Beispiel #1
def db_dl_prodinfo(dbinfo, orders_scenes):
    Queries the database to get the associated product options

    This query is meant to go with downloads by product

    :param dbinfo: Database connection information
    :type dbinfo: dict
    :param orders_scenes: Order id's that have been downloaded from
     based on web logs and scene names
    :type orders_scenes: tuple
    :return: Dictionary of count values
    ids = zip(*orders_scenes)[0]
    ids = remove_duplicates(ids)

    sql = ('SELECT o.orderid, o.product_opts '
           'FROM ordering_order o '
           'WHERE o.orderid = ANY (%s)')

    with DBConnect(**dbinfo) as db:, (ids, ))
        results = {k: val for k, val in db.fetcharr}

    return results
Beispiel #2
def editItem(category_name, item_name):
    db = DBConnect()
    item = db.getItemByName(item_name)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        name = request.form['name']
        description = request.form['description']
        categoryName = request.form['category']
        if name and description and categoryName:
            category = db.getCategoryByName(categoryName)
            db.editItem(item, name, description,
            return redirect(

    if request.method == 'GET':
        # Authorization check before serving the edit page
        userEmail = session.get('email')
        userID = db.getUserIDByEmail(userEmail)
        if userID !=
            return redirect(
                        error='You are not\
            authorized to edit this item'))
        categories = db.getAllCategories()
        return render_template('editItem.html',
Beispiel #3
def newCategory():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Get name from the posted form
        name = request.form['name'].strip()
        # Verify that a name was entered
        if name:
            db = DBConnect()
            # Check if this category already exsists
            if not db.categoryNameUsed(name):
                # Add the new category
                db.addCategory(name, 1)
                # Redirect to catalog page
                return redirect(url_for('catalog'))
                # If the category was not added, redirect the
                # user to the error page
            return redirect(
                        error='This name\
            was already used'))
        return redirect(url_for('error', error='You need to enter a name'))

    if request.method == 'GET':
        user = session.get('username')
        if user is None:
            return redirect(url_for('showLogin'))
        return render_template('newCategory.html')
Beispiel #4
def newItem(category_name):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Strip off the extra spaces the user may have entered
        name = request.form['name'].strip()
        description = request.form['description']
        # Ensure we have needed item info
        if name and description:
            db = DBConnect()
            isUsed = db.itemNameUsed(name)
            # Check if the item name has already been used somewhere else
            if not isUsed['used']:
                category = db.getCategoryByName(category_name)
                userID = db.getUserIDByEmail(session['email'])
                db.addItem(name, description,, userID)
                return redirect(
            return redirect(
            item name has already been used'))
        return redirect(
                    error='You need to enter\
        both a name and description'))

    if request.method == 'GET':
        user = session.get('username')
        if user is None:
            return redirect(url_for('showLogin'))
        return render_template('newItem.html', categoryName=category_name)
Beispiel #5
def db_top10stats(begin_date, end_date, sensors, dbinfo):
    Queries the database to get the total number of unique users
    dates are given as ISO 8601 'YYYY-MM-DD'

    :param source: EE or ESPA
    :type source: str
    :param begin_date: Date to start the count on
    :type begin_date: str
    :param end_date: Date to stop the count on
    :type end_date: str
    :param sensors: which sensor types to process (['tm4', 'etm7',...])
    :type sensors: tuple
    :param dbinfo: Database connection information
    :type dbinfo: dict
    :return: Dictionary of the count
    sql = '''select, coalesce(sum(jsonb_array_length(product_opts->sensors->'inputs')),0) scenes
             from ordering_order o
             left join lateral jsonb_object_keys(product_opts) sensors on True
             join auth_user u
                  on o.user_id =
             where o.order_date::date >= %s
             and o.order_date::date <= %s
             and sensors in %s
             and product_opts->sensors ? 'inputs'
             group by
             order by scenes desc
             limit 10'''

    with DBConnect(**dbinfo) as db:, (begin_date, end_date, sensors))
        return db[:]
Beispiel #6
def query_sensor_count(dbinfo, start, end, sensors=None):
    """Select aggregate number of scenes sorted by sensor."""
    sql = '''
        select count( n_scenes,
                left(, 4) sensor,
                extract(month from o.order_date) mm,
                extract(year from o.order_date) yy
        from ordering_scene s
            join ordering_order o on
        where o.order_date::date >= '{0}'
            and o.order_date::date <= '{1}'
            and s.sensor_type = 'landsat'
        group by sensor, yy, mm'''

