parts[12] == 'True' else 0)
                #checks that all of them have alarm
                GlideIn_ALARM &= (parts[13] == 'True')
                #count ratio running/pledged
                nom += int(parts[15])
                denom += int(parts[16])

                sum_ += int(parts[3])
                site_status = parts[1]
                #needed for json
                if nb_entries == 1:
                    Timetmp = parts[0]
                    Ratiotmp = parts[15]
                    print Timetmp

            #decide glide in alarm
            #if at least one undefined
            if GlideIn_UNDEF > 0:
                GlideInAlarm[index] = "UNDEF"
            #if at least one OK
            elif GlideIn_OK > 0:
                GlideInAlarm[index] = "OK"
            #if all of them were in alarm
            elif GlideIn_ALARM:
                GlideInAlarm[index] = "ALARM"
                GlideInAlarm[index] = "MIS_OPT"

            # new alarm
            #sum all SPEC_SUMRun  and sum all SPEC_Pledge

            #compute ratio (safe division)
            ratioTmp = float(nom) / float(denom) if denom != 0 else 0
            print nb_entries
            print 'ratio RUN/PLEDGED: ', ratioTmp
            #if ratio below thresholds:
            if ratioTmp < thresh_alarm:
                NEW_ALARM[index] = "ALARM"
            elif ratioTmp < thresh_warning:
                NEW_ALARM[index] = "WARNING"
                NEW_ALARM[index] = "OK"

            if sum_ <= 10:
                NEW_ALARM[index] = "OK"
            # if a site is not on, we skip and set the alarm to undef
            if site_status != 'on':
                NEW_ALARM[index] = "UNDEF"

            index += 1

        print "GLIDE IN :" + (", ".join(GlideInAlarm)) + "   "
        print "NEW ALARM: " + (", ".join(NEW_ALARM)) + "   "

        if first:
            first = False

        string = ''
        #writing instand data to json + 1h 24h alarms (the 1h alarm is calculated above, but it is not used below
        string = ('{"Site":"' + site + '","TimeDate":"' + Timetmp +
                  '","Ratio":"' + Ratiotmp + '","InstantAlarm":"' +
                  NEW_ALARM[0] + '","x8hAlarm":"' + NEW_ALARM[2] +
                  '","x24hAlarm":"' + NEW_ALARM[3] +
                  '","InstantGlideInAlarm":"' + GlideInAlarm[0] +
                  '","x1hGlideInAlarm":"' + GlideInAlarm[1] +
                  '","x8hGlideInAlarm":"' + GlideInAlarm[2] +
                  '","x24hGlideInAlarm":"' + GlideInAlarm[3] + '"}\n')

        #print string

    print "finished"

    #cp $OUTPUTJSON $workdir
    shutil.copy(tmpdir + '/' + OUTPUTJSON, workdir + '/' + OUTPUTJSON)
    print OUTPUTJSON, 'copied to', workdir
    #cp $OUTPUTJSON $copyto
    shutil.copy(tmpdir + '/' + OUTPUTJSON, copyto + '/' + OUTPUTJSON)
    print OUTPUTJSON, 'copied to', copyto

    #remove temporal dir
    print tmpdir, 'removed'
def main():

    #make a temporal directory for output everything
    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tmp')
    print 'Temporal directory: ',tmpdir
    # copy list of site
    print "Copying" , site_list_origin
    shutil.copy(site_list_origin, tmpdir+'/'+sitelist)
    print "Done"

    #call db_Inititalize
    print "Initializing jason file:"
    db_Initialize.initialize(tmpdir+'/'+pledgejson, tmpdir+'/'+statusjson)
    outputJson = open(tmpdir+'/'+OUTPUTJSON,'w')

