Beispiel #1
def chakra(N):
    b = Decimal(1)
    k = Decimal(0)

    while not issquare(k + N):  k = k + 1
    l = Decimal(0)
    while not issquare(l + N):  l = l - 1
    if abs(l) < abs(k):         k = l

    a = Decimal(k + N).sqrt()

    while k != 1 or (not isnatural(a) or not isnatural(b)):
        #print a, b, k
        d = [a, b, k]
        if k.copy_abs() == 4:
            [a, b, k] = [a / 2, b / 2, k / 4]
        if k == 1:
            while not isnatural(a) or not isnatural(b):
                [a, b, k] = compose([a, b, k], d, N)
        if k == -1:
            [a, b, k] = compose(d, d, N)
            while not isnatural(a) or not isnatural(b):
                [a, b, k] = compose([a, b, k], d, N)
        if k.copy_abs() == 2:
            [a, b, k] = compose(d, d, N)
        m = findm(a, b, k, N)
        [a, b, k] = [(a * m + N * b) / k.copy_abs(), (a + m * b) / k.copy_abs(), (m ** 2 - N) / k]
    return a, b, k
Beispiel #2
class Account:
    def __init__(self, name: str): = name
        self.balance = Decimal("0.00")
        self.transactions = []

    def add_transaction_from(self, transaction: Transaction):
        self.balance -= transaction.amount

    def add_transaction_to(self, transaction: Transaction):
        self.balance += transaction.amount

    def list_all_format(self):
        minus = ""
        if self.balance < 0:
            minus = "- "
        return "Name: %s. Balance: %s£%s." % (, minus,

    def print_account_transactions(self):
        print("%s's transactions:" %
        for transaction in self.transactions:

    def sort_transactions(self):
        self.transactions.sort(key=lambda transaction:
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, data):
        # credit transaction
        if len(data) == 3:
   = datemaker.makedate(data[0])
            self.locn = data[1]
            self.type = "credit"
            amt = Decimal(data[2].replace(",", ""))
            if amt > Decimal('0'):
                self.fout = amt
                self.fin = Decimal('0.0')
                self.fout = Decimal('0.0')
                self.fin = Decimal.copy_abs(amt)
            #print("CREATING: {}, AMT: {}, FIN: {}, FOUT: {}".format(data[1], data[2], self.fin, self.fout))
        # debit transaction
        elif len(data) == 4:
   = datetime.strptime(data[0], "%m/%d/%Y")
            self.locn = data[1]
            self.type = "debit"
            if data[2] != '':
                data[2] = Decimal(data[2])
                data[2] = Decimal('0.0')

            self.fout = data[2]
            if data[3] != '':
                data[3] = Decimal(data[3])
                data[3] = Decimal('0.0')
            self.fin = data[3]
Beispiel #4
def unit_format(num):
    if num is None:
        return '0'
    elif not isinstance(num, Decimal):
        num = Decimal(num)
    abs_val = num.copy_abs()
    if abs_val >= pow(10, 8):
        return '%s亿' % cut_format(div(num, pow(10, 8)))
    elif abs_val >= pow(10, 4):
        return '%s万' % cut_format(div(num, pow(10, 4)))
        return '%s' % cut_format(num)
Beispiel #5
def parse_from_csv(year=2019):
    csv_in = csv.DictReader(find_csv_file(get_input_folder('activity')).open(),
    currency_rates = currency_parser.parse_currencies(year, currency_parser.CurrencyTimeFrame.DAILY)
    dispositions_by_ticker = {}
    decimal.getcontext().prec = 9
    header_read = False
    for row in csv_in:
        statement_type = row.get(DispositionFieldIds.statement_type)
        if statement_type == 'Trades':
            if row.get(DispositionFieldIds.row_type) == 'Header' and not header_read:
                csv_in.fieldnames += row.get(None)
                header_read = True
            elif row.get(DispositionFieldIds.row_type) == 'Data' and 'Forex' not in row.get(DispositionFieldIds.asset):
                profit = Decimal(row.get(DispositionFieldIds.profit))
                if profit != 0:
                    timestamp = date.fromisoformat(row.get(DispositionFieldIds.datetime).split(',')[0])
                    currency = row.get(DispositionFieldIds.currency)
                    if timestamp.year != year:
                    while not currency_rates[currency].get(timestamp):
                        timestamp -= timedelta(days=1)
                    amount = Decimal(row.get(DispositionFieldIds.amount))
                    if amount < 0:
                        amount = amount.copy_abs()
                    amount_in_base_currency = amount / currency_rates[currency][timestamp]
                    profit_in_base_currency = profit / currency_rates[currency][timestamp]
                    ticker = row.get(DispositionFieldIds.ticker)
                    if ticker in dispositions_by_ticker:
                        dispositions = dispositions_by_ticker[ticker]
                        dispositions = Dispositions(ticker)
                        dispositions_by_ticker[ticker] = dispositions
                    dispositions.add_disposition(amount_in_base_currency, profit_in_base_currency)

