def addTitle(audio_path, title): """Add metadata title to the audio file provided with audio_path Arguments: audio_path {String} -- Path to the audio file title {String} -- The title that is going to be added to the audio file Return: Doesn't return anything """ if os.path.exists(audio_path): if (title != "" or title != None): audio = MP3(audio_path, ID3=ID3) try: audio.add_tags() except error: logging.debug("ID3 Tag already exists for this audio file") try: audio.tags.add(TIT2(encoding=3, text=title)) logging.debug("Title Added") except error: logging.debug("Error Adding Title to audio file") else: logging.debug("Title can't be null or empty") else: logging.debug("audio path is invalid")
def getDirectory(self): file = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( self, 'Choose Download Directory', self.getDownloadLocationConfig()[0]) if file: self.lineEditDownloadDirectoryShow.setText(file) config = constructConfig(file) # print(config['conf'].get('download_dir')) generateConfigFile(config) logging.debug("Changed download directory to: {}".format(file))
def startTheServers(): logging.debug("Starting Daemon Server! Modes: {} {} {}".format(MEDIA_TYPE,MEDIA_QUALITY,DOWNLOAD_MODE)) if mainThread.is_alive(): return True if not mainThread.is_alive(): #starting main thread mainThread.start() work_is_pending = True for worker in worker_thread_list: if not worker.is_alive(): work_is_pending = False if not work_is_pending: #starting worker threads for t in worker_thread_list: t.start() return False
def run(self): while not self.stopped(): try: url = self.task_queue.get(timeout=1) except queue.Empty: pass else: try: if(MEDIA_TYPE == 'audio'): start_audio_download(url) task_queue.task_done() logging.debug(self.thread_name+ " Completed") elif(MEDIA_TYPE == 'video'): if(MEDIA_QUALITY == 'normal'): start_video_download(url) task_queue.task_done() logging.debug(self.thread_name+ " Completed") elif(MEDIA_QUALITY == 'hq'): start_high_quality_video_download(url) task_queue.task_done() logging.debug(self.thread_name+ " Completed") if(task_queue.empty()): logging.debug("No pending task in the queue") except Exception as e: logging.debug("Error occured in daemon loop") logging.debug(e)
def sigint_handler(signum, frame): logging.debug('Shutting Threads down...') stopTheServers() sys.exit(0)
def closeEvent(self, event): stopTheServers() logging.debug("Closing GUI") event.accept()
def exit_app(self): logging.debug("Closing GUI") stopTheServers() sys.exit(0)
def addPicture(audio_path, pafy_obj): """Add picture to the audio file provided with audio_path arguments Picture url will get retrived from the pafy object Arguments: audio_path {String} -- Path to the audio file to work with pafy_obj {Object} -- The pafy object of the current audio file Return: Doesn't return a value if operations are succeful but if it fail to fetch any image url it return None and no operation is done with the audio file """ if os.path.exists(audio_path)\ and os.path.isfile(audio_path)\ and audio_path.endswith('mp3'): if pafy_obj != None: audio = MP3(audio_path, ID3=ID3) # Download the cover image try: picture_url = None if (pafy_obj.bigthumbhd != None): picture_url = pafy_obj.bigthumbhd logging.debug("BigThumbHd") elif (pafy_obj.bigthumb != None): picture_url = pafy_obj.bigthumb logging.debug("BigThumb") elif (pafy_obj.thumb != None): picture_url = pafy_obj.thumb logging.debug("Thumb") else: logging.debug("No thumbnail avaliable for the video") return img = requests.get(picture_url) # extracting byte data from img response obj img = img.content except Exception as e: logging.debug("Error downloading cover art") logging.debug(e) # try adding id3 tags if not exists try: audio.add_tags() except error: logging.debug("ID3 Tag already exists for this audio file") # editing the id3 tag try: audio.tags.add( APIC(mime='image/jpeg', type=3, desc=u'Cover', data=img)) logging.debug("Cover added") except error: logging.debug("Error adding coverart") else: logging.debug("Image path is invalid") else: logging.debug("audio path is invalid")
