def __init__(self): = True import defaultStyle defaultStyle.init(gui) self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1024, 700)) #First, we create a desktop to contain all the widgets self.desktop = Desktop() self.background = load_image("fundo_menu.png", "res/img") #IMPORTANTE RESULTADO FINAL self.playername = "" self.ip_server = "" self.port_server = "" self.player_folder = "" self.animation_player = 0 self.a = 0 self.p1 = [] self.p2 = [] self.p3 = [] self.p4 = [] self.p5 = [] self.p6 = [] self.addPlayerImages() self.createOptionMenu() return self.gameLoop()
def __init__(self): = True self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640,480),0,32) defaultStyle.init(gui) self.desktop = gui.Desktop() self.GUI() self.AritMayaCiclo()
def askReset(self): def YesOnClick(button): self.pause = False def1 = self.factory.getRootObject() def1.addCallback(self.gameReset) self.desktop.query.close() self.desktop.query.position = (0,0) self.desktop.query.size = (0,0) def NoOnClick(button): self.pause = False self.desktop.query.close() self.desktop.query.position = (0,0) self.desktop.query.size = (0,0) defaultStyle.init(gui) endStyle = {'font-color': (255,255,255), 'font': font.Font(None,24), 'autosize': True, "antialias": True,'border-width': False, 'border-color': (0,0,0), 'wordwrap': False} self.desktop.query = Window(position = (350,250), size = (300,200), parent = self.desktop, text = "Reset", closeable = False, shadeable = False) labelStyleCopy = gui.defaultLabelStyle.copy() Label(position = (100,50),size = (100,0), parent = self.desktop.query, text = "Reset the game", style = endStyle) Label(position = (100,100),size = (100,0), parent = self.desktop.query, text = "Are you sure?", style = endStyle) Yes_button = Button(position = (50,150), size = (40,0), parent = self.desktop.query, text = "Yes") No_button = Button(position = (200,150), size = (40,0), parent = self.desktop.query, text = "No") Yes_button.onClick = YesOnClick No_button.onClick = NoOnClick self.pause = True return
def __init__(self): # Setup GUI self.playerselection = 0 defaultStyle.init(gui) self.desktop = gui.Desktop() = gui.Window(position = (800,0), size = (200,600), parent = self.desktop, text = 'Statistics and Help') self.lbl = gui.Label(position = (2, 30), text = '---- Mini-map Key ----', parent = self.movbtn = gui.OnImageButton(utils.load_image('movebx.png'), position = (15, 50), parent = self.mvlbl = gui.Label(position = (25, 45), text = 'Moving / Living Player', parent = self.atkbtn = gui.OnImageButton(utils.load_image('atkbx.png'), position = (15, 70), parent = self.atklbl = gui.Label(position = (25, 65), text = 'Attacking Player', parent = self.deadbtn = gui.OnImageButton(utils.load_image('deadbx.png'), position = (15, 90), parent = self.deadlbl = gui.Label(position = (25, 85), text = 'Slain Player', parent = self.ovbtn = gui.OnImageButton(utils.load_image('ovbx.png'), position = (15, 110), parent = self.ovlbl = gui.Label(position = (25, 105), text = 'Overlord Player', parent = self.statslbl = gui.Label(position = (2, 130), text = '---- Player List ----', parent = self.playerstats = gui.ListBox(position = (2, 150), size = (196, 200), parent = self.playerstats.onItemSelected = self.itemSelected self.lbl_title_pos = gui.Label(position = (5, 350), text='Player (id:#): Status - ', parent = self.lbl_pos = gui.Label(position = (5, 365), text='Location: ( #, # )', parent = self.lbl_health = gui.Label(position = (5, 380), text='Health: # / 25', parent = self.lbl_ai_courage = gui.Label(position = (5, 395), text='AI Courage: #', parent = self.lbl_ai_camper = gui.Label(position = (5, 410), text='AI Camper: #', parent = self.lbl_ai_clingy = gui.Label(position = (5, 425), text='AI Clingy: #', parent = self.lbl_ai_stack = gui.Label(position = (5, 440), text='AI Stack: #', parent = self.player_img_alive = gui.OnImageButton(utils.load_sliced_sprites(32, 32, 'characters/zelda_atk.png')[0], position = (100,420), parent =, enabled = False) self.player_img_dead = gui.OnImageButton(utils.load_sliced_sprites(32, 32, 'characters/zelda_dead.png')[0], position = (100,420), parent =, enabled = False)
