Beispiel #1
class StateTracker:
    def __init__(self, database, constants):
        The constructor of StateTracker.

        The constructor of StateTracker which creates a DB query object, creates necessary state rep. dicts, etc. and
        calls reset.

            database (dict): The database with format dict(long: dict)
            constants (dict): Loaded constants in dict

        # db查找工具
        self.db_helper = DBQuery(database)
        # 整个对话的目标key,默认为'ticket'
        self.match_key = usersim_default_key
        # intents的dict,key为intent,value为序号
        self.intents_dict = convert_list_to_dict(all_intents)
        # intents个数
        self.num_intents = len(all_intents)
        # slots的dict,key为slot,value为序号
        self.slots_dict = convert_list_to_dict(all_slots)
        # slots个数
        self.num_slots = len(all_slots)
        # 所允许的最长对话回合数,超过此回合则对话失败
        self.max_round_num = constants['run']['max_round_num']
        # 对话状态中的零状态,即什么信息也没有
        self.none_state = np.zeros(self.get_state_size())
        # 初始化StateTracker

    def get_state_size(self):
        """返回 state representation 的维度"""

        return 2 * self.num_intents + 7 * self.num_slots + 3 + self.max_round_num

    def reset(self):
        """重置StateTracker, 需要初始化current_informs, history and round_num."""

        self.current_informs = {}
        # A list of the dialogues (dicts) by the agent and user so far in the conversation
        self.history = []
        self.round_num = 0

    def print_history(self):

        for action in self.history:

    def get_state(self, done=False):
        返回当前的state representation, 表现形式为numpy array,包括user, agent对应的intent, inform_slot, request_slot信息,

            done (bool): 表明是否是最后一轮对话,默认为False

            numpy.array: numpy array,形状为 (state size,)


        # 如果为done,则 state 中的值全为0
        if done:
            return self.none_state
        # 取history中的最后一个值,即当前状态下user最近的一个action
        user_action = self.history[-1]
        # 根据current_informs,从db中查询满足条件的信息
        db_results_dict = self.db_helper.get_db_results_for_slots(
        # 取history中倒数第二个值,即当前状态下agent最近的一个action,如果history的长度小于等于1,则为None
        last_agent_action = self.history[-2] if len(self.history) > 1 else None

        # 给user intent创建 one-hot 向量
        user_act_rep = np.zeros((self.num_intents, ))
        user_act_rep[self.intents_dict[user_action['intent']]] = 1.0

        # 给user inform slots 创建向量
        user_inform_slots_rep = np.zeros((self.num_slots, ))
        for key in user_action['inform_slots'].keys():
            user_inform_slots_rep[self.slots_dict[key]] = 1.0

        # 给user request slots 创建向量
        user_request_slots_rep = np.zeros((self.num_slots, ))
        for key in user_action['request_slots'].keys():
            user_request_slots_rep[self.slots_dict[key]] = 1.0

        # 根据 current_slots 创建已被填充的slots 信息向量
        current_slots_rep = np.zeros((self.num_slots, ))
        for key in self.current_informs:
            current_slots_rep[self.slots_dict[key]] = 1.0

        # 给agent intent创建 one-hot 向量
        agent_act_rep = np.zeros((self.num_intents, ))
        if last_agent_action:
            agent_act_rep[self.intents_dict[last_agent_action['intent']]] = 1.0

        # 给agent inform slots 创建向量
        agent_inform_slots_rep = np.zeros((self.num_slots, ))
        if last_agent_action:
            for key in last_agent_action['inform_slots'].keys():
                agent_inform_slots_rep[self.slots_dict[key]] = 1.0

        # 给agent request slots 创建向量
        agent_request_slots_rep = np.zeros((self.num_slots, ))
        if last_agent_action:
            for key in last_agent_action['request_slots'].keys():
                agent_request_slots_rep[self.slots_dict[key]] = 1.0

        # 给当前对话轮次创那one-hot向量
        turn_rep = np.zeros((1, )) + self.round_num / 5.
        turn_onehot_rep = np.zeros((self.max_round_num, ))
        turn_onehot_rep[self.round_num - 1] = 1.0

        # 给db的查询结果创建向量 (scaled counts)
        kb_count_rep = np.zeros(
            (self.num_slots +
             1, )) + db_results_dict['matching_all_constraints'] / 100.
        for key in db_results_dict.keys():
            if key in self.slots_dict:
                    self.slots_dict[key]] = db_results_dict[key] / 100.

