def getCorrelation(selection, background, var1, var2): from centralConfig import runRanges first = False histSFAll = None first = True for runRangeName in runRanges.allNames: runRange = getRunRange(runRangeName) path = locations[runRange.era].dataSetPathNLL plot = getPlot(var1) plot.addRegion(selection) plot.addRunRange(runRange) plot2 = getPlot(var2) plot2.addRegion(selection) plot2.addRunRange(runRange) histSF = getHistogram(path, plot, plot2, runRange, background) if first: histSFAll = histSF.Clone() else: histSFAll.Add(histSF, 1.0) if first: first = False return histSFAll.GetCorrelationFactor()
def createDistributions(selection, background): from centralConfig import runRanges first = False histSFAll = None first = True for runRangeName in runRanges.allNames: runRange = getRunRange(runRangeName) path = locations[runRange.era].dataSetPath plot = getPlot("metPlot2D") plot.addRegion(selection) plot.addRunRange(runRange) plot2 = getPlot("nJetsPlot2D") plot2.addRegion(selection) plot2.addRunRange(runRange) histSF = getHistogram(path, plot, plot2, runRange, background) if first: histSFAll = histSF.Clone() else: histSFAll.Add(histSF, 1.0) if first: first = False plotDistribution(histSFAll, plot, plot2, background)
def main(): gROOT.SetBatch(True) histos = ["BB","BE","BBCosPos","BBCSNeg","BECSPos","BECSNeg"] labels = ["dimuon_BB","dimuon_BE","dimuon_BBCSPos","dimuon_BBCSNeg","dimuon_BECSPos","dimuon_BECSNeg"] lambdas = [10,16,22,28,34] models = ["ConLL","ConLR","ConRR"] #bins = [4,7] bins = [4,7,6,5,9,8] massPlot = getPlot("massPlotForLimit") massPlotSmeared = getPlot("massPlotSmeared") massPlotUp = getPlot("massPlotUp") massPlotDown = getPlot("massPlotDown") massPlotWeighted = getPlot("massPlotWeighted") xMax = 5000 massBins = [400,500,700,1100,1900,3500,xMax] massCuts = [400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,1600,1700,1800,1900,2000,2100,2200,2300,2400,2500,2600,2700,2800,2900,3000,3100,3200,3300,3400,3500] signalYields = {} signalYieldsSingleBin = {} names = ["default","resolution","scale","ID"] massPlots = [massPlot,massPlotSmeared,massPlotUp,massPlotWeighted] for number, plot in enumerate(massPlots): suffix = names[number] for i, histo in enumerate(histos): label = labels[i] for model in models: for l in lambdas: name = "CITo2Mu_Lam%dTeV%s"%(l,model) signal = Process(getattr(Signals,name)) signalYields["%s_%s"%(name,label)] = {} signalYieldsSingleBin["%s_%s"%(name,label)] = {} nameDY = "CITo2Mu_Lam100kTeV%s"%(model) signalDY = Process(getattr(Signals,nameDY)) sigHist = deepcopy(signal.loadHistogramProjected(plot, bins[i])) if histo == "BE": sigHist.Add(deepcopy(signal.loadHistogramProjected(plot, 10))) if "_BECSPos" in label: sigHist.Add(deepcopy(signal.loadHistogramProjected(plot, 12))) if "_BECSNeg" in label: sigHist.Add(deepcopy(signal.loadHistogramProjected(plot, 11))) sigHistDY = deepcopy(signalDY.loadHistogramProjected(plot, bins[i]))
def createEtaDistributions(selection, plotName): from centralConfig import runRanges first = False histEEAll = None histMMAll = None backgrounds = ["TT_Powheg"] first = True for runRangeName in runRanges.allNames: runRange = getRunRange(runRangeName) path = locations[runRange.era].dataSetPathNonIso plot = getPlot(plotName) plot.addRegion(selection) plot.addRunRange(runRange) histEE, histMM = getHistograms(path,plot,runRange,backgrounds) if first: histEEAll = histEE.Clone() histMMAll = histMM.Clone() else: histEEAll.Add(histEE, 1.0) histMMAll.Add(histMM, 1.0) if first: first = False plotDistribution(histEEAll, histMMAll, plot)
def centralValues(source, path, selection, runRange, isMC, backgrounds): if "Central" in err = systematics.trigger.central.val elif "Forward" in err = systematics.trigger.forward.val else: err = systematics.trigger.inclusive.val #~ print selection plot = getPlot("mllPlot") plot.addRegion(selection) plot.cleanCuts() plot.cuts = plot.cuts % runRange.runCut plot.firstBin = 20 plot.lastBin = 10000 plot.nBins = 1 plot.cuts = plot.cuts.replace("mll", "p4.M()") plot.cuts = plot.cuts.replace("pt > 25", "p4.Pt() > 25") plot.cuts = plot.cuts.replace("triggerSummary > 0 &&", "") plot.variable = plot.variable.replace("mll", "p4.M()") if plot.variable == "pt": plot.variable = plot.variable.replace("pt", "p4.Pt()") counts = {runRange.label: {}} denominators, nominators = getHistograms(path, plot, runRange, isMC, backgrounds, source) counts[runRange.label]["EE"] = getEfficiency(nominators["EE"], denominators["EE"], plot.cuts) counts[runRange.label]["MuMu"] = getEfficiency(nominators["MuMu"], denominators["MuMu"], plot.cuts) counts[runRange.label]["EMu"] = getEfficiency(nominators["MuEG"], denominators["MuEG"], plot.cuts) counts[runRange.label]["RT"] = ( counts[runRange.label]["EE"]["Efficiency"] * counts[runRange.label]["MuMu"]["Efficiency"] )**0.5 / counts[runRange.label]["EMu"]["Efficiency"] counts[runRange.label]["RTErrSyst"] = counts[runRange.label]["RT"] * ( err**2 / (2 * counts[runRange.label]["MuMu"]["Efficiency"])**2 + err**2 / (2 * counts[runRange.label]["EE"]["Efficiency"])**2 + err**2 / (counts[runRange.label]["EMu"]["Efficiency"])**2)**0.5 counts[runRange.label]["RTErrStat"] = counts[runRange.label]["RT"] * ( max(counts[runRange.label]["EE"]["UncertaintyUp"], counts[runRange.label]["EE"]["UncertaintyDown"])**2 / (2 * counts[runRange.label]["EE"]["Efficiency"])**2 + max(counts[runRange.label]["MuMu"]["UncertaintyUp"], counts[runRange.label]["MuMu"]["UncertaintyDown"])**2 / (2 * counts[runRange.label]["MuMu"]["Efficiency"])**2 + max(counts[runRange.label]["EMu"]["UncertaintyUp"], counts[runRange.label]["EMu"]["UncertaintyDown"])**2 / (counts[runRange.label]["EMu"]["Efficiency"])**2)**0.5 return counts
def cutAndCountForRegion(path,baseTreePath,selection,plots,runRange,isMC,backgrounds): #~ path = "/home/jan/Trees/sw7412v2000Trigger/" if not isMC: trees = getDataTrees(path) for label, tree in trees.iteritems(): trees[label] = tree.CopyTree("nJets > 1") else: treesEE = readTrees(path,"EE",source = "",modifier= "") treesEM = readTrees(path,"EMu",source = "",modifier= "") treesMM = readTrees(path,"MuMu",source = "",modifier= "") trees = { "EE":treesEE, "MM":treesMM, "EM":treesEM, } for plotName in plots: plot = getPlot(plotName) plot.addRegion(selection) plot.cleanCuts() plot.cuts = plot.cuts % runRange.runCut counts = {} eventLists = {} #~ massRanges = ["default","edgeMass","zMass","highMass","belowZ","aboveZ"] massRanges = ["default","edgeMass","lowMass","zMass","highMass"] nLLRegions = ["lowNLL","highNLL"] counts["default"] = {} eventLists["default"] = {} for mllCut in massRanges: cut = plot.cuts+" && (%s)"%getattr(theCuts.massCuts,mllCut).cut cut = cut.replace("p4.M()","mll") cut = cut.replace("genWeight*weight*","") #~ cut = "genWeight*weight*("+cut+")" counts["default"][getattr(theCuts.massCuts,mllCut).name] = getCounts(trees, cut,isMC,backgrounds,plot,runRange,baseTreePath) eventLists["default"][getattr(theCuts.massCuts,mllCut).name] = getEventLists(trees,cut,isMC) for nLLRegion in nLLRegions: counts[nLLRegion] = {} eventLists[nLLRegion] = {} for mllCut in massRanges: cut = plot.cuts+" && (%s)"%getattr(theCuts.nLLCuts,nLLRegion).cut cut = cut + " && (%s)"%getattr(theCuts.massCuts,mllCut).cut cut = cut.replace("p4.M()","mll") cut = cut.replace("genWeight*weight*","") #~ cut = "genWeight*weight*("+cut+")" counts[nLLRegion][getattr(theCuts.massCuts,mllCut).name] = getCounts(trees, cut,isMC,backgrounds,plot,runRange,baseTreePath) eventLists[nLLRegion][getattr(theCuts.massCuts,mllCut).name] = getEventLists(trees, cut,isMC) return counts, eventLists
def main(): selections = [] selections.append("Inclusive") path = locations.dataSetPathTrigger #~ f = ROOT.TFile("weights_Run2015_25ns.root","recreate") f = ROOT.TFile("data_PU_25ns.root", "recreate") histo = TH1F("pileup", "pileup", 60, 0, 60) runRange = getRunRange("Run2015_25ns") result = {} weights = [] weightSum = 0 for selectionName in selections: selection = getRegion(selectionName) plot = getPlot("nVtxPlotWeights") plot.addRegion(selection) plot.cleanCuts() plot.cuts = plot.cuts % runRange.runCut histEEMC, histMMMC, histEMMC = getHistograms(path, plot, runRange, True, [], "") histEE, histMM, histEM = getHistograms(path, plot, runRange, False, [], "") histEE.Add(histMM) histEEMC.Add(histMMMC) print histEE.GetEntries(), histEEMC.GetEntries() histEE.Scale(1. / histEE.GetEntries()) histEEMC.Scale(1. / histEEMC.Integral()) for i in range(0, histEE.GetNbinsX() + 1): if histEEMC.GetBinContent(i) > 0: histo.SetBinContent(i, float(histEE.GetBinContent(i))) weights.append( float(histEE.GetBinContent(i)) / histEEMC.GetBinContent(i)) weightSum += (float(histEE.GetBinContent(i)) / histEEMC.GetBinContent(i)) else: histo.SetBinContent(i, float(histEE.GetBinContent(i))) weights.append(1) weightSum += 1 print weights print weightSum f.Write() f.Close()
def createDRDistributions(selection, mllCut=True): from centralConfig import runRanges first = False histEEAll = None histMMAll = None backgrounds = ["TT_Powheg"] first = True for runRangeName in runRanges.allNames: runRange = getRunRange(runRangeName) path = locations[runRange.era].dataSetPath plot = getPlot("deltaRPlot") plot.addRegion(selection) plot.addRunRange(runRange) plot.cuts = plot.cuts.replace("deltaR > 0.1 &&", "") if not mllCut: plot.cuts = plot.cuts.replace("mll > 20 &&", "") print plot.cuts histEE, histMM = getHistograms(path,plot,runRange,backgrounds) if first: histEEAll = histEE.Clone() histMMAll = histMM.Clone() else: histEEAll.Add(histEE, 1.0) histMMAll.Add(histMM, 1.0) if first: first = False plotDistribution(histEEAll, histMMAll, plot, mllCut)
def centralValues(path, selection, runRange, isMC, backgrounds): plot = getPlot("mllPlot") plot.addRegion(selection) #~ plot.cleanCuts() plot.cuts = plot.cuts % runRange.runCut if not "Forward" in relSyst = systematics.rMuE.central.val if "Central" in region = "central" else: region = "inclusive" else: relSyst = systematics.rMuE.forward.val region = "forward" histEE, histMM = getHistograms(path, plot, runRange, isMC, backgrounds, region) nEE = histEE.Integral() nMM = histMM.Integral() rMuE = pow(nMM / nEE, 0.5) rMuEStatErr = 0.5 * rMuE * (1. / nMM + 1. / nEE)**0.5 rMuESystErr = rMuE * relSyst result = {} result["nEE"] = nEE result["nMM"] = nMM result["rMuE"] = rMuE result["rMuEStatErr"] = rMuEStatErr result["rMuESystErr"] = rMuESystErr return result
def main(): selections = [] selections.append( selections.append( path = locations.dataSetPath runRange = getRunRange("Full2012") result = {} for selectionName in selections: selection = getRegion(selectionName) plot = getPlot("mllPlot") plot.addRegion(selection) plot.cleanCuts() plot.cuts = plot.cuts % runRange.runCut cuts = plot.cuts plot.cuts = plot.cuts + "*(nVertices < 13)" histEE, histMM, histEM = getHistograms(path, plot, runRange, False, [], "") print histEE.GetEntries(), histMM.GetEntries(), histEM.GetEntries() plot.cuts = cuts plot.cuts = plot.cuts + "*(nVertices >= 13 && nVertices < 17)" histEE, histMM, histEM = getHistograms(path, plot, runRange, False, [], "") print histEE.GetEntries(), histMM.GetEntries(), histEM.GetEntries() plot.cuts = cuts plot.cuts = plot.cuts + "*(nVertices >= 17)" histEE, histMM, histEM = getHistograms(path, plot, runRange, False, [], "") print histEE.GetEntries(), histMM.GetEntries(), histEM.GetEntries()
from ROOT import TGraphAsymmErrors from locations import locations import ratios ptCut = "pt1 > 20 && pt2 > 20"#(pt1 > 10 && pt2 > 20 || pt1 > 20 && pt2 > 10) ptCutLabel = "20"#"20(10)" variable = "p4.M()" cuts = "weight*(chargeProduct < 0 && %s && abs(eta1) < 2.4 && abs(eta2) < 2.4 && p4.M() > 20 && ((abs(eta1) < 1.4 || abs(eta1) > 1.6) && (abs(eta2) < 1.4 || abs(eta2) > 1.6)))"%(ptCut) SampleName = "TT_Powheg" runRange = getRunRange("Run2015_25ns") plot = getPlot("mllPlot") selection = getRegion("SignalInclusive") plot.addRegion(selection) plot.cleanCuts() plot.cuts = plot.cuts % runRange.runCut eventCounts = totalNumberOfGeneratedEvents(path) processes = [Process(getattr(Backgrounds,"TT_Powheg"),eventCounts)] treesEE = readTrees(path,"EE") treesEM = readTrees(path,"EMu") treesMM = readTrees(path,"MuMu") histoEE = TheStack(processes,runRange.lumi,plot,treesEE,"None",1.0,1.0,1.0).theHistogram histoMM = TheStack(processes,runRange.lumi,plot,treesMM,"None",1.0,1.0,1.0).theHistogram
elif args.do2018: addLabel = "_2018" # ~ for intfe in intfs: # ~ for heli in helis: plotName = antype[2] + etabin + 'nominal' plotNameScaleUp = antype[2] + etabin + 'scaleup' plotNameScaleDown = antype[2] + etabin + 'scaledown' if antype[2] == 'Ele': plotNamePUUp = antype[2] + etabin + 'pileup' plotNamePUDown = antype[2] + etabin + 'piledown' if antype[2] == 'Mu': plotNameSmear = antype[2] + etabin + 'smeared' plotNameWeighted = antype[2] + etabin + 'muonid' if not csbin == "inc": plotName = antype[2] + etabin + unc + csbin plot = getPlot(plots[plotName]) plotScaleUp = getPlot(plots[plotNameScaleUp]) plotScaleDown = getPlot(plots[plotNameScaleDown]) if antype[2] == 'Ele': plotPUUp = getPlot(plots[plotNamePUUp]) plotPUDown = getPlot(plots[plotNamePUDown]) if antype[2] == 'Mu': plotWeigthed = getPlot(plots[plotNameWeighted]) plotSmeared = getPlot(plots[plotNameSmear]) eventCounts = totalNumberOfGeneratedEvents(path, plot.muon) negWeights = negWeightFractions(path, plot.muon) if args.do2016: lumi = 35.9 * 1000 if plot.muon:
def main(): ### for data histos = ["BB", "BE", "BB", "BE", "BB", "BE"] labels = [ "dielectron_2016_BB", "dielectron_2016_BE", "dielectron_2017_BB", "dielectron_2017_BE", "dielectron_2018_BB", "dielectron_2018_BE" ] css = ["inc", "cspos", "csneg"] for cs in css: for i, histo in enumerate(histos): label = labels[i] if cs == "cspos": massPlot = getPlot("massPlotEle%sCSPosNoLog" % histo) massPlotUp = getPlot("massPlotEle%sScaleUpCSPosNoLog" % histo) massPlotDown = getPlot("massPlotEle%sScaleDownCSPosNoLog" % histo) massPlotPUUp = getPlot("massPlotEle%sPUScaleUpCSPosNoLog" % histo) massPlotPUDown = getPlot("massPlotEle%sPUScaleDownCSPosNoLog" % histo) elif cs == "csneg": massPlot = getPlot("massPlotEle%sCSNegNoLog" % histo) massPlotUp = getPlot("massPlotEle%sScaleUpCSNegNoLog" % histo) massPlotDown = getPlot("massPlotEle%sScaleDownCSNegNoLog" % histo) massPlotPUUp = getPlot("massPlotEle%sPUScaleUpCSNegNoLog" % histo) massPlotPUDown = getPlot("massPlotEle%sPUScaleDownCSNegNoLog" % histo) else: massPlot = getPlot("massPlotEle%sNoLog" % histo) massPlotUp = getPlot("massPlotEle%sScaleUpNoLog" % histo) massPlotDown = getPlot("massPlotEle%sScaleDownNoLog" % histo) massPlotPUUp = getPlot("massPlotEle%sPUScaleUpNoLog" % histo) massPlotPUDown = getPlot("massPlotEle%sPUScaleDownNoLog" % histo) eventCounts = totalNumberOfGeneratedEvents(path, massPlot.muon) negWeights = negWeightFractions(path, massPlot.muon) if "2016" in label: data = Process(Data2016, normalized=True) drellyan = Process(getattr(Backgrounds2016, "DrellYan"), eventCounts, negWeights) other = Process(getattr(Backgrounds2016, "Other"), eventCounts, negWeights) jets = Process(getattr(Backgrounds2016, "Jets"), eventCounts, negWeights, normalized=True) elif "2018" in label: data = Process(Data2018, normalized=True) drellyan = Process(getattr(Backgrounds2018, "DrellYan"), eventCounts, negWeights) other = Process(getattr(Backgrounds2018, "Other"), eventCounts, negWeights) jets = Process(getattr(Backgrounds2018, "Jets"), eventCounts, negWeights, normalized=True) else: data = Process(Data, normalized=True) drellyan = Process(getattr(Backgrounds, "DrellYan"), eventCounts, negWeights) other = Process(getattr(Backgrounds, "Other"), eventCounts, negWeights) jets = Process(getattr(Backgrounds, "Jets"), eventCounts, negWeights, normalized=True) if cs == "inc": fResult = TFile("inputsCI_%s.root" % (label), "RECREATE") else: fResult = TFile("inputsCI_%s_%s.root" % (cs, label), "RECREATE") if "2016" in label: lumi = 35.9 * 1000 if "bbbe" in massPlot.histName: zScaleFac = zScale2016["electrons"][0] elif "bb" in massPlot.histName: zScaleFac = zScale2016["electrons"][1] elif "be" in massPlot.histName: zScaleFac = zScale2016["electrons"][2] else: zScaleFac = zScale2016["electrons"][0] elif "2018" in label: lumi = 59.97 * 1000 if "bbbe" in massPlot.histName: zScaleFac = zScale2018["electrons"][0] elif "bb" in massPlot.histName: zScaleFac = zScale2018["electrons"][1] elif "be" in massPlot.histName: zScaleFac = zScale2018["electrons"][2] else: zScaleFac = zScale2018["electrons"][0] else: lumi = 41.529 * 1000 if "bbbe" in massPlot.histName: zScaleFac = zScale["electrons"][0] elif "bb" in massPlot.histName: zScaleFac = zScale["electrons"][1] elif "be" in massPlot.histName: zScaleFac = zScale["electrons"][2] else: zScaleFac = zScale["electrons"][0] jetHist = deepcopy(jets.loadHistogram(massPlot, lumi, zScaleFac)) hist = data.loadHistogram(massPlot, lumi, zScaleFac) if cs == "inc": hist.SetName("dataHist_%s" % (label)) else: hist.SetName("dataHist_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) dyHist = deepcopy(drellyan.loadHistogram(massPlot, lumi, zScaleFac)) dyHistScaleUp = deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogram(massPlotUp, lumi, zScaleFac)) dyHistScaleDown = deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogram(massPlotDown, lumi, zScaleFac)) dyHistPUUp = deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogram(massPlotPUUp, lumi, zScaleFac)) dyHistPUDown = deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogram(massPlotPUDown, lumi, zScaleFac)) otherHist = deepcopy(other.loadHistogram(massPlot, lumi, zScaleFac)) otherHistScaleUp = deepcopy( other.loadHistogram(massPlotUp, lumi, zScaleFac)) otherHistScaleDown = deepcopy( other.loadHistogram(massPlotDown, lumi, zScaleFac)) otherHistPUUp = deepcopy( other.loadHistogram(massPlotPUUp, lumi, zScaleFac)) otherHistPUDown = deepcopy( other.loadHistogram(massPlotPUDown, lumi, zScaleFac)) if cs == "inc": dyHist.SetName("bkgHistDY_%s" % label) dyHistScaleUp.SetName("bkgHistDYScaleUp_%s" % label) dyHistScaleDown.SetName("bkgHistDYScaleDown_%s" % label) dyHistPUUp.SetName("bkgHistDYPUUp_%s" % label) dyHistPUDown.SetName("bkgHistDYPUDown_%s" % label) otherHist.SetName("bkgHistOther_%s" % label) otherHistScaleUp.SetName("bkgHistOtherScaleUp_%s" % label) otherHistScaleDown.SetName("bkgHistOtherScaleDown_%s" % label) otherHistPUUp.SetName("bkgHistOtherPUUp_%s" % label) otherHistPUDown.SetName("bkgHistOtherPUDown_%s" % label) else: dyHist.SetName("bkgHistDY_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) dyHistScaleUp.SetName("bkgHistDYScaleUp_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) dyHistScaleDown.SetName("bkgHistDYScaleDown_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) dyHistPUUp.SetName("bkgHistDYPUUp_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) dyHistPUDown.SetName("bkgHistDYPUDown_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) otherHist.SetName("bkgHistOther_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) otherHistScaleUp.SetName("bkgHistOtherScaleUp_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) otherHistScaleDown.SetName("bkgHistOtherScaleDown_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) otherHistPUUp.SetName("bkgHistOtherPUUp_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) otherHistPUDown.SetName("bkgHistOtherPUDown_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) if not cs == "inc": jetHist.SetName("bkgHistJets_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) else: jetHist.SetName("bkgHistJets_%s" % label) jetHist.SetDirectory(fResult) dyHist.SetDirectory(fResult) dyHistScaleUp.SetDirectory(fResult) dyHistScaleDown.SetDirectory(fResult) dyHistPUUp.SetDirectory(fResult) dyHistPUDown.SetDirectory(fResult) otherHist.SetDirectory(fResult) otherHistScaleUp.SetDirectory(fResult) otherHistScaleDown.SetDirectory(fResult) otherHistPUUp.SetDirectory(fResult) otherHistPUDown.SetDirectory(fResult) hist.SetDirectory(fResult) fResult.Write() fResult.Close()
for point in extrabins: params["{0:s}{1:s}_{2:d}GeV".format( intf, heli, point)] = [0. for j in range(len(lvals))] params["{0:s}{1:s}_{2:d}GeV_err".format( intf, heli, point)] = [0. for j in range(len(lvals))] pass for i, lval in enumerate(lvals): hist = None can = r.TCanvas("can", "", 800, 800) stack = r.THStack("stack", "") plotName = antype[2] + etabin + unc if not csbin == "inc": plotName = antype[2] + etabin + unc + csbin plot = getPlot(plots[plotName]) eventCounts = totalNumberOfGeneratedEvents( path, plot.muon) negWeights = negWeightFractions(path, plot.muon) if args.do2016: lumi = 35.9 * 1000 if plot.muon: lumi = 36.3 * 1000 elif args.do2018: lumi = 59.4 * 1000 if plot.muon: lumi = 61.3 * 1000 else: lumi = 41.529 * 1000 if plot.muon:
def countEvents(selection): from centralConfig import runRanges first = False dataEEAll = None dataMMAll = None dataSFAll = None backgrounds = [ "Rare", "SingleTop", "TT_Powheg", "Diboson", "DrellYanTauTau", "DrellYan" ] histEEAll = {} histMMAll = {} histSFAll = {} for backgroundName in backgrounds: histEEAll[backgroundName] = None histMMAll[backgroundName] = None histSFAll[backgroundName] = None first = True for runRangeName in runRanges.allNames: runRange = getRunRange(runRangeName) plot = getPlot("mllPlot") plot.addRegion(selection) plot.addRunRange(runRange) if "met > 150" in plot.cuts or "met > 100" in plot.cuts: path = locations[runRange.era].dataSetPathNLL else: path = locations[runRange.era].dataSetPath dataEE, dataMM = getHistograms(path, plot, runRange, False, backgrounds) if first: dataEEAll = dataEE.Clone() dataMMAll = dataMM.Clone() else: dataEEAll.Add(dataEE, 1.0) dataMMAll.Add(dataMM, 1.0) for backgroundName in backgrounds: histEE, histMM = getHistograms(path, plot, runRange, True, [ backgroundName, ]) if first: histEEAll[backgroundName] = histEE.Clone() histMMAll[backgroundName] = histMM.Clone() else: histEEAll[backgroundName].Add(histEE, 1.0) histMMAll[backgroundName].Add(histMM, 1.0) if first: first = False dataSFAll = dataEEAll.Clone() dataSFAll.Add(dataMMAll, 1.0) firstProc = True histMCSFAll = None histMCEEAll = None histMCMMAll = None for backgroundName in backgrounds: histSFAll[backgroundName] = histEEAll[backgroundName].Clone() histSFAll[backgroundName].Add(histMMAll[backgroundName], 1.0) if firstProc: histMCSFAll = histSFAll[backgroundName].Clone() histMCEEAll = histEEAll[backgroundName].Clone() histMCMMAll = histMMAll[backgroundName].Clone() firstProc = False else: histMCSFAll.Add(histSFAll[backgroundName].Clone(), 1) histMCEEAll.Add(histEEAll[backgroundName].Clone(), 1) histMCMMAll.Add(histMMAll[backgroundName].Clone(), 1) print "Data: " print "EE: ", dataEEAll.Integral() print "MM: ", dataMMAll.Integral() print "SF: ", dataSFAll.Integral() print "" print "MC: " print "EE: ", histMCEEAll.Integral() print "MM: ", histMCMMAll.Integral() print "SF: ", histMCSFAll.Integral() for backgroundName in backgrounds: print "" print backgroundName print "EE: ", histEEAll[backgroundName].Integral( ), histEEAll[backgroundName].Integral() / histMCEEAll.Integral() print "MM: ", histMMAll[backgroundName].Integral( ), histMMAll[backgroundName].Integral() / histMCMMAll.Integral() print "SF: ", histSFAll[backgroundName].Integral( ), histSFAll[backgroundName].Integral() / histMCSFAll.Integral()
if len(args.backgrounds) == 0: #args.backgrounds = ["Wjets","Other","DrellYan"] #~ args.backgrounds = ["Diboson","DrellYan"] args.backgrounds = ["Jets"] if len(args.signals) != 0: args.plotSignal = True '''if args.plot == "": args.plot = plotList ''' muplots = ["massPlotBB", "massPlotBE"] elplots = ["massPlotEleBB", "massPlotEleBE"] signals = args.signals for i in range(len(muplots)): args.signals = signals plot_mu = getPlot(muplots[i]) plot_el = getPlot(elplots[i]) #plot_mu.logX = False #plot_el.logX = False '''if len(args.signals) > 0: #~ if ("To2E" in args.signals[0] and plotObject.muon) or ("To2Mu" in args.signals[0] and not plotObject.muon): args.signals = [] if plotObject.muon: for signal in signals: if args.ADD: args.signals.append("ADDGravTo2Mu_"+signal) else: args.signals.append("CITo2Mu_"+signal) else: for signal in signals: if args.ADD: args.signals.append("ADDGravTo2E_"+signal) else: args.signals.append("CITo2E_"+signal) '''
def cutAndCountForRegion(path, selection, plots, runRange, isMC, backgrounds, blind=False): if not isMC: trees = getDataTrees(path) for label, tree in trees.iteritems(): trees[label] = tree.CopyTree("nJets > 1") else: treesEE = readTrees(path, "EE", source="", modifier="") treesEM = readTrees(path, "EMu", source="", modifier="") treesMM = readTrees(path, "MuMu", source="", modifier="") trees = { "EE": treesEE, "MM": treesMM, "EM": treesEM, } for plotName in plots: plot = getPlot(plotName) plot.addRegion(selection) plot.cleanCuts() plot.addRunRange(runRange) #plot.cuts = plot.cuts % runRange.runCut counts = {} eventLists = {} # ,"highMassOld","highMass","lowMass","lowMassOld", "mass60To81", "mass81To101", "mass101To150", massBins = [ "mass20To60", "mass60To86", "mass86To96", "mass96To150", "mass150To200", "mass200To300", "mass300To400", "mass400" ] nLLRegions = ["lowNLL", "highNLL"] MT2Regions = ["highMT2"] # "lowMT2", nBJetsRegions = ["zeroBJets", "oneOrMoreBJets"] counts["default"] = {} eventLists["default"] = {} if runRange.era == "2018": plot.cuts = plot.cuts.replace( "chargeProduct < 0 &&", "chargeProduct < 0 && vetoHEM == 1 &&") standardCut = plot.cuts #for mllCut in massBins: # cut = standardCut + " && (%s)"%getattr(theCuts.massCuts,mllCut).cut # cut = cut + " && (met / caloMet < 5. && nBadMuonJets == 0)" # #~ cut = cut + " && (met / caloMet > 5. && nBadMuonJets > 0)" ### Inverse bad muon cuts # if not (mllCut == "highMassOld" or mllCut == "lowMassOld"): # cut = cut+" && (abs(deltaPhiJetMet1) > 0.4 && abs(deltaPhiJetMet2) > 0.4)" # cut = cut.replace("p4.M()","mll") # cut = cut.replace("p4.Pt()","pt") # cut = cut.replace("metFilterSummary > 0 &&","") # cut = cut.replace("&& metFilterSummary > 0","") # cut = cut.replace("triggerSummary > 0 &&","") # cut = cut.replace("genWeight*","") # cut = cut.replace("prefireWeight*","") # cut = cut.replace("weight*","") # cut = cut.replace("leptonFullSimScaleFactor1*","") # cut = cut.replace("leptonFullSimScaleFactor2*","") # cut = "leptonFullSimScaleFactor1*leptonFullSimScaleFactor2*genWeight*weight*("+cut+")" # if