    with DBConnect(**dbinfo) as db:
        dat = sqlio.read_sql_query(sql.format(start, end), db.conn)

    d2 = dat.pivot_table(index='mm', values='n_scenes',

    def p_month_name(mmm):
        """Format integers as month names."""
        return, mmm, 1).strftime('%b')
    d2.index = d2.index.astype(int).map(p_month_name)

    if 'LO08' in d2.columns:
        d2['LC08'] += d2['LO08']
    return d2[sensors]
Beispiel #7
def db_prodinfo(dbinfo, begin_date, end_date, sensors):
    Queries the database to build the ordered product counts
    dates are given as ISO 8601 'YYYY-MM-DD'

    :param dbinfo: Database connection information
    :type dbinfo: dict
    :param begin_date: Date to start the counts on
    :type begin_date: str
    :param end_date: Date to end the counts on
    :type end_date: str
    :param sensors: which sensors to process (['tm4','etm7',...])
    :type sensors: tuple
    :return: Dictionary of count values
    sql = ('SELECT product_opts '
           'FROM ordering_order '
           'left join lateral jsonb_object_keys(product_opts) sensors on True '
           'WHERE order_date::date >= %s '
           'AND order_date::date <= %s '
           'AND sensors in %s '
           "and product_opts->sensors ? 'inputs' "
           "group by product_opts, id")

    init = {'total': 0}

    with DBConnect(**dbinfo) as db:, (begin_date, end_date, sensors))
        results = reduce(counts_prodopts, [process_db_prodopts(r, sensors) for r in db.fetcharr], init)

    results['title'] = 'What was Ordered'
    return results
Beispiel #8
def db_uniquestats(source, begin_date, end_date, sensors, dbinfo):
    Queries the database to get the total number of unique users
    dates are given as ISO 8601 'YYYY-MM-DD'

    :param source: EE or ESPA
    :type source: str
    :param begin_date: Date to start the count on
    :type begin_date: str
    :param end_date: Date to stop the count on
    :type end_date: str
    :param sensors: which sensor types to process (['tm4', 'etm7',...])
    :type sensors: tuple
    :param dbinfo: Database connection information
    :type dbinfo: dict
    :return: Dictionary of the count
    sql = '''select count(distinct(email))
             from ordering_order
             left join lateral jsonb_object_keys(product_opts) sensors on True
             where order_date::date >= %s
             and order_date::date <= %s
             and order_source = %s
             and sensors in %s
             and product_opts->sensors ? 'inputs' ;'''

    with DBConnect(**dbinfo) as db:, (begin_date, end_date, source, sensors))
        return db[0][0]
Beispiel #9
def catalog():
    db = DBConnect()
    categories = db.getAllCategories()
    recentItems = db.getAllRecentItems()
    return render_template('categories.\
Beispiel #10
def showCategory(category_name):
    db = DBConnect()
    categories = db.getAllCategories()
    items = db.getItemsByCategory(category_name)
    count = db.getItemCountByCategory(category_name)
    return render_template('showCategory.html',
Beispiel #11
def query_scene_count(dbinfo, start, end, who=None):
    """Query count of scenes ordered per path/row.

        dbinfo (dict): database connection info
        start (str): begining of period range (e.g. '2018-04-01')
        end (str): end of periof range (e.g. '2018-04-30')

        np.array: number of scenes per path/row

    sql = '''
        select  count(*) n_scenes,
                case when split_part(, '_', 2) = ''
                    then right(left(,6),3)
                    else left(split_part(, '_', 3), 3) end as path,

                case when split_part(, '_', 2) = ''
                    then right(left(,9),3)
                    else right(split_part(, '_', 3), 3) end as row

        from ordering_scene s
        left join ordering_order o on

            o.order_date::date >= '{0}'
            and o.order_date::date <= '{1}'
            and s.sensor_type = 'landsat'

        group by path, row


    email_str = '' if who is 'ALL' else ("and = '%s'" % who)

    with DBConnect(**dbinfo) as db:
        dat = sqlio.read_sql_query(sql.format(start, end, email_str), db.conn)

    dat['path'] = dat['path'].astype(int)
    dat['row'] = dat['row'].astype(int)
    dat['alpha'] = dat['n_scenes'].apply(lambda v: get_alpha
                                         (v, MAXALPHA, MINALPHA,
    dat = dat.sort_values(by='alpha')
    return (
        dat[['path', 'row', 'alpha']].values,
Beispiel #12
def db_orderstats(source, begin_date, end_date, sensors, dbinfo):
    Queries the database to get the total number of orders
    separated by USGS and non-USGS emails
    dates are given as ISO 8601 'YYYY-MM-DD'