    sum_of_amounts = Decimal()
    sum_of_profits = Decimal()
    for dispositions in dispositions_by_ticker.values():
        sum_of_amounts += dispositions.amount
        sum_of_profits += dispositions.profits + dispositions.losses
    print('\nTotal sum of dispositions', sum_of_amounts, '€ with profits amounting to',
          sum_of_profits, '€')
    return dispositions_by_ticker
Beispiel #6
    def _view_balances(self, session):
        # Money that the user needs back
        all_due = defaultdict(lambda: Decimal("0.00"))
        # Money that the user needs to give back
        all_owed = defaultdict(lambda: Decimal("0.00"))

        # All the times the user covered someone
        for transaction in Cover.objects.filter(
            all_due[transaction.user.buy_index] += transaction.amount
        # All the times the user was covered by someone
        for transaction in Cover.objects.filter(user=session.user):
                transaction.transaction_payer.buy_index] += transaction.amount
        # All the times the user was paid back
        for transaction in Payment.objects.filter(
            all_due[transaction.user.buy_index] -= transaction.amount
        # All the times the user paid someone back
        for transaction in Payment.objects.filter(user=session.user):
                transaction.transaction_payer.buy_index] -= transaction.amount

        # The net money the user needs back
        net_due = {}
        # The net money that the user needs to give back
        net_owed = {}

        for user in User.objects.exclude(buy_index=session.user.buy_index):
            net_total = all_due[user.buy_index] - all_owed[user.buy_index]
            if net_total < 0:
                net_owed[str(user.buy_index)] = str(
            elif net_total > 0:
                net_due[str(user.buy_index)] = str(net_total)

            session.uuid, {
                "type": "balances",
                "net_due": net_due if len(net_due) > 0 else None,
                "net_owed": net_owed if len(net_owed) > 0 else None,
Beispiel #7
def transactions_by_account(fileobj):
    account_name = fileobj.readline().rstrip('\n')
    balance = Decimal(fileobj.readline().rstrip('\n'))
    result = []
    lines = list(csv.reader(fileobj))[1:]
    for date, transaction_type, description, _, signed_amount_str in lines:
        signed_amount = Decimal(signed_amount_str.replace(',', ''))
        frm, to = '', account_name
        if signed_amount > 0:
            assert transaction_type == 'CREDIT'
            assert signed_amount < 0
            assert transaction_type == 'DEBIT'
            frm, to = to, frm
        month, day, year = map(int, date.split('/'))
            schema.Transaction(frm, to, schema.Date(year, month, day),
                               description, signed_amount.copy_abs()))
    correct_balance(account_name, balance, result)
    return {account_name: result}
Beispiel #8
class FVal():
    """A value to represent numbers for financial applications. At the moment
    we use the python Decimal library but the abstraction will help us change the
    underlying implementation if needed.

    At the moment we do not allow any operations against floating points. Even though
    floating points could be converted to Decimals before each operation we will
    use this restriction to make sure floating point numbers are rooted from the codebase first.

    __slots__ = ('num',)

    def __init__(self, data: AcceptableFValInitInput = 0):

            if isinstance(data, float):
                self.num = Decimal(str(data))
            elif isinstance(data, bytes):
                # assume it's an ascii string and try to decode the bytes to one
                self.num = Decimal(data.decode())
            elif isinstance(data, bool):  # type: ignore
                # This elif has to come before the isinstance(int) check due to
                raise ValueError('Invalid type bool for data given to FVal constructor')
            elif isinstance(data, (Decimal, int, str)):
                self.num = Decimal(data)
            elif isinstance(data, FVal):
                self.num = data.num
                raise ValueError(f'Invalid type {type(data)} of data given to FVal constructor')

        except InvalidOperation as e:
            raise ValueError(
                'Expected string, int, float, or Decimal to initialize an FVal.'
                'Found {}.'.format(type(data)),
            ) from e

