def __init__(self, dataset_path=None, custom_parser=None): self.sequences = [] if custom_parser is None: assert dataset_path, \ "If a custom parser is not given, dataset_path is required" try: if custom_parser is not None: self.action_labels, \ self.joint_labels, \ self.viewpoint_labels,\ self.sequences = custom_parser(dataset_path) else: # Standard parser filename = '%s/annotations.dat.gz' % dataset_path fid =, 'r') gz_header = fid.readline() std_dat_parser(self, fid) fid.close() if BaseParser.compute_dataset_info: printcn(HEADER, '## Info on dataset "%s" ##' % dataset_path) printcn(OKBLUE, ' Average number of frames: %.0f' % \ BaseParser.avg_num_frames) printcn( OKBLUE, ' Min pose values on X-Y-Z: {}'.format( BaseParser.pose_min)) printcn( OKBLUE, ' Max pose values on X-Y-Z: {}'.format( BaseParser.pose_max)) except Exception as e: print('Catch exception in Annotation class: ' + str(e))
def show(x, gray_scale=False, jet_cmap=False, filename=None): """ Show 'x' as an image on the screen. """ if jet_cmap is False: img = data_to_image(x, gray_scale=gray_scale) else: if plt is None: printcn(WARNING, 'pyplot not defined!') return cmap = norm = plt.Normalize(vmin=x.min(), vmax=x.max()) img = cmap(norm(x)) if filename: else:
def draw(x=None, skels=[], bboxes=[], bbox_color='g', abs_pos=False, plot3d=False, single_window=False, figsize=(16, 9), axis='on', facecolor='white', azimuth=65, dpi=100, filename=None, predicted=False): # Configure the plotting environment if plt is None: printcn(WARNING, 'pyplot not defined!') return """ Plot 'x' and draw over it the skeletons and the bounding boxes. """ img = data_to_image(x) if abs_pos: w = None h = None else: w, h = img.size def add_subimage(f, subplot, img): ax = f.add_subplot(subplot) plt.imshow(img, zorder=-1) return ax fig = [plt.figure(figsize=figsize)] ax = [] if plot3d: if single_window: ax.append(add_subimage(fig[0], 121, img)) ax.append(fig[0].add_subplot(122, projection='3d')) else: ax.append(add_subimage(fig[0], 111, img)) fig.append(plt.figure(figsize=figsize)) ax.append(fig[1].add_subplot(111, projection='3d')) else: ax.append(add_subimage(fig[0], 111, img)) plt.axis(axis) # Plotting skeletons if not None if skels is not None: if isinstance(skels, list) or len(skels.shape) == 3: for s in skels: plot_skeleton_2d(ax[0], s, h=h, w=w, predicted=predicted) if plot3d: plot_3d_pose(s, subplot=ax[-1], azimuth=azimuth) else: plot_skeleton_2d(ax[0], skels, h=h, w=w, predicted=predicted) if plot3d: plot_3d_pose(skels, subplot=ax[-1], azimuth=azimuth) # Plotting bounding boxes if not None if bboxes is not None: if isinstance(bboxes, list) or len(bboxes.shape) == 3: for b, c in zip(bboxes, bbox_color): _plot_bbox(ax[0], b, h=h, w=w, c=c, lw=4) else: _plot_bbox(ax[0], bboxes, h=h, w=w, c=bbox_color, lw=4) if filename: fig[0].savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, facecolor=facecolor, dpi=dpi) if plot3d and (single_window is False): fig[-1].savefig(filename + '.eps', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) else: for i in range(len(fig)): plt.close(fig[i])
from PIL import Image from import WARNING from import FAIL from import printcn from deephar.utils.pose import pa16j2d from deephar.utils.pose import pa17j3d from deephar.utils.pose import pa20j3d from deephar.utils.colors import hex_colors try: from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except Exception as e: printcn(FAIL, str(e)) plt = None def data_to_image(x, gray_scale=False): """ Convert 'x' to a RGB Image object. # Arguments x: image in the format (num_cols, num_rows, 3) for RGB images or (num_cols, num_rows) for gray scale images. If None, return a light gray image with size 100x100. gray_scale: convert the RGB color space to a RGB gray scale space. """ if x is None: x = 224 * np.ones((100, 100, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
def draw(x=None, skels=None, bboxes=None, abs_pos=False, plot3d=False, single_window=False, figsize=(16, 9), axis='on', azimuth=65, filename=None): # Configure the ploting environment if plt is None: printcn(WARNING, 'pyplot not defined!') return """ Plot 'x' and draw over it the skeletons and the bounding boxes. """ img = data_to_image(x) if abs_pos: w = None h = None else: w, h = img.size def add_subimage(f, subplot, img): ax = f.add_subplot(subplot) plt.imshow(img, zorder=-1) return ax fig = [plt.figure(figsize=figsize)] ax = [] if plot3d: if single_window: ax.append(add_subimage(fig[0], 121, img)) ax.append(fig[0].add_subplot(122, projection='3d')) else: ax.append(add_subimage(fig[0], 111, img)) fig.append(plt.figure(figsize=figsize)) ax.append(fig[1].add_subplot(111, projection='3d')) else: ax.append(add_subimage(fig[0], 111, img)) plt.axis(axis) if isinstance(skels, list): assert len(skels) == 2, 'Only two skeletons are supported' _plot_skeleton_2d(ax[0], skels[0], h=h, w=w, joints=True, links=False) _plot_skeleton_2d(ax[0], skels[1], h=h, w=w, joints=False, links=True) if plot3d: plot_3d_pose(skels[0], subplot=ax[-1], color=5 * ['k'], azimuth=azimuth) plot_3d_pose(skels[1], subplot=ax[-1], azimuth=azimuth) elif isinstance(skels, np.ndarray): _plot_skeleton_2d(ax[0], skels, h=h, w=w) if plot3d: plot_3d_pose(skels, subplot=ax[-1], azimuth=azimuth) # if isinstance(bboxes, list): # for b in bboxes: # _plot_bbox(ax[0], b, 'k') # elif isinstance(bboxes, np.ndarray): # _plot_bbox(ax[0], bboxes, 'k') if bboxes is not None: _plot_bbox(ax[0], bboxes, h=h, w=w) if filename: fig[0].savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) if plot3d and (single_window is False): fig[-1].savefig(filename + '.eps', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) else: for i in range(len(fig)): plt.close(fig[i])