def optim_dehb(args): if args.runcount_limit == 0: args.runcount_limit = None f = snake_from_config_wrapper("DEHB", args.num_opponents, args.num_games_per_eval, args.timeout) dehb = DEHB(f=f, cs=cs, dimensions=len(cs.get_hyperparameters()), min_budget=1, max_budget=2, n_workers=args.n_jobs, output_path=args.output_dir, save_smac=True) def_value = f(cs.get_default_configuration()) print( f"Default Configuration evaluates to a win percentage of {(1 - def_value['fitness']) * 100:.2f}%" ) print(f"Starting Opimization of {args.runcount_limit} configurations...") trajectory, runtime, history = fevals=args.runcount_limit, total_cost=args.walltime, verbose=True, # parameters expected as **kwargs in target_function is passed here (surpassed by wrapper) ) best_config = dehb.vector_to_configspace(dehb.inc_config) inc_value = f(best_config) print( f"Optimized Configuration {best_config} evaluates to a win percentage of {(1 - inc_value['fitness']) * 100:.2f}%" )
config, budget=int(budget)) else: fitness, cost = search_space.objective_function(nasbench, config) fitness = 1 - fitness return fitness, cost dehbs = {None: DEHB, "0": DEHB_0, "1": DEHB_1, "2": DEHB_2, "3": DEHB_3} DEHB = dehbs[args.version] # Initializing DEHB object dehb = DEHB(cs=cs, dimensions=dimensions, f=f, strategy=args.strategy, mutation_factor=args.mutation_factor, crossover_prob=args.crossover_prob, eta=args.eta, min_budget=min_budget, max_budget=max_budget, generations=args.gens) if args.runs is None: # for a single run if not args.fix_seed: np.random.seed(0) # Running DEHB iterations traj, runtime, history =, verbose=args.verbose) fh = open( os.path.join( output_path, 'DEHB_{}_ssp_{}_seed_0.obj'.format(args.run_id, space)), 'wb')
def main(): args = input_arguments() use_cuda = not args.no_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available() device = torch.device("cuda" if use_cuda else "cpu") torch.manual_seed(args.seed) # Data Preparation transform = transforms.Compose( [transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.1307, ), (0.3081, ))]) train_set = torchvision.datasets.MNIST(root='./data', train=True, download=True, transform=transform) train_set, valid_set = train_set, [50000, 10000]) test_set = torchvision.datasets.MNIST(root='./data', train=False, download=True, transform=transform) # Get configuration space cs = get_configspace(args.seed) dimensions = len(cs.get_hyperparameters()) # Some insights into Dask interfaces to DEHB and handling GPU devices for parallelism: # * if args.scheduler_file is specified, args.n_workers need not be specifed --- since # args.scheduler_file indicates a Dask client/server is active # * if args.scheduler_file is not specified and args.n_workers > 1 --- the DEHB object # creates a Dask client as at instantiation and dies with the associated DEHB object # * if args.single_node_with_gpus is True --- assumes that all GPU devices indicated # through the environment variable "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES" resides on the same machine # Dask checks and setups single_node_with_gpus = args.single_node_with_gpus if args.scheduler_file is not None and os.path.isfile(args.scheduler_file): client = Client(scheduler_file=args.scheduler_file) # explicitly delegating GPU handling to Dask workers defined single_node_with_gpus = False else: client = None ########################### # DEHB optimisation block # ########################### np.random.seed(args.seed) dehb = DEHB( f=objective_function, cs=cs, dimensions=dimensions, min_budget=args.min_budget, max_budget=args.max_budget, eta=args.eta, output_path=args.output_path, # if client is not None and of type Client, n_workers is ignored # if client is None, a Dask client with n_workers is set up client=client, n_workers=args.n_workers) traj, runtime, history = total_cost=args.runtime, verbose=args.verbose, # arguments below are part of **kwargs shared across workers train_set=train_set, valid_set=valid_set, test_set=test_set, single_node_with_gpus=single_node_with_gpus, device=device) # end of DEHB optimisation # Saving optimisation trace history name = time.strftime("%x %X %Z", time.localtime(dehb.start)) name = name.replace("/", '-').replace(":", '-').replace(" ", '_')"Saving optimisation trace history...") with open(os.path.join(args.output_path, "history_{}.pkl".format(name)), "wb") as f: pickle.dump(history, f) # Retrain and evaluate best found configuration if args.refit_training: "Retraining on complete training data to compute test metrics...") train_set = torchvision.datasets.MNIST(root='./data', train=True, download=True, transform=transform) incumbent = dehb.vector_to_configspace(dehb.inc_config) acc = train_and_evaluate(incumbent, args.max_budget, verbose=True, train_set=train_set, test_set=test_set, device=device) "Test accuracy of {:.3f} for the best found configuration: ". format(acc))
os.makedirs(str(output_path), exist_ok=True) benchmark = TabularBenchmark(data_dir=args.data_dir, model=args.model, task_id=args.task_id) loss_df, cost_df = create_datasets_from_benchmark(benchmark) benchmark = TabularBenchmark(data_dir=args.data_dir, model="rf", task_id=args.task_id) fidelity = benchmark.original_fs.get_hyperparameter("n_estimators") min_budget, max_budget = fidelity.lower, fidelity.upper dehb = DEHB(cs=benchmark.original_cs, f=target_function, min_budget=min_budget, max_budget=max_budget, n_workers=1, output_path="./dehb_output/") fevals = args.fevals # Loss fitting train_X, train_y, valid_X, valid_y = create_splits(loss_df, val_size=0.1, seed=1) _ = fevals=fevals, save_history=False, save_intermediate=False, verbose=True, # kwargs train_X=train_X,
) task_id = benchmark.exp_args['task_id'] space = benchmark.exp_args['space'] max_fidelity = benchmark.get_max_fidelity() fidelity_info = benchmark.get_fidelity_range() if len(fidelity_info) > 1: assert "Supports only multi-fidelity (1-d) and not multi-multi-fidelity (>1-d)!" fidelity_name, min_budget, max_budget = fidelity_info[0] global_best = benchmark.get_global_min("val")["acc"] eval_type = "test" if args.test else "val" output_path = os.path.join(args.output_path, space, str(task_id)) os.makedirs(output_path, exist_ok=True) dehb = DEHB( f=target_function, cs=benchmark.configuration_space, min_budget=min_budget, max_budget=max_budget, eta=3, n_workers=1, output_path="./dehb_dump" ) trace, costs, full_trace = fevals=args.fevals, verbose=args.verbose, save_history=False, save_intermediate=False, # **kwargs list benchmark=benchmark, metric=args.metric, test=args.test, fidelity_name=fidelity_name ) plt.tight_layout() plt.plot(np.cumsum(costs), np.array(trace) - global_best, label="DEHB") plt.xscale("log") plt.yscale("log") plt.title("Task ID {} for {}".format(task_id, space)) plt.xlabel("Wallclock time in seconds") plt.ylabel("Loss regret")