def __init__(self): pygame.init() self.Pantalla_Principal = pygame.display.set_mode((640,480)) defaultStyle.init(gui) self.desktop = gui.Desktop() self.buttonsalir = Button(position = (480,450),parent = self.desktop, text = "Salir") self.buttonsalir.onClick = self.buttonsalir_onClick self.Imagen = "" #Respuestas self.ListaRespuesta=self.Llenado('R') #Preguntas self.ListaPregunta=self.Llenado('P') #Imagenes self.ListaImagenes=self.CargadoImagnes() Indice=self.getRandomIndex(len(self.ListaRespuesta)) #Respuesta Secreta self.ReSecreta=self.ListaRespuesta[Indice] #Pregunta Secreta self.PreSecreta=self.ListaPregunta[Indice] #Letras Correctas self.LCorrectas="" #Letras Incorrectas self.LIncorrectas="" self.GUI() self.AhorcadoCiclo()
def remote_waitPlayer(self,name): defaultStyle.init(gui) endStyle = {'font-color': (255,255,255), 'font': font.Font(None,20), 'autosize': True, "antialias": True,'border-width': False, 'border-color': (0,0,0), 'wordwrap': False} self.desktop.query = Window(position = (250,180), size = (500,200), parent = self.desktop, text = "Lost Player", closeable = False, shadeable = False) labelStyleCopy = gui.defaultLabelStyle.copy() Label(position = (30,50),size = (100,0), parent = self.desktop.query, text = str(name) + " has disconnected", style = endStyle) Label(position = (30,100),size = (100,0), parent = self.desktop.query, text = "Waiting for the game host to replace them or restart the game", style = endStyle) self.pause = True return
def DrawWait(self,message): defaultStyle.init(gui) desktop_main = Desktop() desktop = Window(position = (300,220), size = (400,200), parent = desktop_main, text = "Waiting", closeable = False, shadeable = False) labelStyleCopy = gui.defaultLabelStyle.copy() Label(position = (100,75),size = (50,0), parent = desktop, text = message, style = labelStyleCopy) if not self.connected: font = pygame.font.Font("FreeSans.ttf", 30) self.titletext = font.render("Play against the computer",1,(255,255,255)) self.titletext2 = font.render("Start a network game",1,(255,255,255)) self.titletext3 = font.render("Join a network game",1,(255,255,255)) self.titletext4 = font.render("Options",1,(255,255,255)) self.titlepos = self.titletext.get_rect() self.titlepos.centerx = 512 self.titlepos.centery = 350 self.titlepos2 = self.titletext2.get_rect() self.titlepos2.centerx = 512 self.titlepos2.centery = 450 self.titlepos3 = self.titletext3.get_rect() self.titlepos3.centerx = 512 self.titlepos3.centery = 550 self.titlepos4 = self.titletext4.get_rect() self.titlepos4.centerx = 512 self.titlepos4.centery = 650 self.screen.fill((0,0,255)) #YOUR RENDERING HERE!!! self.screen.blit(self.menuback, (0,0)) self.screen.blit(self.titletext,self.titlepos) self.screen.blit(self.titletext2,self.titlepos2) self.screen.blit(self.titletext3,self.titlepos3) self.screen.blit(self.titletext4,self.titlepos4) else: self.DrawGame(flip=False) #Last thing to draw, desktop try: desktop_main.update() desktop_main.draw() except: pass #Flips! pygame.display.flip()
def __init__(self): = True self.Pantalla_Principal = pygame.display.get_surface() self.MayCJAGlobales = MayCJAGlobales() self.MayCNucleo = MayCNucleo() self.MayCNucleo.CDirRecursos(self.MayCJAGlobales.ObtDRecu()) defaultStyle.init(gui) self.desktop = gui.Desktop() self.MayCNucleo.CSPGDesk(self.desktop) #Indices Jugados self.IndJ = [] self.CargarDatos() self.GUI() self.Reloj.Comenzar() self.AhorcadoCiclo()
