def bool_from_string(subject, strict=False, default=False):
    """Interpret a string as a boolean.

    A case-insensitive match is performed such that strings matching 't',
    'true', 'on', 'y', 'yes', or '1' are considered True and, when
    `strict=False`, anything else returns the value specified by 'default'.

    Useful for JSON-decoded stuff and config file parsing.

    If `strict=True`, unrecognized values, including None, will raise a
    ValueError which is useful when parsing values passed in from an API call.
    Strings yielding False are 'f', 'false', 'off', 'n', 'no', or '0'.
    if not isinstance(subject, six.string_types):
        subject = six.text_type(subject)

    lowered = subject.strip().lower()

    if lowered in TRUE_STRINGS:
        return True
    elif lowered in FALSE_STRINGS:
        return False
    elif strict:
        acceptable = ', '.join("'%s'" % s
                               for s in sorted(TRUE_STRINGS + FALSE_STRINGS))
        msg = _("Unrecognized value '%(val)s', acceptable values are:"
                " %(acceptable)s") % {
                    'val': subject,
                    'acceptable': acceptable
        raise ValueError(msg)
        return default
Beispiel #2
    def find(self, base_url=None, **kwargs):
        """Find a single item with attributes matching ``**kwargs``.

        :param base_url: if provided, the generated URL will be appended to it
        kwargs = self._filter_kwargs(kwargs)

        rl = self._list(
            '%(base_url)s%(query)s' % {
                'base_url': self.build_url(base_url=base_url, **kwargs),
                'query': '?%s' % parse.urlencode(kwargs) if kwargs else '',
        num = len(rl)

        if num == 0:
            msg = _("No %(name)s matching %(args)s.") % {
                'name': self.resource_class.__name__,
                'args': kwargs
            raise exceptions.NotFound(404, msg)
        elif num > 1:
            raise exceptions.NoUniqueMatch
            return rl[0]
Beispiel #3
class RequestTimeout(HTTPClientError):
    """HTTP 408 - Request Timeout.

    The server timed out waiting for the request.
    http_status = 408
    message = _("Request Timeout")
Beispiel #4
class ExpectationFailed(HTTPClientError):
    """HTTP 417 - Expectation Failed.

    The server cannot meet the requirements of the Expect request-header field.
    http_status = 417
    message = _("Expectation Failed")
Beispiel #5
class RequestUriTooLong(HTTPClientError):
    """HTTP 414 - Request-URI Too Long.

    The URI provided was too long for the server to process.
    http_status = 414
    message = _("Request-URI Too Long")
Beispiel #6
class HttpServerError(HttpError):
    """Server-side HTTP error.

    Exception for cases in which the server is aware that it has
    erred or is incapable of performing the request.
    message = _("HTTP Server Error")
Beispiel #7
class BadRequest(HTTPClientError):
    """HTTP 400 - Bad Request.

    The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax.
    http_status = 400
    message = _("Bad Request")
Beispiel #8
class ServiceUnavailable(HttpServerError):
    """HTTP 503 - Service Unavailable.

    The server is currently unavailable.
    http_status = 503
    message = _("Service Unavailable")
Beispiel #9
class HttpVersionNotSupported(HttpServerError):
    """HTTP 505 - HttpVersion Not Supported.

    The server does not support the HTTP protocol version used in the request.
    http_status = 505
    message = _("HTTP Version Not Supported")
Beispiel #10
class InternalServerError(HttpServerError):
    """HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error.

    A generic error message, given when no more specific message is suitable.
    http_status = 500
    message = _("Internal Server Error")
Beispiel #11
class PaymentRequired(HTTPClientError):
    """HTTP 402 - Payment Required.

    Reserved for future use.
    http_status = 402
    message = _("Payment Required")
Beispiel #12
class ProxyAuthenticationRequired(HTTPClientError):
    """HTTP 407 - Proxy Authentication Required.

    The client must first authenticate itself with the proxy.
    http_status = 407
    message = _("Proxy Authentication Required")
Beispiel #13
class UnsupportedMediaType(HTTPClientError):
    """HTTP 415 - Unsupported Media Type.

    The request entity has a media type which the server or resource does
    not support.
    http_status = 415
    message = _("Unsupported Media Type")
Beispiel #14
class UnprocessableEntity(HTTPClientError):
    """HTTP 422 - Unprocessable Entity.

    The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic
    http_status = 422
    message = _("Unprocessable Entity")
Beispiel #15
class NotAcceptable(HTTPClientError):
    """HTTP 406 - Not Acceptable.

    The requested resource is only capable of generating content not
    acceptable according to the Accept headers sent in the request.
    http_status = 406
    message = _("Not Acceptable")
Beispiel #16
class MethodNotAllowed(HTTPClientError):
    """HTTP 405 - Method Not Allowed.

