Beispiel #1
def parse(file, id=None):
    data =
        values = unpack(format, data)
        return -1

    object = {}
    object["in flare id"] = values[0]
    object["out flare id"] = values[1]
    object["player body id"] = values[2]
    object["energy blob id"] = values[3]
    object["download url"] = values[5][: values[4]]
    object["title"] = values[7][: values[6]]
    object["author name"] = values[9][: values[8]]
    object["author url"] = values[11][: values[10]]
    object["version"] = values[12]
    object["min version"] = values[13]
    object["flags"] = decode.bitfield(values[14], flags)
    # discard checksum
    return object
Beispiel #2
def parse(file, id):
	data =
		values = unpack(format, data)
		return None
	object = {}
	object["type"] = values[0]
	object["owner"] = values[1]
	#These do not seem to seem to be used in the scenario
	#so I have disabled them.
	#object["real object number"] = values[2]
	#object["real object id"] = values[3]
	object["position"] = {
			"x": values[4],
			"y": values[5],
	object["earning"] = decode.fixed(values[6])
	object["distance range"] = values[7]
	object["rotation"] = {
			"minumum": values[8],
			"range": values[9],
	object["sprite id override"] = values[10]
	object["builds"] = {}
	for i in range(11,22):
		if values[i] >= 1:
			object["builds"][i-11] = values[i]
	object["initial destination"] = values[23]
	if values[24] >= 1: #and values[24] != 4400: #stupid
			object["name override"] = strings.db[str(values[24])][values[25] - 1]
			pass #I will deal with this later, only if it causes problems
	object["attributes"] = decode.bitfield(values[26], attributes)
	return object
Beispiel #3
def parse(file, id = None):
	data =
		values = struct.unpack(format, data)
		return None

	object = {}

	object["attributes"] = decode.bitfield(values[0], attributes)
	object["class"] = values[1]
	object["race"] = values[2]
	object["price"] = values[3]

	object["offence"] = decode.fixed(values[4])
	object["escort rank"] = values[5]#aka target, aka destination class
	object["max velocity"] = decode.fixed(values[6])
	object["warp speed"] = decode.fixed(values[7])
	object["warp out distance"] = values[8]

	object["initial velocity"] = decode.fixed(values[9])
	object["initial velocity range"] = decode.fixed(values[10])

	mass = decode.fixed(values[11])
	if mass == 0:
		mass = 1.0
	object["mass"] = mass
	object["thrust"] = decode.fixed(values[12])

	object["health"] = values[13]
	object["damage"] = values[14]
	object["energy"] = values[15]

	object["initial age"] = values[16]
	object["initial age range"] = values[17] #add occuping force hack

	object["scale"] = values[18] #was natural scale

	object["layer"] = values[19]
	object["sprite id"] = values[20]
	object["icon size"] = 0x0f & values[21]
		object["icon shape"] = {
				0x00: "square",
				0x10: "triangle",
				0x20: "diamond",
				0x30: "plus",
				0x40: "framed square"
				}[0x70 & values[21]]
	except KeyError:
		object["icon shape"] = None
	object["shield color"] = values[22]
	#**** compiler alignment

	object["initial direction"] = values[23]
	object["initial direction range"] = values[24]

	object["weapons"] = {
			"pulse": {
				"id": values[25],
				"count": values[28],
				"positions": {},
			"beam": {
				"id": values[26],
				"count": values[29],
				"positions": {},
			"special": {
				"id": values[27],
				"count": values[30],
				"positions": {},
	ct = 31
	for weap in ["pulse", "beam", "special"]:
		for idx in range(0, object["weapons"][weap]["count"]):
			object["weapons"][weap]["positions"][idx + 1] = {
						"y": decode.fixed(values[ct+2*idx]),
						"x": decode.fixed(values[ct+2*idx+1]),
		ct += 6
	object["friend defecit"] = decode.fixed(values[49])
	object["danger threshold"] = decode.fixed(values[50])

	object["special direction"] = values[51] #unused?

	object["arrive action distance"] = values[52]

