Beispiel #1
from delorean import Delorean  #importing the  library  we installed previously

dt_tm = Delorean()  #Function that carries all the date and time properties

print("date = ", dt_tm)

tm = Delorean().datetime.time()  #new
print("time = ", tm)  #new

#display naive datetime
naive_dt_tm = dt_tm.naive  #new
print("Naive datetime is", naive_dt_tm)  #new

change_tz = dt_tm.shift('Africa/Lagos')
print("date and time after changing timezone = ", change_tz)

nxt_fri = dt_tm.next_friday()
print("date for next week friday is = ", nxt_fri)

# Date for Two Fridays ago
last_2_tues = dt_tm.last_fiday(2)
print("date for 2 Fridays ago", last_2_tues)

# Get Two Fridays from now at midnight
next_2_fris_midnight = dt_tm.next_friday(2).midnight
print("Two Fridays from now at midnight is ", next_2_fris_midnight)