Beispiel #1
def user():
    #Cookie Authentication
    if request.method == 'GET':
        user_id = u_ctrl.verify_session(request)
        #if cookie exists
        if user_id != None:
            #return user data from user id on cookie, and refresh cookie
            response = jsonify(u_ctrl.get_user_as_dictionary(user_id))
            response = u_ctrl.create_session(response, user_id)
            return response, 200
        #otherwise return a 204
        return "No login", 204
    #Regular logins
    if request.method == 'POST':
        body = request.get_json()
        #if user does not exist in database
        if not u_ctrl.username_exists(body['username']):
            return 'User does not exist', 404
        #if user has correct password
        if u_ctrl.verify_user(body['username'], body['password']):
            #make response
            user_id = u_ctrl.get_user_id(body['username'])
            response = jsonify(u_ctrl.get_user_as_dictionary(user_id))
            #add session-cookie to response
            response = u_ctrl.create_session(response, user_id)
            #return user object with a 200
            return response, 200
        #return 401 if auth failed
            return 'Invalid password', 401

    #Destroying sessions on logaou
    if request.method == 'DELETE':
        response = jsonify(response="Session Destroyed")
        response = u_ctrl.destroy_session(response)
        return response, 204
Beispiel #2
def newUser():
    body = request.get_json()
    #if user is not already in db
    if not u_ctrl.username_exists(body['username']):
        #add user to db
        #make response
        user_id = u_ctrl.get_user_id(body['username'])
        response = jsonify(u_ctrl.get_user_as_dictionary(user_id))
        #add session-cookie to response
        response = u_ctrl.create_session(response, user_id)
        #return user object with a 201
        # when creating a new user save some mock recommendations
        # work_queue.enqueue("find_prob",[user_id])

        return response, 201
    #else return a 302 for Found
        return 'Username already exists', 302