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return str(self.num)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return 'FVal({})'.format(str(self.num))

    def __gt__(self, other: AcceptableFValOtherInput) -> bool:
        evaluated_other = evaluate_input(other)
        return self.num.compare_signal(evaluated_other) == Decimal('1')

    def __lt__(self, other: AcceptableFValOtherInput) -> bool:
        evaluated_other = evaluate_input(other)
        return self.num.compare_signal(evaluated_other) == Decimal('-1')

    def __le__(self, other: AcceptableFValOtherInput) -> bool:
        evaluated_other = evaluate_input(other)
        return self.num.compare_signal(evaluated_other) in (Decimal('-1'), Decimal('0'))

    def __ge__(self, other: AcceptableFValOtherInput) -> bool:
        evaluated_other = evaluate_input(other)
        return self.num.compare_signal(evaluated_other) in (Decimal('1'), Decimal('0'))

    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
        evaluated_other = evaluate_input(other)
        return self.num.compare_signal(evaluated_other) == Decimal('0')

    def __add__(self, other: AcceptableFValOtherInput) -> 'FVal':
        evaluated_other = evaluate_input(other)
        return FVal(self.num.__add__(evaluated_other))

    def __sub__(self, other: AcceptableFValOtherInput) -> 'FVal':
        evaluated_other = evaluate_input(other)
        return FVal(self.num.__sub__(evaluated_other))

    def __mul__(self, other: AcceptableFValOtherInput) -> 'FVal':
        evaluated_other = evaluate_input(other)
        return FVal(self.num.__mul__(evaluated_other))

    def __truediv__(self, other: AcceptableFValOtherInput) -> 'FVal':
        evaluated_other = evaluate_input(other)
        return FVal(self.num.__truediv__(evaluated_other))

    def __floordiv__(self, other: AcceptableFValOtherInput) -> 'FVal':
        evaluated_other = evaluate_input(other)
        return FVal(self.num.__floordiv__(evaluated_other))

    def __pow__(self, other: AcceptableFValOtherInput) -> 'FVal':
        evaluated_other = evaluate_input(other)
        return FVal(self.num.__pow__(evaluated_other))

    def __radd__(self, other: AcceptableFValOtherInput) -> 'FVal':
        evaluated_other = evaluate_input(other)
        return FVal(self.num.__radd__(evaluated_other))

    def __rsub__(self, other: AcceptableFValOtherInput) -> 'FVal':
        evaluated_other = evaluate_input(other)
        return FVal(self.num.__rsub__(evaluated_other))

    def __rmul__(self, other: AcceptableFValOtherInput) -> 'FVal':
        evaluated_other = evaluate_input(other)
        return FVal(self.num.__rmul__(evaluated_other))

    def __rtruediv__(self, other: AcceptableFValOtherInput) -> 'FVal':
        evaluated_other = evaluate_input(other)
        return FVal(self.num.__rtruediv__(evaluated_other))

    def __rfloordiv__(self, other: AcceptableFValOtherInput) -> 'FVal':
        evaluated_other = evaluate_input(other)
        return FVal(self.num.__rfloordiv__(evaluated_other))

    def __mod__(self, other: AcceptableFValOtherInput) -> 'FVal':
        evaluated_other = evaluate_input(other)
        return FVal(self.num.__mod__(evaluated_other))

    def __rmod__(self, other: AcceptableFValOtherInput) -> 'FVal':
        evaluated_other = evaluate_input(other)
        return FVal(self.num.__rmod__(evaluated_other))

    def __float__(self) -> float:
        return float(self.num)

    # --- Unary operands

    def __neg__(self) -> 'FVal':
        return FVal(self.num.__neg__())

    def __abs__(self) -> 'FVal':
        return FVal(self.num.copy_abs())

    # --- Other operations

    def fma(self, other: AcceptableFValOtherInput, third: AcceptableFValOtherInput) -> 'FVal':
        Fused multiply-add. Return self*other+third with no rounding of the
        intermediate product self*other
        evaluated_other = evaluate_input(other)
        evaluated_third = evaluate_input(third)
        return FVal(self.num.fma(evaluated_other, evaluated_third))

    def to_percentage(self, precision: int = 4, with_perc_sign: bool = True) -> str:
        return f'{self.num*100:.{precision}f}{"%" if with_perc_sign else ""}'

    def to_int(self, exact: bool) -> int:
        Tries to convert to int, If `exact` is true then it will convert only if
        it is a whole decimal number; i.e.: if it has got nothing after the decimal point