    #gets the curren date and time
    dateTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
    dateTimeSplit = dateTime.split('T')
    #write Json header
    outputJson.write('{"UPDATE":{"Date":"'+dateTimeSplit[0] +'","Time":"'+dateTimeSplit[1]+'"},"Sites":[')
    #read site list
    sites = [line.strip() for line in open(tmpdir+'/'+sitelist).readlines()]

    first = True
    #for each site
    for site in sites:
        print '=========================================================================================='
        print site
        #don't do this when the site contains "_Long", we don't want info for that
        if site.endswith("_Long"):
            print "been here, will skip: site", site
        # First 2 letters of the site (T1, T2 or T3)
        siteTier = site[:2]
        # fetching the pledge numbers
        pledge = (db_ExtractStatusEntry.getSiteStatusEntry(site, dateTime, tmpdir+'/'+pledgejson))
        if pledge == "n/a" : pledge = 0
        pledge = int(pledge)
        print "pledge:", pledge  
        pledge_SafeDivision = pledge
        if pledge_SafeDivision == 0:
        # fetching site information numbers of the last 24 hours
        tmp_csv_merg = fetchSiteJobInfo(site)
        #aggregate site information
        tmp_all = aggregateSiteJobInfo(tmp_csv_merg, site, tmpdir+'/'+statusjson, pledge_SafeDivision)
        # Looping over the 4 alarms: instant, 1h, 8h, 24h
        GlideInAlarm = ['' for i in range(4)]
        NEW_ALARM = ['' for i in range(4)]
        #four alarms    
        for nb_entries in [1, 4, 32, 96]:
            #get last nb_entries in tmp_all
            part_dat = tmp_all[-nb_entries:]
            #GLIDE IN
            #count everything
            GlideIn_UNDEF = 0
            GlideIn_OK = 0
            GlideIn_ALARM = True
            nom = 0
            denom = 0
            sum_ = 0
            for line in part_dat:
                parts = line.split()
                GlideIn_UNDEF += (1 if parts[14] == 'True' else 0)
                GlideIn_OK += (1 if parts[12] == 'True' else 0)
                #checks that all of them have alarm
                GlideIn_ALARM &= (parts[13] == 'True')
                #count ratio running/pledged
                nom +=  int(parts[15])
                denom += int(parts[16])
                sum_ += int(parts[3])
                res = parts[1]
                #needed for json
                if nb_entries == 1:
                    print Timetmp
            #decide glide in alarm
            #if at least one undefined
            if GlideIn_UNDEF > 0:
                GlideInAlarm[index] = "UNDEF"
            #if at least one OK
            elif  GlideIn_OK > 0:
            #if all of them were in alarm
            elif GlideIn_ALARM:
            # new alarm
            #sum all SPEC_SUMRun  and sum all SPEC_Pledge
            #compute ratio (safe division)
            ratioTmp = float(nom) / float(denom) if denom != 0 else 0
            print nb_entries        
            print 'ratio RUN/PLEDGED: ',ratioTmp
            #if ratio below thresholds:
            if ratioTmp < thresh_alarm:
            elif ratioTmp < thresh_warning:
            if sum_ <= 10:
            # T1 or on??
            if not (res == 'on' or siteTier == 'T1'):
        print "GLIDE IN :"+(", ".join(GlideInAlarm))+"   "  
        print "NEW ALARM: "+(", ".join(NEW_ALARM))+"   "   
        if first:
            first = False

        string = ''
        #writing instand data to json + 1h 24h alarms (the 1h alarm is calculated above, but it is not used below 
        string =('{"Site":"'+site+'","TimeDate":"'+Timetmp+'","Ratio":"'+Ratiotmp+
        #print string

    print "finished"

    #cp $OUTPUTJSON $workdir
    shutil.copy(tmpdir+'/'+OUTPUTJSON, workdir +'/'+ OUTPUTJSON)
    print OUTPUTJSON, 'copied to', workdir
    #cp $OUTPUTJSON $copyto
    shutil.copy(tmpdir+'/'+OUTPUTJSON, copyto +'/'+ OUTPUTJSON)
    print OUTPUTJSON, 'copied to', copyto

    #remove temporal dir
    print tmpdir,'removed'