Beispiel #1
def find_candidate_yaml_files(user_places_to_look=None):
    Finds YAML files in the specified paths. Allows the user to pass custom directories.
    logger = log_util.logger_for_me(find_candidate_yaml_files)

    # look in default places
    dcluster_places_to_look = main_config.paths('profiles')
    places_to_look = collection_util.defensive_copy(dcluster_places_to_look)

    # also include user-specified places
    if user_places_to_look is not None and isinstance(user_places_to_look, list):

    logger.debug('places to look for profiles: {}'.format(places_to_look))

    # convert '~' to user's home directory
    places_to_look = [
        for place_to_look
        in places_to_look

    # find all the yaml files, remember found place
    yaml_files = OrderedDict()
    for place_to_look in places_to_look:
        with_yml = fs.find_files_with_extension(place_to_look, '.yml')
        with_yaml = fs.find_files_with_extension(place_to_look, '.yaml')
        yaml_files[place_to_look] = []

    return yaml_files
Beispiel #2
def ensure_docker_compose():
    Looks for docker_compose in PATH. If the executable is not found, it will try to download
    it from the docker-compose repository. Exits normally if successful, raises ValueError if
    the executable cannot be downloaded.
    log = logger.logger_for_me(ensure_docker_package)

    # check for docker-compose in PATH
    docker_compose_path = distutils.spawn.find_executable('docker-compose')

    if not docker_compose_path:
        # prepare to download it at user HOME
        server_url = docker_compose_url()
        output_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/.dcluster/bin')
        fs.create_dir_dont_complain(output_dir)  # ensure download dir
        docker_compose_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'docker-compose')

        # download if this fails then give up
        download.download_to_file_strict(server_url, docker_compose_path)

        # make it executable
        st = os.stat(docker_compose_path)
        os.chmod(docker_compose_path, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)

    # check for docker-compose version
    cmd = 'docker-compose -v'
    stdout, stderr, rc = runit.execute(cmd, env=os.environ)

    if 'docker-compose' not in stdout or rc != 0:
        err_msg = 'Not able to use docker-compose (rc={}):\n{}\n{}'
        raise ValueError(err_msg.format(rc, stdout, stderr))'Found docker-compose at: {}'.format(docker_compose_path))
Beispiel #3
def install_with_pip(package_name):
    Calls pip install --user <package_name>.
    log = logger.logger_for_me(install_with_pip)
    my_pip = detect_pip_version()
    cmd = '{} install --user {}'.format(my_pip, package_name)
    log.debug('Calling: >>{}<<'.format(cmd))
    runit.execute(cmd, logger=log, log_level=logging.INFO)
Beispiel #4
def get_workpath(args):
    Set the work path of dcluster. By default, it is set by the configuration (paths:work),
    but it can be overridden by the user using the --workpath optional variable.
    log = logger.logger_for_me(get_workpath)
    if args.workpath is not None:
        workpath = args.workpath
        # work_path_with_shell_variables = main_config.paths('work')
        # log.debug('workpath shell %s' % work_path_with_shell_variables)
        # workpath = fs_util.evaluate_shell_path(work_path_with_shell_variables)
        workpath = main_config.paths('work')

    # create the directory, it may not exist but we need it now
    log.debug('workpath %s' % workpath)
    return workpath
Beispiel #5
def download_to_file(server_url, output_filename):
    Downloads the file at baseURL and saves the file
    to output_filename. Overwrites the file.

    Returns None if downloaded, error string if problem with download
    log = logger.logger_for_me(download_to_file)

    # ignore bad certificates using monkey patch
    ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context

    # code is version dependent
    python_version = sys.version_info[0]
    if python_version < 3:
        return download_to_file_py2(server_url, output_filename, log)
        return download_to_file_py3(server_url, output_filename, log)
Beispiel #6
def ensure_docker_package():
    Tries to import docker module. If the module is not found, it will try to install docker via
    pip. Exits normally if successful, raises ImportError if the import fails.
    log = logger.logger_for_me(ensure_docker_package)

    # keep track of docker installation via pip function:
    # if we install docker right now, "import docker" fails
    just_installed = False

    if not pip_user.is_package_installed('docker'):
        # try to install it via pip
        just_installed = True

    if not just_installed:
        import docker'Python API for docker found: {}'.format(docker.__version__))
Beispiel #7
def get_all_available_profiles(user_places_to_look):
    Finds the YAML files with cluster information.
    The YAML files *must* have one of the following items:

    - it is a dictionary of exactly one key/value pair
    - the value is a dictionary, the key will be the profile identifier
    - either the items 'cluster_type' OR 'extend' should be in the internal dictionary
      (having both is allowed)

    - enforce restrictions?
    logger = log_util.logger_for_me(get_all_available_profiles)
    candidate_yaml_files = find_candidate_yaml_files(user_places_to_look)

    # here we overwrite any repeated yaml file without consideration of where they were found
    profile_yaml_files = []
    for location, candidates in candidate_yaml_files.items():
        for candidate in candidates:
            profile_yaml_path = os.path.join(location, candidate)

    available_profiles = OrderedDict()
    for profile_file in profile_yaml_files:

        with open(profile_file, 'r') as ff:
            yaml_dict = yaml.load(ff, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)

            # inform the user if a profile is to be updated
            for profile_name in yaml_dict.keys():
                if profile_name in available_profiles:
                    log_msg = 'profile \"{}\" will be updated with definition at: {}'
          , profile_file))

            # a YAML file may have many profiles, this will add all of them
            # allow override of previously defined profiles

    logger.debug('Found profiles: {}'.format(list(available_profiles.keys())))

    return available_profiles
Beispiel #8
def find_playbook_path(playbook_name):
    Finds the path for a dansible playbook given a name.
    The path is one of the following:

    1. a subdirectory of the current user directory, i.e. $PWD/<playbook_name>
    2. a subdirectory of the 'installed' dansible playbooks, e.g. $HOME/.dcluster/dansible/<playbook_name>
    3. a subdirectory of the 'default' dansible playbooks, e.g.

    These paths are in order of precedence: the first subdirectory is chosen if it exists,
    if not try the second and so on.

    The path *must* contain the playbook as "playbook.yml" (not checked here)

    Raises ValueError if no directory containing the playbook_name is found.
    log = logger.logger_for_me(find_playbook_path)

    # the three paths that may contain the subdirectory
    places_to_look = [

    found_playbook_path = None

    for place_to_look in places_to_look:
        possible_path = os.path.join(place_to_look, playbook_name)
        if os.path.isdir(possible_path):
            found_playbook_path = possible_path

    if not found_playbook_path:
        raise ValueError(
            'Could not find {} directory in any of these places: {}'.format(
                playbook_name, places_to_look))

    log.debug('Found playbook path: {}'.format(found_playbook_path))

    return found_playbook_path