def main(): """ Only called if run not interactively """ import optparse import shutil import glob import dec # parse command line optparser = optparse.OptionParser() optparser.add_option("-b", "--bam", help="sorted bam format alignment file.", default="", type="string", dest="b") optparser.add_option("-f", "--fasta", help="reference genome in fasta format.", default="", type="string", dest="f") optparser.add_option("-a", "--alpha", help="alpha in dpm sampling <0.01>", default=0.01, type="float", dest="a") optparser.add_option("-w", "--windowsize", help="window size <201>", default=201, type="int", dest="w") optparser.add_option("-s", "--winshifts", help="number of window shifts <3>", default=3, type="int", dest="s") # window shiftings, such that each base is covered up to win_shifts times optparser.add_option("-i", "--sigma", help="value of sigma to use when calling SNVs", default = 0.01, type="float", dest="i") optparser.add_option("-x", "--maxcov", help="approximate maximum coverage allowed", default=10000, type="int", dest="x") optparser.add_option("-r", "--region", help="region in format 'chr:start-stop', eg 'ch3:1000-3000'", default='', type="string", dest="r") optparser.add_option("-k","--keep_files",help="keep intermediate files (Gibbs sampling)", default=False, action="store_true", dest="k") (options, args) = optparser.parse_args()' '.join(sys.argv)) in_bam = options.b in_fasta = options.f keep_all_files = options.k step = options.w win_shifts = options.s max_coverage = options.x sigma = options.i alpha = options.a region = options.r in_stem=os.path.split(in_bam)[1].split('.')[0] if not os.path.exists('snv/SNV.txt'): # run sholog.debug('running') dec.main(in_bam,in_fasta, step, win_shifts, max_coverage, sigma, region, keep_all_files, alpha) # copy file and run fas2reads shutil.move('%s.cor.fas' % in_stem, '%s_cor.fas' % in_stem) sholog.debug('running fas2reads') retcode = run_f2r('%s_cor.fas' % in_stem) if retcode is not 0: sholog.error('fas2reads did not return 0') sys.exit() # run contain retcode = run_contain('%s_cor' % in_stem) if retcode is not 0: sys.exit() # run (this might become a module) retcode = run_mm('%s_cor' % in_stem) if retcode is not 0: sys.exit() # run EM freqEst retcode = run_freqEst('%s_cor' % in_stem) if retcode is not 0: sys.exit() # run sholog.debug('running') retcode = run_snv(in_fasta, in_bam, sigma, step/win_shifts) if retcode is not 0: sholog.error('snv calling failed') # tidy snvs try: os.mkdir('snv') except: pass for snv_file in glob.glob('./SNV*'): shutil.move(snv_file, 'snv/')
def main(): """ Only called if run not interactively """ import optparse import shutil import dec import s2f # parse command line optparser = optparse.OptionParser() optparser.add_option("-f", "--readsfile", help="file with reads <.fas or .far format>", default="", type="string", dest="f") optparser.add_option("-j", "--iterations", help="iterations in dpm sampling <1000>", default=1000, type="int", dest="j") optparser.add_option("-a", "--alpha", help="alpha in dpm sampling <0.01>", default=0.01, type="float", dest="a") optparser.add_option("-w", "--windowsize", help="window size in <201>", default=201, type="int", dest="w") optparser.add_option( "-t", "--threshold", help="if similarity is less, throw reads away... <default=0.7>", type="float", dest="threshold", default=0.7) optparser.add_option("-n", "--no_pad_insert", help="do not insert padding gaps <default=insert>", action="store_false", default=True, dest="pad") optparser.add_option("-r", "--ref", type="string", default="", dest="ref") optparser.add_option( "-o", "--output", help="output