Beispiel #1
    def _eval_fv(self, coords, cells, atom_types, ext_f):
        # reshape the inputs
        cells = np.reshape(cells, [-1, 9])
        nframes = cells.shape[0]
        coords = np.reshape(coords, [nframes, -1])
        natoms = coords.shape[1] // 3

        # sort inputs
        coords, atom_types, imap, sel_at, sel_imap = self.sort_input(
            coords, atom_types, sel_atoms=self.get_sel_type())

        # make natoms_vec and default_mesh
        natoms_vec = self.make_natoms_vec(atom_types)
        assert (natoms_vec[0] == natoms)
        default_mesh = make_default_mesh(cells)

        # evaluate
        tensor = []
        feed_dict_test = {}
        feed_dict_test[self.t_natoms] = natoms_vec
        feed_dict_test[self.t_type] = np.tile(atom_types,
                                              [nframes, 1]).reshape([-1])
        feed_dict_test[self.t_coord] = coords.reshape([-1])
        feed_dict_test[self.t_box] = cells.reshape([-1])
        feed_dict_test[self.t_mesh] = default_mesh.reshape([-1])
        feed_dict_test[self.t_ef] = ext_f.reshape([-1])
        # print(run_sess(self.sess, tf.shape(self.t_tensor), feed_dict = feed_dict_test))
        fout, vout, avout \
            = run_sess(self.sess, [self.force, self.virial, self.av],
                            feed_dict = feed_dict_test)
        # print('fout: ', fout.shape, fout)
        fout = self.reverse_map(np.reshape(fout, [nframes, -1, 3]), imap)
        fout = np.reshape(fout, [nframes, -1])
        return fout, vout, avout
Beispiel #2
    def eval(self, coords, cells, atom_types, atomic=True):
        # standarize the shape of inputs
        coords = np.array(coords)
        cells = np.array(cells)
        atom_types = np.array(atom_types, dtype=int)

        # reshape the inputs
        cells = np.reshape(cells, [-1, 9])
        nframes = cells.shape[0]
        coords = np.reshape(coords, [nframes, -1])
        natoms = coords.shape[1] // 3

        # sort inputs
        coords, atom_types, imap, sel_at, sel_imap = self.sort_input(
            coords, atom_types, sel_atoms=self.get_sel_type())

        # make natoms_vec and default_mesh
        natoms_vec = self.make_natoms_vec(atom_types)
        assert (natoms_vec[0] == natoms)

        # evaluate
        tensor = []
        feed_dict_test = {}
        feed_dict_test[self.t_natoms] = natoms_vec
        feed_dict_test[self.t_type] = atom_types
        t_out = [self.t_tensor]
        for ii in range(nframes):
            feed_dict_test[self.t_coord] = np.reshape(coords[ii:ii + 1, :],
            feed_dict_test[self.t_box] = np.reshape(cells[ii:ii + 1, :], [-1])
            feed_dict_test[self.t_mesh] = make_default_mesh(cells[ii:ii +
                                                                  1, :])
            v_out =, feed_dict=feed_dict_test)

        # reverse map of the outputs
        if atomic:
            tensor = np.array(tensor)
            tensor = self.reverse_map(
                np.reshape(tensor, [nframes, -1, self.variable_dof]), sel_imap)
            tensor = np.reshape(
                tensor, [nframes, len(sel_at), self.variable_dof])
            tensor = np.reshape(tensor, [nframes, self.variable_dof])

        return tensor
Beispiel #3
    def _eval_inner(self,
        # standarize the shape of inputs
        atom_types = np.array(atom_types, dtype=int).reshape([-1])
        natoms = atom_types.size
        coords = np.reshape(np.array(coords), [-1, natoms * 3])
        nframes = coords.shape[0]
        if cells is None:
            pbc = False
            # make cells to work around the requirement of pbc
            cells = np.tile(np.eye(3), [nframes, 1]).reshape([nframes, 9])
            pbc = True
            cells = np.array(cells).reshape([nframes, 9])

        if self.has_fparam:
            assert (fparam is not None)
            fparam = np.array(fparam)
        if self.has_aparam:
            assert (aparam is not None)
            aparam = np.array(aparam)
        if self.has_efield:
            assert (
                efield is not None
            ), "you are using a model with external field, parameter efield should be provided"
            efield = np.array(efield)