def remote_goOut(self): """ Called remotely by the server when the client's partner has asked to go out. Waits for user input. """ self.done = False def OKOnClick(button): self.done = True self.response = True def cancelOnClick(button): self.done = True self.response = False defaultStyle.init(gui) defaultStyle.init(gui) desktop_main = Desktop() desktop = Window(position = (300,220), size = (400,200), parent = desktop_main, text = "Go Out", closeable = False, shadeable = False) desktop.onClose = cancelOnClick labelStyleCopy = gui.defaultLabelStyle.copy() Label(position = (100,100),size = (200,0), parent = desktop, text = 'Your partner asked: "May I go out?"', style = labelStyleCopy) OK_button = Button(position = (100,140), size = (50,0), parent = desktop, text = "Yes") cancel_button = Button(position = (200,140), size = (50,0), parent = desktop, text = "No") OK_button.onClick = OKOnClick cancel_button.onClick = cancelOnClick while not self.done: #Handle Input Events for event in gui.setEvents(): if event.type == QUIT: return elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE: return self.DrawGame(flip=False) desktop_main.update() desktop_main.draw() pygame.display.flip() return self.response
def genChat(self,x,y): defaultStyle.init(gui) self.chatwin = Window(position = (x,y), size = (280,130), parent = self.desktop, text = "", closeable = False, shadeable = True) labelStyleCopy = gui.defaultLabelStyle.copy() labelStyleCopy['autosize'] = False labelStyleCopy['wordwrap'] = True labelStyleCopy['font'] = pygame.font.Font("FreeSans.ttf", 12) textboxStyleCopy = gui.defaultTextBoxStyle.copy() textboxStyleCopy['border-width'] = 1 textboxStyleCopy['font'] = pygame.font.Font("FreeSans.ttf", 12) self.chatwin.chatdisplay = Label(position = (5,5),size = (270,105), parent = self.chatwin, text = "", style = labelStyleCopy) self.chatwin.chattxt = TextBox(position = (5,107), size = (270, 0), parent =self.chatwin, text = "", style = textboxStyleCopy) self.chatwin.enabled = True
def remote_lostPlayer(self,name): def ComputerOnClick(button): self.result = True self.desktop.query.close() self.desktop.query.position = (0,0) self.desktop.query.size = (0,0) def ResetOnClick(button): self.result = False self.desktop.query.close() self.desktop.query.position = (0,0) self.desktop.query.size = (0,0) self.result = None try: self.desktop.query.close() except: pass defaultStyle.init(gui) endStyle = {'font-color': (255,255,255), 'font': font.Font(None,20), 'autosize': True, "antialias": True,'border-width': False, 'border-color': (0,0,0), 'wordwrap': False} self.desktop.query = Window(position = (250,180), size = (500,200), parent = self.desktop, text = "Lost Player", closeable = False, shadeable = False) labelStyleCopy = gui.defaultLabelStyle.copy() Label(position = (30,50),size = (100,0), parent = self.desktop.query, text = str(name) + " has disconnected", style = endStyle) Label(position = (30,75),size = (100,0), parent = self.desktop.query, text = "Do you want to replace them with a computer player?", style = endStyle) Label(position = (30,100),size = (100,0), parent = self.desktop.query, text = "Or end this game and start a new one?", style = endStyle) Label(position = (30,125),size = (100,0), parent = self.desktop.query, text = "If you replace them, you can add them back in if they reconnect", style = endStyle) Computer_button = Button(position = (30,170), size = (175,0), parent = self.desktop.query, text = "Replace with computer") Computer_button.onClick = ComputerOnClick Reset_button = Button(position = (270,170), size = (175,0), parent = self.desktop.query, text = "Start over with a new game") Reset_button.onClick = ResetOnClick while self.result == None: self.defaultInput() self.DrawQuery() return self.result
