Beispiel #1
def _main(args):

    queue = common.get_default_printer()
    argstyle = None
        # common.SYSTEMS is a canonical order of preference for
        # printing systems, and order matters to common.parse_args
        optinfos = [(s, opts[s]) for s in common.SYSTEMS]

        argstyle, options, arguments = common.parse_args(args, optinfos)

        # Find the last queue specified in the arguments
        queue_args, options = common.extract_opt(options, '-P')
        if queue_args:
            queue = queue_args[-1][-1]

        # Deal with zephyr notifications
        if os.environ.get('ATHENA_USER'):
            system = common.find_queue(queue)[0]
            if system == common.SYSTEM_CUPS:
                options.append(('-m', ''))

        # Now that we've sliced up the arguments, put them back
        # together
        args = [o + a for o, a in options] + arguments
    except ValueError:
        # parse_args returned None, so we learned nothing. We'll just
        # go with the default queue

    if not queue:
        # We tried and couldn't figure it out, so not our problem
        common.error(2, ("\n"
                         "No default printer configured. Specify a -P option, or configure a\n"
                         "default printer via e.g. System | Administration | Printing.\n"

    system, server, queue = common.find_queue(queue)

    if server == None and common.get_cups_uri(queue) == None:
        # if there's no Hesiod server and no local queue, 
        # tell the user they're wrong
        # But let it fall through in case the user is doing 
        # stupid things with -h 
        sys.stderr.write(("\nWARNING: The print queue '%s' does not appear to exist.\n"
                         "If you're trying to print to a cluster or dorm printer,\n"
                         "you should now be using the 'mitprint' queue instead.\n"
                         "See for more information.\n\n" % queue))

    args.insert(0, '-P%s' % queue)
    if os.environ.get('ATHENA_USER'):
        args.insert(0, '-U%s' % os.environ['ATHENA_USER'])
    if server:
        os.environ['CUPS_SERVER'] = server

    if system == common.SYSTEM_CUPS and 'LPROPT' in os.environ:
        sys.stderr.write("Use of the $LPROPT environment variable is deprecated and\nits contents will be ignored.\nSee\n")

    common.dispatch_command(system, 'lpr', args)
Beispiel #2
def simple(command, optinfo, queue_opt, args):

    # Sigh.  CUPS' lprm, in its infinite wisdom, accepts '-' as a
    # specifier for 'all jobs', which doesn't work with any option
    # parsing code, ever.  However, CUPS does require that it be the
    # last argument, so check for it, and save it because parse_args
    # will kill it
    lprmdash = False
    if (command == "lprm") and len(args) and (args[-1] == "-"):
        lprmdash = True

    queue = common.get_default_printer()
        argstyle, options, arguments = common.parse_args(args, optinfo)

        # Find the last queue specified in the arguments
        queue_args, options = common.extract_opt(options, queue_opt)
        if queue_args:
            queue = queue_args[-1][-1]

        # Now that we've sliced up the arguments, put them back
        # together
        args = [o + a for o, a in options] + arguments

    except ValueError:
        # parse_args returned None, so we learned nothing. We'll just
        # go with the default queue

    if not queue:
        # We tried and couldn't figure it out, so not our problem
                "No default printer configured. Specify a %s option, or configure a\n"
                "default printer via e.g. System | Administration | Printing.\n"
                "\n" % queue_opt

    system, server, queue = common.find_queue(queue)

    args.insert(0, "%s%s" % (queue_opt, queue))
    if server:
        os.environ["CUPS_SERVER"] = server

    # And now add it back (see above)
    if lprmdash and (system == common.SYSTEM_CUPS):

    common.dispatch_command(system, command, args)
Beispiel #3
def simple(command, optinfo, queue_opt, args):

    # Sigh.  CUPS' lprm, in its infinite wisdom, accepts '-' as a
    # specifier for 'all jobs', which doesn't work with any option
    # parsing code, ever.  However, CUPS does require that it be the
    # last argument, so check for it, and save it because parse_args
    # will kill it
    lprmdash = False
    if (command == 'lprm') and len(args) and (args[-1] == '-'):
        lprmdash = True

    queue = common.get_default_printer()
        argstyle, options, arguments = common.parse_args(args, optinfo)

        # Find the last queue specified in the arguments
        queue_args, options = common.extract_opt(options, queue_opt)
        if queue_args:
            queue = queue_args[-1][-1]

        # Now that we've sliced up the arguments, put them back
        # together
        args = [o + a for o, a in options] + arguments

    except ValueError:
        # parse_args returned None, so we learned nothing. We'll just
        # go with the default queue

    if not queue:
        # We tried and couldn't figure it out, so not our problem
        common.error(2, (
            "No default printer configured. Specify a %s option, or configure a\n"
            "default printer via e.g. System | Administration | Printing.\n"
            "\n" % queue_opt))

    system, server, queue = common.find_queue(queue)

    args.insert(0, '%s%s' % (queue_opt, queue))
    if server:
        os.environ['CUPS_SERVER'] = server