        # reshape the inputs
        if self.has_fparam:
            fdim = self.get_dim_fparam()
            if fparam.size == nframes * fdim:
                fparam = np.reshape(fparam, [nframes, fdim])
            elif fparam.size == fdim:
                fparam = np.tile(fparam.reshape([-1]), [nframes, 1])
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'got wrong size of frame param, should be either %d x %d or %d'
                    % (nframes, fdim, fdim))
        if self.has_aparam:
            fdim = self.get_dim_aparam()
            if aparam.size == nframes * natoms * fdim:
                aparam = np.reshape(aparam, [nframes, natoms * fdim])
            elif aparam.size == natoms * fdim:
                aparam = np.tile(aparam.reshape([-1]), [nframes, 1])
            elif aparam.size == fdim:
                aparam = np.tile(aparam.reshape([-1]), [nframes, natoms])
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'got wrong size of frame param, should be either %d x %d x %d or %d x %d or %d'
                    % (nframes, natoms, fdim, natoms, fdim, fdim))

        # sort inputs
        coords, atom_types, imap = self.sort_input(coords, atom_types)
        if self.has_efield:
            efield = np.reshape(efield, [nframes, natoms, 3])
            efield = efield[:, imap, :]
            efield = np.reshape(efield, [nframes, natoms * 3])

        # make natoms_vec and default_mesh
        natoms_vec = self.make_natoms_vec(atom_types)
        assert (natoms_vec[0] == natoms)

        # evaluate
        feed_dict_test = {}
        feed_dict_test[self.t_natoms] = natoms_vec
        feed_dict_test[self.t_type] = np.tile(atom_types,
                                              [nframes, 1]).reshape([-1])
        t_out = [self.t_energy, self.t_force, self.t_virial]
        if atomic:
            t_out += [self.t_ae, self.t_av]

        feed_dict_test[self.t_coord] = np.reshape(coords, [-1])
        feed_dict_test[self.t_box] = np.reshape(cells, [-1])
        if self.has_efield:
            feed_dict_test[self.t_efield] = np.reshape(efield, [-1])
        if pbc:
            feed_dict_test[self.t_mesh] = make_default_mesh(cells)
            feed_dict_test[self.t_mesh] = np.array([], dtype=np.int32)
        if self.has_fparam:
            feed_dict_test[self.t_fparam] = np.reshape(fparam, [-1])
        if self.has_aparam:
            feed_dict_test[self.t_aparam] = np.reshape(aparam, [-1])
        v_out = run_sess(self.sess, t_out, feed_dict=feed_dict_test)
        energy = v_out[0]
        force = v_out[1]
        virial = v_out[2]
        if atomic:
            ae = v_out[3]
            av = v_out[4]

        # reverse map of the outputs
        force = self.reverse_map(np.reshape(force, [nframes, -1, 3]), imap)
        if atomic:
            ae = self.reverse_map(np.reshape(ae, [nframes, -1, 1]), imap)
            av = self.reverse_map(np.reshape(av, [nframes, -1, 9]), imap)

        energy = np.reshape(energy, [nframes, 1])
        force = np.reshape(force, [nframes, natoms, 3])
        virial = np.reshape(virial, [nframes, 9])
        if atomic:
            ae = np.reshape(ae, [nframes, natoms, 1])
            av = np.reshape(av, [nframes, natoms, 9])
            return energy, force, virial, ae, av
            return energy, force, virial
Beispiel #4
    def eval_inner(self,
             fparam = None, 
             aparam = None, 
             atomic = False) :
        # standarize the shape of inputs
        atom_types = np.array(atom_types, dtype = int).reshape([-1])
        natoms = atom_types.size
        coords = np.reshape(np.array(coords), [-1, natoms * 3])
        nframes = coords.shape[0]
        if cells is None:
            pbc = False
            # make cells to work around the requirement of pbc
            cells = np.tile(np.eye(3), [nframes, 1]).reshape([nframes, 9])
            pbc = True
            cells = np.array(cells).reshape([nframes, 9])
        if self.has_fparam :
            assert(fparam is not None)
            fparam = np.array(fparam)
        if self.has_aparam :
            assert(aparam is not None)
            aparam = np.array(aparam)