            ConversionError: If exact was True but the FVal is actually not an exact integer.
        if exact and self.num.to_integral_exact() != self.num:
            raise ConversionError(f'Tried to ask for exact int from {self.num}')
        return int(self.num)

    def is_close(self, other: AcceptableFValInitInput, max_diff: str = "1e-6") -> bool:
        evaluated_max_diff = FVal(max_diff)

        if not isinstance(other, FVal):
            other = FVal(other)

        diff_num = abs(self.num - other.num)
        return diff_num <= evaluated_max_diff.num
Beispiel #9
class FVal(object):
    """A value to represent numbers for financial applications. At the moment
    we use the python Decimal library but the abstraction will help us change the
    underlying implementation if needed.

    At the moment we do not allow any operations against floating points. Even though
    floating points could be converted to Decimals before each operation we will
    use this restriction to make sure floating point numbers are rooted from the codebase first.

    __slots__ = ('num',)

    def __init__(self, data):
            if isinstance(data, float):
                self.num = Decimal(str(data))
            elif isinstance(data, bytes):
                # assume it's an ascii string and try to decode the bytes to one
                self.num = Decimal(data.decode())
            elif isinstance(data, (Decimal, int, str)):
                self.num = Decimal(data)
            elif isinstance(data, FVal):
                self.num = data.num
                self.num = None

        except InvalidOperation:
            self.num = None

            if not self.num:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Expected string, int, float, or Decimal to initialize an FVal.'
                    'Found {}.'.format(type(data))

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.num)

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'FVal({})'.format(str(self.num))

    def __gt__(self, other):
        other = evaluate_input(other)
        return self.num.compare_signal(other) == Decimal('1')

    def __lt__(self, other):
        other = evaluate_input(other)
        return self.num.compare_signal(other) == Decimal('-1')

    def __le__(self, other):
        other = evaluate_input(other)
        return self.num.compare_signal(other) in (Decimal('-1'), Decimal('0'))

    def __ge__(self, other):
        other = evaluate_input(other)
        return self.num.compare_signal(other) in (Decimal('1'), Decimal('0'))

    def __eq__(self, other):
        other = evaluate_input(other)
        return self.num.compare_signal(other) == Decimal('0')

    def __add__(self, other):
        other = evaluate_input(other)
        return FVal(self.num.__add__(other))

    def __sub__(self, other):
        other = evaluate_input(other)
        return FVal(self.num.__sub__(other))

    def __mul__(self, other):
        other = evaluate_input(other)
        return FVal(self.num.__mul__(other))

    def __truediv__(self, other):
        other = evaluate_input(other)
        return FVal(self.num.__truediv__(other))

    def __floordiv__(self, other):
        other = evaluate_input(other)
        return FVal(self.num.__floordiv__(other))

    def __pow__(self, other):
        other = evaluate_input(other)
        return FVal(self.num.__pow__(other))

    def __radd__(self, other):
        other = evaluate_input(other)
        return FVal(self.num.__radd__(other))

    def __rsub__(self, other):
        other = evaluate_input(other)
        return FVal(self.num.__rsub__(other))

    def __rmul__(self, other):
        other = evaluate_input(other)
        return FVal(self.num.__rmul__(other))

    def __rtruediv__(self, other):
        other = evaluate_input(other)
        return FVal(self.num.__rtruediv__(other))

    def __rfloordiv__(self, other):
        other = evaluate_input(other)
        return FVal(self.num.__rfloordiv__(other))

    def __float__(self):
        return float(self.num)

    # --- Unary operands

    def __neg__(self):
        return FVal(self.num.__neg__())

    def __abs__(self):
        return FVal(self.num.copy_abs())

    # --- Other oparations

    def fma(self, other, third):
        Fused multiply-add. Return self*other+third with no rounding of the
        intermediate product self*other
        other = evaluate_input(other)
        third = evaluate_input(third)
        return FVal(self.num.fma(other, third))

    def to_percentage(self):
        return '{:.5%}'.format(self.num)

    def to_int(self, exact):
        """Tries to convert to int, If `exact` is true then it will convert only if
        it is a whole decimal number; i.e.: if it has got nothing after the decimal point"""
        if exact and self.num.to_integral_exact() != self.num:
            raise ValueError('Tried to ask for exact int from {}'.format(self.num))
        return int(self.num)

    def is_close(self, other, max_diff="1e-6"):
        max_diff = FVal(max_diff)

        if not isinstance(other, FVal):
            other = FVal(other)

        diff_num = abs(self.num - other.num)
        return diff_num <= max_diff.num
Beispiel #10
class Duration(AnyAtomicType):
    Base class for the XSD duration types.

