def get_bond_graph_distance_one_hot(
    bond: RDKitBond,
    graph_dist_matrix: np.ndarray,
    allowable_set: List[int] = DEFAULT_GRAPH_DISTANCE_SET,
    include_unknown_set: bool = True) -> List[float]:
  """Get an one-hot feature of graph distance.

  bond: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Bond
    RDKit bond object
  graph_dist_matrix: np.ndarray
    The return value of `Chem.GetDistanceMatrix(mol)`. The shape is `(num_atoms, num_atoms)`.
  allowable_set: List[int]
    The graph distance types to consider. The default set is `[1, 2, ..., 7]`.
  include_unknown_set: bool, default False
    If true, the index of all types not in `allowable_set` is `len(allowable_set)`.

    A one-hot vector of the graph distance.
    If `include_unknown_set` is False, the length is `len(allowable_set)`.
    If `include_unknown_set` is True, the length is `len(allowable_set) + 1`.
  graph_dist = graph_dist_matrix[bond.GetBeginAtomIdx(), bond.GetEndAtomIdx()]
  return one_hot_encode(graph_dist, allowable_set, include_unknown_set)
def get_bond_is_in_same_ring_one_hot(bond: RDKitBond) -> List[float]:
  """Get an one-hot feature about whether atoms of a bond is in the same ring or not.

  bond: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Bond
    RDKit bond object

    A one-hot vector of whether a bond is in the same ring or not.
  return [int(bond.IsInRing())]
def get_bond_is_conjugated_one_hot(bond: RDKitBond) -> List[float]:
  """Get an one-hot feature about whether a bond is conjugated or not.

  bond: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Bond
    RDKit bond object

    A one-hot vector of whether a bond is conjugated or not.
  return [int(bond.GetIsConjugated())]
def get_bond_type_one_hot(bond: RDKitBond,
                          allowable_set: List[str] = DEFAULT_BOND_TYPE_SET,
                          include_unknown_set: bool = False) -> List[float]:
  """Get an one-hot feature of bond type.

  bond: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Bond
    RDKit bond object
  allowable_set: List[str]
    The bond types to consider. The default set is `["SINGLE", "DOUBLE", "TRIPLE", "AROMATIC"]`.
  include_unknown_set: bool, default False
    If true, the index of all types not in `allowable_set` is `len(allowable_set)`.

    A one-hot vector of the bond type.
    If `include_unknown_set` is False, the length is `len(allowable_set)`.
    If `include_unknown_set` is True, the length is `len(allowable_set) + 1`.
  return one_hot_encode(
      str(bond.GetBondType()), allowable_set, include_unknown_set)
def get_bond_stereo_one_hot(bond: RDKitBond,
                            allowable_set: List[str] = DEFAULT_BOND_STEREO_SET,
                            include_unknown_set: bool = True) -> List[float]:
  """Get an one-hot feature of the stereo configuration of a bond.

  bond: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Bond
    RDKit bond object
  allowable_set: List[str]
    The stereo configuration types to consider.
    The default set is `["STEREONONE", "STEREOANY", "STEREOZ", "STEREOE"]`.
  include_unknown_set: bool, default True
    If true, the index of all types not in `allowable_set` is `len(allowable_set)`.

    A one-hot vector of the stereo configuration of a bond.
    If `include_unknown_set` is False, the length is `len(allowable_set)`.
    If `include_unknown_set` is True, the length is `len(allowable_set) + 1`.
  return one_hot_encode(
      str(bond.GetStereo()), allowable_set, include_unknown_set)