        # reshape the inputs 
        if self.has_fparam :
            fdim = self.get_dim_fparam()
            if fparam.size == nframes * fdim :
                fparam = np.reshape(fparam, [nframes, fdim])
            elif fparam.size == fdim :
                fparam = np.tile(fparam.reshape([-1]), [nframes, 1])
            else :
                raise RuntimeError('got wrong size of frame param, should be either %d x %d or %d' % (nframes, fdim, fdim))
        if self.has_aparam :
            fdim = self.get_dim_aparam()
            if aparam.size == nframes * natoms * fdim:
                aparam = np.reshape(aparam, [nframes, natoms * fdim])
            elif aparam.size == natoms * fdim :
                aparam = np.tile(aparam.reshape([-1]), [nframes, 1])
            elif aparam.size == fdim :
                aparam = np.tile(aparam.reshape([-1]), [nframes, natoms])
            else :
                raise RuntimeError('got wrong size of frame param, should be either %d x %d x %d or %d x %d or %d' % (nframes, natoms, fdim, natoms, fdim, fdim))

        # sort inputs
        coords, atom_types, imap = self.sort_input(coords, atom_types)

        # make natoms_vec and default_mesh
        natoms_vec = self.make_natoms_vec(atom_types)
        assert(natoms_vec[0] == natoms)

        # evaluate
        energy = []
        force = []
        virial = []
        ae = []
        av = []
        feed_dict_test = {}
        feed_dict_test[self.t_natoms] = natoms_vec
        feed_dict_test[self.t_type  ] = atom_types
        t_out = [self.t_energy, 
        if atomic :
            t_out += [self.t_ae, 
        for ii in range(nframes) :
            feed_dict_test[self.t_coord] = np.reshape(coords[ii:ii+1, :], [-1])
            feed_dict_test[self.t_box  ] = np.reshape(cells [ii:ii+1, :], [-1])
            if pbc:
                feed_dict_test[self.t_mesh ] = make_default_mesh(cells[ii:ii+1, :])
                feed_dict_test[self.t_mesh ] = np.array([], dtype = np.int32)
            if self.has_fparam:
                feed_dict_test[self.t_fparam] = np.reshape(fparam[ii:ii+1, :], [-1])
            if self.has_aparam:
                feed_dict_test[self.t_aparam] = np.reshape(aparam[ii:ii+1, :], [-1])
            v_out = (t_out, feed_dict = feed_dict_test)
            force .append(v_out[1])
            if atomic:

        # reverse map of the outputs
        force  = self.reverse_map(np.reshape(force, [nframes,-1,3]), imap)
        if atomic :
            ae  = self.reverse_map(np.reshape(ae, [nframes,-1,1]), imap)
            av  = self.reverse_map(np.reshape(av, [nframes,-1,9]), imap)

        energy = np.reshape(energy, [nframes, 1])
        force = np.reshape(force, [nframes, natoms, 3])
        virial = np.reshape(virial, [nframes, 9])
        if atomic:
            ae = np.reshape(ae, [nframes, natoms, 1])
            av = np.reshape(av, [nframes, natoms, 9])
            return energy, force, virial, ae, av
        else :
            return energy, force, virial
Beispiel #5
    def eval_full(self,
                  coords: np.ndarray,
                  cells: np.ndarray,
                  atom_types: List[int],
                  atomic: bool = False,
                  fparam: Optional[np.array] = None,
                  aparam: Optional[np.array] = None,
                  efield: Optional[np.array] = None) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, ...]:
        """Evaluate the model with interface similar to the energy model.
        Will return global tensor, component-wise force and virial
        and optionally atomic tensor and atomic virial.

            The coordinates of atoms. 
            The array should be of size nframes x natoms x 3
            The cell of the region. 
            If None then non-PBC is assumed, otherwise using PBC. 
            The array should be of size nframes x 9
            The atom types
            The list should contain natoms ints
            Whether to calculate atomic tensor and virial
            Not used in this model
            Not used in this model
            Not used in this model

            The global tensor. 
            shape: [nframes x nout]
            The component-wise force (negative derivative) on each atom.
            shape: [nframes x nout x natoms x 3]
            The component-wise virial of the tensor.
            shape: [nframes x nout x 9]
            The atomic tensor. Only returned when atomic == True
            shape: [nframes x natoms x nout]
            The atomic virial. Only returned when atomic == True
            shape: [nframes x nout x natoms x 9]
        assert self._support_gfv, \
            f"do not support eval_full with old tensor model"