    :param months: an integer value that represents years and months.
    :param seconds: a decimal or an integer instance that represents \
    days, hours, minutes, seconds and fractions of seconds.
    name = 'duration'
    pattern = re.compile(

    def __init__(self, months: int = 0, seconds: Union[Decimal, int] = 0):
        if seconds < 0 < months or months < 0 < seconds:
            raise ValueError('signs differ: (months=%d, seconds=%d)' %
                             (months, seconds))
        elif abs(months) > 2**31:
            raise OverflowError("months duration overflow")
        elif abs(seconds) > 2**63:
            raise OverflowError("seconds duration overflow")

        self.months = months
        self.seconds = Decimal(seconds).quantize(Decimal('1.000000'))

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{}(months={!r}, seconds={})'.format(
            self.__class__.__name__, self.months,

    def __str__(self):
        m = abs(self.months)
        years, months = m // 12, m % 12
        s = self.seconds.copy_abs()
        days = int(s // 86400)
        hours = int(s // 3600 % 24)
        minutes = int(s // 60 % 60)
        seconds = s % 60

        value = '-P' if self.sign else 'P'
        if years or months or days:
            if years:
                value += '%dY' % years
            if months:
                value += '%dM' % months
            if days:
                value += '%dD' % days

        if hours or minutes or seconds:
            value += 'T'
            if hours:
                value += '%dH' % hours
            if minutes:
                value += '%dM' % minutes
            if seconds:
                value += '%sS' % normalized_seconds(seconds)

        elif value[-1] == 'P':
            value += 'T0S'
        return value

    def fromstring(cls, text):
        Creates a Duration instance from a formatted XSD duration string.

        :param text: an ISO 8601 representation without week fragment and an optional decimal part \
        only for seconds fragment.
        if not isinstance(text, str):
            msg = 'argument has an invalid type {!r}'
            raise TypeError(msg.format(type(text)))

        match = cls.pattern.match(text.strip())
        if match is None:
            raise ValueError('%r is not an xs:duration value' % text)

        sign, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds = match.groups()
        seconds = Decimal(seconds or 0)
        minutes = int(minutes or 0) + int(seconds // 60)
        seconds = seconds % 60
        hours = int(hours or 0) + minutes // 60
        minutes = minutes % 60
        days = int(days or 0) + hours // 24
        hours = hours % 24
        months = int(months or 0) + 12 * int(years or 0)

        if sign is None:
            seconds = seconds + (days * 24 + hours) * 3600 + minutes * 60
            months = -months
            seconds = -seconds - (days * 24 + hours) * 3600 - minutes * 60

        if cls is DayTimeDuration:
            if months:
                raise ValueError('months must be 0 for %r' % cls.__name__)
            return cls(seconds=seconds)
        elif cls is YearMonthDuration:
            if seconds:
                raise ValueError('seconds must be 0 for %r' % cls.__name__)
            return cls(months=months)
        return cls(months=months, seconds=seconds)

    def sign(self):
        return '-' if self.months < 0 or self.seconds < 0 else ''

    def _compare_durations(self, other, op):
        Ordering is defined through comparison of four datetime.datetime values.

        if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
            raise TypeError("wrong type %r for operand %r" %
                            (type(other), other))

        m1, s1 = self.months, int(self.seconds)
        m2, s2 = other.months, int(other.seconds)
        ms1, ms2 = int((self.seconds - s1) * 1000000), int(
            (other.seconds - s2) * 1000000)
        return all([
            op(datetime.timedelta(months2days(1696, 9, m1), s1, ms1),
               datetime.timedelta(months2days(1696, 9, m2), s2, ms2)),
            op(datetime.timedelta(months2days(1697, 2, m1), s1, ms1),
               datetime.timedelta(months2days(1697, 2, m2), s2, ms2)),
            op(datetime.timedelta(months2days(1903, 3, m1), s1, ms1),
               datetime.timedelta(months2days(1903, 3, m2), s2, ms2)),
            op(datetime.timedelta(months2days(1903, 7, m1), s1, ms1),
               datetime.timedelta(months2days(1903, 7, m2), s2, ms2)),

