def audit_logs(my_filename, my_path, username): sql = 'insert into audit_logs(filename,path,username) values(%s,%s,%s)' args = (my_filename, my_path, username) count, rt_list = execute_sql(sql, args=args, fetch=False) return count != 0
def validate_login(username, password): sql = 'select * from user where username=%s and password=md5(%s)' _count, _rt_list = dbutils.execute_sql(sql, (username, password), fetch=True) return _count != 0
def change_user_passwd(userid, user_passwd): sql = 'update user set password=md5(%s) where id=%s' args = (user_passwd, userid) count, rt_list = execute_sql(sql, args=args, fetch=False) return count != 0
def get_list(): _column = 'id,sn,ip,hostname,idc_id,purchase_date,warranty,vendor,model,admin,business,cpu,ram,disk,os,status' _columns = _column.split(',') _sql = 'select {column} from assets where status=0'.format(column=_column) _count, _rt_list = dbutils.execute_sql(_sql, fetch=True) return [dict(zip(_columns, _list)) for _list in _rt_list]
def update_users(username, password, age, uid): sql = 'update user set username = %s ,password=md5(%s),age=%s where id=%s' args = (username, password, age, uid) _count, _rt_list = dbutils.execute_sql(sql, args) return _count != 0
def user_update(uid, age, job): sql = 'update user set job=%s,age=%s where id=%s;' args = (job, age, uid) count, rt_list = execute_sql(sql, args=args, fetch=False) return count != 0
def get_by_id(uid): sql = 'select * from idcs where id=%s and status=0' _count, _rt_list = dbutils.execute_sql(sql, uid, fetch=True) return _rt_list
def GetTopN(log_file, topN=10): # 第一步:打开文件,统计IP,URL,status获取访问次数 rt_dict = {} log_files = open(log_file, 'r') while True: line = log_files.readline() if not line: break (ip, url, status) = line.split()[0], line.split()[6], line.split()[8] rt_dict[(ip, url, status)] = rt_dict.get((ip, url, status), 0) + 1 log_files.close() # 字典数据转换成list,方便排序 rt_list = rt_dict.items() result = sorted(rt_list, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:topN] return result if __name__ == '__main__': log_file = 'access.txt' my_list = GetTopN(log_file, topN=3000) for i in my_list: IP = i[0][0] URL = i[0][1] my_status = i[0][2] my_count = i[1] # print IP,URL,my_status,my_count sql = 'insert into accesslog(ip,URL,status,count) values(%s,%s,%s,%s)' args = (IP, URL, my_status, my_count) execute_sql(sql, args=args, fetch=False)
def user_delete(uid): sql = 'delete from user where id=%s' args = (uid,) count, rt_list = execute_sql(sql,args=args,fetch=False) return count != 0
def update_password(_id, _password): _sql = 'update user set password=md5(%s) where id=%s;' _args = (_password, int(_id)) execute_sql(_sql, _args, fetch=False)
def validate_login(username, password): _sql = 'select * from user where username=%s and password=md5(%s)' _cnt, _rt_list = execute_sql(_sql, (username, password), fetch=True) if _cnt: return True
def delete_user(id): _sql = 'delete from user where id=%s;' _args = (id, ) execute_sql(_sql, _args, fetch=False)
def add_user(username, password, age): _sql = 'insert into user(username, password, age) values(%s, md5(%s), %s)' _args = (username, password, age) execute_sql(_sql, _args, fetch=False)
def show_audit_logs(limit_number=10): sql = 'select * from audit_logs limit %s' args = (limit_number, ) count, rt_list = execute_sql(sql, args=args, fetch=True) return rt_list
def idcs_list(): sql = 'select id,name from idcs where status=0' count, rt_list = execute_sql(sql) return rt_list
def user_delete(uid): sql = 'delete from user where id=%s' % uid count, rt_list = execute_sql(sql, fetch=False) return count != 0
def drop(asset_id): sql = 'update assets set status=1 where id=%s' args = (asset_id, ) fetch = False count, rt_list = execute_sql(sql, args, fetch) return count != 0
def validate_user(username): sql = 'select * from user where username=%s' args = username count, rt_list = execute_sql(sql, args) return count == 0
def delete(uid): sql = 'update assets set status=1 where id=%s' _count, _rt_list = dbutils.execute_sql(sql, uid) return _count != 0
def user_del(username): sql = 'delete from user where id = (select id from (select id from user where username = %s) temp)' args = username fetch = False count, rt_list = execute_sql(sql, args, fetch) return count != 0
def get_idc(): _sql = 'select id,name from idcs where status=0' _count, _rt_list = dbutils.execute_sql(_sql, fetch=True) return _rt_list
def user_edit(username, password, age): sql = 'update user set password=md5(%s), age=%s where id = (select id from (select id from user where username = %s) temp)' args = (password, age, username) fetch = False count, rt_list = execute_sql(sql, args, fetch) return count != 0
def add_users(username, password, age): sql = 'insert into user(username, password, age) values(%s,md5(%s),%s)' args = (username, password, age) _count, _rt_list = dbutils.execute_sql(sql, args) return _count != 0
def get_topn(topn=10): _sql = 'select url,ip,code,count(1) from logs group by url,ip,code order by count(1) desc LIMIT %s' args = (topn, ) # print _sql,args _rt_list, _cnt = execute_sql(_sql, args, fetch=True) return _rt_list
def del_users(uid): sql = 'delete from user where id=%s' _count, _rt_list = dbutils.execute_sql(sql, uid) return _count != 0
def update(_sn, _ip, _hostname, _os, _cpu, _ram, _disk, _idc_id, _admin, _business, _purchase_date, _warranty, _vendor, _model, _id): _sql = 'update assets set sn=%s,ip=%s,hostname=%s,os=%s,cpu=%s,ram=%s,disk=%s,idc_id=%s,admin=%s,business=%s,purchase_date=%s,warranty=%s,vendor=%s,model=%s where id=%s;' _args = (_sn, _ip, _hostname, _os, _cpu, _ram, _disk, _idc_id, _admin, _business, _purchase_date, _warranty, _vendor, _model, int(_id)) execute_sql(_sql, _args, fetch=False)
def vilidate_login(username, password): sql = 'select * from user where username=%s and password=md5(%s)' args = (username, password) count, rt_list = execute_sql(sql, args, fetch=True) return count != 0
def delete(id): _sql = 'update assets set status=1 where id=%s;' _args = (id, ) execute_sql(_sql, _args, fetch=False)
def add_user(username, passwd, age, job): sql = 'insert into user(username,password,job,age) values(%s,md5(%s),%s,%s)' args = (username, passwd, job, age) count, rt_list = execute_sql(sql, args=args, fetch=False) return count != 0
#encoding: utf-8 if __name__ == '__main__': import gconf import dbutils with open('mysql.sql', 'rb') as h: sql = dbutils.execute_sql(sql, (), False) rt = dbtuils.execute_sql('select count(*) from user where name=%s', ('kk',), True) if rt and rt[0] == 0: dbutils.execute_sql('insert into user(`name`, `password`, `age`) values(%s, md5(%s), %s)', ('kk', '123456', 29), False)