runRange.era != "2018": # cut = "prefireWeight*"+cut # #~ cut = "genWeight*weight*("+cut+")" # # # counts["default"][getattr(theCuts.massCuts,mllCut).name] = getCounts(trees, cut,isMC,backgrounds,plot,runRange,path, blind) # #~ eventLists["default"][getattr(theCuts.massCuts,mllCut).name] = getEventLists(trees,cut,isMC) for nLLRegion in nLLRegions: counts[nLLRegion] = {} eventLists[nLLRegion] = {} #for mllCut in massBins: # cut = standardCut+" && (%s)"%getattr(theCuts.nLLCuts,nLLRegion).cut # cut = cut + " && (%s)"%getattr(theCuts.massCuts,mllCut).cut # cut = cut + " && (met / caloMet < 5. && nBadMuonJets == 0)" # #~ cut = cut + " && (met / caloMet > 5. && nBadMuonJets > 0)" ### Inverse bad muon cuts # if not (mllCut == "highMassOld" or mllCut == "lowMassOld"): # cut = cut+" && (abs(deltaPhiJetMet1) > 0.4 && abs(deltaPhiJetMet2) > 0.4)" # cut = cut.replace("p4.M()","mll") # cut = cut.replace("p4.Pt()","pt") # cut = cut.replace("metFilterSummary > 0 &&","") # cut = cut.replace("&& metFilterSummary > 0","") # cut = cut.replace("triggerSummary > 0 &&","") # cut = cut.replace("genWeight*","") # cut = cut.replace("prefireWeight*","") # cut = cut.replace("weight*","") # cut = cut.replace("leptonFullSimScaleFactor1*","") # cut = cut.replace("leptonFullSimScaleFactor2*","") # cut = "leptonFullSimScaleFactor1*leptonFullSimScaleFactor2*genWeight*weight*("+cut+")" # if runRange.era != "2018": # cut = "prefireWeight*"+cut # #~ cut = "genWeight*weight*("+cut+")" # # counts[nLLRegion][getattr(theCuts.massCuts,mllCut).name] = getCounts(trees, cut,isMC,backgrounds,plot,runRange,path, blind) for MT2Region in MT2Regions: for mllCut in massBins: cut = standardCut + " && (%s)" % getattr( theCuts.nLLCuts, nLLRegion).cut cut = cut + " && (%s)" % getattr(theCuts.mt2Cuts, MT2Region).cut cut = cut + " && (%s)" % getattr(theCuts.massCuts, mllCut).cut cut = cut + " && (met / caloMet < 5. && nBadMuonJets == 0)" #~ cut = cut + " && (met / caloMet > 5. && nBadMuonJets > 0)" ### Inverse bad muon cuts if not (mllCut == "highMassOld" or mllCut == "lowMassOld"): cut = cut + " && (abs(deltaPhiJetMet1) > 0.4 && abs(deltaPhiJetMet2) > 0.4)" cut = cut.replace("p4.M()", "mll") cut = cut.replace("p4.Pt()", "pt") cut = cut.replace("metFilterSummary > 0 &&", "") cut = cut.replace("&& metFilterSummary > 0", "") cut = cut.replace("triggerSummary > 0 &&", "") cut = cut.replace("genWeight*", "") cut = cut.replace("prefireWeight*", "") cut = cut.replace("weight*", "") cut = cut.replace("leptonFullSimScaleFactor1*", "") cut = cut.replace("leptonFullSimScaleFactor2*", "") cut = "leptonFullSimScaleFactor1*leptonFullSimScaleFactor2*genWeight*weight*(" + cut + ")" if runRange.era != "2018": cut = "prefireWeight*" + cut #~ cut = "genWeight*weight*("+cut+")" counts[nLLRegion][ getattr(theCuts.mt2Cuts, MT2Region).name + "_" + getattr(theCuts.massCuts, mllCut).name] = getCounts( trees, cut, isMC, backgrounds, plot, runRange, path, blind) for MT2Region in MT2Regions: for nBJetsRegion in nBJetsRegions: for mllCut in massBins: cut = standardCut + " && (%s)" % getattr( theCuts.nLLCuts, nLLRegion).cut cut = cut + " && (%s)" % getattr( theCuts.nBJetsCuts, nBJetsRegion).cut cut = cut + " && (%s)" % getattr( theCuts.mt2Cuts, MT2Region).cut cut = cut + " && (%s)" % getattr( theCuts.massCuts, mllCut).cut cut = cut + " && (met / caloMet < 5. && nBadMuonJets == 0)" #~ cut = cut + " && (met / caloMet > 5. && nBadMuonJets > 0)" ### Inverse bad muon cuts if not (mllCut == "highMassOld" or mllCut == "lowMassOld"): cut = cut + " && (abs(deltaPhiJetMet1) > 0.4 && abs(deltaPhiJetMet2) > 0.4)" cut = cut.replace("p4.M()", "mll") cut = cut.replace("p4.Pt()", "pt") cut = cut.replace("metFilterSummary > 0 &&", "") cut = cut.replace("&& metFilterSummary > 0", "") cut = cut.replace("triggerSummary > 0 &&", "") cut = cut.replace("genWeight*", "") cut = cut.replace("prefireWeight*", "") cut = cut.replace("weight*", "") cut = cut.replace("leptonFullSimScaleFactor1*", "") cut = cut.replace("leptonFullSimScaleFactor2*", "") cut = "leptonFullSimScaleFactor1*leptonFullSimScaleFactor2*genWeight*weight*(" + cut + ")" if runRange.era != "2018": cut = "prefireWeight*" + cut #~ cut = "genWeight*weight*("+cut+")" counts[nLLRegion][ getattr(theCuts.mt2Cuts, MT2Region).name + "_" + getattr(theCuts.nBJetsCuts, nBJetsRegion).name + "_" + getattr( theCuts.massCuts, mllCut).name] = getCounts( trees, cut, isMC, backgrounds, plot, runRange, path, blind) return counts
help="plot add signals") args = parser.parse_args() if len(args.backgrounds) == 0: args.backgrounds = ["Wjets", "Other", "DrellYan"] #~ args.backgrounds = ["Diboson","DrellYan"] if len(args.signals) != 0: args.plotSignal = True if args.plot == "": args.plot = plotList signals = args.signals for plot in args.plot: args.signals = signals plotObject = getPlot(plot) if len(args.signals) > 0: #~ if ("To2E" in args.signals[0] and plotObject.muon) or ("To2Mu" in args.signals[0] and not plotObject.muon): args.signals = [] if plotObject.muon: for signal in signals: if args.ADD: args.signals.append("ADDGravTo2Mu_" + signal) else: args.signals.append("CITo2Mu_" + signal) else: for signal in signals: if args.ADD: args.signals.append("ADDGravTo2E_" + signal) else: args.signals.append("CITo2E_" + signal) #~ print args.plotSignal plotDataMC(args, plotObject)
def plot(path,selection,plots,runRange,isMC,backgrounds,cmsExtra): for name in plots: plot = getPlot(name) plot.addRegion(selection) plot.cleanCuts() plot.cuts = plot.cuts % runRange.runCut if isMC: histEE, histMM = getHistograms(path,plot,runRange,True, backgrounds) else: histEE, histMM = getHistograms(path,plot,runRange,False, backgrounds) hCanvas = TCanvas("hCanvas", "Distribution", 800,800) plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad","plotPad",0,0,1,1) setTDRStyle() plotPad.UseCurrentStyle() plotPad.Draw() latex = ROOT.TLatex() latex.SetTextFont(42) latex.SetTextAlign(31) latex.SetTextSize(0.04) latex.SetNDC(True) latexCMS = ROOT.TLatex() latexCMS.SetTextFont(61) latexCMS.SetTextSize(0.06) latexCMS.SetNDC(True) latexCMSExtra = ROOT.TLatex() latexCMSExtra.SetTextFont(52) latexCMSExtra.SetTextSize(0.045) latexCMSExtra.SetNDC(True) intlumi = ROOT.TLatex() intlumi.SetTextAlign(12) intlumi.SetTextSize(0.03) intlumi.SetNDC(True) logScale = plot.log if logScale == True: plotPad.SetLogy() yMax = histMM.GetBinContent(histMM.GetMaximumBin()) if plot.yMax == 0: if logScale: yMax = yMax*1000 else: yMax = yMax*1.5 else: yMax = plot.yMax plotPad.DrawFrame(plot.firstBin,plot.yMin,plot.lastBin,yMax,"; %s ; %s" %(plot.xaxis,plot.yaxis)) legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.65,0.7,0.9,0.9) legend.SetFillStyle(0) legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.AddEntry(histMM,"#mu#mu events","p") legend.AddEntry(histEE,"ee events","p") histMM.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kRed) histMM.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) histMM.SetMarkerStyle(20) histEE.SetMarkerStyle(21) histMM.Draw("samepe") histEE.Draw("samepe") legend.Draw("same") ROOT.gPad.SetLogy(1) latex.DrawLatex(0.95, 0.96, "%s fb^{-1} (13 TeV)"%runRange.printval) latexCMS.DrawLatex(0.19,0.88,"CMS") if "Simulation" in cmsExtra: yLabelPos = 0.81 else: yLabelPos = 0.84 latexCMSExtra.DrawLatex(0.19,yLabelPos,"%s"%(cmsExtra)) hCanvas.Print("fig/testPlots_%s_%s_%s_%s.pdf"%(,runRange.label,plot.variablePlotName,plot.additionalName))
def __init__(self,plot,plot2=None,region="Inclusive",runName = "Run2015_25ns",plotData=True,normalizeToData=False,plotRatio=True,signals=None,useTriggerEmulation=False,personalWork=False,doTopReweighting=False,preliminary=True,forPAS=False,forTWIKI=False,backgrounds = [],produceTheoUncert=False,dontScaleTrig=False,plotSyst=False,doPUWeights=False,jzbType = "None",responseCorr = False ,puCorr = False, peakCorr = False, correctMET = True): sys.path.append(pathes.basePath) if jzbType == "None": jzbType = dataMCConfig.jzbType self.jzbType = jzbType self.prefix = jzbType self.responseCorr = responseCorr self.puCorr = puCorr self.peakCorr = peakCorr self.correctMET = correctMET self.dataSetPath = locations.dataSetPath if dontScaleTrig: self.dataSetPath = locations.dataSetPathTrigger self.runRange = getRunRange(runName) self.selection = getRegion(region) self.plotData = plotData plotList = None if "#" in plot: plotList = plot.split("#") plot = plotList[0] plotList = plotList[1:] self.plot = getPlot(plot) self.plot.addRegion(self.selection) self.plot.cleanCuts() self.plot.cuts = self.plot.cuts % self.runRange.runCut if plotList != None: self.plot.cuts = self.plot.cuts[:-1] for l in plotList: self.plot.cuts = self.plot.cuts + "&& %s"%(cutString[l]) self.plot.cuts = self.plot.cuts + ")" if plot2 != None: plotList = None if "#" in plot2: plotList = plot2.split("#") plot2 = plotList[0] plotList = plotList[1:] self.plot2 = getPlot(plot2) self.plot2.addRegion(self.selection) self.plot2.cleanCuts() self.plot2.cuts = self.plot2.cuts % self.runRange.runCut if plotList != None: self.plot2.cuts = self.plot2.cuts[:-1] for l in plotList: self.plot2.cuts = self.plot2.cuts + " && %s"%(cutString[l]) self.plot2.cuts = self.plot2.cuts + ")" if "Inclusive" in region: self.direction = "Inclusive" elif "Central" in region: self.direction = "Central" elif "Forward" in region: self.direction = "Forward" configurePlot(self.plot, self.jzbType, self.plotData, self.direction, self.responseCorr, self.puCorr, self.peakCorr, self.correctMET, self.correctionMode) if plot2 != None: configurePlot(self.plot2, self.jzbType, self.plotData, self.direction, self.responseCorr, self.puCorr, self.peakCorr, self.correctMET, self.correctionMode) self.normalizeToData = normalizeToData self.plotRatio = plotRatio self.signals = signals if self.signals is not None: self.plotSignal = True self.backgrounds = backgrounds self.useTriggerEmulation = useTriggerEmulation self.personalWork = personalWork self.preliminary = preliminary self.doTopReweighting = doTopReweighting self.forPAS = forPAS self.forTWIKI = forTWIKI self.DontScaleTrig = dontScaleTrig self.doPUWeights = doPUWeights from corrections import rSFOF self.rSFOF = rSFOF
"scale_down": "massPlotEleBBScaleDownNoLog", "PU_up": "massPlotEleBBPUScaleUpNoLog", "PU_down": "massPlotEleBBPUScaleDownNoLog" } eleplots_be = { "default": "massPlotEleBE", "scale_up": "massPlotEleBEScaleUpNoLog", "scale_down": "massPlotEleBEScaleDownNoLog", "PU_up": "massPlotEleBEPUScaleUpNoLog", "PU_down": "massPlotEleBEPUScaleDownNoLog" } plot_mu_bb = {} plot_el_bb = {} plot_mu_be = {} plot_el_be = {} for key in muplots_bb.keys(): plot_mu_bb[key] = getPlot(muplots_bb[key]) plot_mu_bb[key].logX = True for key in eleplots_bb.keys(): plot_el_bb[key] = getPlot(eleplots_bb[key]) plot_el_bb[key].logX = True for key in muplots_be.keys(): plot_mu_be[key] = getPlot(muplots_be[key]) plot_mu_be[key].logX = True for key in eleplots_be.keys(): plot_el_be[key] = getPlot(eleplots_be[key]) plot_el_be[key].logX = True plotDataMC(args, plot_mu_bb, plot_el_bb) plotDataMC(args, plot_mu_be, plot_el_be)
def main(): ### for data histos = ["BB", "BE"] labels = ["dielectron_2016", "dielectron_2017", "dielectron_2018"] css = ["inc", "cspos", "csneg"] for cs in css: for i, histo in enumerate(histos): for label in labels: if not histo == "": label += "_" + histo if cs == "cspos": massPlot = getPlot("massPlotEle%sCSPosNoLog" % histo) massPlotUp = getPlot("massPlotEle%sScaleUpCSPosNoLog" % histo) massPlotDown = getPlot("massPlotEle%sScaleDownCSPosNoLog" % histo) massPlotPUUp = getPlot("massPlotEle%sPUScaleUpCSPosNoLog" % histo) massPlotPUDown = getPlot( "massPlotEle%sPUScaleDownCSPosNoLog" % histo) massPlotPrefireUp = getPlot( "massPlotEle%sPrefireUpCSPosNoLog" % histo) massPlotPrefireDown = getPlot( "massPlotEle%sPrefireDownCSPosNoLog" % histo) elif cs == "csneg": massPlot = getPlot("massPlotEle%sCSNegNoLog" % histo) massPlotUp = getPlot("massPlotEle%sScaleUpCSNegNoLog" % histo) massPlotDown = getPlot("massPlotEle%sScaleDownCSNegNoLog" % histo) massPlotPUUp = getPlot("massPlotEle%sPUScaleUpCSNegNoLog" % histo) massPlotPUDown = getPlot( "massPlotEle%sPUScaleDownCSNegNoLog" % histo) massPlotPrefireUp = getPlot( "massPlotEle%sPrefireUpCSNegNoLog" % histo) massPlotPrefireDown = getPlot( "massPlotEle%sPrefireDownCSNegNoLog" % histo) else: massPlot = getPlot("massPlotEle%sNoLog" % histo) massPlotUp = getPlot("massPlotEle%sScaleUpNoLog" % histo) massPlotDown = getPlot("massPlotEle%sScaleDownNoLog" % histo) massPlotPUUp = getPlot("massPlotEle%sPUScaleUpNoLog" % histo) massPlotPUDown = getPlot("massPlotEle%sPUScaleDownNoLog" % histo) massPlotPrefireUp = getPlot("massPlotEle%sPrefireUpNoLog" % histo) massPlotPrefireDown = getPlot( "massPlotEle%sPrefireDownNoLog" % histo) eventCounts = totalNumberOfGeneratedEvents(path, massPlot.muon) negWeights = negWeightFractions(path, massPlot.muon) if "2016" in label: data = Process(Data2016, normalized=True) drellyan = Process(getattr(Backgrounds2016, "DrellYan"), eventCounts, negWeights) other = Process(getattr(Backgrounds2016, "OtherEle"), eventCounts, negWeights) jets = Process(getattr(Backgrounds2016, "Jets"), eventCounts, negWeights, normalized=True) elif "2018" in label: data = Process(Data2018, normalized=True) drellyan = Process(getattr(Backgrounds2018, "DrellYan"), eventCounts, negWeights) other = Process(getattr(Backgrounds2018, "Other"), eventCounts, negWeights) jets = Process(getattr(Backgrounds2018, "Jets"), eventCounts, negWeights, normalized=True) else: data = Process(Data, normalized=True) drellyan = Process(getattr(Backgrounds, "DrellYan"), eventCounts, negWeights) other = Process(getattr(Backgrounds, "Other"), eventCounts, negWeights) jets = Process(getattr(Backgrounds, "Jets"), eventCounts, negWeights, normalized=True) if cs == "inc": fResult = TFile("inputsCI_%s.root" % (label), "RECREATE") else: fResult = TFile("inputsCI_%s_%s.root" % (cs, label), "RECREATE") if "2016" in label: lumi = 35922.0 if "bbbe" in massPlot.histName: zScaleFac = zScale2016["electrons"][0] elif "bb" in massPlot.histName: zScaleFac = zScale2016["electrons"][1] elif "be" in massPlot.histName: zScaleFac = zScale2016["electrons"][2] else: zScaleFac = zScale2016["electrons"][0] elif "2018" in label: lumi = 59401.0 if "bbbe" in massPlot.histName: zScaleFac = zScale2018["electrons"][0] elif "bb" in massPlot.histName: zScaleFac = zScale2018["electrons"][1] elif "be" in massPlot.histName: zScaleFac = zScale2018["electrons"][2] else: zScaleFac = zScale2018["electrons"][0] else: lumi = 41500.0 if "bbbe" in massPlot.histName: zScaleFac = zScale["electrons"][0] elif "bb" in massPlot.histName: zScaleFac = zScale["electrons"][1] elif "be" in massPlot.histName: zScaleFac = zScale["electrons"][2] else: zScaleFac = zScale["electrons"][0] jetHist = deepcopy( jets.loadHistogram(massPlot, lumi, zScaleFac)) hist = data.loadHistogram(massPlot, lumi, zScaleFac) if cs == "inc": hist.SetName("dataHist_%s" % (label)) else: hist.SetName("dataHist_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) dyHist = deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogram(massPlot, lumi, zScaleFac)) dyHistScaleUp = deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogram(massPlotUp, lumi, zScaleFac)) dyHistScaleDown = deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogram(massPlotDown, lumi, zScaleFac)) dyHistPUUp = deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogram(massPlotPUUp, lumi, zScaleFac)) dyHistPUDown = deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogram(massPlotPUDown, lumi, zScaleFac)) dyHistPrefireUp = deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogram(massPlotPrefireUp, lumi, zScaleFac)) dyHistPrefireDown = deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogram(massPlotPrefireDown, lumi, zScaleFac)) otherHist = deepcopy( other.loadHistogram(massPlot, lumi, zScaleFac)) otherHistScaleUp = deepcopy( other.loadHistogram(massPlotUp, lumi, zScaleFac)) otherHistScaleDown = deepcopy( other.loadHistogram(massPlotDown, lumi, zScaleFac)) otherHistPUUp = deepcopy( other.loadHistogram(massPlotPUUp, lumi, zScaleFac)) otherHistPUDown = deepcopy( other.loadHistogram(massPlotPUDown, lumi, zScaleFac)) otherHistPrefireUp = deepcopy( other.loadHistogram(massPlotPrefireUp, lumi, zScaleFac)) otherHistPrefireDown = deepcopy( other.loadHistogram(massPlotPrefireDown, lumi, zScaleFac)) if cs == "inc": dyHist.SetName("bkgHistDY_%s" % label) dyHistScaleUp.SetName("bkgHistDYScaleUp_%s" % label) dyHistScaleDown.SetName("bkgHistDYScaleDown_%s" % label) dyHistPUUp.SetName("bkgHistDYPUUp_%s" % label) dyHistPUDown.SetName("bkgHistDYPUDown_%s" % label) dyHistPrefireUp.SetName("bkgHistDYPrefireUp_%s" % label) dyHistPrefireDown.SetName("bkgHistDYPrefireDown_%s" % label) otherHist.SetName("bkgHistOther_%s" % label) otherHistScaleUp.SetName("bkgHistOtherScaleUp_%s" % label) otherHistScaleDown.SetName("bkgHistOtherScaleDown_%s" % label) otherHistPUUp.SetName("bkgHistOtherPUUp_%s" % label) otherHistPUDown.SetName("bkgHistOtherPUDown_%s" % label) otherHistPrefireUp.SetName("bkgHistOtherPrefireUp_%s" % label) otherHistPrefireDown.SetName("bkgHistOtherPrefireDown_%s" % label) else: dyHist.SetName("bkgHistDY_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) dyHistScaleUp.SetName("bkgHistDYScaleUp_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) dyHistScaleDown.SetName("bkgHistDYScaleDown_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) dyHistPUUp.SetName("bkgHistDYPUUp_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) dyHistPUDown.SetName("bkgHistDYPUDown_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) dyHistPrefireUp.SetName("bkgHistDYPrefireUp_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) dyHistPrefireDown.SetName("bkgHistDYPrefireDown_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) otherHist.SetName("bkgHistOther_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) otherHistScaleUp.SetName("bkgHistOtherScaleUp_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) otherHistScaleDown.SetName("bkgHistOtherScaleDown_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) otherHistPUUp.SetName("bkgHistOtherPUUp_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) otherHistPUDown.SetName("bkgHistOtherPUDown_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) otherHistPrefireUp.SetName("bkgHistOtherPrefireUp_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) otherHistPrefireDown.SetName( "bkgHistOtherPrefireDown_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) if not cs == "inc": jetHist.SetName("bkgHistJets_%s_%s" % (cs, label)) else: jetHist.SetName("bkgHistJets_%s" % label) jetHist.SetDirectory(fResult) for i in range(0, jetHist.GetNbinsX()): jetHist.SetBinContent( i, jetHist.GetBinContent(i) * jetHist.GetBinWidth(i)) jetHist.SetBinError( i, jetHist.GetBinError(i) * jetHist.GetBinWidth(i)) # ~ print (cs, label, hist.Integral(hist.FindBin(1800),hist.FindBin(6000-0.01))) # ~ print (cs, label, dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(400),dyHist.FindBin(500-0.01))) print("Total Background") print( cs, label, dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(120), dyHist.FindBin(400 - 0.01)) + otherHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(120), dyHist.FindBin(400 - 0.01)) + jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(120), jetHist.FindBin(400 - 0.01))) print( cs, label, dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(400), dyHist.FindBin(600 - 0.01)) + otherHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(400), dyHist.FindBin(600 - 0.01)) + jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(400), jetHist.FindBin(600 - 0.01))) print( cs, label, dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(600), dyHist.FindBin(900 - 0.01)) + otherHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(600), dyHist.FindBin(900 - 0.01)) + jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(600), jetHist.FindBin(900 - 0.01))) print( cs, label, dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(900), dyHist.FindBin(1300 - 0.01)) + otherHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(900), dyHist.FindBin(1300 - 0.01)) + jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(900), jetHist.FindBin(1300 - 0.01))) print( cs, label, dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(1300), dyHist.FindBin(1800 - 0.01)) + otherHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(1300), dyHist.FindBin(1800 - 0.01)) + jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(1300), jetHist.FindBin(1800 - 0.01))) print( cs, label, dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(1800), dyHist.FindBin(6000 - 0.01)) + otherHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(1800), dyHist.FindBin(6000 - 0.01)) + jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(1800), jetHist.FindBin(6000 - 0.01))) print("Drell-Yan") print( cs, label, dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(120), dyHist.FindBin(400 - 0.01))) print( cs, label, dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(400), dyHist.FindBin(600 - 0.01))) print( cs, label, dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(600), dyHist.FindBin(900 - 0.01))) print( cs, label, dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(900), dyHist.FindBin(1300 - 0.01))) print( cs, label, dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(1300), dyHist.FindBin(1800 - 0.01))) print( cs, label, dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(1800), dyHist.FindBin(6000 - 0.01))) print("Other") print( cs, label, otherHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(120), dyHist.FindBin(400 - 0.01))) print( cs, label, otherHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(400), dyHist.FindBin(600 - 0.01))) print( cs, label, otherHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(600), dyHist.FindBin(900 - 0.01))) print( cs, label, otherHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(900), dyHist.FindBin(1300 - 0.01))) print( cs, label, otherHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(1300), dyHist.FindBin(1800 - 0.01))) print( cs, label, otherHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(1800), dyHist.FindBin(6000 - 0.01))) print("Jets") print( cs, label, jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(120), jetHist.FindBin(400 - 0.01))) print( cs, label, jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(400), jetHist.FindBin(600 - 0.01))) print( cs, label, jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(600), jetHist.FindBin(900 - 0.01))) print( cs, label, jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(900), jetHist.FindBin(1300 - 0.01))) print( cs, label, jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(1300), jetHist.FindBin(1800 - 0.01))) print( cs, label, jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(1800), jetHist.FindBin(6000 - 0.01))) print("Data") print( cs, label, hist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(120), dyHist.FindBin(400 - 0.01))) print( cs, label, hist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(400), dyHist.FindBin(600 - 0.01))) print( cs, label, hist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(600), dyHist.FindBin(900 - 0.01))) print( cs, label, hist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(900), dyHist.FindBin(1300 - 0.01))) print( cs, label, hist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(1300), dyHist.FindBin(1800 - 0.01))) print( cs, label, hist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(1800), dyHist.FindBin(6000 - 0.01))) line400 = line % ( "400-600", hist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(400), dyHist.FindBin(600 - 0.01)), dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(400), dyHist.FindBin(600 - 0.01)) + otherHist.Integral(otherHist.FindBin(400), otherHist.FindBin(600 - 0.01)) + jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(400), jetHist.FindBin(600 - 0.01)), dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(400), dyHist.FindBin(600 - 0.01)), otherHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(400), dyHist.FindBin(600 - 0.01)), jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(400), jetHist.FindBin(600 - 0.01))) line600 = line % ( "600-900", hist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(600), dyHist.FindBin(900 - 0.01)), dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(600), dyHist.FindBin(900 - 0.01)) + otherHist.Integral(otherHist.FindBin(600), otherHist.FindBin(900 - 0.01)) + jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(600), jetHist.FindBin(900 - 0.01)), dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(600), dyHist.FindBin(900 - 0.01)), otherHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(600), dyHist.FindBin(900 - 0.01)), jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(600), jetHist.FindBin(900 - 0.01))) line900 = line % ( "900-1300", hist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(900), dyHist.FindBin(1300 - 0.01)), dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(900), dyHist.FindBin(1300 - 0.01)) + otherHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(900), otherHist.FindBin(1300 - 0.01)) + jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(900), jetHist.FindBin(1300 - 0.01)), dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(900), dyHist.FindBin(1300 - 0.01)), otherHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(900), dyHist.FindBin(1300 - 0.01)), jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(900), jetHist.FindBin(1300 - 0.01))) line1300 = line % ( "1300-1800", hist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(1300), dyHist.FindBin(1800 - 0.01)), dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(1300), dyHist.FindBin(1800 - 0.01)) + otherHist.Integral(otherHist.FindBin(1300), otherHist.FindBin(1800 - 0.01)) + jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(1300), jetHist.FindBin(1800 - 0.01)), dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(1300), dyHist.FindBin(1800 - 0.01)), otherHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(1300), dyHist.FindBin(18000 - 0.01)), jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(1300), jetHist.FindBin(1800 - 0.01))) line1800 = line % ( "1800-6000", hist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(1800), dyHist.FindBin(600 - 0.01)), dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(1800), dyHist.FindBin(6000 - 0.01)) + otherHist.Integral(otherHist.FindBin(1800), otherHist.FindBin(6000 - 0.01)) + jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(1800), jetHist.FindBin(6000 - 0.01)), dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(1800), dyHist.FindBin(6000 - 0.01)), otherHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(1800), dyHist.FindBin(6000 - 0.01)), jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(1800), jetHist.FindBin(6000 - 0.01))) print(table % (line400, line600, line900, line1300, line1800)) line1800 = line % ( "1800-2200", hist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(1800), dyHist.FindBin(2200 - 0.01)), dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(1800), dyHist.FindBin(2200 - 0.01)) + otherHist.Integral(otherHist.FindBin(2200), otherHist.FindBin(2200 - 0.01)) + jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(1800), jetHist.FindBin(2200 - 0.01)), dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(1800), dyHist.FindBin(2200 - 0.01)), otherHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(1800), dyHist.FindBin(2200 - 0.01)), jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(1800), jetHist.FindBin(2200 - 0.01))) line2200 = line % ( "2200-2600", hist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(2200), dyHist.FindBin(2600 - 0.01)), dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(2200), dyHist.FindBin(2600 - 0.01)) + otherHist.Integral(otherHist.FindBin(2600), otherHist.FindBin(2600 - 0.01)) + jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(2200), jetHist.FindBin(2600 - 0.01)), dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(2200), dyHist.FindBin(2600 - 0.01)), otherHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(2200), dyHist.FindBin(2600 - 0.01)), jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(2200), jetHist.FindBin(2600 - 0.01))) line2600 = line % ( "2600-3000", hist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(2600), dyHist.FindBin(3000 - 0.01)), dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(2600), dyHist.FindBin(3000 - 0.01)) + otherHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(3000), otherHist.FindBin(3000 - 0.01)) + jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(2600), jetHist.FindBin(3000 - 0.01)), dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(2600), dyHist.FindBin(3000 - 0.01)), otherHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(2600), dyHist.FindBin(3000 - 0.01)), jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(2600), jetHist.FindBin(3000 - 0.01))) line3000 = line % ( "3000-3400", hist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(3000), dyHist.FindBin(3400 - 0.01)), dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(3000), dyHist.FindBin(3400 - 0.01)) + otherHist.Integral(otherHist.FindBin(3400), otherHist.FindBin(3400 - 0.01)) + jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(3000), jetHist.FindBin(3400 - 0.01)), dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(3000), dyHist.FindBin(3400 - 0.01)), otherHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(3000), dyHist.FindBin(3400 - 0.01)), jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(3000), jetHist.FindBin(3400 - 0.01))) line3400 = line % ( "3400-10000", hist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(3400), dyHist.FindBin(10000 - 0.01)), dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(3400), dyHist.FindBin(10000 - 0.01)) + otherHist.Integral(otherHist.FindBin(10000), otherHist.FindBin(10000 - 0.01)) + jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(3400), jetHist.FindBin(10000 - 0.01)), dyHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(3400), dyHist.FindBin(10000 - 0.01)), otherHist.Integral(dyHist.FindBin(3400), dyHist.FindBin(10000 - 0.01)), jetHist.Integral(jetHist.FindBin(3400), jetHist.FindBin(10000 - 0.01))) print(table % (line1800, line2200, line2600, line3000, line3400)) dyHist.SetDirectory(fResult) dyHistScaleUp.SetDirectory(fResult) dyHistScaleDown.SetDirectory(fResult) dyHistPUUp.SetDirectory(fResult) dyHistPUDown.SetDirectory(fResult) dyHistPrefireUp.SetDirectory(fResult) dyHistPrefireDown.SetDirectory(fResult) otherHist.SetDirectory(fResult) otherHistScaleUp.SetDirectory(fResult) otherHistScaleDown.SetDirectory(fResult) otherHistPUUp.SetDirectory(fResult) otherHistPUDown.SetDirectory(fResult) otherHistPrefireUp.SetDirectory(fResult) otherHistPrefireDown.SetDirectory(fResult) hist.SetDirectory(fResult) fResult.Write() fResult.Close()
def main(): ### for data genPlot = getPlot("etaPtMapGen") recoPlot = getPlot("etaPtMapReco") drellyanGen = Process(getattr(Backgrounds, "DrellYan")) drellyanReco = Process(getattr(Backgrounds, "DrellYan")) genPlot = deepcopy(drellyanGen.loadHistogram(genPlot)) recoPlot = deepcopy(drellyanReco.loadHistogram(recoPlot)) eff = recoPlot.Clone("bla") eff.Divide(genPlot) print genPlot.GetBinContent(3, 5) print recoPlot.GetBinContent(3, 5) hCanvas = TCanvas("hCanvas", "Distribution", 800, 800) plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0, 1, 1) style = setTDRStyle() gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.2) gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.1) plotPad.UseCurrentStyle() gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.2) plotPad.Draw() #~ plotPad.DrawFrame(-2.4,0,2.4,2000,"; muon #eta ; muon p_{T} GeV") eff.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 1) eff.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(53, 2000) eff.GetZaxis().SetTitle("Trigger+Reconstruction+ID efficiency") eff.GetZaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.3) eff.GetYaxis().SetTitle("simulated muon p_{T} GeV [GeV]") eff.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(2) eff.GetXaxis().SetTitle("simulated muon #eta") eff.Draw("colz") plotPad.SetLogy() latex = TLatex() latex.SetTextFont(42) latex.SetTextAlign(31) latex.SetTextSize(0.04) latex.SetNDC(True) latexCMS = TLatex() latexCMS.SetTextFont(61) latexCMS.SetTextSize(0.055) latexCMS.SetNDC(True) latexCMSExtra = TLatex() latexCMSExtra.SetTextFont(52) latexCMSExtra.SetTextSize(0.03) latexCMSExtra.SetNDC(True) latex.DrawLatex(0.85, 0.96, "(13 TeV)") cmsExtra = "Supplementary" latexCMS.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.96, "CMS") if "Simulation" in cmsExtra: yLabelPos = 0.81 else: yLabelPos = 0.96 latexCMSExtra.DrawLatex(0.27, yLabelPos, "%s" % (cmsExtra)) hCanvas.Print("effMapMuons.pdf")
def main(): ### for data histos = ["BB", "BE", "BBCSPos", "BBCSNeg", "BECSPos", "BECSNeg"] labels = [ "dimuon_BB", "dimuon_BE", "dimuon_BBCSPos", "dimuon_BBCSNeg", "dimuon_BECSPos", "dimuon_BECSNeg" ] lambdas = [10, 16, 22, 28, 34] models = ["ConLL", "ConLR", "ConRR", "DesLL", "DesLR", "DesRR"] bins = [4, 7, 6, 5, 9, 8] massPlot = getPlot("massPlotForLimit") massPlotSmeared = getPlot("massPlotSmeared") massPlotUp = getPlot("massPlotUp") massPlotDown = getPlot("massPlotDown") massPlotWeighted = getPlot("massPlotWeighted") for i, histo in enumerate(histos): label = labels[i] for model in models: for l in lambdas: data = Process(Data) drellyan = Process(getattr(Backgrounds, "DrellYan")) other = Process(getattr(Backgrounds, "Other")) name = "CITo2Mu_Lam%dTeV%s" % (l, model) signal = Process(getattr(Signals, name)) name = "CITo2Mu_Lam100kTeV%s" % (model) signalDY = Process(getattr(Signals, name)) fResult = TFile( "inputsCI_%s_%dTeV_%s.root" % (label, l, model), "RECREATE") sigHist = deepcopy( signal.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, bins[i])) sigHistSmear = deepcopy( signal.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotSmeared, bins[i])) sigHistScaleUp = deepcopy( signal.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotUp, bins[i])) sigHistScaleDown = deepcopy( signal.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotDown, bins[i])) sigHistWeighted = deepcopy( signal.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotWeighted, bins[i])) if histo == "BE": sigHist.Add( deepcopy(signal.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, 10))) sigHistSmear.Add( deepcopy( signal.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotSmeared, 10))) sigHistScaleUp.Add( deepcopy(signal.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotUp, 10))) sigHistScaleDown.Add( deepcopy( signal.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotDown, 10))) sigHistWeighted.Add( deepcopy( signal.loadHistogramProjected( massPlotWeighted, 10))) if "_BECSPos" in label: sigHist.Add( deepcopy(signal.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, 12))) sigHistSmear.Add( deepcopy( signal.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotSmeared, 12))) sigHistScaleUp.Add( deepcopy(signal.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotUp, 12))) sigHistScaleDown.Add( deepcopy( signal.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotDown, 12))) sigHistWeighted.Add( deepcopy( signal.loadHistogramProjected( massPlotWeighted, 12))) if "_BECSNeg" in label: sigHist.Add( deepcopy(signal.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, 11))) sigHistSmear.Add( deepcopy( signal.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotSmeared, 11))) sigHistScaleUp.Add( deepcopy(signal.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotUp, 11))) sigHistScaleDown.Add( deepcopy( signal.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotDown, 11))) sigHistWeighted.Add( deepcopy( signal.loadHistogramProjected( massPlotWeighted, 11))) sigHistDY = deepcopy( signalDY.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, bins[i])) sigHistSmearDY = deepcopy( signalDY.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotSmeared, bins[i])) sigHistScaleUpDY = deepcopy( signalDY.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotUp, bins[i])) sigHistScaleDownDY = deepcopy( signalDY.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotDown, bins[i])) sigHistWeightedDY = deepcopy( signalDY.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotWeighted, bins[i])) if histo == "BE": sigHistDY.Add( deepcopy(signalDY.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, 10))) sigHistSmearDY.Add( deepcopy( signalDY.loadHistogramProjected( massPlotSmeared, 10))) sigHistScaleUpDY.Add( deepcopy( signalDY.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotUp, 10))) sigHistScaleDownDY.Add( deepcopy( signalDY.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotDown, 10))) sigHistWeightedDY.Add( deepcopy( signalDY.loadHistogramProjected( massPlotWeighted, 10))) if "_BECSPos" in label: sigHistDY.Add( deepcopy(signalDY.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, 12))) sigHistSmearDY.Add( deepcopy( signalDY.loadHistogramProjected( massPlotSmeared, 12))) sigHistScaleUpDY.Add( deepcopy( signalDY.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotUp, 12))) sigHistScaleDownDY.Add( deepcopy( signalDY.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotDown, 12))) sigHistWeightedDY.Add( deepcopy( signalDY.loadHistogramProjected( massPlotWeighted, 12))) if "_BECSNeg" in label: sigHistDY.Add( deepcopy(signalDY.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, 11))) sigHistSmearDY.Add( deepcopy( signalDY.loadHistogramProjected( massPlotSmeared, 11))) sigHistScaleUpDY.Add( deepcopy( signalDY.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotUp, 11))) sigHistScaleDownDY.Add( deepcopy( signalDY.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotDown, 11))) sigHistWeightedDY.Add( deepcopy( signalDY.loadHistogramProjected( massPlotWeighted, 11))) sigHist.Add(sigHistDY, -1) sigHistSmear.Add(sigHistSmearDY, -1) sigHistScaleUp.Add(sigHistScaleUpDY, -1) sigHistScaleDown.Add(sigHistScaleDownDY, -1) sigHistWeighted.Add(sigHistWeightedDY, -1) hist = data.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, bins[i]) if histo == "BE": hist.Add( deepcopy(data.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, 10))) if "_BECSPos" in label: hist.Add( deepcopy(data.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, 12))) if "_BECSNeg" in label: hist.Add( deepcopy(data.