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((self.months, self.seconds))

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
            return self.months == other.months and self.seconds == other.seconds
        elif isinstance(other, UntypedAtomic):
            return self.__eq__(self.fromstring(other.value))
            return other == (self.months, self.seconds)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
            return self.months != other.months or self.seconds != other.seconds
        elif isinstance(other, UntypedAtomic):
            return self.__ne__(self.fromstring(other.value))
            return other != (self.months, self.seconds)

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self._compare_durations(other,

    def __le__(self, other):
        return self == other or self._compare_durations(other, operator.le)

    def __gt__(self, other):
        return self._compare_durations(other,

    def __ge__(self, other):
        return self == other or self._compare_durations(other,
Beispiel #11
# print set3
# # 添加元素
# set1.add(4)
# print set1
# # 删除元素
# set1.remove(4)
# print set1
# # 定义字符元素类型的集合
# set1 = {'sd', 'fds'}
# set2 = {'sd', 'fds', 'fds'}
# print set1, set2
# # 定义浮点类型的集合
# set1 = {2.1, 4.3}
# print set1
# # 定义bool类型变量
# bool1 = True
# bool2 = False
# # 定义Decimal类型变量,需要导入decimal.Decimal
dec = Decimal("-1.0")
print dec.copy_abs()
print dec.to_integral_value()
# # fra = Fraction(1, 3)
# # fra.
Beispiel #12
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 18 de ene. de 2016

@author: dam2

from decimal import Decimal

fNuml = 3.34  # float o reales usa doble precision
INuml = 3L  # Entero largo como long de C
dNuml = Decimal(fNuml)  # La mayor precision posible
print "    Funciones basicas    "
print dNuml.copy_abs()
print dNuml.is_infinite()
print dNuml.log10()
print dNuml.sqrt()
print dNuml.max(INuml)
print fNuml.hex()  # representacion hexadecimal
print INuml.bit_length()  # bits necesarios para representar el valor
Beispiel #13
 def _ticker(self, irc, ticker):
     prev = dict()
     while True:
         if self.stop:
             log.debug("refreshing ticker %r", ticker)
             data = dict()
             for key, url in TICKERS[ticker]["urls"].iteritems():
                 log.debug("fetching url %r", url)
                     t0 = time.time()
                     data[key] = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=30))
                 except Exception, e:
                     log.exception("error fetching %r", url)
       "fetched %r in %.2f s", url, time.time() - t0)
                 log.debug("data = %r", data[key])
             if not data:
                 raise Exception("no data for ticker %s" % repr(ticker))
             for output, o in TICKERS[ticker]["outputs"].iteritems():
                 log.debug("processing output %r: %r", output, o)
                 values = []
                 diffstring = ""
                 report = False
                 for metric, m in o["metrics"].iteritems():
                     value = d(getvalue(data, m[1:])).quantize(m[0])
                     if metric == "volume":  # volume is in base units
                         currency = o["unit"]
                     else:  # others are in currency
                         currency = o["currency"]
                     log.debug("output %r metric %r has value %r", output, metric, value)
                     if metric in o["reportchange"]:
                         if output + metric in prev:
                             vdiff = value - prev[output + metric]
                             vdiff = Decimal(0)
                             prev[output + metric] = value
                             report = True
                         if vdiff.copy_abs() >= o["reportchange"][metric]:
                                 "output %r metric %r value diff %r exceeds %r, reporting change",
                             prev[output + metric] = value
                             report = True
                         values.append("%12s %-3s" % (value, currency))
                         diffstring = updown(vdiff)
                         values.append("%12s %-3s" % (value, currency))
                 diffstring = updown(
                     vdiff, "(%s%s %s)" % ("-" if vdiff.is_signed() else "+", vdiff.copy_abs(), currency)
                 out = "%s %s %s %s" % (
                     "[" + TICKERS[ticker]["label"] + "]",
                     " ".join(values),
                 if report:
                     for chan in self.registryValue("channels"):
                         irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.privmsg(chan, ircutils.bold(out)))
         except Exception, e:
             log.exception("in ticker thread %r", ticker)
Beispiel #14
def copy_abs(x: Decimal) -> Decimal:
    return x.copy_abs()
Beispiel #15
adjusted()                      return the adjusted exponent
as_integer_ratio()              return a pair (n, d) of integers that represent the given Decimal instance as a fraction
as_tuple()                      return a named tuple DecimalTuple(sign, digits, exponent)
copy_abs()                      return the absolute value of the argument
copy_sign(other)                return a copy of the first operand with the sign set to be the same as other
exp()                           return the value of the (natural) exponential function e**x at the given number
quantize(exp, rounding=None)    round a number to a fixed exponent