        # standarize the shape of inputs
        atom_types = np.array(atom_types, dtype=int).reshape([-1])
        natoms = atom_types.size
        coords = np.reshape(np.array(coords), [-1, natoms * 3])
        nframes = coords.shape[0]
        if cells is None:
            pbc = False
            cells = np.tile(np.eye(3), [nframes, 1]).reshape([nframes, 9])
            pbc = True
            cells = np.array(cells).reshape([nframes, 9])
        nout = self.output_dim

        # sort inputs
        coords, atom_types, imap, sel_at, sel_imap = self.sort_input(
            coords, atom_types, sel_atoms=self.get_sel_type())

        # make natoms_vec and default_mesh
        natoms_vec = self.make_natoms_vec(atom_types)
        assert (natoms_vec[0] == natoms)

        # evaluate
        feed_dict_test = {}
        feed_dict_test[self.t_natoms] = natoms_vec
        feed_dict_test[self.t_type] = np.tile(atom_types,
                                              [nframes, 1]).reshape([-1])
        feed_dict_test[self.t_coord] = np.reshape(coords, [-1])
        feed_dict_test[self.t_box] = np.reshape(cells, [-1])
        if pbc:
            feed_dict_test[self.t_mesh] = make_default_mesh(cells)
            feed_dict_test[self.t_mesh] = np.array([], dtype=np.int32)

        t_out = [self.t_global_tensor, self.t_force, self.t_virial]
        if atomic:
            t_out += [self.t_tensor, self.t_atom_virial]

        v_out =, feed_dict=feed_dict_test)
        gt = v_out[0]  # global tensor
        force = v_out[1]
        virial = v_out[2]
        if atomic:
            at = v_out[3]  # atom tensor
            av = v_out[4]  # atom virial

        # please note here the shape are wrong!
        force = self.reverse_map(
            np.reshape(force, [nframes * nout, natoms, 3]), imap)
        if atomic:
            at = self.reverse_map(np.reshape(
                at, [nframes, len(sel_at), nout]), sel_imap)
            av = self.reverse_map(np.reshape(av, [nframes * nout, natoms, 9]),

        # make sure the shapes are correct here
        gt = np.reshape(gt, [nframes, nout])
        force = np.reshape(force, [nframes, nout, natoms, 3])
        virial = np.reshape(virial, [nframes, nout, 9])
        if atomic:
            at = np.reshape(at, [nframes, len(sel_at), self.output_dim])
            av = np.reshape(av, [nframes, nout, natoms, 9])
            return gt, force, virial, at, av
            return gt, force, virial
Beispiel #6
    def eval(self,
             coords: np.ndarray,
             cells: np.ndarray,
             atom_types: List[int],
             atomic: bool = True,
             fparam: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
             aparam: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
             efield: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> np.ndarray:
        """Evaluate the model.

            The coordinates of atoms. 
            The array should be of size nframes x natoms x 3
            The cell of the region. 
            If None then non-PBC is assumed, otherwise using PBC. 
            The array should be of size nframes x 9
            The atom types
            The list should contain natoms ints
            If True (default), return the atomic tensor
            Otherwise return the global tensor
            Not used in this model
            Not used in this model
            Not used in this model

                The returned tensor
                If atomic == False then of size nframes x output_dim
                else of size nframes x natoms x output_dim
        # standarize the shape of inputs
        atom_types = np.array(atom_types, dtype=int).reshape([-1])
        natoms = atom_types.size
        coords = np.reshape(np.array(coords), [-1, natoms * 3])
        nframes = coords.shape[0]
        if cells is None:
            pbc = False
            cells = np.tile(np.eye(3), [nframes, 1]).reshape([nframes, 9])
            pbc = True
            cells = np.array(cells).reshape([nframes, 9])

        # sort inputs
        coords, atom_types, imap, sel_at, sel_imap = self.sort_input(
            coords, atom_types, sel_atoms=self.get_sel_type())

        # make natoms_vec and default_mesh
        natoms_vec = self.make_natoms_vec(atom_types)
        assert (natoms_vec[0] == natoms)