        # 给db的查询结果创建向量 (binary)
        kb_binary_rep = np.zeros(
            (self.num_slots +
             1, )) + np.sum(db_results_dict['matching_all_constraints'] > 0.)
        for key in db_results_dict.keys():
            if key in self.slots_dict:
                kb_binary_rep[self.slots_dict[key]] = np.sum(
                    db_results_dict[key] > 0.)

        # 将以上所有信息拼接
        state_representation = np.hstack([
            user_act_rep, user_inform_slots_rep, user_request_slots_rep,
            agent_act_rep, agent_inform_slots_rep, agent_request_slots_rep,
            current_slots_rep, turn_rep, turn_onehot_rep, kb_binary_rep,

        return state_representation

    def update_state_agent(self, agent_action):
        Updates the dialogue history with the agent's action and augments the agent's action.

        Takes an agent action and updates the history. Also augments the agent_action param with query information and
        any other necessary information.
        根据agent action更新对话历史(history)

            agent_action (dict): The agent action of format dict('intent': string, 'inform_slots': dict,
                                 'request_slots': dict) and changed to dict('intent': '', 'inform_slots': {},
                                 'request_slots': {}, 'round': int, 'speaker': 'Agent')

        # 当agent intent 为 inform 时,在current_informs的约束条件下,从db中查找inform_slots所有values对应的条目,
        # 取条目最多的value作为inform_slots的值,并将此信息纪录到current_informs中
        if agent_action['intent'] == 'inform':
            assert agent_action['inform_slots']
            inform_slots = self.db_helper.fill_inform_slot(
                agent_action['inform_slots'], self.current_informs)
            agent_action['inform_slots'] = inform_slots
            assert agent_action['inform_slots']
            key, value = list(
                agent_action['inform_slots'].items())[0]  # Only one
            assert key != 'match_found'
            assert value != 'PLACEHOLDER', 'KEY: {}'.format(key)
            self.current_informs[key] = value
        # 如果 agent intent 为 match_found, 在current_informs的约束条件下,从db中查找符合条件的条目
        # 随机取一个条目,将此条目的编号作为current_informs中match_key的value
        elif agent_action['intent'] == 'match_found':
            assert not agent_action[
                'inform_slots'], 'Cannot inform and have intent of match found!'
            db_results = self.db_helper.get_db_results(self.current_informs)
            if db_results:
                # Arbitrarily pick the first value of the dict
                key, value = list(db_results.items())[0]
                agent_action['inform_slots'] = copy.deepcopy(value)
                agent_action['inform_slots'][self.match_key] = str(key)
                    self.match_key] = 'no match available'
                self.match_key] = agent_action['inform_slots'][self.match_key]
        # 更新agent_action中的round_num信息, 并将agent action添加到history
        agent_action.update({'round': self.round_num, 'speaker': 'Agent'})

    def update_state_user(self, user_action):
        Updates the dialogue history with the user's action and augments the user's action.

        Takes a user action and updates the history. Also augments the user_action param with necessary information.

            user_action (dict): The user action of format dict('intent': string, 'inform_slots': dict,
                                 'request_slots': dict) and changed to dict('intent': '', 'inform_slots': {},
                                 'request_slots': {}, 'round': int, 'speaker': 'User')

        # 将 user action中inform_slots的信息添加到current_informs中
        for key, value in user_action['inform_slots'].items():
            self.current_informs[key] = value
        # 更新agent_action中的round_num信息, 并将agent action添加到history
        user_action.update({'round': self.round_num, 'speaker': 'User'})
        # round_num加1
        self.round_num += 1
class StateTracker:
    """Tracks the state of the episode/conversation and prepares the state representation for the agent."""