    :param source: EE or ESPA
    :type source: str
    :param begin_date: Date to start the count on
    :type begin_date: str
    :param end_date: Date to stop the count on
    :type end_date: str
    :param sensors: which sensor types to process (['tm4', 'etm7',...])
    :type sensors: tuple
    :param dbinfo: Database connection information
    :type dbinfo: dict
    :return: Dictionary of the counts
    sql = ('''select COUNT(distinct orderid)
              from ordering_order
              left join lateral jsonb_object_keys(product_opts) sensors on True
              where order_date::date >= %s
              and order_date::date <= %s
              and orderid like ''
              and order_source = %s
              and sensors in %s
              and product_opts->sensors ? 'inputs' ;''',
           '''select COUNT(distinct orderid)
              from ordering_order
              left join lateral jsonb_object_keys(product_opts) sensors on True
              where order_date::date >= %s
              and order_date::date <= %s
              and orderid not like ''
              and order_source = %s
              and sensors in %s
              and product_opts->sensors ? 'inputs' ;''')

    counts = {'orders_month': 0,
              'orders_usgs': 0,
              'orders_non': 0}

    with DBConnect(**dbinfo) as db:
        for q in sql:
  , (begin_date, end_date, source, sensors))

            if 'not like' in q:
                counts['orders_non'] += int(db[0][0])
                counts['orders_usgs'] += int(db[0][0])

    counts['orders_month'] = counts['orders_usgs'] + counts['orders_non']

    return counts
Beispiel #13
def get_email_addr(dbinfo, who):
    Retrieve email address(es) from the database
    for a specified role
    key = 'email.{0}'.format(who)
    sql = 'select value from ordering_configuration where key = %s'

    with DBConnect(**dbinfo) as db:, key)
        out = db[0][0].split(',')

    return out
Beispiel #14
def showItem(category_name, item_name):
    db = DBConnect()
    selectedItem = db.getItemByName(item_name)
    userEmail = session.get('email')
    userID = db.getUserIDByEmail(userEmail)
    if userID !=
        return render_template('publicShowItem.html\
    return render_template('showItem.html\
def current_pass(db_info):
    Retrieves the current password from the  database

    :param db_info: database connection information
    :type db_info: dict
    :return: exception message

    sql_str = "select value from ordering_configuration where key = 'landsatds.password'"

    with DBConnect(**db_info) as db:
        curr = db[0][0]

    return curr
Beispiel #16
def get_config_value(dbinfo, key):
    Retrieve a specified configuration value

    :param dbinfo: DB connection information
    :param key: table key to get the value for
    :return: value

    sql = ('SELECT value from ordering_configuration ' 'WHERE key = %s')

    with DBConnect(**dbinfo) as db:, key)
        ret = db[0][0]

    return ret
Beispiel #17
def catalogJSON():
    user = session.get('username')
    if user is None:
        return redirect(url_for('showLogin'))
    db = DBConnect()
    categories = db.getAllCategories()
    # Building the json object to be returned
    total = {'Category': []}
    for c in categories:
        items = db.getItemsByCategory(
            'items': [i.serialize for i in items]
    return jsonify(total)
def update_db(passwrd, db_info):
    Update the database with the new password