        # evaluate
        feed_dict_test = {}
        feed_dict_test[self.t_natoms] = natoms_vec
        feed_dict_test[self.t_type] = np.tile(atom_types,
                                              [nframes, 1]).reshape([-1])
        feed_dict_test[self.t_coord] = np.reshape(coords, [-1])
        feed_dict_test[self.t_box] = np.reshape(cells, [-1])
        if pbc:
            feed_dict_test[self.t_mesh] = make_default_mesh(cells)
            feed_dict_test[self.t_mesh] = np.array([], dtype=np.int32)

        if atomic:
            assert "global" not in self.model_type, \
                f"cannot do atomic evaluation with model type {self.model_type}"
            t_out = [self.t_tensor]
            assert self._support_gfv or "global" in self.model_type, \
                f"do not support global tensor evaluation with old {self.model_type} model"
            t_out = [
                self.t_global_tensor if self._support_gfv else self.t_tensor
        v_out =, feed_dict=feed_dict_test)
        tensor = v_out[0]

        # reverse map of the outputs
        if atomic:
            tensor = np.array(tensor)
            tensor = self.reverse_map(
                np.reshape(tensor, [nframes, -1, self.output_dim]), sel_imap)
            tensor = np.reshape(
                tensor, [nframes, len(sel_at), self.output_dim])
            tensor = np.reshape(tensor, [nframes, self.output_dim])

        return tensor
Beispiel #7
    def _prepare_feed_dict(
        # standarize the shape of inputs
        natoms, nframes = self._get_natoms_and_nframes(coords, atom_types)
        atom_types = np.array(atom_types, dtype = int).reshape([-1])
        coords = np.reshape(np.array(coords), [-1, natoms * 3])
        if cells is None:
            pbc = False
            # make cells to work around the requirement of pbc
            cells = np.tile(np.eye(3), [nframes, 1]).reshape([nframes, 9])
            pbc = True
            cells = np.array(cells).reshape([nframes, 9])
        if self.has_fparam :
            assert(fparam is not None)
            fparam = np.array(fparam)
        if self.has_aparam :
            assert(aparam is not None)
            aparam = np.array(aparam)
        if self.has_efield :
            assert(efield is not None), "you are using a model with external field, parameter efield should be provided"
            efield = np.array(efield)

        # reshape the inputs 
        if self.has_fparam :
            fdim = self.get_dim_fparam()
            if fparam.size == nframes * fdim :
                fparam = np.reshape(fparam, [nframes, fdim])
            elif fparam.size == fdim :
                fparam = np.tile(fparam.reshape([-1]), [nframes, 1])
            else :
                raise RuntimeError('got wrong size of frame param, should be either %d x %d or %d' % (nframes, fdim, fdim))
        if self.has_aparam :
            fdim = self.get_dim_aparam()
            if aparam.size == nframes * natoms * fdim:
                aparam = np.reshape(aparam, [nframes, natoms * fdim])
            elif aparam.size == natoms * fdim :
                aparam = np.tile(aparam.reshape([-1]), [nframes, 1])
            elif aparam.size == fdim :
                aparam = np.tile(aparam.reshape([-1]), [nframes, natoms])
            else :
                raise RuntimeError('got wrong size of frame param, should be either %d x %d x %d or %d x %d or %d' % (nframes, natoms, fdim, natoms, fdim, fdim))

        # sort inputs
        coords, atom_types, imap = self.sort_input(coords, atom_types)
        if self.has_efield:
            efield = np.reshape(efield, [nframes, natoms, 3])
            efield = efield[:,imap,:]
            efield = np.reshape(efield, [nframes, natoms*3])            

        # make natoms_vec and default_mesh
        natoms_vec = self.make_natoms_vec(atom_types)
        assert(natoms_vec[0] == natoms)

        # evaluate
        feed_dict_test = {}
        feed_dict_test[self.t_natoms] = natoms_vec
        feed_dict_test[self.t_type  ] = np.tile(atom_types, [nframes, 1]).reshape([-1])
        feed_dict_test[self.t_coord] = np.reshape(coords, [-1])
        feed_dict_test[self.t_box  ] = np.reshape(cells , [-1])
        if self.has_efield:
            feed_dict_test[self.t_efield]= np.reshape(efield, [-1])
        if pbc:
            feed_dict_test[self.t_mesh ] = make_default_mesh(cells)
            feed_dict_test[self.t_mesh ] = np.array([], dtype = np.int32)
        if self.has_fparam:
            feed_dict_test[self.t_fparam] = np.reshape(fparam, [-1])
        if self.has_aparam:
            feed_dict_test[self.t_aparam] = np.reshape(aparam, [-1])
        return feed_dict_test, imap