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, 11))) hist.SetName("dataHist_%s" % label) dyHist = deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, bins[i])) dyHistSmear = deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotSmeared, bins[i])) dyHistScaleUp = deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotUp, bins[i])) dyHistScaleDown = deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotDown, bins[i])) dyHistWeighted = deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotWeighted, bins[i])) if histo == "BE": dyHist.Add( deepcopy(drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, 10))) dyHistSmear.Add( deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogramProjected( massPlotSmeared, 10))) dyHistScaleUp.Add( deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotUp, 10))) dyHistScaleDown.Add( deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotDown, 10))) dyHistWeighted.Add( deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogramProjected( massPlotWeighted, 10))) if "_BECSPos" in label: dyHist.Add( deepcopy(drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, 12))) dyHistSmear.Add( deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogramProjected( massPlotSmeared, 12))) dyHistScaleUp.Add( deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotUp, 12))) dyHistScaleDown.Add( deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotDown, 12))) dyHistWeighted.Add( deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogramProjected( massPlotWeighted, 12))) if "_BECSNeg" in label: dyHist.Add( deepcopy(drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, 11))) dyHistSmear.Add( deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogramProjected( massPlotSmeared, 11))) dyHistScaleUp.Add( deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotUp, 11))) dyHistScaleDown.Add( deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotDown, 11))) dyHistWeighted.Add( deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogramProjected( massPlotWeighted, 11))) otherHist = deepcopy( other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, bins[i])) otherHistSmear = deepcopy( other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotSmeared, bins[i])) otherHistScaleUp = deepcopy( other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotUp, bins[i])) otherHistScaleDown = deepcopy( other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotDown, bins[i])) otherHistWeighted = deepcopy( other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotWeighted, bins[i])) if histo == "BE": otherHist.Add( deepcopy(other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, 10))) otherHistSmear.Add( deepcopy( other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotSmeared, 10))) otherHistScaleUp.Add( deepcopy(other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotUp, 10))) otherHistScaleDown.Add( deepcopy(other.loadHistogramProjected( massPlotDown, 10))) otherHistWeighted.Add( deepcopy( other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotWeighted, 10))) if "_BECSPos" in label: otherHist.Add( deepcopy(other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, 12))) otherHistSmear.Add( deepcopy( other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotSmeared, 12))) otherHistScaleUp.Add( deepcopy(other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotUp, 12))) otherHistScaleDown.Add( deepcopy(other.loadHistogramProjected( massPlotDown, 12))) otherHistWeighted.Add( deepcopy( other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotWeighted, 12))) if "_BECSNeg" in label: otherHist.Add( deepcopy(other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, 11))) otherHistSmear.Add( deepcopy( other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotSmeared, 11))) otherHistScaleUp.Add( deepcopy(other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotUp, 11))) otherHistScaleDown.Add( deepcopy(other.loadHistogramProjected( massPlotDown, 11))) otherHistWeighted.Add( deepcopy( other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotWeighted, 11))) sigHist.SetName("sigHist_%s" % label) sigHistSmear.SetName("sigHistSmeared_%s" % label) sigHistScaleUp.SetName("sigHistScaleUp_%s" % label) sigHistScaleDown.SetName("sigHistScaleDown_%s" % label) sigHistWeighted.SetName("sigHistWeighted_%s" % label) dyHist.SetName("bkgHistDY_%s" % label) dyHistSmear.SetName("bkgHistDYSmeared_%s" % label) dyHistScaleUp.SetName("bkgHistDYScaleUp_%s" % label) dyHistScaleDown.SetName("bkgHistDYScaleDown_%s" % label) dyHistWeighted.SetName("bkgHistDYWeighted_%s" % label) otherHist.SetName("bkgHistOther_%s" % label) otherHistSmear.SetName("bkgHistOtherSmeared_%s" % label) otherHistScaleUp.SetName("bkgHistOtherScaleUp_%s" % label) otherHistScaleDown.SetName("bkgHistOtherScaleDown_%s" % label) otherHistWeighted.SetName("bkgHistOtherWeighted_%s" % label) if "_BB" in label: fJets = TFile("files/Data-total-jets-BB.root", "OPEN") else: fJets = TFile("files/Data-total-jets-BEEE.root", "OPEN") jetHist = fJets.Get("TotalJets") jetHist.SetName("bkgHistJets_%s" % label) jetHist.SetDirectory(fResult) sigHist.SetDirectory(fResult) sigHistSmear.SetDirectory(fResult) sigHistScaleUp.SetDirectory(fResult) sigHistScaleDown.SetDirectory(fResult) sigHistWeighted.SetDirectory(fResult) dyHist.SetDirectory(fResult) dyHistSmear.SetDirectory(fResult) dyHistScaleUp.SetDirectory(fResult) dyHistScaleDown.SetDirectory(fResult) dyHistWeighted.SetDirectory(fResult) otherHist.SetDirectory(fResult) otherHistSmear.SetDirectory(fResult) otherHistScaleUp.SetDirectory(fResult) otherHistScaleDown.SetDirectory(fResult) otherHistWeighted.SetDirectory(fResult) hist.SetDirectory(fResult) fResult.Write() fResult.Close()
"prefireDown": "massPlotEleBBPrefireDownNoLog" } eleplots_be = { "default": "massPlotEleBE", "scaleUp": "massPlotEleBEScaleUpNoLog", "scaleDown": "massPlotEleBEScaleDownNoLog", "PUUp": "massPlotEleBEPUScaleUpNoLog", "PUDown": "massPlotEleBEPUScaleDownNoLog", "prefireUp": "massPlotEleBEPrefireUpNoLog", "prefireDown": "massPlotEleBEPrefireDownNoLog" } plot_mu_bb = {} plot_el_bb = {} plot_mu_be = {} plot_el_be = {} plotGenbb_mu = getPlot("massPlotBBGenNoLog") plotGenbe_mu = getPlot("massPlotBEGenNoLog") plotGenbb_el = getPlot("massPlotEleBBGenNoLog") plotGenbe_el = getPlot("massPlotEleBEGenNoLog") plotGenee_el = getPlot("massPlotEleEEGenNoLog") for key in muplots_bb.keys(): plot_mu_bb[key] = getPlot(muplots_bb[key]) plot_mu_bb[key].logX = True for key in eleplots_bb.keys(): plot_el_bb[key] = getPlot(eleplots_bb[key]) plot_el_bb[key].logX = True for key in muplots_be.keys(): plot_mu_be[key] = getPlot(muplots_be[key]) plot_mu_be[key].logX = True for key in eleplots_be.keys(): plot_el_be[key] = getPlot(eleplots_be[key])
def compareRecos(path, selection, plots, runRange): for name in plots: plot = getPlot("mllPlotLowMass") plot.addRegion(selection) plot.cleanCuts() plot.cuts = plot.cuts % runRange.runCut plot.cuts = plot.cuts trees = {} treesPrompt = {} trees["EE"], trees["MM"], trees["EM"] = getTrees(path, plot) treesPrompt["EE"], treesPrompt["MM"], treesPrompt["EM"] = getTrees( "/home/jan/Trees/sw538v0477", plot) trees["EE"] = trees["EE"].CopyTree( "!((runNr == 194480 && lumiSec >= 9 && lumiSec <=16) || (runNr == 195552 && lumiSec >= 1392 && lumiSec <=1393) || (runNr == 196218 && lumiSec >= 738 && lumiSec <=738) || (runNr == 196239 && lumiSec >= 498 && lumiSec <=502) || (runNr == 199832 && lumiSec >= 58 && lumiSec <=62) || (runNr == 199832 && lumiSec >= 65 && lumiSec <=118) || (runNr == 199832 && lumiSec >= 121 && lumiSec <=139) || (runNr == 199832 && lumiSec >= 142 && lumiSec <=286) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=9) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 11 && lumiSec <=11) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 14 && lumiSec <=18) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 21 && lumiSec <=54) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 56 && lumiSec <=57) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 62 && lumiSec <=65) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 69 && lumiSec <=284) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 286 && lumiSec <=503) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 505 && lumiSec <=942) || (runNr == 199967 && lumiSec >= 60 && lumiSec <=120) || (runNr == 199967 && lumiSec >= 122 && lumiSec <=170) || (runNr == 199967 && lumiSec >= 172 && lumiSec <=198) || (runNr == 200160 && lumiSec >= 52 && lumiSec <=68) || (runNr == 200161 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=97) || (runNr == 200161 && lumiSec >= 100 && lumiSec <=112) || (runNr == 200174 && lumiSec >= 81 && lumiSec <=84) || (runNr == 200177 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=56) || (runNr == 200178 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=38) || (runNr == 200186 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=3) || (runNr == 200186 && lumiSec >= 6 && lumiSec <=24) || (runNr == 203709 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=121) || (runNr == 203742 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=29) || (runNr == 203777 && lumiSec >= 103 && lumiSec <=113) || (runNr == 203830 && lumiSec >= 82 && lumiSec <=182) || (runNr == 203832 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=11) || (runNr == 203833 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=70) || (runNr == 203833 && lumiSec >= 73 && lumiSec <=128) || (runNr == 203834 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=40) || (runNr == 203835 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=70) || (runNr == 203835 && lumiSec >= 73 && lumiSec <=358) || (runNr == 203853 && lumiSec >= 122 && lumiSec <=222) || (runNr == 208352 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=15) || (runNr == 208352 && lumiSec >= 17 && lumiSec <=17) || (runNr == 208352 && lumiSec >= 19 && lumiSec <=19))" ) trees["MM"] = trees["MM"].CopyTree( "!((runNr == 194480 && lumiSec >= 9 && lumiSec <=16) || (runNr == 195552 && lumiSec >= 1392 && lumiSec <=1393) || (runNr == 196218 && lumiSec >= 738 && lumiSec <=738) || (runNr == 196239 && lumiSec >= 498 && lumiSec <=502) || (runNr == 199832 && lumiSec >= 58 && lumiSec <=62) || (runNr == 199832 && lumiSec >= 65 && lumiSec <=118) || (runNr == 199832 && lumiSec >= 121 && lumiSec <=139) || (runNr == 199832 && lumiSec >= 142 && lumiSec <=286) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=9) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 11 && lumiSec <=11) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 14 && lumiSec <=18) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 21 && lumiSec <=54) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 56 && lumiSec <=57) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 62 && lumiSec <=65) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 69 && lumiSec <=284) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 286 && lumiSec <=503) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 505 && lumiSec <=942) || (runNr == 199967 && lumiSec >= 60 && lumiSec <=120) || (runNr == 199967 && lumiSec >= 122 && lumiSec <=170) || (runNr == 199967 && lumiSec >= 172 && lumiSec <=198) || (runNr == 200160 && lumiSec >= 52 && lumiSec <=68) || (runNr == 200161 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=97) || (runNr == 200161 && lumiSec >= 100 && lumiSec <=112) || (runNr == 200174 && lumiSec >= 81 && lumiSec <=84) || (runNr == 200177 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=56) || (runNr == 200178 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=38) || (runNr == 200186 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=3) || (runNr == 200186 && lumiSec >= 6 && lumiSec <=24) || (runNr == 203709 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=121) || (runNr == 203742 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=29) || (runNr == 203777 && lumiSec >= 103 && lumiSec <=113) || (runNr == 203830 && lumiSec >= 82 && lumiSec <=182) || (runNr == 203832 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=11) || (runNr == 203833 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=70) || (runNr == 203833 && lumiSec >= 73 && lumiSec <=128) || (runNr == 203834 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=40) || (runNr == 203835 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=70) || (runNr == 203835 && lumiSec >= 73 && lumiSec <=358) || (runNr == 203853 && lumiSec >= 122 && lumiSec <=222) || (runNr == 208352 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=15) || (runNr == 208352 && lumiSec >= 17 && lumiSec <=17) || (runNr == 208352 && lumiSec >= 19 && lumiSec <=19))" ) trees["EM"] = trees["EM"].CopyTree( "!