Beispiel #1
def HJC_dependency(top, tsh, tres, Q, QAA, QAF, QFF, QFA):
    Calculate normalised joint distribution (CHS96, Eq. 3.22) of an open time
    and the following shut time as proposed by Magleby & Song 1992. 
    top, tsh : array_like of floats
        Open and shut tims.
    tres : float
        Time resolution.
    Q : array, shape (k,k)
        Q matrix. 
    QAA, QAF, QFF, QFA : array_like
        Submatrices of Q.

    dependency : ndarray
    kA, kF = QAA.shape[0], QFF.shape[0]
    uA = np.ones((kA))[:,np.newaxis]
    uF = np.ones((kF))[:,np.newaxis]
    expQFF = qml.expQt(QFF, tres)
    expQAA = qml.expQt(QAA, tres)
    GAF, GFA = qml.iGs(Q, kA, kF)
    eGAF = qml.eGs(GAF, GFA, kA, kF, expQFF)
    eGFA = qml.eGs(GFA, GAF, kF, kA, expQAA)
    phiA = qml.phiHJC(eGAF, eGFA, kA)
    phiF = qml.phiHJC(eGFA, eGAF, kF)
    eigs, A = qml.eigs(-Q)
    Feigvals, FZ00, FZ10, FZ11 = qml.Zxx(Q, eigs, A, kA, QAA, QFA, QAF, expQAA, False)
    Froots = asymptotic_roots(tres, QFF, QAA, QFA, QAF, kF, kA)
    FR = qml.AR(Froots, tres, QFF, QAA, QFA, QAF, kF, kA)
    Aeigvals, AZ00, AZ10, AZ11 = qml.Zxx(Q, eigs, A, kA, QFF, QAF, QFA, expQFF, True)
    Aroots = asymptotic_roots(tres, QAA, QFF, QAF, QFA, kA, kF)
    AR = qml.AR(Aroots, tres, QAA, QFF, QAF, QFA, kA, kF)

    dependency = np.zeros((top.shape[0], tsh.shape[0]))
    for i in range(top.shape[0]):
        eGAFt = qml.eGAF(top[i], tres, Aeigvals, AZ00, AZ10, AZ11, Aroots,
                AR, QAF, expQFF)
        fo =, eGAFt), uF)[0]
        for j in range(tsh.shape[0]):
            eGFAt = qml.eGAF(tsh[j], tres, Feigvals, FZ00, FZ10, FZ11, Froots,
                FR, QFA, expQAA)
            fs =, eGFAt), uA)[0]
            fos =, eGAFt), eGFAt), uA)[0]
            dependency[i, j] = (fos - (fo * fs)) / (fo * fs)
    return dependency
Beispiel #2
def HJC_adjacent_mean_open_to_shut_time_pdf(sht, tres, Q, QAA, QAF, QFF, QFA):
    Calculate theoretical HJC (with missed events correction) mean open time
    given previous/next gap length (continuous function; CHS96 Eq.3.5). 

    sht : array of floats
        Shut time interval.
    tres : float
        Time resolution.
    Q : array, shape (k,k)
        Q matrix.
    QAA, QAF, QFF, QFA : array_like
        Submatrices of Q.

    mp : ndarray of floats
        Mean open time given previous gap length.
    mn : ndarray of floats
        Mean open time given next gap length.
    kA, kF = QAA.shape[0], QFF.shape[0]
    uA = np.ones((kA))[:,np.newaxis]
    uF = np.ones((kF))[:,np.newaxis]
    expQFF = qml.expQt(QFF, tres)
    expQAA = qml.expQt(QAA, tres)
    GAF, GFA = qml.iGs(Q, kA, kF)
    eGAF = qml.eGs(GAF, GFA, kA, kF, expQFF)
    eGFA = qml.eGs(GFA, GAF, kF, kA, expQAA)
    phiA = qml.phiHJC(eGAF, eGFA, kA)
    phiF = qml.phiHJC(eGFA, eGAF, kF)
    DARS = qml.dARSdS(tres, QAA, QFF, GAF, GFA, expQFF, kA, kF)
    eigs, A = qml.eigs(-Q)
    Feigvals, FZ00, FZ10, FZ11 = qml.Zxx(Q, eigs, A, kA, QAA, QFA, QAF, expQAA, False)
    Froots = asymptotic_roots(tres, QFF, QAA, QFA, QAF, kF, kA)
    FR = qml.AR(Froots, tres, QFF, QAA, QFA, QAF, kF, kA)
    Q1 =, QAF), expQFF)
    col1 =, uF)
    row1 =, Q1)
    mp = []
    mn = []
    for t in sht:
        eGFAt = qml.eGAF(t, tres, Feigvals, FZ00, FZ10, FZ11, Froots,
                    FR, QFA, expQAA)
        denom =, eGFAt), uA)[0]
        nom1 =, eGFAt), col1)[0]
        nom2 =, eGFAt), uA)[0]
        mp.append(nom1 / denom)
        mn.append(nom2 / denom)
    return np.array(mp), np.array(mn)
Beispiel #3
def HJClik(theta, opts):
    Calculate likelihood for a series of open and shut times using HJC missed
    events probability density functions (first two dead time intervals- exact
    solution, then- asymptotic).