    def __init__(self, database, constants):
        The constructor of StateTracker.
        The constructor of StateTracker which creates a DB query object, creates necessary state rep. dicts, etc. and
        calls reset.
            database (dict): The database with format dict(long: dict)
            constants (dict): Loaded constants in dict

        self.db_helper = DBQuery(database)
        self.match_key = usersim_default_key
        self.intents_dict = convert_list_to_dict(all_intents)
        self.num_intents = len(all_intents)
        self.slots_dict = convert_list_to_dict(all_slots)
        self.num_slots = len(all_slots)
        self.max_round_num = constants['run']['max_round_num']
        self.none_state = np.zeros(self.get_state_size())

    def get_state_size(self):
        """Returns the state size of the state representation used by the agent."""

        return 2 * self.num_intents + 7 * self.num_slots + 3 + self.max_round_num

    def reset(self):
            """Resets current_informs, history and round_num."""

            self.current_informs = {}
            # A list of the dialogues (dicts) by the agent and user so far in the conversation
            self.history = []
            self.round_num = 0

    # def print_history(self):
    #     """Helper function if you want to see the current history action by action."""
    #     for action in self.history:history
    #         print(action)

    def get_state(self, done=False):
        Returns the state representation as a numpy array which is fed into the agent's neural network.

        The state representation contains useful information for the agent about the current state of the conversation.
        Processes by the agent to be fed into the neural network. Ripe for experimentation and optimization.

            done (bool): Indicates whether this is the last dialogue in the episode/conversation. Default: False

            numpy.array: A numpy array of shape (state size,)


        # If done then fill state with zeros
        if done:
            return self.none_state

        user_action = self.history[-1]
        db_results_dict = self.db_helper.get_db_results_for_slots(self.current_informs)
        last_agent_action = self.history[-2] if len(self.history) > 1 else None

        # Create one-hot of intents to represent the current user action
        user_act_rep = np.zeros((self.num_intents,))
        user_act_rep[self.intents_dict[user_action['intent']]] = 1.0

        # Create bag of inform slots representation to represent the current user action
        user_inform_slots_rep = np.zeros((self.num_slots,))
        for key in user_action['inform_slots'].keys():
            user_inform_slots_rep[self.slots_dict[key]] = 1.0

        # Create bag of request slots representation to represent the current user action
        user_request_slots_rep = np.zeros((self.num_slots,))
        for key in user_action['request_slots'].keys():
            user_request_slots_rep[self.slots_dict[key]] = 1.0

        # Create bag of filled_in slots based on the current_slots
        current_slots_rep = np.zeros((self.num_slots,))
        for key in self.current_informs:
            current_slots_rep[self.slots_dict[key]] = 1.0

        # Encode last agent intent
        agent_act_rep = np.zeros((self.num_intents,))
        if last_agent_action:
            agent_act_rep[self.intents_dict[last_agent_action['intent']]] = 1.0

        # Encode last agent inform slots
        agent_inform_slots_rep = np.zeros((self.num_slots,))
        if last_agent_action:
            for key in last_agent_action['inform_slots'].keys():
                agent_inform_slots_rep[self.slots_dict[key]] = 1.0

        # Encode last agent request slots
        agent_request_slots_rep = np.zeros((self.num_slots,))
        if last_agent_action:
            for key in last_agent_action['request_slots'].keys():
                agent_request_slots_rep[self.slots_dict[key]] = 1.0

        # Value representation of the round num
        turn_rep = np.zeros((1,)) + self.round_num / 5.

        # One-hot representation of the round num
        turn_onehot_rep = np.zeros((self.max_round_num,))
        turn_onehot_rep[self.round_num - 1] = 1.0

        # Representation of DB query results (scaled counts)
        kb_count_rep = np.zeros((self.num_slots + 1,)) + db_results_dict['matching_all_constraints'] / 100.
        for key in db_results_dict.keys():
            if key in self.slots_dict:
                kb_count_rep[self.slots_dict[key]] = db_results_dict[key] / 100.