suffix for alignment: must be '.far' or none for stdout", type="string", dest="o") optparser.add_option( "-s", "--winshifts", help="number of window shifts <3>", default=3, type="int", dest="s" ) # window shiftings, such that each base is covered up to win_shifts times optparser.add_option( "-k", "--keep_files", help="keep intermediate files (Gibbs sampling) <default=False>", default=False, action="store_true", dest="k") (options, args) = optparser.parse_args()' '.join(sys.argv)) in_file = options.f keep_all_files = options.k step = options.w win_shifts = options.s fas_reads = options.f iters = options.j alpha = options.a try: [in_stem, in_format] = [ os.path.split(in_file)[1].split('.')[0], os.path.split(in_file)[1].split('.')[1] ] except IndexError: print 'The input file must be filestem.format' sholog.error('The input file must be filestem.format') sys.exit() if in_format != 'far': ref_file = options.ref out_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), in_stem + '.far') thresh = options.threshold pad_insert = options.pad sholog.debug('running') s2f.main(ref_file, in_file, out_file, thresh, pad_insert, keep_all_files) # run sholog.debug('running') dec.main(out_file, step, win_shifts, keep_all_files, iters, alpha) else: # run sholog.debug('running') dec.main(in_file, step, win_shifts, keep_all_files, iters, alpha) # copy file and run fas2reads shutil.move('%s.cor.fas' % in_stem, '%s_cor.fas' % in_stem) sholog.debug('running fas2reads') retcode = run_f2r('%s_cor.fas' % in_stem) if retcode is not 0: sholog.error('fas2reads did not return 0') sys.exit() # run contain retcode = run_contain('%s_cor' % in_stem) if retcode is not 0: sys.exit() # run (this might become a module) retcode = run_mm('%s_cor' % in_stem) if retcode is not 0: sys.exit() # run EM freqEst retcode = run_freqEst('%s_cor' % in_stem) if retcode is not 0: sys.exit()
(options, args) = optparser.parse_args() del(args)' '.join(sys.argv)) in_stem = '.'.join(os.path.split(options.b)[1].split('.')[:-1]) if options.p: # amplicon_mode, run only diri_sampler and amplian.main(in_bam=options.b, in_fasta=options.f, max_coverage=options.x, alpha=options.a) if not os.path.exists('snv/SNV.txt'): # 1. run sholog.debug('running') dec.main(in_bam=options.b, in_fasta=options.f, win_length=options.w, win_shifts=options.s, max_coverage=options.x, region=options.r, keep_files=options.k, alpha=options.a) # 2. copy file and run fas2read to convert from fasta shutil.move('%s.cor.fas' % in_stem, '%s_cor.fas' % in_stem) sholog.debug('running fas2reads') my_prog = 'perl -I %s %s' % (dn + '/perllib', os.path.join(dn, '')) my_arg = " -f %s_cor.fas" % in_stem assert os.path.isfile("%s_cor.fas" % in_stem), \ 'File %s_cor.fas not found' % in_stem retcode_f2r = run_child(my_prog, my_arg) if retcode_f2r: sholog.error('fas2read did not return 0') sys.exit('Something went wrong in fas2read') else:
in_stem = '.'.join(os.path.split(options.b)[1].split('.')[:-1]) if options.p: # amplicon_mode, run only diri_sampler and amplian.main(in_bam=options.b, in_fasta=options.f, max_coverage=options.x, alpha=options.a) if not os.path.exists('snv/SNV.txt'): # 1. run sholog.debug('running') dec.main(in_bam=options.b, in_fasta=options.f, win_length=options.w, win_shifts=options.s, max_coverage=options.x, region=options.r, keep_files=options.k, alpha=options.a) # 2. copy file and run fas2read to convert from fasta shutil.move('%s.cor.fas' % in_stem, '%s_cor.fas' % in_stem) sholog.debug('running fas2reads') my_prog = 'perl -I %s %s' % (dn + '/perllib', os.path.join(dn, '')) my_arg = " -f %s_cor.fas" % in_stem assert os.path.isfile("%s_cor.fas" % in_stem), \ 'File %s_cor.fas not found' % in_stem retcode_f2r = run_child(my_prog, my_arg) if retcode_f2r: sholog.error('fas2read did not return 0')