def genHelp(self): def helpClose(button): self.p.viewhelp = 0 self.desktop.query.wintype = None self.desktop.query.position = (0,0) self.desktop.query.size = (0,0) text = [ "Canasty v0.1", "-----------------------", "F1 - Display this help text.", "ESC - Quit.", "Click the scoreboard to re-sort your cards", "Click the pile to draw a card", "Click the discard pile to pick it up", "(first stage or select cards", "that you need to meld)", "Drag a card to the pile to discard it", "Select cards and right-click to meld", "(or drag them onto an existing meld)", "Drag melds to the stage area to stage them", "Left-click the stage to meld it", "(right-click to clear it)", "-----------------------", "See manual for alternate keyboard controls"] defaultStyle.init(gui) helpStyle = {'font-color': (255,255,255), 'font': font.Font(None,24), 'autosize': True, "antialias": True,'border-width': False, 'border-color': (0,0,0), 'wordwrap': False} self.desktop.query = Window(position = (300,120), size = (400,500), parent = self.desktop, text = "Help", closeable = True, shadeable = False) self.desktop.query.onClose = helpClose self.desktop.query.wintype = "help" labelStyleCopy = gui.defaultLabelStyle.copy() for pos, t in enumerate(text): Label(position = (30,35+25*pos),size = (200,0), parent = self.desktop.query, text = t, style = helpStyle)
def initStyle(): """Initializes the styles""" import defaultStyle os.chdir('vendor') defaultStyle.init(gui) os.chdir('..')
def genEndRound(self): self.next_round = False def ContinueOnClick(button): self.desktop.query.close() self.desktop.query.position = (0,0) self.desktop.query.size = (0,0) def1 = self.factory.getRootObject() def1.addCallback(self.reportReady) team1round = self.g.cardPoints(1) + self.g.specialPoints(1,params=False) - self.g.handPoints(1) team2round = self.g.cardPoints(2) + self.g.specialPoints(2,params=False) - self.g.handPoints(2) font2 = pygame.font.Font("FreeSans.ttf", 20) team1specials = self.g.specialPoints(1,params=True) team2specials = self.g.specialPoints(2,params=True) if team1specials[2]==8: team1specials[2]=4 if team2specials[2]==8: team2specials[2]=4 if team1specials[3]==1: team1out = "Went out first" elif team1specials[3]==2: team1out = "Went out concealed" else: team1out = "" if team2specials[3]==1: team2out = "Went out first" elif team2specials[3]==2: team2out = "Went out concealed" else: team2out = "" endtext1 = ["Team 1:", str(team1round)+ " points", str(self.g.cardPoints(1)) + " face value", "-" + str(self.g.handPoints(1)) + " points in hand", str(team1specials[0])+" red canastas", str(team1specials[1])+" black canastas", str(team1specials[2])+" red threes", str(team1specials[4])+" wild card canastas", team1out] endtext2 = ["Team 2:", str(team2round)+ " points", str(self.g.cardPoints(2)) + " face value", "-" + str(self.g.handPoints(2)) + " points in hand", str(team2specials[0])+" red canastas", str(team2specials[1])+" black canastas", str(team2specials[2])+" red threes", str(team2specials[4])+" wild card canastas", team2out] if (self.g.team1score>=5000) & (self.g.team1score>self.g.team2score): endtext1.append("Team 1 is the winner!") if (self.g.team2score>=5000) & (self.g.team2score>self.g.team1score): endtext2.append("Team 2 is the winner!") defaultStyle.init(gui) endStyle = {'font-color': (255,255,255), 'font': font.Font(None,24), 'autosize': True, "antialias": True,'border-width': False, 'border-color': (0,0,0), 'wordwrap': False} self.desktop.query = Window(position = (250,180), size = (500,400), parent = self.desktop, text = "Round Over", closeable = False, shadeable = False) labelStyleCopy = gui.defaultLabelStyle.copy() Label(position = (200,40),size = (100,0), parent = self.desktop.query, text = "Round " + str(self.g.round) + " over", style = endStyle) for pos, t in enumerate(endtext1): Label(position = (50,80+25*pos),size = (200,0), parent = self.desktop.query, text = t, style = endStyle) for pos, t in enumerate(endtext2): Label(position = (300,80+25*pos),size = (200,0), parent = self.desktop.query, text = t, style = endStyle) Cont_button = Button(position = (200,350), size = (70,0), parent = self.desktop.query, text = "Continue") Cont_button.onClick = ContinueOnClick