((runNr == 194480 && lumiSec >= 9 && lumiSec <=16) || (runNr == 195552 && lumiSec >= 1392 && lumiSec <=1393) || (runNr == 196218 && lumiSec >= 738 && lumiSec <=738) || (runNr == 196239 && lumiSec >= 498 && lumiSec <=502) || (runNr == 199832 && lumiSec >= 58 && lumiSec <=62) || (runNr == 199832 && lumiSec >= 65 && lumiSec <=118) || (runNr == 199832 && lumiSec >= 121 && lumiSec <=139) || (runNr == 199832 && lumiSec >= 142 && lumiSec <=286) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=9) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 11 && lumiSec <=11) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 14 && lumiSec <=18) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 21 && lumiSec <=54) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 56 && lumiSec <=57) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 62 && lumiSec <=65) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 69 && lumiSec <=284) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 286 && lumiSec <=503) || (runNr == 199834 && lumiSec >= 505 && lumiSec <=942) || (runNr == 199967 && lumiSec >= 60 && lumiSec <=120) || (runNr == 199967 && lumiSec >= 122 && lumiSec <=170) || (runNr == 199967 && lumiSec >= 172 && lumiSec <=198) || (runNr == 200160 && lumiSec >= 52 && lumiSec <=68) || (runNr == 200161 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=97) || (runNr == 200161 && lumiSec >= 100 && lumiSec <=112) || (runNr == 200174 && lumiSec >= 81 && lumiSec <=84) || (runNr == 200177 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=56) || (runNr == 200178 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=38) || (runNr == 200186 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=3) || (runNr == 200186 && lumiSec >= 6 && lumiSec <=24) || (runNr == 203709 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=121) || (runNr == 203742 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=29) || (runNr == 203777 && lumiSec >= 103 && lumiSec <=113) || (runNr == 203830 && lumiSec >= 82 && lumiSec <=182) || (runNr == 203832 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=11) || (runNr == 203833 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=70) || (runNr == 203833 && lumiSec >= 73 && lumiSec <=128) || (runNr == 203834 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=40) || (runNr == 203835 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=70) || (runNr == 203835 && lumiSec >= 73 && lumiSec <=358) || (runNr == 203853 && lumiSec >= 122 && lumiSec <=222) || (runNr == 208352 && lumiSec >= 1 && lumiSec <=15) || (runNr == 208352 && lumiSec >= 17 && lumiSec <=17) || (runNr == 208352 && lumiSec >= 19 && lumiSec <=19))" ) #~ for name in treesPrompt: #~ for ev in treesPrompt[name]: #~ print ev.runNr, ev.lumiSec, ev.eventNr #~ #~ #~ reRecoOnly = {} promptOnly = {} inPromptJSONOnly = 0 inReRecoJSONOnly = 0 for combination in ["EE", "MM", "EM"]: isNotInOtherTree = 0 isNotInOtherTreePrompt = 0 inPromptJSONOnly = 0 inReRecoJSONOnly = 0 nJets = 0 nJetsPrompt = 0 met = 0 metPrompt = 0 leptonPt = 0 leptonPtPrompt = 0 mll = 0 mllPrompt = 0 print trees[combination].GetEntries( ), treesPrompt[combination].GetEntries() localReRecoOnly = [] localPromptOnly = [] for evReReco in trees[combination]: found = False for evPrompt in treesPrompt[combination]: if evReReco.runNr == evPrompt.runNr and evReReco.lumiSec == evPrompt.lumiSec and evReReco.eventNr == evPrompt.eventNr: found = True if not found: localReRecoOnly.append( "%s:%s:%s" % (evReReco.runNr, evReReco.lumiSec, evReReco.eventNr)) inReRecoJSONOnly += int( isReRecoOnly(evReReco.runNr, evReReco.lumiSec)) lostEvents = getEvent("/home/jan/Trees/sw538v0477", combination, evReReco.runNr, evReReco.lumiSec, evReReco.eventNr) if lostEvents.GetEntries() == 0: isNotInOtherTree += 1 if not isReRecoOnly(evReReco.runNr, evReReco.lumiSec): print "%d:%d:%d" % (evReReco.runNr, evReReco.lumiSec, evReReco.eventNr) else: for lostEvent in lostEvents: if (lostEvent.met > 100 and lostEvent.nJets < 3 ) or (lostEvent.met > 150 and lostEvent.nJets < 2): nJets += 1 if (lostEvent.nJets == 2 and lostEvent.met < 150 ) or (lostEvent.nJets >= 3 and lostEvent.met < 100): met += 1 if lostEvent.pt1 < 20 or lostEvent.pt2 < 20: leptonPt += 1 if lostEvent.p4.M() < 20 or lostEvent.p4.M() > 70: mll += 1 print "test" for evPrompt in treesPrompt[combination]: found = False for evReReco in trees[combination]: if evReReco.runNr == evPrompt.runNr and evReReco.lumiSec == evPrompt.lumiSec and evReReco.eventNr == evPrompt.eventNr: found = True if not found: localPromptOnly.append( "%s:%s:%s" % (evPrompt.runNr, evPrompt.lumiSec, evPrompt.eventNr)) inPromptJSONOnly += int( isPromptOnly(evPrompt.runNr, evPrompt.lumiSec)) lostEvents = getEvent(path, combination, evPrompt.runNr, evPrompt.lumiSec, evPrompt.eventNr) if lostEvents.GetEntries() == 0: isNotInOtherTreePrompt += 1 if not isPromptOnly(evPrompt.runNr, evPrompt.lumiSec): print "%d:%d:%d" % (evPrompt.runNr, evPrompt.lumiSec, evPrompt.eventNr) else: for lostEvent in lostEvents: if (lostEvent.met > 100 and lostEvent.nJets < 3 ) or (lostEvent.met > 150 and lostEvent.nJets < 2): nJetsPrompt += 1 if (lostEvent.nJets == 2 and lostEvent.met < 150 ) or (lostEvent.nJets >= 3 and lostEvent.met < 100): metPrompt += 1 if lostEvent.pt1 < 20 or lostEvent.pt2 < 20: leptonPtPrompt += 1 if lostEvent.p4.M() < 20 or lostEvent.p4.M() > 70: mllPrompt += 1 reRecoOnly[combination] = localReRecoOnly promptOnly[combination] = localPromptOnly print "%s : %d (%d) ReReco only, %d (%d) Prompt Only" % ( combination, len(localReRecoOnly), inReRecoJSONOnly, len(localPromptOnly), inPromptJSONOnly) print isNotInOtherTree, isNotInOtherTreePrompt print "ReReco: nJets %d MET %d lepton pt %d mll %d" % ( nJets, met, leptonPt, mll) print "Prompt: nJets %d MET %d lepton pt %d mll %d" % ( nJetsPrompt, metPrompt, leptonPtPrompt, mllPrompt)
def main(): ### for data histos = ["BB", "BE"] labels = ["dimuon_Moriond2017_BB", "dimuon_Moriond2017_BE"] bins = [4, 7] massPlot = getPlot("massPlotForLimit") massPlotSmeared = getPlot("massPlotSmeared") massPlotUp = getPlot("massPlotUp") massPlotDown = getPlot("massPlotDown") massPlotPUUp = getPlot("massPlotPUUp") massPlotPUDown = getPlot("massPlotPUDown") massPlotWeighted = getPlot("massPlotWeighted") for i, histo in enumerate(histos): label = labels[i] drellyan = Process(getattr(Backgrounds, "DrellYan")) other = Process(getattr(Backgrounds, "Other")) #~ drellyan = Process(getattr(Signals,"CITo2Mu_Lam34TeVConLL")) dyHist = deepcopy(drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, bins[i])) dyHistSmear = deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotSmeared, bins[i])) dyHistScaleUp = deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotUp, bins[i])) dyHistScaleDown = deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotDown, bins[i])) dyHistPUUp = deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotPUUp, bins[i])) dyHistPUDown = deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotPUDown, bins[i])) dyHistWeighted = deepcopy( drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotWeighted, bins[i])) if "_BE" in label: dyHist.Add(deepcopy(drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, 10))) dyHistSmear.Add( deepcopy(drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotSmeared, 10))) dyHistScaleUp.Add( deepcopy(drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotUp, 10))) dyHistScaleDown.Add( deepcopy(drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotDown, 10))) dyHistPUUp.Add( deepcopy(drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotPUUp, 10))) dyHistPUDown.Add( deepcopy(drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotPUDown, 10))) dyHistWeighted.Add( deepcopy(drellyan.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotWeighted, 10))) dyHist.Add(deepcopy(other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, bins[i]))) dyHistSmear.Add( deepcopy(other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotSmeared, bins[i]))) dyHistScaleUp.Add( deepcopy(other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotUp, bins[i]))) dyHistScaleDown.Add( deepcopy(other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotDown, bins[i]))) dyHistPUUp.Add( deepcopy(other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotPUUp, bins[i]))) dyHistPUDown.Add( deepcopy(other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotPUDown, bins[i]))) dyHistWeighted.Add( deepcopy(other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotWeighted, bins[i]))) if "_BE" in label: dyHist.Add(deepcopy(other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, 10))) dyHistSmear.Add( deepcopy(other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotSmeared, 10))) dyHistScaleUp.Add( deepcopy(other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotUp, 10))) dyHistScaleDown.Add( deepcopy(other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotDown, 10))) dyHistPUUp.Add( deepcopy(other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotPUUp, 10))) dyHistPUDown.Add( deepcopy(other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotPUDown, 10))) dyHistWeighted.Add( deepcopy(other.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotWeighted, 10))) rebin = 500 dyHist.Rebin(rebin) dyHistSmear.Rebin(rebin) dyHistPUUp.Rebin(rebin) dyHistPUDown.Rebin(rebin) dyHistScaleDown.Rebin(rebin) dyHistWeighted.Rebin(rebin) hCanvas = TCanvas("hCanvas", "Distribution", 800, 800) plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0.3, 1, 1) ratioPad = ROOT.TPad("ratioPad", "ratioPad", 0, 0., 1, 0.3) setTDRStyle() plotPad.UseCurrentStyle() ratioPad.UseCurrentStyle() plotPad.Draw() ratioPad.Draw() plotPad.DrawFrame(0, 0.0001, 5000, 500000, "; dimuon mass [GeV]; Events / 500 GeV") plotPad.SetLogy() dyHist.Draw("samehist") dyHist.SetFillColor(kWhite) dyHistSmear.SetFillColor(kWhite) dyHistScaleDown.SetFillColor(kWhite) dyHistWeighted.SetFillColor(kWhite) dyHistPUUp.SetFillColor(kWhite) dyHistPUDown.SetFillColor(kWhite) dyHistSmear.SetLineColor(kRed) dyHistScaleDown.SetLineColor(kBlue) dyHistWeighted.SetLineColor(kGreen + 2) dyHistPUUp.SetLineColor(kOrange + 2) dyHistSmear.Draw("samehist") dyHistScaleDown.Draw("samehist") dyHistWeighted.Draw("samehist") dyHistPUUp.Draw("samehist") legend = TLegend(0.375, 0.6, 0.925, 0.925) legend.SetFillStyle(0) legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.SetTextFont(42) legend.AddEntry(dyHist, "Default", "l") legend.AddEntry(dyHistSmear, "Resolution Uncertainty", "l") legend.AddEntry(dyHistScaleDown, "Scale Uncertainty", "l") legend.AddEntry(dyHistWeighted, "ID Uncertainty", "l") legend.AddEntry(dyHistPUUp, "PU Uncertainty", "l") legend.Draw() xMin = 0 xMax = 5000 yMax = 1.1 yMin = 0.9 if "BE" in label: yMax = 1.2 yMin = 0.8 ratioGraphs = ratios.RatioGraph(dyHist, dyHistSmear, xMin=xMin, xMax=xMax, title="Default / Uncert", yMin=yMin, yMax=yMax, ndivisions=10, color=kRed, adaptiveBinning=10000) ratioGraphs.draw(ROOT.gPad, True, False, True, chi2Pos=0.8) ratioGraphs2 = ratios.RatioGraph(dyHist, dyHistScaleDown, xMin=xMin, xMax=xMax, title="Default / Uncert", yMin=0.8, yMax=1.3, ndivisions=10, color=kBlue, adaptiveBinning=10000) ratioGraphs2.draw(ROOT.gPad, False, False, True, chi2Pos=0.8) ratioGraphs3 = ratios.RatioGraph(dyHist, dyHistWeighted, xMin=xMin, xMax=xMax, title="Default / Uncert", yMin=0.8, yMax=1.3, ndivisions=10, color=kGreen + 2, adaptiveBinning=10000) ratioGraphs3.draw(ROOT.gPad, False, False, True, chi2Pos=0.8) ratioGraphs4 = ratios.RatioGraph(dyHist, dyHistPUUp, xMin=xMin, xMax=xMax, title="Default / Uncert", yMin=0.8, yMax=1.3, ndivisions=10, color=kOrange + 2, adaptiveBinning=10000) ratioGraphs4.draw(ROOT.gPad, False, False, True, chi2Pos=0.8) hCanvas.Print("uncertainties_%s.pdf" % label)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='R(out/in) measurements.') parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="Verbose mode.") parser.add_argument("-s", "--selection", dest = "selection" , action="append", default=[], help="selection which to apply.") parser.add_argument("-p", "--plot", dest="plots", action="append", default=[], help="select dependencies to study, default is all.") parser.add_argument("-r", "--runRange", dest="runRange", action="append", default=[], help="name of run range.") parser.add_argument("-b", "--backgrounds", dest="backgrounds", action="append", default=[], help="backgrounds to plot.") parser.add_argument("-x", "--private", action="store_true", dest="private", default=False, help="plot is private work.") args = parser.parse_args() if len(args.backgrounds) == 0: args.backgrounds = ["DrellYan", "RareTTZOnZ","RareZZLowMassOnZ","RareWZOnZ"] args.runRange = [RR["2016"].name, RR["2017"].name ,RR["2018"].name] args.selection = ["DrellYanControl", "SignalHighMT2DeltaPhiJetMetFit"] template = plotTemplate() histos = {} merged = {} runRanges = [getRunRange(runRangeName) for runRangeName in args.runRange] for selectionName in args.selection: histos[selectionName] = {} selection = getRegion(selectionName) for runRangeName in args.runRange: runRange = getRunRange(runRangeName) plot = getPlot("mllPlot") plot.addRegion(selection) plot.cleanCuts() plot.addRunRange(runRange) histo = getHistogram(plot, runRange, args.backgrounds, "Inclusive") histos[selectionName][runRangeName] = histo for i,runRangeName in enumerate(args.runRange): if i == 0: merged[selectionName] = histos[selectionName][runRangeName].Clone() else: merged[selectionName].Add(histos[selectionName][runRangeName], 1) merged[selectionName].Scale(1.0/merged[selectionName].Integral()) #["DrellYanControl", "SignalInclusiveHighMT2"] merged["DrellYanControl"].SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) merged["DrellYanControl"].SetLineWidth(2) merged["DrellYanControl"].SetLineStyle(2) merged["DrellYanControl"].SetMarkerSize(0) merged["SignalHighMT2DeltaPhiJetMetFit"].SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) merged["SignalHighMT2DeltaPhiJetMetFit"].SetLineWidth(2) merged["SignalHighMT2DeltaPhiJetMetFit"].SetMarkerSize(0) template.setPrimaryPlot(merged["DrellYanControl"], "histE", label="Z backgrounds in CR") template.addSecondaryPlot(merged["SignalHighMT2DeltaPhiJetMetFit"], "histE", label="Z backgrounds in fit SR") template.labelX = "mll [GeV]" template.labelY = "a.u." template.hasLegend = True template.logY = True template.maximumY = 3 template.minimumY = 1e-5 template.setFolderName("onZMllShapes") template.draw() template.saveAs("cr_fitsr")
