Beispiel #1
        def get_host_ip(user_id, project_name, service_name):
            prj_id = Db.exec_one("select id from projects "
                                 "where name='%s' and userID='%s')",
                                 (project_name, user_id))

            return Db.exec_one("select IP from services "
                               "where name='%s' and projectID='%s'",
                               (service_name, prj_id))
Beispiel #2
        def delete_all_services(user_name, project_name):
            prj_id = Db.exec_one("select id from projects "
                                 "where name='%s' and userID = (select id from user where name = '%s')",
                                 (project_name, user_name))
            if prj_id is None:
                raise Exception("Project does not exist for %s, %s" % (user_name, project_name))

            Db.exec_cmd("delete from services where projectID = '%s'", prj_id)
Beispiel #3
        def get_list(user_id, project_name):
            prj_id = Db.exec_one("select id from projects "
                                 "where name = '%s' and userID=(select id from user where name='%s')",
                                 (project_name, user_id))

            if prj_id is None:
                raise Exception("Project does not exist for %s, %s" % (user_id, project_name))

            return Db.exec_list("select name from services where projectID='%s'", prj_id)
Beispiel #4
        def delete_user_and_projects(user_name):
            # todo: 删除所有项目和所属服务是否有上层负责,或以事务方式执行?
            # todo: 合并下面的多条sql cmds?
            user_id = Db.exec_one("select id from user where name='%s'", user_name)

            Db.exec_cmd("delete from services where projectID in "
                        "(select id from projects where userID='%s')", user_id)
            Db.exec_cmd("delete from projects where userID='%s'", user_id)
            Db.exec_cmd("delete from user where name='%s'", user_id)
Beispiel #5
        def exists(user_name, project_name):
            prj = Db.exec_one("select 1 from projects "
                              "where name='%s' and userID = (select id from user where name = '%s')",
                              (project_name, user_name))

            return prj is not None
Beispiel #6
 def create(user_name, service_name, machine_ip, project_name):
     prj_id = Db.exec_one("select id from projects "
                          "where name='%s' and userID in (select id from user where name = '%s')",
                          (project_name, user_name))
     Db.exec_cmd("insert into services(name, projectID, IP) values('%s', %s, '%s')",
                 (service_name, prj_id, machine_ip))
Beispiel #7
 def get_machine(index):
     # todo: what is this?
     # todo: 用于随机调度?
     return Db.exec_one("select ip from machine limit %s,1" % index)
Beispiel #8
 def get_info(user_id, project_name):
     # todo: name已经知道了,url是git repo的url吗?
     return Db.exec_one("select name, url from projects where userID = '%s' and name = '%s'",
                        (user_id, project_name))