    A request was made of a resource using a request method not supported
    by that resource.
    http_status = 405
    message = _("Method Not Allowed")
Beispiel #17
class NotFound(HTTPClientError):
    """HTTP 404 - Not Found.

    The requested resource could not be found but may be available again
    in the future.
    http_status = 404
    message = _("Not Found")
Beispiel #18
class Forbidden(HTTPClientError):
    """HTTP 403 - Forbidden.

    The request was a valid request, but the server is refusing to respond
    to it.
    http_status = 403
    message = _("Forbidden")
Beispiel #19
class RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable(HTTPClientError):
    """HTTP 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable.

    The client has asked for a portion of the file, but the server cannot
    supply that portion.
    http_status = 416
    message = _("Requested Range Not Satisfiable")
Beispiel #20
class HttpNotImplemented(HttpServerError):
    """HTTP 501 - Not Implemented.

    The server either does not recognize the request method, or it lacks
    the ability to fulfill the request.
    http_status = 501
    message = _("Not Implemented")
Beispiel #21
class Unauthorized(HTTPClientError):
    """HTTP 401 - Unauthorized.

    Similar to 403 Forbidden, but specifically for use when authentication
    is required and has failed or has not yet been provided.
    http_status = 401
    message = _("Unauthorized")
Beispiel #22
class Conflict(HTTPClientError):
    """HTTP 409 - Conflict.

    Indicates that the request could not be processed because of conflict
    in the request, such as an edit conflict.
    http_status = 409
    message = _("Conflict")
Beispiel #23
class Gone(HTTPClientError):
    """HTTP 410 - Gone.

    Indicates that the resource requested is no longer available and will
    not be available again.
    http_status = 410
    message = _("Gone")
Beispiel #24
class BadGateway(HttpServerError):
    """HTTP 502 - Bad Gateway.

    The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid
    response from the upstream server.
    http_status = 502
    message = _("Bad Gateway")
Beispiel #25
class LengthRequired(HTTPClientError):
    """HTTP 411 - Length Required.

    The request did not specify the length of its content, which is
    required by the requested resource.
    http_status = 411
    message = _("Length Required")
Beispiel #26
class GatewayTimeout(HttpServerError):
    """HTTP 504 - Gateway Timeout.

    The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and did not receive a timely
    response from the upstream server.
    http_status = 504
    message = _("Gateway Timeout")
Beispiel #27
class PreconditionFailed(HTTPClientError):
    """HTTP 412 - Precondition Failed.

    The server does not meet one of the preconditions that the requester
    put on the request.
    http_status = 412
    message = _("Precondition Failed")
Beispiel #28
class MultipleChoices(HTTPRedirection):
    """HTTP 300 - Multiple Choices.

    Indicates multiple options for the resource that the client may follow.

    http_status = 300
    message = _("Multiple Choices")
def string_to_bytes(text, unit_system='IEC', return_int=False):
    """Converts a string into an float representation of bytes.

    The units supported for IEC ::

        Kb(it), Kib(it), Mb(it), Mib(it), Gb(it), Gib(it), Tb(it), Tib(it)
        KB, KiB, MB, MiB, GB, GiB, TB, TiB

    The units supported for SI ::

        kb(it), Mb(it), Gb(it), Tb(it)
        kB, MB, GB, TB

    Note that the SI unit system does not support capital letter 'K'

    :param text: String input for bytes size conversion.
    :param unit_system: Unit system for byte size conversion.
    :param return_int: If True, returns integer representation of text
                       in bytes. (default: decimal)
    :returns: Numerical representation of text in bytes.
    :raises ValueError: If text has an invalid value.

        base, reg_ex = UNIT_SYSTEM_INFO[unit_system]
    except KeyError:
        msg = _('Invalid unit system: "%s"') % unit_system
        raise ValueError(msg)
    match = reg_ex.match(text)
    if match:
        magnitude = float(
        unit_prefix =
        if in ['b', 'bit']:
            magnitude /= 8
        msg = _('Invalid string format: %s') % text
        raise ValueError(msg)
    if not unit_prefix:
        res = magnitude
        res = magnitude * pow(base, UNIT_PREFIX_EXPONENT[unit_prefix])
    if return_int:
        return int(math.ceil(res))
    return res
Beispiel #30
class RequestEntityTooLarge(HTTPClientError):
    """HTTP 413 - Request Entity Too Large.

    The request is larger than the server is willing or able to process.
    http_status = 413
    message = _("Request Entity Too Large")

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            self.retry_after = int(kwargs.pop('retry_after'))
        except (KeyError, ValueError):
            self.retry_after = 0

        super(RequestEntityTooLarge, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)