Beispiel #1
def get_data(segs, cpp_in):
    '''[str] -> str -> [c_ast]'''
    def gen(((ti, ea, declstr), node)):
        '''(tinfo_t, ea_t) -> c_ast'''
        # NOTE mutates node
        has_data = ida.seg_name(ea) != '.bss'
        ptr = ida.can_be_off32(ea)
        if ptr not in [ida.BADADDR, 0]:
            ptr_ti = ida.get_or_guess_tinfo(ptr)
            ti_node = cdecl.get_decls(declstr).decls[utils.cpp_decomp_tag][0]
            return gen(((ptr_ti, ptr, ''), ti_node))
        # XXX our data segment has no strings, but that's probably specific to
        # the one binary we're dealing with
        elif ti.is_array():
            ai = ida.array_type_data_t()
            item_size = ai.elem_type.get_size()
            typename = get_type_for_c_ast_constant(ai.elem_type)
            length = (ida.item_end(ea) - ida.item_head(ea)) / item_size
            if has_data is True:
                if ai.elem_type.is_char():
                    node.init = ep_ct.constant(typename, c_stringify(
                    items = list(get_item(ea + j * item_size, ti)
                                 for j in xrange(0, length))
                    node.init = ep_ct.initlist(
                        [ep_ct.constant(typename, str(x)) for x in items])
            if has_data is True:
                typename = get_type_for_c_ast_constant(ti)
                node.init = ep_ct.constant(typename,
                                           str(get_item(ea, ti)))
        return node
Beispiel #2
    def has_got_seg_in_data_refs(refs):
        # filter out data not referenced by GOT
        return '.got' in [ida.seg_name(x) for x in refs]

    def get_refs_and_ea((_, ea)):
        return (ida.data_refs_to(ea), ea)

    refs_eas = imap(get_refs_and_ea,
    data = list(get_tinfo_and_declstr(ea)
                for (refs, ea) in refs_eas
                if has_got_seg_in_data_refs(refs))
    declstrs = '\n'.join([x[2] for x in data])
    decls = izip(data,
                 cdecl.get_decls(declstrs, cpp_in).decls[utils.cpp_decomp_tag])
    return map(gen, decls)

def get_fns_and_types(segs, wanted_fns, cpp_in):
    '''[str] -> [str] -> str -> ([c_ast], [c_ast])'''
    # NOTE mutates, because...
    # IDA will always give us demangled names in type signatures, so we have to
    # replace the name in the returned decl with the mangled name
    def get_wanted(l, (name, decl)):
        return l + [decl] if name in wanted_fns else l

    def get_name_type((name, ea)):
        return (name, ida.print_type2(ea))

    fns = reduce(get_wanted,