def Options(self, options): """ Set gameplay options. """ self.done = False def OKOnClick(button): self.done = True = True def cancelOnClick(button): self.done = True = False def onChkValueChanged(chk): meldbonus1_txt.enabled = chk.value meldbonus2_txt.enabled = chk.value def animateChkValueChanged(chk): animate_txt.enabled = chk.value defaultStyle.init(gui) desktop_main = Desktop() desktop = Window(position=(250, 200), size=(600, 400), parent=desktop_main, text="Options", shadeable=False) desktop.onClose = cancelOnClick labelStyleCopy = gui.defaultLabelStyle.copy() red3penalty_chk = CheckBox( position=(20, 225), size=(200, 0), parent=desktop, text="Red 3 Penalty", value=options.red3penalty ) initfreeze_chk = CheckBox( position=(20, 50), size=(200, 0), parent=desktop, text="Allow freeze on opening", value=options.initfreeze ) counttop_chk = CheckBox( position=(20, 75), size=(200, 0), parent=desktop, text="Count pile card points in melds", value=options.counttop, ) allowpass_chk = CheckBox( position=(20, 100), size=(200, 0), parent=desktop, text="Allow passing with one card", value=options.allowpass, ) negpoints_chk = CheckBox( position=(20, 125), size=(200, 0), parent=desktop, text="No point threshold with negative score", value=options.negpoints, ) concealedfree_chk = CheckBox( position=(20, 150), size=(200, 0), parent=desktop, text="No minimum for concealed going out", value=options.concealedfree, ) piletocanasta_chk = CheckBox( position=(20, 175), size=(200, 0), parent=desktop, text="Allow melding pile card with existing meld", value=options.piletocanasta, ) pilewithwild_chk = CheckBox( position=(20, 200), size=(200, 0), parent=desktop, text="Allow matching unfrozen pile with a wild", value=options.pilewithwild, ) megamelds_chk = CheckBox( position=(350, 225), size=(200, 0), parent=desktop, text="Melds of more than 7 cards", value=options.megamelds, ) wildmeld_chk = CheckBox( position=(350, 50), size=(200, 0), parent=desktop, text="Wild card melds", value=options.wildmeld ) wildmeld_chk.onValueChanged = onChkValueChanged Label(position=(400, 75), size=(50, 0), parent=desktop, text="Wild card canasta value", style=labelStyleCopy) meldbonus1_txt = TextBox(position=(350, 75), size=(40, 0), parent=desktop, text="1000") Label(position=(400, 100), size=(50, 0), parent=desktop, text="If 0 or 4 Jokers", style=labelStyleCopy) meldbonus2_txt = TextBox(position=(350, 100), size=(40, 0), parent=desktop, text="1000") threewilds_chk = CheckBox( position=(350, 125), size=(200, 0), parent=desktop, text="Limit 3 wilds in a meld", value=options.threewilds ) gonatural_chk = CheckBox( position=(350, 150), size=(200, 0), parent=desktop, text="Pile frozen before initial meld", value=options.gonatural, ) freezealways_chk = CheckBox( position=(350, 175), size=(200, 0), parent=desktop, text="Pile always frozen", value=options.freezealways ) runempty_chk = CheckBox( position=(350, 200), size=(200, 0), parent=desktop, text="Continued play with no stock", value=options.runempty, ) animate_chk = CheckBox( position=(250, 270), size=(100, 0), parent=desktop, text="Animate cards?", value=options.wildmeld ) animate_chk.onValueChanged = animateChkValueChanged Label(position=(250, 295), size=(50, 0), parent=desktop, text="Speed:", style=labelStyleCopy) animate_txt = TextBox(position=(310, 295), size=(40, 0), parent=desktop, text="30") OK_button = Button(position=(200, 370), size=(50, 0), parent=desktop, text="OK") cancel_button = Button(position=(400, 370), size=(50, 0), parent=desktop, text="Cancel") OK_button.onClick = OKOnClick cancel_button.onClick = cancelOnClick while not self.done: # Handle Input Events for event in gui.setEvents(): if event.type == QUIT: return elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE: return elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == 13: OKOnClick(None) desktop_main.update() self.Draw(desktop_main) if not animate_chk.value: animation = 10000 else: try: animation = int(animate_txt.text) except: animation = 30 if animation < 1: animation = 1 if try: meldbonus1 = int(meldbonus1_txt.text) except: meldbonus1 = 1000 try: meldbonus2 = int(meldbonus1_txt.text) except: meldbonus2 = 1000 return CanastaOptions( red3penalty_chk.value, initfreeze_chk.value, counttop_chk.value, negpoints_chk.value, megamelds_chk.value, threewilds_chk.value, gonatural_chk.value, concealedfree_chk.value, allowpass_chk.value, runempty_chk.value, piletocanasta_chk.value, pilewithwild_chk.value, freezealways_chk.value, wildmeld_chk.value, [int(meldbonus1), int(meldbonus2)], animation, ) else: return options
def DrawAssign(self): def OKOnClick(button): self.start_game = True self.desktop.assign.close() self.desktop.assign.position = (0,0) self.desktop.assign.size = (0,0) def assignPlayer(arg): which = self.glist.index( last =[which] if DEBUGGER: print,self.glist,which,last if arg.value==None: return loc = posnames.index(arg.text) #Assign an observer. Allows starting a game with no human players only if the debugger is on. if (loc == 4) & ((positions != [None]*4) | DEBUGGER): try:[which].value = False except: pass for i in range(len(positions)): if positions[i] positions[i]=None[which] = arg #Reject the assign if it conflicts with another player's assignment or leaves no human players with the debugger off. elif (positions[loc]!=None) | ((loc==4) & (positions==[None]*4) & (not DEBUGGER)): print "BZZT!" arg.value = False[which].value = True #Otherwise, assign the position else: try:[which].value = False except: pass for i in range(len(positions)): if positions[i] positions[i]=None positions[loc] =[which] = arg if DEBUGGER: print positions self.positions = positions playernames=self.names if self.new_players: try: self.desktop.assign.close() self.desktop.query.position = (0,0) self.desktop.query.size = (0,0) except: pass optionsurf = pygame.image.load("./art/optionbox.png").convert_alpha() self.desktop_main = Desktop() self.desktop.assign = Window(position = (100,100), size = (800,600), parent = self.desktop, text = "Assign players", closeable = False, shadeable = False) = [] self.glist = [] defaultStyle.init(gui) labelStyleCopy = gui.defaultLabelStyle.copy() labelStyleCopy['wordwrap'] = True if self.positions == [None]*4: default = True else: default = False positions = self.positions posnames = ["Bottom","Left","Top","Right","Observer"] for index, p in enumerate(self.names): if index<4: def_pos = posnames[index] else: def_pos = None if index==0: label1 = Label(position = (125,125),size = (200,0), parent = self.desktop.assign, text = "Players will appear here when they connect to your game.", style = labelStyleCopy) label2 = Label(position = (125,145),size = (200,0), parent = self.desktop.assign, text = "Assign them to a player position and press the start button when ready.", style = labelStyleCopy) label3 = Label(position = (125,165),size = (200,0), parent = self.desktop.assign, text = "Unfilled positions will be filled with computer players.", style = labelStyleCopy) label3 = Label(position = (125,185),size = (200,0), parent = self.desktop.assign, text = "Observers can watch the game and use the chat window, and may be included in the