	object["actions"] = {
			"destroy": {
				"first": values[53],
				"count": values[54] & 0x7fffffff,
				"dont die on death": bool(values[54] & 0x80000000),
			"expire": {
				"first": values[55],
				"count": values[56],
			"create": {
				"first": values[57],
				"count": values[58],
			"collide": {
				"first": values[59],
				"count": values[60],
			"activate": {
				"first": values[61],
				"count": values[62] & 0x0000ffff,
				"interval": (values[62] & 0xff000000) >> 24,
				"interval range": (values[62] & 0x00ff0000) >> 16,
			"arrive": {
				"first": values[63],
				"count": values[64],
	if object["attributes"]["shape from direction"] == True:
		frame = struct.unpack(">iiii 16x", values[65])
		object["rotation"] = {
				"offset": frame[0],
				"resolution": frame[1],
				"turn rate": decode.fixed(frame[2]),
				"turn acceleration": decode.fixed(frame[3]),
	elif object["attributes"]["is self animated"] == True:
		frame = struct.unpack(">8i", values[65])
		object["animation"] = {
			"first shape": frame[0],
			"last shape": frame[1],
			"direction": frame[2],
			"direction range": frame[3],
			"speed": frame[4],
			"speed range": frame[5],
			"shape": frame[6],
			"shape range": frame[7],
	elif object["attributes"]["is beam"] == True:
		frame = struct.unpack(">BBii 22x", values[65])
		if frame[1] == 0:
			object["beam"] = {
				"hex": 0x0, #000
				"type": "kinetic",
				"mode": None,
		elif frame[1] == 1:
			object["beam"] = {
				"hex": 0x2, #010
				"type": "static",
				"mode": "direct",
		elif frame[1] == 2:
			object["beam"] = {
				"hex": 0x3, #011
				"type": "static",
				"mode": "relative",
		elif frame[1] == 3:
			object["beam"] = {
				"hex": 0x4, #100
				"type": "bolt",
				"mode": "direct",
		elif frame[1] == 4:
			object["beam"] = {
				"hex": 0x5, #101
				"type": "bolt",
				"mode": "relative",
		object["beam"]["color"] = frame[0]
		object["beam"]["accuracy"] = frame[2]
		object["beam"]["range"] = math.sqrt(frame[3])
	else: #device
		frame = struct.unpack(">Iiiiiii 4x", values[65])
		object["device"] = {
			"uses": decode.bitfield(frame[0], deviceUses),
			"energy cost": frame[1],
			"reload": frame[2],
			"ammo": frame[3],
			"range": frame[4],
			"inverse speed": frame[5],
			"restock cost": frame[6],
	object["build flags"] = decode.bitfield(values[66], buildFlags)
	object["order flags"] = decode.bitfield(values[67], orderFlags)
	object["build ratio"] = decode.fixed(values[68])
	object["build time"] = values[69]

	object["skill num"] = values[70]
	object["skill den"] = values[71]
	object["skill num adj"] = values[72]
	object["skill den adj"] = values[73]
	object["portrait id"] = values[74]
	if id != None:
		object["name"] = strings.get(5000, id)
		object["short name"] = strings.get(5001, id)
		object["notes"] = strings.get(5002, id)
		object["static name"] = strings.get(5003, id)
	return object
Beispiel #4
def parse(file, id = None):
	data =
		values = unpack(format, data)
		return None
	object = {}
	type = values[0]
	base = unpack(">3i", values[1])
	tags = {
			"point": {
				"x": base[0],
				"y": base[1]
			"counter": {
				"player": base[0],
				"id": base[1],
				"amount": base[2],
			"signed": base[0],
			"unsigned": unpack("> I 8x", values[1])[0],
	if type == 0:
		object["type"] = "none"
	elif type == 1:
		object["type"]  = "location"
		object["location"] = tags["point"]
	elif type == 2:
		object["type"] = "counter"
		object["counter"] = tags["counter"]
	elif type == 3:
		object["type"] = "proximity"
		object["location"] = math.sqrt(tags["unsigned"])
	elif type == 4:
		object["type"] = "owner"
		object["value"] = tags["signed"]
	elif type == 5:
		object["type"] = "destruction"
		object["value"] = tags["signed"]
	elif type == 6:
		object["type"] = "age"
		object["value"] = tags["signed"]
	elif type == 7:
		object["type"] = "time"
		object["value"] = tags["signed"]
	elif type == 8:
		object["type"] = "random"
#		object["value"] = tags["signed"]
	elif type == 9:
		object["type"] = "half health"
#		object["value"] = tags["signed"]
	elif type == 10:
		object["type"] = "is auxiliary"
	elif type == 11:
		object["type"] = "is target"
	elif type == 12:
		object["type"] = "counter greater"
		object["counter"] = tags["counter"]
	elif type == 13:
		object["type"] = "counter not"
		object["counter"] = tags["counter"]
	elif type == 14:
		object["type"] = "distance greater"
		object["value"] = tags["unsigned"]
	elif type == 15:
		object["type"] = "velocity less than or equal"
		object["value"] = tags["signed"]
	elif type == 16:
		object["type"] = "no ships left"
		object["player"] = tags["signed"]
	elif type == 17:
		object["type"] = "current message"
		object["id"] = tags["point"]["x"]
		object["page"] = tags["point"]["y"]
	elif type == 18:
		object["type"] = "current computer selection"
		object["screen"] = tags["point"]["x"]
		object["line"] = tags["point"]["y"]
	elif type == 19:
		object["type"] = "zoom level"
		object["value"] = tags["signed"]
	elif type == 20:
		object["type"] = "autopilot"
	elif type == 21:
		object["type"] = "not autopilot"
	elif type == 22:
		object["type"] = "object being built"
	elif type == 23:
		object["type"] = "direct is subject target"
	elif type == 24:
		object["type"] = "subject is player"
	object["subject"] = values[2]
	object["direct"] = values[3]
	object["actions"] = {
		"first": values[4],
		"count": values[5],
	object["flags"] = decode.bitfield(values[6], flags)
#	object["direction"] = values[7] #UNUSED?
	return object