def sendOnlineMessages(data, lastData): offline = list() names = DbApi.subscribedUsers() names = [x[0] for x in names] for name in names: if name not in [x['username'] for x in data ] and lastData is not None and name in [ x['username'] for x in lastData ]: Send.sendOnlineMsg(name, "offline") offline += name on = [ x for x in data if x['username'] in names and x['username'] not in offline ] for member in on: try: oldMember = DbApi.lastState(member["username"]) if lastData is None or member["username"] not in [ x['username'] for x in lastData ] or oldMember["status"] != member["status"]: Send.sendOnlineMsg(member["username"], member["status"]) except Exception as e: print(f'Online Message failed because of [{str(e)}]') if (lastData is None or not any([x["channel_id"] == None for x in lastData])) and any( [x["channel_id"] != None for x in data]): Send.sendOnlineMsg( str(sum([x["channel_id"] == None for x in data])), "in channel")
def mainloop(): print(f"Starting netMonitor in {CONFIG['env']}") dbApi = DbApi() send = Send() send.sendInitial(f"Starting netMonitor in {CONFIG['env']}") netApi = NetApi() send.sendError(dbApi.test()) lastTimestamp = None while True: try: currtime = time.time() distance = 300 - currtime % 300 alligned_time = currtime + distance time.sleep(distance) # wait to the next 5 min timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( int(alligned_time)) # everyone gets same 5min alligned time try: data = netApi.getData() dbApi.dbCollect(data, timestamp) try: send.sendCheck(dbApi, lastTimestamp, timestamp) except Exception as e: send.sendError( f"Possible sending messages unsuccesful, because of {str(e)}" ) lastTimestamp = timestamp except Exception as e: send.sendError( f"DataCollection unsuccesful, because of {str(e)}") except Exception as e: send.sendError(f"Fail in Mainloop pending 290s, because of {e}") time.sleep(290)
def status(update, context): chat_id = if chat_id == CONFIG["chat_id"]: msg = DbApi.adminStatus(), chat_id=chat_id) else: msg = DbApi.status(), chat_id=chat_id)
def all(update, context): chat_id = if allowed(chat_id): if chat_id == CONFIG["admin_chat_id"]: dbApi = DbApi() msg = dbApi.getAllDevices(), chat_id=chat_id) else: msg = "Oh this is not the right channel", chat_id=chat_id)
def unsubscribe(update, context): chat_id = text = update.message.text if "/unsubscribe " in text: name = text.replace("/unsubscribe ", "") if name: try: DbApi.rmSubscriber(chat_id, name) msg = f"Unsubscribed from: {name}" except Exception as ex: msg = f"Could not unsubscribe from: {name}\nCheck your /subsribtions" + f"\n{CONFIG['env']}: because of {ex}" if CONFIG[ "env"] == "dev" else "" else: msg = "No Name Provided" else: msg = "No Name Provided", text=msg)
def sendOnlineMsg(name, status): bot = telegram.Bot(token=CONFIG["bot_token"]) subscribers = DbApi.subscribers(name) msg = f'{name} now {status}' print(msg, subscribers) for chat_id in subscribers: try: bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=msg) except Exception as e: print(f'Online Message failed because of [{str(e)}]')
def subscribe(update, context): chat_id = if allowed(chat_id): text = update.message.text if "/subscribe " in text: name = text.replace("/subscribe ", "") if name: try: dbApi = DbApi() dbApi.newSubscriber(chat_id, name) msg = f"Subscribed to: {name}" except Exception as ex: msg = f"Could not subscribe to: {name}\nCheck your /subsribtions" + f"\n{CONFIG['env']}: because of {ex}" if CONFIG[ "env"] == "dev" else "" else: msg = "No Name Provided" else: msg = "No Name Provided", text=msg)
def auth(update, context): chat_id = text = update.message.text username = update.effective_user.username first_name = update.effective_user.first_name last_name = update.effective_user.last_name if "/auth " in text: auth = text.replace("/auth ", "") if auth == CONFIG["auth"]: try: dbApi = DbApi() dbApi.authenticate(chat_id, username, first_name, last_name) msg = "Success! Please delete your message!" except Exception as ex: msg = f"Could not auth" + f"\n{CONFIG['env']}: because of {ex}" if CONFIG[ "env"] == "dev" else "" else: msg = "No right Auth Provided" else: msg = "No right Auth Provided", text=msg)
def subscribtions(update, context): chat_id = msg = str([x[0] for x in DbApi.chatSubscribedUsers(chat_id)]), text=msg)
def allowed(chat_id): dbApi = DbApi() return dbApi.authenticated(chat_id) or chat_id == CONFIG["admin_chat_id"]