#url = '' url = input("Enter a valid YouTube Playlist Link:") while not url.startswith(''): url = input("Enter a valid YouTube Playlist Link:") av = ['a', 'v'] aud_or_vid = None while not aud_or_vid in av: aud_or_vid = input("Download in audio or video (a/v)?") song_list = SongListGenerator().generateList(url) song_batchs_of_three = [ song_list[i:i + 3] for i in range(0, len(song_list), 3) ] # print(song_batchs_of_three) # print(song_list) if len(song_list) > 0: try: if aud_or_vid == av[0]: for batch_one in song_batchs_of_three: with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:, batch_one) elif aud_or_vid == av[1]: for batch_one in song_batchs_of_three: with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:, batch_one) except Exception as e: logging.debug("Exception occured running threadpool executor") logging.debug(e)
def cleanJunk(): temp_dir = os.path.join(*conf.get('temp_dir')) try: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) except Exception as e: logging.debug("Error occured cleaning temp_dir {}".format(temp_dir))
def start_high_quality_video_download(url): """ This function download both video and audio separately and combine them to produce 1080p video. Arguments: url {string} -- The url of the video from youtube """ logging.debug("Initiating - {}".format( start_high_quality_video_download.__name__)) # making temp directory if not exist # this folder will be used to temporary storing video and audio files # those temporary files will be deleted once combine operatoin is successfull if not os.path.exists(TEMP_DIR): try: logging.debug("Making Directory: {}".format(TEMP_DIR)) os.makedirs(TEMP_DIR) except Exception as e: logging.debug( "Error occured in making Directory: {}".format(TEMP_DIR)) logging.debug(e) if not os.path.exists(DOWN_DIR_VIDEO): try: logging.debug("Making Directory: {}".format(DOWN_DIR_VIDEO)) os.makedirs(DOWN_DIR_VIDEO) except Exception as e: logging.debug( "Error occured in making Directory: {}".format(DOWN_DIR_VIDEO)) logging.debug(e) # downloaing only video timeout = 5 video = None while video == None and timeout > 0: try: video = get_pafy_stream_obj(url, format='VIDEO', only_video=True) time.sleep(1) except OSError: logging.debug("Video is not available in Youtube.") logging.debug("Link: " + url) break timeout -= 1 if video is not None: # slugifying title slugify_video_title = TitleSlugify().slugify_for_windows( video.title + '.' + video.extension) temp_path_to_download_video = os.path.join(TEMP_DIR, slugify_video_title) output_path = os.path.join(DOWN_DIR_VIDEO, slugify_video_title) if not os.path.exists(output_path): try: logging.debug("Downloading HQ Video: " + TitleSlugify().slugify_for_windows(video.title)) except Exception as e: logging.debug( "Exception occured at high_quality_video_download video downloader" ) logging.debug(e) # this need to be checked return # downloading only audio timeout = 5 audio = None while audio == None and timeout > 0: try: audio = get_pafy_stream_obj(url, format='AUDIO') time.sleep(1) except OSError: logging.debug("Video is not availble in Youtube.") logging.debug("Link: " + url) break timeout -= 1 # if audio is not avilable # then video is also not available if audio is not None: # slugifying title slugify_audio_title = TitleSlugify().slugify_for_windows( audio.title + '.' + audio.extension) # setting download location temp_path_to_download_audio = os.path.join( TEMP_DIR, slugify_audio_title) try: logging.debug( "Downloading HQ Audio: " + TitleSlugify().slugify_for_windows(audio.title)) except Exception as e: logging.debug( "Exception occured at high_quality_video_download audio downloader" ) logging.debug(e) # combining both video and audio cmd = [ str(FFMPEG_LOCATION), FFMPEG_LOG, FFMPEG_LOG_LEVEL, '-i', temp_path_to_download_video, '-i', temp_path_to_download_audio, '-c', 'copy', '-strict', 'experimental', output_path ] # running command with subprocess try: logging.debug( "Combining HQ Audio and Video: " + TitleSlugify().slugify_for_windows(audio.title)) logging.debug("Saving to: " + os.path.abspath(DOWN_DIR_VIDEO)), shell=True) logging.debug("DOWNLOADED=> " + slugify_video_title) notifyAboutTheService("Downloaded", slugify_video_title) except Exception as e: notifyAboutTheService("Error Downloading", slugify_video_title) logging.debug( "Errore occured during runing combining ffmpeg command" ) logging.debug(e) finally: try: os.remove(temp_path_to_download_audio) os.remove(temp_path_to_download_video) except Exception as e: logging.debug( "Unable to remove temporary files in temp folder({})" .format(TEMP_DIR)) logging.debug(e) else: logging.debug("File Already Exists! Path: " + output_path) else: logging.debug( "Unable to find the video file at this time. Timeout!! Try again later." )
def get_pafy_stream_obj(url, format=None, only_video=False): """This function return stream object from pafy Arguments: url {string} -- The url of the video from youtube Returns: Stream_Obj -- This is a object of Stream class from pafy """ try: obj = # returning only the pafy obj if format is not given if format == None: return obj stream_obj = None # returning format specified in the parameter if format == 'AUDIO': logging.debug("Getting audio pafy stream_object") stream_obj = obj.getbestaudio(preftype='m4a') if format == 'VIDEO': if only_video: # get only video at 1080p # stream_obj = obj.getbestvideo(preftype='mp4') ## iterating from backward as best streams are there and ## slecting best 1920x1080p mp4 stream logging.debug("Getting HQ video pafy stream_object") for stream in obj.videostreams[::-1]: if stream.extension == 'mp4': if stream.dimensions[0] == 1920 and stream.dimensions[ 1] == 1080: stream_obj = stream break else: # get best will return both audio and obj normaly at 640p logging.debug("Getting normal-video pafy stream_object") stream_obj = obj.getbest(preftype='mp4') return stream_obj except OSError as e: logging.debug("OSError in new pafy") logging.debug(e) raise OSError except Exception as e: logging.debug("Error occured in new pafy") logging.debug(e) return None
def start_audio_download(url): """This is a function to download audio file as m4a form pafy streamobj and also convert them to mp3 Arguments: url {string} -- The url of the video from yoututbe """ logging.debug("Initiating - {}".format(start_audio_download.__name__)) # trying to get stream obj from pafy # until the object is received witout an errore # the while loop keeps reqesting pafy # if video is not available in youtube # gives OSError and breaks the loop timeout = 5 stream_obj = None pafy_obj = None while (stream_obj == None and timeout > 0): try: pafy_obj = get_pafy_stream_obj(url) time.sleep(1) timeout -= 1 except OSError: logging.debug("Video is not available in Youtube.") logging.debug("Link: " + url) break except Exception as e: logging.debug("Error occured in new pafy") logging.debug(e) # sys.exit() if pafy_obj is not None: # getting audio streams from pafy_obj stream_obj = pafy_obj.getbestaudio(preftype='m4a') # slugifying title slugify_audio_title = TitleSlugify().slugify_for_windows( stream_obj.title + '.' + stream_obj.extension) path_to_download = os.path.join(DOWN_DIR_AUDIO, slugify_audio_title) #checking if the file already exists if not os.path.exists(path_to_download) and not os.path.exists( path_to_download.replace('.m4a', '.mp3')): #starting download try: if not os.path.exists(DOWN_DIR_AUDIO): try: logging.debug( "Making Directory: {}".format(DOWN_DIR_AUDIO)) os.makedirs(DOWN_DIR_AUDIO) # os.mkdir(DOWN_DIR_AUDIO) except Exception as e: logging.debug( "Error occured in