Rounding modes
decimal.ROUND_CEILING           round towards Infinity
decimal.ROUND_FLOOR             round towards -Infinity
decimal.ROUND_UP                round away from zero
decimal.ROUND_DOWN              round towards zero
decimal.ROUND_HALF_UP           round to nearest with ties going away from zero.
decimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN         round to nearest with ties going towards zero
decimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN         round to nearest with ties going to nearest even integer

import decimal
from decimal import Decimal

a = Decimal(-139) + Decimal('-2e-5') + Decimal('1.53')
print(a.adjusted())  # the position of the most significant digit with respect to the decimal point
print(a.as_tuple())  # sign 0 for positive or 1 for negative
print(a.copy_abs(), a.quantize(Decimal('1.000'), rounding=decimal.ROUND_UP))
b = Decimal(15)
print(a, b, a + b, a - b, a * b, a / b)
Beispiel #16
	def _ticker(self, irc, ticker):
		prev = dict()
		while True:
			if self.stop:
				log.debug("refreshing ticker %r", ticker)
				data = dict()
				for key, url in TICKERS[ticker]['urls'].iteritems():
					log.debug("fetching url %r", url)
						t0 = time.time()
						data[key] = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=30))
					except Exception, e:
						log.exception("error fetching %r", url)
						continue"fetched %r in %.2f s", url, time.time() - t0)
					log.debug("data = %r", data[key])
				if not data:
					raise Exception("no data for ticker %s" % repr(ticker))
				for output, o in TICKERS[ticker]['outputs'].iteritems():
					log.debug("processing output %r: %r", output, o)
					values = []
					diffstring = ''
					report = False
					low = high = None
					for metric, m in o['metrics'].iteritems():
						value = d(getvalue(data, m[1:])).quantize(m[0])
						if metric == 'volume': # volume is in base units
							currency = o['unit']
						else: # others are in currency
							currency = o['currency']
						log.debug("output %r metric %r has value %r", output, metric, value)
						if metric in o['reportchange']:
							if output+metric in prev:
								vdiff = value - prev[output+metric]
								vdiff = Decimal(0)
								prev[output+metric] = value
								report = True
							if vdiff.copy_abs() >= o['reportchange'][metric]:
								log.debug("output %r metric %r value diff %r exceeds %r, reporting change",
									output, metric, vdiff.copy_abs(), o['reportchange'][metric])
								prev[output+metric] = value
								report = True
							values.append("%12s %-3s" % (
									value, currency))
							diffstring = updown(vdiff)
							values.append("%12s %-3s" % (
								value, currency))
						if low is None or value < low:
							low = value
						if high is None or value > high:
							high = value
					diffstring=updown(vdiff, '(%s%s %s)' % (
						'-' if vdiff.is_signed() else '+',
						vdiff.copy_abs(), currency))
					out = "%s %s %s %s" % (
						" ".join(values),
					if report:
						for chan in self.registryValue('channels'):
						nicks = self.lowvalues.keys()
						for nick in nicks:
							user_value = self.lowvalues[nick]
							if low is not None and low <= user_value:
								out = "%s: OMG, it went below %s to %s!" % (nick, user_value, low)
								irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.privmsg(chan, ircutils.bold(out)))
								del self.lowvalues[nick]

						nicks = self.highvalues.keys()
						for nick in nicks:
							user_value = self.highvalues[nick]
							if high is not None and high >= user_value:
								out = "%s: OMG, it went above %s to %s!" % (nick, user_value, high)
								irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.privmsg(chan, ircutils.bold(out)))
								del self.highvalues[nick]
			except Exception, e:
				log.exception("in ticker thread %r", ticker)