        # Representation of DB query results (binary)
        kb_binary_rep = np.zeros((self.num_slots + 1,)) + np.sum(db_results_dict['matching_all_constraints'] > 0.)
        for key in db_results_dict.keys():
            if key in self.slots_dict:
                kb_binary_rep[self.slots_dict[key]] = np.sum(db_results_dict[key] > 0.)

        state_representation = np.hstack(
            [user_act_rep, user_inform_slots_rep, user_request_slots_rep, agent_act_rep, agent_inform_slots_rep,
             agent_request_slots_rep, current_slots_rep, turn_rep, turn_onehot_rep, kb_binary_rep,

        return state_representation

    def update_state_agent(self, agent_action):
        Updates the dialogue history with the agent's action and augments the agent's action.

        Takes an agent action and updates the history. Also augments the agent_action param with query information and
        any other necessary information.

            agent_action (dict): The agent action of format dict('intent': string, 'inform_slots': dict,
                                 'request_slots': dict) and changed to dict('intent': '', 'inform_slots': {},
                                 'request_slots': {}, 'round': int, 'speaker': 'Agent')


        if agent_action['intent'] == 'inform':
            assert agent_action['inform_slots']
            inform_slots = self.db_helper.fill_inform_slot(agent_action['inform_slots'], self.current_informs)
            agent_action['inform_slots'] = inform_slots
            assert agent_action['inform_slots']
            key, value = list(agent_action['inform_slots'].items())[0]  # Only one
            assert key != 'match_found'
            assert value != 'PLACEHOLDER', 'KEY: {}'.format(key)
            self.current_informs[key] = value
        # If intent is match_found then fill the action informs with the matches informs (if there is a match)
        elif agent_action['intent'] == 'match_found':
            assert not agent_action['inform_slots'], 'Cannot inform and have intent of match found!'
            db_results = self.db_helper.get_db_results(self.current_informs)
            if db_results:
                # Arbitrarily pick the first value of the dict
                key, value = list(db_results.items())[0]
                agent_action['inform_slots'] = copy.deepcopy(value)
                agent_action['inform_slots'][self.match_key] = str(key)
                agent_action['inform_slots'][self.match_key] = 'no match available'
            self.current_informs[self.match_key] = agent_action['inform_slots'][self.match_key]
        agent_action.update({'round': self.round_num, 'speaker': 'Agent'})

    def update_state_user(self, user_action):
        Updates the dialogue history with the user's action and augments the user's action.

        Takes a user action and updates the history. Also augments the user_action param with necessary information.

            user_action (dict): The user action of format dict('intent': string, 'inform_slots': dict,
                                 'request_slots': dict) and changed to dict('intent': '', 'inform_slots': {},
                                 'request_slots': {}, 'round': int, 'speaker': 'User')


        for key, value in user_action['inform_slots'].items():
            self.current_informs[key] = value
        user_action.update({'round': self.round_num, 'speaker': 'User'})
        self.round_num += 1
Beispiel #3
class StateTracker:
    def __init__(self, database, max_round_num,all_slots):

        self.db_helper = DBQuery(database)
        self.intents_dict = {i:intent for i,intent in enumerate(all_intents)}
        self.num_intents = len(all_intents)
        self.slots_dict = {i:x for i,x in enumerate(all_slots)}
        self.num_slots = len(all_slots)
        self.max_round_num = max_round_num
        self.none_state = np.zeros(self.get_state_size())

    def get_state_size(self):
        return 2 * self.num_intents + 7 * self.num_slots + 3 + self.max_round_num

    def reset(self):
        self.current_informs = {}
        self.history = []
        self.round_num = 0

    def print_history(self):
        for action in self.history:

    def get_state(self, done=False) -> np.ndarray:

        if done:
            return self.none_state

        user_action: DialogAction = self.history[-1]
        db_results_dict = self.db_helper.get_db_results_for_slots(self.current_informs)
        last_agent_action: Union[DialogAction, None] = self.history[-2] if len(
        ) > 1 else None