    Lik = phi * eGAF(t1) * eGFA(t2) * eGAF(t3) * ... * eGAF(tn) * uF
    where t1, t3,..., tn are open times; t2, t4,..., t(n-1) are shut times.

    Gaps > tcrit are treated as unusable (e.g. contain double or bad bit of
    record, or desens gaps that are not in the model, or gaps so long that
    next opening may not be from the same channel). However this calculation
    DOES assume that all the shut times predicted by the model are present
    within each group. The series of multiplied likelihoods is terminated at
    the end of the opening before an unusable gap. A new series is then
    started, using appropriate initial vector to give Lik(2), ... At end
    these are multiplied to give final likelihood.

    theta : array_like
    bursts : dictionary
        A dictionary containing lists of open and shut intervals.
    opts : dictionary
        opts['mec'] : instance of type Mechanism
        opts['tres'] : float
            Time resolution (dead time).
        opts['tcrit'] : float
            Ctritical time interval.
        opts['isCHS'] : bool
            True if CHS vectors should be used (Eq. 5.7, CHS96).

    loglik : float
    newrates : array_like
        Updated rates/guesses.
    # TODO: Errors.

    mec = opts['mec']
    conc = opts['conc']
    tres = opts['tres']
    tcrit = opts['tcrit']
    is_chsvec = opts['isCHS']
    bursts = opts['data']

    mec.set_eff('c', conc)

    GAF, GFA = qml.iGs(mec.Q, mec.kA, mec.kF)
    expQFF = qml.expQt(mec.QFF, tres)
    expQAA = qml.expQt(mec.QAA, tres)
    eGAF = qml.eGs(GAF, GFA, mec.kA, mec.kF, expQFF)
    eGFA = qml.eGs(GFA, GAF, mec.kF, mec.kA, expQAA)
    phiF = qml.phiHJC(eGFA, eGAF, mec.kF)
    startB = qml.phiHJC(eGAF, eGFA, mec.kA)
    endB = np.ones((mec.kF, 1))

    eigen, A = qml.eigs(-mec.Q)
    Aeigvals, AZ00, AZ10, AZ11 = qml.Zxx(mec.Q, eigen, A, mec.kA, mec.QFF,
        mec.QAF, mec.QFA, expQFF, True)
    Aroots = asymptotic_roots(tres,
        mec.QAA, mec.QFF, mec.QAF, mec.QFA, mec.kA, mec.kF)
    AR = qml.AR(Aroots, tres, mec.QAA, mec.QFF, mec.QAF, mec.QFA, mec.kA, mec.kF)
    Feigvals, FZ00, FZ10, FZ11 = qml.Zxx(mec.Q, eigen, A, mec.kA, mec.QAA,
        mec.QFA, mec.QAF, expQAA, False)
    Froots = asymptotic_roots(tres,
        mec.QFF, mec.QAA, mec.QFA, mec.QAF, mec.kF, mec.kA)
    FR = qml.AR(Froots, tres, mec.QFF, mec.QAA, mec.QFA, mec.QAF, mec.kF, mec.kA)

    if is_chsvec:
        startB, endB = qml.CHSvec(Froots, tres, tcrit,
            mec.QFA, mec.kA, expQAA, phiF, FR)

    loglik = 0
    for ind in range(len(bursts)):
        burst = bursts[ind]
        grouplik = startB
        for i in range(len(burst)):
            t = burst[i]
            if i % 2 == 0: # open time
                eGAFt = qml.eGAF(t, tres, Aeigvals, AZ00, AZ10, AZ11, Aroots,
                AR, mec.QAF, expQFF)
            else: # shut
                eGAFt = qml.eGAF(t, tres, Feigvals, FZ00, FZ10, FZ11, Froots,
                FR, mec.QFA, expQAA)
            grouplik =, eGAFt)
            if grouplik.max() > 1e50:
                grouplik = grouplik * 1e-100
                #print 'grouplik was scaled down'
        grouplik =, endB)
            loglik += log(grouplik[0])
            print ('HJClik: Warning: likelihood has been set to 0')
            print ('likelihood=', grouplik[0])
            print ('rates=', mec.unit_rates())
            loglik = 0

    newrates = np.log(mec.theta())
    return -loglik, newrates