    # And now add it back (see above)
    if lprmdash and (system == common.SYSTEM_CUPS):

    common.dispatch_command(system, command, args)
Beispiel #4
 def test_empty_args(self):
     """Test parsing an empty argument list"""
     self.assertEqual(common.parse_args([], self.optinfo),
                      (common.SYSTEM_CUPS, [], []))
Beispiel #5
 def test_valid_primary_args(self):
     """Test parsing arguments with the first set of options"""
     self.assertEqual(common.parse_args(['-Pmeadow', 'my_job'], self.optinfo),
                      (common.SYSTEM_CUPS, [('-P', 'meadow')], ['my_job']))
def _main(args):

    queue = common.get_default_printer()
        argstyle, options, arguments = common.parse_args(args, opts)

        # Find the last queue specified in the arguments
        queue_args, options = common.extract_opt(options, queue_opt)
        if queue_args:
            queue = queue_args[-1][-1]

        # Now that we've sliced up the arguments, put them back
        # together
        args = [o + a for o, a in options] + arguments
    except ValueError:
        # parse_args returned None, so we learned nothing. We'll just
        # go with the default queue

    if not queue:
        # We tried and couldn't figure it out, so not our problem
        common.error(2, ("\n"
                         "No default printer configured. Specify a %s option, or configure a\n"
                         "default printer via e.g. System | Administration | Printing.\n"
                         "\n" % queue_opt))

    system, server, queue = common.find_queue(queue)

    if server == None and common.get_cups_uri(queue) == None:
        # if there's no Hesiod server and no local queue, 
        # tell the user they're wrong
        # But let it fall through in case the user is doing 
        # stupid things with -h 
        sys.stderr.write(("\nWARNING: The print queue '%s' does not appear to exist.\n"
                         "If you're trying to print to a cluster or dorm printer,\n"
                         "you should now be using the 'mitprint' queue instead.\n"
                         "See for more information.\n\n" % queue))

    if server and system == common.SYSTEM_CUPS and args == []:
        # CUPS clients before 1.4 and CUPS servers at least 1.4 don't
        # communicate well about lpq stuff, so just implement RFC 1179 lpq
        # ourselves since that works
        # Also, a hack to continue to support "lpq -Pbw" until we have
        # a better solution for querying the CUPS queue
        if cups_version_is_below_1_4() or (server == 'PHAROS-PRODP1.MIT.EDU'):
                s = socket.socket()
                s.connect((server, 515))
                s.send("\x03" + queue + "\n")
                print s.makefile().read()
                return 0
            except (socket.error, socket.timeout):
                # Oh well.
    args.insert(0, '%s%s' % (queue_opt, queue))
    if server:
        os.environ['CUPS_SERVER'] = server

    common.dispatch_command(system, 'lpq', args)
Beispiel #7
def _main(args):

    queue = common.get_default_printer()
        argstyle, options, arguments = common.parse_args(args, opts)

        # Find the last queue specified in the arguments
        queue_args, options = common.extract_opt(options, queue_opt)
        if queue_args:
            queue = queue_args[-1][-1]

        # Now that we've sliced up the arguments, put them back
        # together
        args = [o + a for o, a in options] + arguments
    except ValueError:
        # parse_args returned None, so we learned nothing. We'll just
        # go with the default queue

    if not queue:
        # We tried and couldn't figure it out, so not our problem
        common.error(2, (
            "No default printer configured. Specify a %s option, or configure a\n"
            "default printer via e.g. System | Administration | Printing.\n"
            "\n" % queue_opt))

    system, server, queue = common.find_queue(queue)

    if server == None and common.get_cups_uri(queue) == None:
        # if there's no Hesiod server and no local queue,
        # tell the user they're wrong
        # But let it fall through in case the user is doing
        # stupid things with -h
            ("\nWARNING: The print queue '%s' does not appear to exist.\n"
             "If you're trying to print to a cluster or dorm printer,\n"
             "you should now be using the 'mitprint' queue instead.\n"
             "See for more information.\n\n" %

    if server and system == common.SYSTEM_CUPS and args == []:
        # CUPS clients before 1.4 and CUPS servers at least 1.4 don't
        # communicate well about lpq stuff, so just implement RFC 1179 lpq
        # ourselves since that works
        # Also, a hack to continue to support "lpq -Pbw" until we have
        # a better solution for querying the CUPS queue
        if cups_version_is_below_1_4() or (server == 'PHAROS-PRODP1.MIT.EDU'):
                s = socket.socket()
                s.connect((server, 515))
                s.send("\x03" + queue + "\n")
                print s.makefile().read()
                return 0
            except (socket.error, socket.timeout):
                # Oh well.

    args.insert(0, '%s%s' % (queue_opt, queue))
    if server:
        os.environ['CUPS_SERVER'] = server

    common.dispatch_command(system, 'lpq', args)