        # Create one-hot of intents to represent the current user action
        user_act_rep = np.zeros((self.num_intents,))
        user_act_rep[self.intents_dict[user_action.intent]] = 1.0

        # Create bag of inform slots representation to represent the current user action
        user_inform_slots_rep = np.zeros((self.num_slots,))
        for key in user_action.inform_slots.keys():
            user_inform_slots_rep[self.slots_dict[key]] = 1.0

        # Create bag of request slots representation to represent the current user action
        user_request_slots_rep = np.zeros((self.num_slots,))
        for key in user_action.request_slots.keys():
            user_request_slots_rep[self.slots_dict[key]] = 1.0

        # Create bag of filled_in slots based on the current_slots
        current_slots_rep = np.zeros((self.num_slots,))
        for key in self.current_informs:
            current_slots_rep[self.slots_dict[key]] = 1.0

        # Encode last agent intent
        agent_act_rep = np.zeros((self.num_intents,))
        if last_agent_action:
            agent_act_rep[self.intents_dict[last_agent_action.intent]] = 1.0

        # Encode last agent inform slots
        agent_inform_slots_rep = np.zeros((self.num_slots,))
        if last_agent_action and last_agent_action.inform_slots is not None:
            for key in last_agent_action.inform_slots.keys():
                agent_inform_slots_rep[self.slots_dict[key]] = 1.0

        # Encode last agent request slots
        agent_request_slots_rep = np.zeros((self.num_slots,))
        if last_agent_action and last_agent_action.request_slots is not None:
            for key in last_agent_action.request_slots.keys():
                agent_request_slots_rep[self.slots_dict[key]] = 1.0

        # Value representation of the round num
        turn_rep = np.zeros((1,)) + self.round_num / 5.0

        # One-hot representation of the round num
        turn_onehot_rep = np.zeros((self.max_round_num,))
        turn_onehot_rep[self.round_num - 1] = 1.0

        # Representation of DB query results (scaled counts)
        kb_count_rep = (
            np.zeros((self.num_slots + 1,))
            + db_results_dict["matching_all_constraints"] / 100.0
        for key in db_results_dict.keys():
            if key in self.slots_dict:
                kb_count_rep[self.slots_dict[key]] = db_results_dict[key] / 100.0

        # Representation of DB query results (binary)
        kb_binary_rep = np.zeros((self.num_slots + 1,)) + np.sum(
            db_results_dict["matching_all_constraints"] > 0.0
        for key in db_results_dict.keys():
            if key in self.slots_dict:
                kb_binary_rep[self.slots_dict[key]] = np.sum(db_results_dict[key] > 0.0)

        state_representation = np.hstack(

        return state_representation

    def update_state_agent(self, action: DialogAction):

        if action.intent == INFORM:
        elif action.intent == "match_found":

        action.turn = self.round_num

    def handle_match_found(self, agent_action: DialogAction):
        # If intent is match_found then fill the action informs with the matches informs (if there is a match)
        assert agent_action.inform_slots is None
        db_results = self.db_helper.get_db_results(self.current_informs)
        if db_results:
            item_idx, item = list(db_results.items())[0]
            agent_action.inform_slots = copy.deepcopy(item)
            agent_action.inform_slots[self.match_key] = str(item_idx)
            agent_action.inform_slots = {self.match_key: "no match available"}

        value = agent_action.inform_slots[self.match_key]
        self.current_informs[self.match_key] = value

    def handle_inform_with_db_query(self, agent_action: DialogAction):
        assert agent_action.inform_slots
        slot_name = list(agent_action.inform_slots.keys())[0]
        value = self.db_helper.get_inform_value(slot_name, self.current_informs)
        agent_action.inform_slots = {slot_name: value}
        key, value = list(agent_action.inform_slots.items())[0]  # Only one
        assert key != "match_found"
        assert value != "PLACEHOLDER", "KEY: {}".format(key)
        self.current_informs[key] = value

    def update_state_user(self, user_action: DialogAction):

        for key, value in user_action.inform_slots.items():
            self.current_informs[key] = value

        user_action.turn = self.round_num
        self.round_num += 1