making Directory: {}".format( DOWN_DIR_AUDIO)) logging.debug(e) logging.debug( "Downloading Audio: " + TitleSlugify().slugify_for_windows(stream_obj.title)) # intiate the download logging.debug("Saving to: " + os.path.abspath(DOWN_DIR_AUDIO)) #converting to mp3 cmd = [ str(FFMPEG_LOCATION), FFMPEG_LOG, FFMPEG_LOG_LEVEL, '-i', path_to_download, '-vn', '-ab', '128k', '-ar', '44100', '-y', os.path.join(DOWN_DIR_AUDIO, slugify_audio_title.replace('.m4a', '.mp3')) ] # logging.debug(" ".join(cmd)) try: logging.debug("Converting m4a to mp3"), shell=True) logging.debug("DOWNLOADED=> " + slugify_audio_title.replace("m4a", "mp3")) # adding unicode title from stream obj addTitle(path_to_download.replace('m4a', 'mp3'), stream_obj.title) addPicture(path_to_download.replace('m4a', 'mp3'), pafy_obj) notifyAboutTheService( "Downloaded", slugify_audio_title.replace("m4a", "mp3")) except Exception as e: notifyAboutTheService( "Error Downloading", slugify_audio_title.replace("m4a", "mp3")) logging.debug("Errore occured in converting file") logging.debug(e) try: #['rm',path_to_download]) logging.debug("Removing m4a file") os.remove(path_to_download) except Exception as e: logging.debug("Errore removing actual file") logging.debug(e) except Exception as e: logging.debug("Unable to download. Error occured") logging.debug(e) else: logging.debug("File Already Exists! Path: " + path_to_download) else: logging.debug( "Unable to find the audio file at this time. Timeout!! Try again later or Try updating 'youtube-dl'dependency." )
def start_video_download(url): """This function download 640p quality normal video. Arguments: url {string} -- The url of the video from youtube """ logging.debug("Initiating - {}".format(start_video_download.__name__)) timeout = 5 stream_obj = None while (stream_obj == None and timeout > 0): try: stream_obj = get_pafy_stream_obj(url, format='VIDEO') time.sleep(1) timeout -= 1 except OSError: logging.debug("Video is not available in Youtube.") logging.debug("Link: " + url) break except Exception as e: logging.debug("Error occured in new pafy") logging.debug(e) if stream_obj is not None: # slugify title slugify_video_title = TitleSlugify().slugify_for_windows( stream_obj.title + '.' + stream_obj.extension) path_to_download = os.path.join(DOWN_DIR_VIDEO, slugify_video_title) if not os.path.exists(path_to_download): #starting download try: if not os.path.exists(DOWN_DIR_VIDEO): try: logging.debug( "Making Directory: {}".format(DOWN_DIR_VIDEO)) os.makedirs(DOWN_DIR_VIDEO) # os.mkdir(DOWN_DIR_VIDEO) except Exception as e: logging.debug( "Error occured in making Directory: {}".format( TEMP_DIR)) logging.debug(e) logging.debug( "Downloading Video: " + TitleSlugify().slugify_for_windows(stream_obj.title)) logging.debug("Saving to: " + os.path.abspath(DOWN_DIR_VIDEO)) logging.debug("DOWNLOADED=> " + slugify_video_title) notifyAboutTheService("Downloded", slugify_video_title) except Exception as e: notifyAboutTheService("Error Downloading", slugify_video_title) logging.debug("Unable to download. Error occured") logging.debug(e) else: logging.debug("File Already Exists! Path: " + path_to_download) else: logging.debug( "Unable to find the video file at this time. Timeout!! Try again later." )
) # parser.add_argument('-a','--audio',action='store_true',help='Download in audio format.') args = parser.parse_args() if # logging.debug('link provide ' if''): if if args.highquality: start_high_quality_video_download( else: start_video_download( else: start_audio_download( else: logging.debug("Link provided is not valid") else: url = pyperclip.paste() if len(pyperclip.paste()) > 10 \ and pyperclip.paste().startswith('') else None if url != None: if if args.highquality: start_high_quality_video_download(url) else: start_video_download(url) else: start_audio_download(url) else: logging.debug('No link found in the clipboard') sys.exit()