next round.", style = labelStyleCopy) label_name = Label(position = (125,220 + index*25),size = (200,0), parent = self.desktop.assign, text = p, style = labelStyleCopy) if (index<4) & default: positions[index] = p self.glist.append(p) for index2, pos in enumerate(posnames): o = CheckBox(position = (200+index2*75,220+index*25), parent = self.desktop.assign, text = pos, style = gui.createOptionBoxStyle(gui.defaultFont, optionsurf, 12, (255,255,255), (100,100,100), autosize = True)) = p print p o.index = index2 try: if positions[index2]==p: o.value = True[index] = o except: pass if (index2==4) & ([index]==None): o.value = True o.onValueChanged = assignPlayer OK_button = Button(position = (125,400), size = (50,0), parent = self.desktop.assign, text = "Start") OK_button.onClick = OKOnClick self.positions = positions self.new_players = False self.DrawGame()
def netclient(self): """ Get necessary information to launch a client and connect to a remote server. """ self.done = False def OKOnClick(button): self.done = True = True def cancelOnClick(button): self.done = True = False defaultStyle.init(gui) desktop_main = Desktop() desktop = Window( position=(300, 220), size=(400, 200), parent=desktop_main, text="Join Network Game", shadeable=False ) labelStyleCopy = gui.defaultLabelStyle.copy() desktop.onClose = cancelOnClick label = Label( position=(100, 40), size=(200, 0), parent=desktop, text="Enter a name and server location:", style=labelStyleCopy, ) label = Label(position=(100, 70), size=(50, 0), parent=desktop, text="Name", style=labelStyleCopy) name_txt = TextBox(position=(150, 70), size=(100, 0), parent=desktop, text="noname") label = Label(position=(100, 95), size=(50, 0), parent=desktop, text="Host", style=labelStyleCopy) host_txt = TextBox(position=(150, 95), size=(200, 0), parent=desktop, text="localhost") label = Label(position=(100, 120), size=(50, 0), parent=desktop, text="Port", style=labelStyleCopy) port_txt = TextBox(position=(150, 120), size=(50, 0), parent=desktop, text="7171") OK_button = Button(position=(100, 170), size=(50, 0), parent=desktop, text="OK") cancel_button = Button(position=(200, 170), size=(50, 0), parent=desktop, text="Cancel") OK_button.onClick = OKOnClick cancel_button.onClick = cancelOnClick while not self.done: # Handle Input Events for event in gui.setEvents(): if event.type == QUIT: return elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE: return elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == 9: if desktop_main.focused is name_txt: desktop_main.focused = host_txt elif desktop_main.focused is host_txt: desktop_main.focused = port_txt else: desktop_main.focused = name_txt name_txt.needsRefresh = True host_txt.needsRefresh = True port_txt.needsRefresh = True elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == 13: OKOnClick(None) else: desktop_main.update() self.Draw(desktop_main) if return [name_txt.text, host_txt.text, int(port_txt.text)] else: return
clock = pygame.time.Clock() run = True back = pygame.image.load('art/back.jpg').convert() #END #GUI STUFF #This way it's easy to load the example gui skin: import defaultStyle defaultStyle.init(gui) #First, we create a desktop to contain all the widgets desktop = Desktop() #Create a label passing some parameters. #TRICKY THING HERE: if you want to use an already defined style, just copy it, and set new parameters as you wish labelStyleCopy = gui.defaultLabelStyle.copy() labelStyleCopy['border-width'] = 1 labelStyleCopy['wordwrap'] = True labelStyleCopy['autosize'] = False label = Label(position = (50,60),size = (200,100), parent = desktop, text = "Click the button for a proverb!", style = labelStyleCopy) #Create the button button = Button(position = (50,165), size = (200,0), parent = desktop, text = "Teach me!")