def plotIsolation(selection): from centralConfig import runRanges first = False histEEPromptAll = None histMMPromptAll = None histEEHeavyFlavourAll = None histMMHeavyFlavourAll = None histEEFakeAll = None histMMFakeAll = None fake = "!((pt1 < pt 2)*(abs(pdgId1)==11 || abs(pdgId1)==13 || (abs(pdgId1) == 22 && (abs(motherPdgId1) == 11 || abs(motherPdgId1) == 13 ))) || (pt1 > pt 2)*(abs(pdgId2)==11 || abs(pdgId2)==13) || (abs(pdgId2) == 22 && (abs(motherPdgId2) == 11 || abs(motherPdgId2) == 13 )))" dilep = "((pt1 < pt 2)*(abs(motherPdgId1)== 24 || abs(motherPdgId1)== 23 || abs(grandMotherPdgId1)== 24 || abs(grandMotherPdgId1)== 23) || (pt1 > pt 2)*(abs(motherPdgId2)== 24 || abs(motherPdgId2)== 23 || abs(grandMotherPdgId2)== 24 || abs(grandMotherPdgId2)== 23))" backgrounds = ["TT_Powheg"] first = True for runRangeName in runRanges.allNames: runRange = getRunRange(runRangeName) path = locations[runRange.era].dataSetPathNonIso plot = getPlot("trailingIsoPlot") plot.addRegion(selection) plot.addRunRange(runRange) tmpCuts = plot.cuts plot.cuts = plot.cuts + "*(%s && !%s && !(pdgId1 == -9999 || pdgId2 == -9999))" % ( dilep, fake) histEEPrompt, histMMPrompt = getHistograms(path, plot, runRange, backgrounds) if first: histEEPromptAll = histEEPrompt.Clone() histMMPromptAll = histMMPrompt.Clone() else: histEEPromptAll.Add(histEEPrompt, 1.0) histMMPromptAll.Add(histMMPrompt, 1.0) plot.cuts = tmpCuts + "*(!%s && !%s && !(pdgId1 == -9999 || pdgId2 == -9999))" % ( dilep, fake) histEEHeavyFlavour, histMMHeavyFlavour = getHistograms( path, plot, runRange, backgrounds) if first: histEEHeavyFlavourAll = histEEHeavyFlavour.Clone() histMMHeavyFlavourAll = histMMHeavyFlavour.Clone() else: histEEHeavyFlavourAll.Add(histEEHeavyFlavour, 1.0) histMMHeavyFlavourAll.Add(histMMHeavyFlavour, 1.0) plot.cuts = tmpCuts + "*(%s && !(pdgId1 == -9999 || pdgId2 == -9999))" % ( fake) histEEFake, histMMFake = getHistograms(path, plot, runRange, backgrounds) #~ if first: histEEFakeAll = histEEFake.Clone() histMMFakeAll = histMMFake.Clone() else: histEEFakeAll.Add(histEEFake, 1.0) histMMFakeAll.Add(histMMFake, 1.0) if first: first = False plotDistribution(histEEPromptAll, histEEHeavyFlavourAll, histEEFakeAll, "electrons") plotDistribution(histMMPromptAll, histMMHeavyFlavourAll, histMMFakeAll, "muons")
def main(): ### for data histos = ["BB", "BE"] labels = ["dimuon_Moriond2017_BB", "dimuon_Moriond2017_BE"] lambdas = [10, 16, 22, 28, 34] models = ["ConLL", "ConLR", "ConRR", "DesLL", "DesLR", "DesRR"] bins = [4, 7] massPlot = getPlot("massPlotForLimit") massPlotSmeared = getPlot("massPlotSmeared") massPlotUp = getPlot("massPlotUp") massPlotDown = getPlot("massPlotDown") massPlotWeighted = getPlot("massPlotWeighted") binning = [400, 500, 700, 1100, 1900, 3500] name = "CITo2Mu_Lam10TeVConLL" signal = Process(getattr(Signals, name)) sigHistRaw = deepcopy(signal.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, 1)) sigHistWeightedRaw = deepcopy( signal.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotWeighted, 1)) sigHist = ROOT.TH1F("sigHist", "sigHist", len(binning) - 1, array('f', binning)) sigHistWeighted = ROOT.TH1F("sigHistWeighted", "sigHistWeighted", len(binning) - 1, array('f', binning)) sigHist.Sumw2() sigHistWeighted.Sumw2() for index, lower in enumerate(binning): if index < len(binning) - 1: sigHist.SetBinContent( index + 1, max( 0, sigHistRaw.Integral( sigHistRaw.FindBin(lower), sigHistRaw.FindBin(binning[index + 1] - 0.001)))) sigHistWeighted.SetBinContent( index + 1, max( 0, sigHistWeightedRaw.Integral( sigHistWeightedRaw.FindBin(lower), sigHistWeightedRaw.FindBin(binning[index + 1] - 0.001)))) hCanvas = TCanvas("hCanvas", "Distribution", 800, 800) plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0, 1, 1) plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0.3, 1, 1) ratioPad = ROOT.TPad("ratioPad", "ratioPad", 0, 0., 1, 0.3) setTDRStyle() plotPad.UseCurrentStyle() ratioPad.UseCurrentStyle() plotPad.Draw() ratioPad.Draw() plotPad.DrawFrame(400, 0, 3500, 3500, "; m [GeV]; Events") sigHist.Draw("samehist") sigHistWeighted.Draw("samehist") sigHistWeighted.SetLineColor(kRed) ratioGraphs = ratios.RatioGraph(sigHist, sigHistWeighted, xMin=400, xMax=3500, title="Default/Weighted", yMin=0.8, yMax=1.2, ndivisions=10, color=ROOT.kBlack, adaptiveBinning=10000) ratioGraphs.draw(ROOT.gPad, True, False, True, chi2Pos=0.8) ROOT.gPad.RedrawAxis() plotPad.RedrawAxis() ratioPad.RedrawAxis() hCanvas.Print("weighting.pdf") name = "CITo2Mu_Lam10TeVConLL" signal = Process(getattr(Signals, name)) sigHistRaw = deepcopy(signal.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, 4)) sigHistWeightedRaw = deepcopy( signal.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotWeighted, 4)) sigHist = ROOT.TH1F("sigHist", "sigHist", len(binning) - 1, array('f', binning)) sigHistWeighted = ROOT.TH1F("sigHistWeighted", "sigHistWeighted", len(binning) - 1, array('f', binning)) sigHist.Sumw2() sigHistWeighted.Sumw2() for index, lower in enumerate(binning): if index < len(binning) - 1: sigHist.SetBinContent( index + 1, max( 0, sigHistRaw.Integral( sigHistRaw.FindBin(lower), sigHistRaw.FindBin(binning[index + 1] - 0.001)))) sigHistWeighted.SetBinContent( index + 1, max( 0, sigHistWeightedRaw.Integral( sigHistWeightedRaw.FindBin(lower), sigHistWeightedRaw.FindBin(binning[index + 1] - 0.001)))) hCanvas = TCanvas("hCanvas", "Distribution", 800, 800) plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0, 1, 1) plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0.3, 1, 1) ratioPad = ROOT.TPad("ratioPad", "ratioPad", 0, 0., 1, 0.3) setTDRStyle() plotPad.UseCurrentStyle() ratioPad.UseCurrentStyle() plotPad.Draw() ratioPad.Draw() plotPad.DrawFrame(400, 0, 3500, 3500, "; m [GeV]; Events") sigHist.Draw("samehist") sigHistWeighted.Draw("samehist") sigHistWeighted.SetLineColor(kRed) ratioGraphs = ratios.RatioGraph(sigHist, sigHistWeighted, xMin=400, xMax=3500, title="Default/Weighted", yMin=0.8, yMax=1.2, ndivisions=10, color=ROOT.kBlack, adaptiveBinning=10000) ratioGraphs.draw(ROOT.gPad, True, False, True, chi2Pos=0.8) ROOT.gPad.RedrawAxis() plotPad.RedrawAxis() ratioPad.RedrawAxis() hCanvas.Print("weightingBB.pdf") name = "CITo2Mu_Lam10TeVConLL" signal = Process(getattr(Signals, name)) sigHistRaw = deepcopy(signal.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, 7)) sigHistWeightedRaw = deepcopy( signal.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotWeighted, 7)) sigHist = ROOT.TH1F("sigHist", "sigHist", len(binning) - 1, array('f', binning)) sigHistWeighted = ROOT.TH1F("sigHistWeighted", "sigHistWeighted", len(binning) - 1, array('f', binning)) sigHist.Sumw2() sigHistWeighted.Sumw2() for index, lower in enumerate(binning): if index < len(binning) - 1: sigHist.SetBinContent( index + 1, max( 0, sigHistRaw.Integral( sigHistRaw.FindBin(lower), sigHistRaw.FindBin(binning[index + 1] - 0.001)))) sigHistWeighted.SetBinContent( index + 1, max( 0, sigHistWeightedRaw.Integral( sigHistWeightedRaw.FindBin(lower), sigHistWeightedRaw.FindBin(binning[index + 1] - 0.001)))) hCanvas = TCanvas("hCanvas", "Distribution", 800, 800) plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0, 1, 1) plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0.3, 1, 1) ratioPad = ROOT.TPad("ratioPad", "ratioPad", 0, 0., 1, 0.3) setTDRStyle() plotPad.UseCurrentStyle() ratioPad.UseCurrentStyle() plotPad.Draw() ratioPad.Draw() plotPad.DrawFrame(400, 0, 3500, 3500, "; m [GeV]; Events") sigHist.Draw("samehist") sigHistWeighted.Draw("samehist") sigHistWeighted.SetLineColor(kRed) ratioGraphs = ratios.RatioGraph(sigHist, sigHistWeighted, xMin=400, xMax=3500, title="Default/Weighted", yMin=0.8, yMax=1.2, ndivisions=10, color=ROOT.kBlack, adaptiveBinning=10000) ratioGraphs.draw(ROOT.gPad, True, False, True, chi2Pos=0.8) ROOT.gPad.RedrawAxis() plotPad.RedrawAxis() ratioPad.RedrawAxis() hCanvas.Print("weightingBE.pdf") name = "CITo2Mu_Lam10TeVConLL" signal = Process(getattr(Signals, name)) sigHistRaw = deepcopy(signal.loadHistogramProjected(massPlot, 10)) sigHistWeightedRaw = deepcopy( signal.loadHistogramProjected(massPlotWeighted, 10)) sigHist = ROOT.TH1F("sigHist", "sigHist", len(binning) - 1, array('f', binning)) sigHistWeighted = ROOT.TH1F("sigHistWeighted", "sigHistWeighted", len(binning) - 1, array('f', binning)) sigHist.Sumw2() sigHistWeighted.Sumw2() for index, lower in enumerate(binning): if index < len(binning) - 1: sigHist.SetBinContent( index + 1, max( 0, sigHistRaw.Integral( sigHistRaw.FindBin(lower), sigHistRaw.FindBin(binning[index + 1] - 0.001)))) sigHistWeighted.SetBinContent( index + 1, max( 0, sigHistWeightedRaw.Integral( sigHistWeightedRaw.FindBin(lower), sigHistWeightedRaw.FindBin(binning[index + 1] - 0.001)))) hCanvas = TCanvas("hCanvas", "Distribution", 800, 800) plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0, 1, 1) plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0.3, 1, 1) ratioPad = ROOT.TPad("ratioPad", "ratioPad", 0, 0., 1, 0.3) setTDRStyle() plotPad.UseCurrentStyle() ratioPad.UseCurrentStyle() plotPad.Draw() ratioPad.Draw() plotPad.DrawFrame(400, 0, 3500, 3500, "; m [GeV]; Events") sigHist.Draw("samehist") sigHistWeighted.Draw("samehist") sigHistWeighted.SetLineColor(kRed) ratioGraphs = ratios.RatioGraph(sigHist, sigHistWeighted, xMin=400, xMax=3500, title="Default/Weighted", yMin=0.8, yMax=1.2, ndivisions=10, color=ROOT.kBlack, adaptiveBinning=10000) ratioGraphs.draw(ROOT.gPad, True, False, True, chi2Pos=0.8) ROOT.gPad.RedrawAxis() plotPad.RedrawAxis() ratioPad.RedrawAxis() hCanvas.Print("weightingEE.pdf")
return tempHist def Addstack(Stacklist): tempStack=Stacklist[0] for i in range(1,3): tempStack.Add(Stacklist[i]) return tempStack def Stacks(processes,lumi,plot,zScale): stacks=[] for i in range(3): stacks.append(TheStack(processes[i],lumi[i],plot,zScale[i])) return stacks datamubb=[] datamube=[] data_mu=[Process(Data2016, normalized=True),Process(Data, normalized=True),Process(Data2018, normalized=True)] plot_mu_bb = getPlot("massPlotBB") plot_mu_be = getPlot("massPlotBE") lumi_mu = [36.3*1000,42.135*1000,61.608*1000] zScaleFac_mu = [zScale2016["muons"],zScale["muons"],zScale2018["muons"]] for i in range(3): datamubb.append(data_mu[i].loadHistogram(plot_mu_bb,lumi_mu[i],zScaleFac_mu[i])) datamube.append(data_mu[i].loadHistogram(plot_mu_be,lumi_mu[i],zScaleFac_mu[i])) bng=[50, 120,150,200,300,400,500,690,900,1250,1610, 2000, 4000, 6070] #bng=[60,120,400,600,900,1300,1800,6000] bng=numpy.asarray(bng,dtype=numpy.float64) datamubb2016=ROOT.TH1D("datamubb2016","datamubb2016",len(bng)-1,bng) datamubb2017=ROOT.TH1D("datamubb2017","datamubb2017",len(bng)-1,bng) datamubb2018=ROOT.TH1D("datamubb2018","datamubb2018",len(bng)-1,bng) datamube2016=ROOT.TH1D("datamube2016","datamube2016",len(bng)-1,bng) datamube2017=ROOT.TH1D("datamube2017","datamube2017",len(bng)-1,bng)
def plot(path, selection, plots, runRange, isMC, backgrounds, cmsExtra): for name in plots: plot = getPlot(name) plot.addRegion(selection) plot.cleanCuts() plot.cuts = plot.cuts % runRange.runCut if isMC: histEE, histMM = getHistograms(path, plot, runRange, True, backgrounds) else: histEE, histMM = getHistograms(path, plot, runRange, False, backgrounds) hCanvas = TCanvas("hCanvas", "Distribution", 800, 800) plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0, 1, 1) setTDRStyle() plotPad.UseCurrentStyle() plotPad.Draw() latex = ROOT.TLatex() latex.SetTextFont(42) latex.SetTextAlign(31) latex.SetTextSize(0.04) latex.SetNDC(True) latexCMS = ROOT.TLatex() latexCMS.SetTextFont(61) latexCMS.SetTextSize(0.06) latexCMS.SetNDC(True) latexCMSExtra = ROOT.TLatex() latexCMSExtra.SetTextFont(52) latexCMSExtra.SetTextSize(0.045) latexCMSExtra.SetNDC(True) intlumi = ROOT.TLatex() intlumi.SetTextAlign(12) intlumi.SetTextSize(0.03) intlumi.SetNDC(True) logScale = plot.log if logScale == True: plotPad.SetLogy() yMax = histMM.GetBinContent(histMM.GetMaximumBin()) if plot.yMax == 0: if logScale: yMax = yMax * 1000 else: yMax = yMax * 1.5 else: yMax = plot.yMax plotPad.DrawFrame(plot.firstBin, plot.yMin, plot.lastBin, yMax, "; %s ; %s" % (plot.xaxis, plot.yaxis)) legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.65, 0.7, 0.9, 0.9) legend.SetFillStyle(0) legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.AddEntry(histMM, "#mu#mu events", "p") legend.AddEntry(histEE, "ee events", "p") histMM.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kRed) histMM.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) histMM.SetMarkerStyle(20) histEE.SetMarkerStyle(21) histMM.Draw("samepe") histEE.Draw("samepe") legend.Draw("same") ROOT.gPad.SetLogy(1) latex.DrawLatex(0.95, 0.96, "%s fb^{-1} (13 TeV)" % runRange.printval) latexCMS.DrawLatex(0.19, 0.88, "CMS") if "Simulation" in cmsExtra: yLabelPos = 0.81 else: yLabelPos = 0.84 latexCMSExtra.DrawLatex(0.19, yLabelPos, "%s" % (cmsExtra)) hCanvas.Print("fig/testPlots_%s_%s_%s_%s.pdf" % (, runRange.label, plot.variablePlotName, plot.additionalName))