def install_dependencies(): os.system('pip install pillow') os.system('pip3 install pillow') return def raise_err(): help_content = ''' Unknown argument: "{}" Type "python {} -h" to see the usage. '''.format(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[0]) print(help_content) return if __name__ == '__main__': if len(args) == 1 or (len(args) == 2 and args[1] == '-h'): layout_help() elif len(args) == 2 and args[1] == '-i': install_dependencies() elif len(args) == 3 and args[1] in rds: import enc import dec if args[1] == rds[0]: enc.main(args[2]) else: dec.main(args[2]) else: raise_err()
def main(): start_time = time.time() latitude = 45.0619883 # latitude N longitude = 7.6602814 # longitude E elevation = 250 # meters above the sea df = pd.read_csv('/home/bottaccioli/per_sara/2013.csv', sep=";", index_col='Date Time', decimal=',') df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index) df.index = df.index.tz_localize('Europe/Rome', ambiguous='infer') models = ['Karatasou'] #models = ['Engerer2','Skartevit2','Skartevit1','Erbs','Reindl'] #models=['Karatasou','Ruiz','Skartevit1','Engerer2','Erbs','Reindl'] for model in models: print(model) i = 0 df = dec.main(latitude, longitude, elevation, model, df) geodf = gpd.read_file("/home/bottaccioli/per_sara/primo/primo.shp", crs='4326') geodf = geodf.set_index(['FID']) radiation = geodf.copy() rad = geodf.copy() radiation = radiation.drop(['geometry'], axis=1) month = { 1: '17', 2: '47', 3: '75', 4: '105', 5: '135', 6: '162', 7: '198', 8: '228', 9: '258', 10: '288', 11: '318', 12: '344' } hour = { 4: '04', 5: '05', 6: '06', 7: '07', 8: '08', 9: '09', 10: '10', 11: '11', 12: '12', 13: '13', 14: '14', 15: '15', 16: '16', 17: '17', 18: '18', 19: '19', 20: '20', 21: '21', 22: '22' } minute = {0: '00', 15: '25', 30: '50', 45: '75'} Linke = { 1: 3.5, 2: 4.3, 3: 4, 4: 4.2, 5: 4.6, 6: 4.6, 7: 4.4, 8: 4.5, 9: 4.3, 10: 4, 11: 4.4, 12: 4.4 } directory = '/home/bottaccioli/raster_crocetta/' for dfix in df.index: i = i + 1 print model, str(i) + "of" + str(len(df)) if df.ix[dfix]['zenith'] < 85: index = dfix if index.dst().seconds != 0: if dfix < pd.to_datetime('27/03/2013').tz_localize( 'Europe/Rome'): index = dfix - pd.DateOffset(hours=1.25) else: index = dfix - pd.DateOffset(hours=1.00) beam = directory + 'beam_' + month[ index.month] + '_' + hour[index.hour] + '.' + minute[ index.minute] diff = directory + 'diff_' + month[ index.month] + '_' + hour[index.hour] + '.' + minute[ index.minute] glob, gt = glob_real(beam, diff, df.ix[index, 'k_b'], df.ix[index, 'k_d']) stats = point_value(geodf, glob, gt) radiation[index] = stats.values() else: beam = directory + 'beam_' + month[ index.month] + '_' + hour[index.hour] + '.' + minute[ index.minute] diff = directory + 'diff_' + month[ index.month] + '_' + hour[index.hour] + '.' + minute[ index.minute] glob, gt = glob_real(beam, diff, df.ix[index, 'k_b'], df.ix[index, 'k_d']) stats = point_value(geodf, glob, gt) if dfix < pd.to_datetime('27/03/2013').tz_localize( 'Europe/Rome'): radiation[index - pd.DateOffset(hours=0.25)] = stats.values() else: print 'fava' radiation[index] = stats.values() glob = None radiation = radiation.transpose() print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) radiation = radiation.join(df['T_ex']) radiation.to_csv('primo_rad.csv')