    :param passwrd: new password
    :type passwrd: string
    :param db_info: database connection information
    :type db_info: dict
    :return: exception message
    sql_str = "update ordering_configuration set value = %s where key = 'landsatds.password'"
        with DBConnect(**db_info) as db:
            db.execute(sql_str, passwrd)
    except Exception:
        raise CredentialException('Error updating the database with the new password')
Beispiel #19
 def __init__(self, env):
     self._base_url = base_url_from_env(env)
     self._first_name = ''
     self._last_name = ''
     self._job_title = ''
     self._email = ''
     self._password = ''
     self._space_guid = ''
     self._organization_guid = ''
     self._role = ''
     self._person_guid = ''
     self._employee_guid = ''
     self._user_guid = ''
     self._invite_code_guid = ''
     self._headers = {}
     self._dbconn = DBConnect(env)
     self._is_admin = False
def db_scenestats(source, begin_date, end_date, dbinfo):
    Queries the database for the number of scenes ordered
    separated by USGS and non-USGS emails
    dates are given as ISO 8601 'YYYY-MM-DD'

    :param source: EE or ESPA
    :type source: str
    :param begin_date: Date to start the count on
    :type begin_date: str
    :param end_date: Date to stop the count on
    :type end_date: str
    :param dbinfo: Database connection information
    :type dbinfo: dict
    :return: Dictionary of the counts
    sql = ('''select COUNT(*)
              from ordering_scene
              inner join ordering_order on ordering_scene.order_id =
              where ordering_order.order_date::date >= %s
              and ordering_order.order_date::date <= %s
              and ordering_order.orderid like ''
              and ordering_order.order_source = %s;''', '''select COUNT(*)
              from ordering_scene
              inner join ordering_order on ordering_scene.order_id =
              where ordering_order.order_date::date >= %s
              and ordering_order.order_date::date <= %s
              and ordering_order.orderid not like ''
              and ordering_order.order_source = %s;''')

    counts = {'scenes_month': 0, 'scenes_usgs': 0, 'scenes_non': 0}

    with DBConnect(**dbinfo) as db:
        for q in sql:
  , (begin_date, end_date, source))

            if 'not like' in q:
                counts['scenes_non'] += int(db[0][0])
                counts['scenes_usgs'] += int(db[0][0])

    counts['scenes_month'] = counts['scenes_usgs'] + counts['scenes_non']

    return counts
Beispiel #21
def deleteItem(category_name, item_name):
    db = DBConnect()
    item = db.getItemByName(item_name)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        return redirect(url_for('showCategory', category_name=category_name))

    if request.method == 'GET':
        # Authorization check before serving the delete page
        userEmail = session.get('email')
        userID = db.getUserIDByEmail(userEmail)
        if userID !=
            return redirect(
                        error='You are not\
            authorized to delete this item'))
        return render_template('deleteItem.html',
def db_dl_prodinfo(dbinfo, ids):
    Queries the database to get the associated product options

    :param dbinfo: Database connection information
    :type dbinfo: dict
    :param ids: Order id's that have been downloaded from based on web logs
    :type ids: tuple
    :return: Dictionary of count values
    ids = remove_duplicates(ids)

    sql = ('SELECT o.orderid, o.product_options '
           'FROM ordering_order o '
           'WHERE o.orderid = ANY (%s)')

    with DBConnect(**dbinfo) as db:, (ids, ))
        results = [x for x in db]

    return results
def db_prodinfo(dbinfo, begin_date, end_date):
    Queries the database to build the ordered product counts
    dates are given as ISO 8601 'YYYY-MM-DD'

    :param dbinfo: Database connection information
    :type dbinfo: dict
    :param begin_date: Date to start the counts on
    :type begin_date: str
    :param end_date: Date to end the counts on
    :type end_date: str
    :return: Dictionary of count values
    sql = ('''SELECT COUNT( "total",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_cfmask' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_cfmask",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_customized_source_data' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_customized_source_data",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_sr_evi' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_sr_evi",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_source_metadata' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_source_metadata",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_sr_msavi' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_sr_msavi",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_sr_nbr' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_sr_nbr",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_sr_nbr2' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_sr_nbr2",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_sr_ndmi' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_sr_ndmi",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_sr_ndvi' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_sr_ndvi",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_sr_savi' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_sr_savi",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_source_data' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_source_data",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_sr' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_sr",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_sr_thermal' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_sr_thermal",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_sr_toa' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_sr_toa"
              FROM ordering_order o
              JOIN ordering_scene s ON s.order_id =
              WHERE LENGTH(o.product_options) > 0
              AND o.order_date::date >= %s
              AND o.order_date::date <= %s;''')

    with DBConnect(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor, **dbinfo) as db:, (begin_date, end_date))
        results = dict(db[0])

    results['title'] = 'What was Ordered'
    return results
def db_uniquestats(source, begin_date, end_date, dbinfo):
    Queries the database to get the total number of unique users
    dates are given as ISO 8601 'YYYY-MM-DD'

    :param source: EE or ESPA
    :type source: str
    :param begin_date: Date to start the count on
    :type begin_date: str
    :param end_date: Date to stop the count on
    :type end_date: str
    :param dbinfo: Database connection information
    :type dbinfo: dict
    :return: Dictionary of the count
    sql = '''select count(distinct(split_part(orderid, '-', 1)))
             from ordering_order
             where order_date::date >= %s
             and order_date::date <= %s
             and order_source = %s;'''

    with DBConnect(**dbinfo) as db:, (begin_date, end_date, source))
        return db[0][0]
Beispiel #25
from employee import Employee
from erp_organization import Organization
from workspace import Workspace
from dbconnect import DBConnect


while True:
    env = input("Введите среду (test/dev/demo/prod): ").lower()
    if env not in ['test', 'dev', 'demo', 'prod']:

new_space = Workspace(env)
new_space_admin = Employee(env)
db = DBConnect(env)

while True:
    space_name = input("Введите Имя Спейса (должно быть уникальным): ")
    if space_name.lower() in db.space_codes_on_server():
        print("Пространство с таким именем уже сущестует. Введите другое имя")

while True:
    email = input("Введите валидный email (логин должен быть уникальным в рамках всех спейсов): ")
    if new_space_admin.login_exists(email):
        print("Логин занят")
Beispiel #26
def gconnect():
    # Verify that the token the client sends the server matches the one
    # that was sent
    if request.args.get('state') != session['state']:
        # If they do not match then respond with an error
        response = make_response(json.dumps('Invalid state token'), 401)
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        return response
    # If the state tokens match then we take our code
    code =
    # Try to use the one time code and exchange it for a
    # credentials object
        # Create oauth flow object and adds client secret key info to
        # that object
        oauth_flow = flow_from_clientsecrets('secret/client_secrets.json',
        # Specify that this the one time code flow this server sends off
        oauth_flow.redirect_uri = 'postmessage'
        # Init exchange
        credentials = oauth_flow.step2_exchange(code)
    # Handle the case where an error occurs during the exchange
    except FlowExchangeError:
        response = make_response(
            json.dumps('Failed to upgrade the\
        authorization code'), 401)
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        return response
    # Check to see if there is a valid access token inside of the
    # returned credentials
    access_token = credentials.access_token
    url = ''\
          % access_token
    h = httplib2.Http()
    result = json.loads(h.request(url, 'GET')[1])
    if result.get('error') is not None:
        response = make_response(json.dumps(result['error']), 500)
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        return response
    # Compare id in the credentials object against the id returned
    # by the google api server
    gplus_id = credentials.id_token['sub']
    if result['user_id'] != gplus_id:
        response = make_response(
            json.dumps('Token user ID does not\
        match given user ID'), 401)
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        return response
    # Compare client IDs
    if result['issued_to'] != CLIENT_ID:
        response = make_response(
            json.dumps('Token client ID does not\
        match the apps ID'), 401)
        print('Token client ID does not match the apps ID')
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        return response

    # Check if the user is already logged into the system
    stored_credentials = session.get('credentials')
    stored_gplus_id = session.get('gplus_id')
    if stored_credentials is not None and stored_gplus_id == gplus_id:
        response = make_response(
            json.dumps('Current user is\
        already logged in'), 200)
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        return response

    # Store credentials and google plus id in this session
    session['credentials'] = credentials.access_token
    session['gplus_id'] = gplus_id

    # Get more information about the user from the google plus api
    userinfo_url = ''
    params = {'access_token': credentials.access_token, 'alt': 'json'}
    answer = requests.get(userinfo_url, params=params)
    data = json.loads(answer.text)
    # Store user info in login session
    session['username'] = data['email']
    session['email'] = data['email']
    session['picture'] = data['picture']

    db = DBConnect()
    userID = db.getUserIDByEmail(session['email'])
    if userID is None:
        db.createUser(session['username'], session['email'],
        userID = db.getUserIDByEmail(session['email'])

    session['user_id'] = userID
    output = ''
    output += '<h1>Welcome, '
    output += session['username']
    return output