Beispiel #1
def diff(Neff_pos, Neff_neg, Nwindow):
    "a delta differencer with two arms - called Macd M1 in homework"

    h_pos = delta(Neff_pos, Nwindow)
    h_neg = delta(Neff_neg, Nwindow)
    h = h_pos - h_neg

    return h
Beispiel #2
def diff(Neff_pos, Neff_neg, Nwindow):
    "a delta differencer with two arms - called Macd M1 in homework"

    h_pos = delta(Neff_pos, Nwindow)
    h_neg = delta(Neff_neg, Nwindow)
    h = h_pos - h_neg

    return h
def loss(beta, sigma, X, y, distribution='norm', loc=0, scale=1, 
        a=None, c=None, s=None):
    Input: beta --pd.Series. with length p + 1, including the intercept beta_0;
        sigma --scaler. > 0;
        X --pd.DataFrame. with shape n times p + 1, the elements of its first
            column are all 1;
        y --pd.Series. with length n
    Output: loss --scaler. the negative log likelihood.
    n = X.shape[0]
    gammas = threshold(y, distribution, a=a, c=c, s=s)
    K = len(gammas)
    fitvalues =, beta) #return an array with shape (n, )
    tmp = np.tile(gammas, n) #repeat gammas n times
    tmp = tmp.reshape(n, K) #transform tmp1 to a matrix with shape (n, K)
    #subtract each column of tmp by fitvalues. 
    #Remark: in numpy, substract each column of a matrix by a vector only works if
    #the trailing axes have the same dimension. The shape of tmp is (n, K), and
    #the shape of fitvalues is (n, ). So we need transport tmp. You can also think
    #numpy can do "matrix - vector' by row
    #the sahpe of upper is (n, K), which is the elment in the parentheses of F_0
    upper = ((tmp.T - fitvalues).T) / sigma
    x=np.array([-1.0 * np.inf])
    x2 = gammas[:-1]
    lower_gammas = np.concatenate([x, x2])
    tmp = np.tile(lower_gammas, n)
    tmp = tmp.reshape(n, K)
    lower = ((tmp.T - fitvalues).T) / sigma

    if distribution == 'norm':
        upper = st.norm.cdf(upper)
        lower = st.norm.cdf(lower)
    elif distribution == 'weibull':
        upper = st.exponweib.cdf(upper, a=a, c=c, loc=loc, scale=scale)
        lower = st.exponweib.cdf(lower, a=a, c=c, loc=loc, scale=scale)
    elif distribution == 'log':
        upper = st.lognorm.cdf(upper, s=s, loc=loc, scale=scale)
        lower = st.lognorm.cdf(lower, s=s, loc=loc, scale=scale)
        raise Exception('unvalid input for parameter distribution.')
    prob_y = upper - lower #probability of y equals to k
    log_prob_y = np.log(prob_y) #matrix with shape (n, K)
    deltah = np.array(delta(y))
    loss = deltah * log_prob_y
    loss = loss.sum()
    loss = -1.0 * loss
    return loss
Beispiel #4
def circular_convolve(series, impulse):
    "circular convolution"
    return np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fft(impulse) * np.fft.fft(series)).real

f, axarr = plt.subplots(3, 1)

Nwindow = 256
Neff = 32
Ndelta = 192

print("Problem 11 (a): Ema and delta impulse responses")

h_ema = ema(Neff, Nwindow)
h_delta = delta(Ndelta, Nwindow)

axarr[0].set_title('ema with Neff = 32')
axarr[1].set_title('delta at k = 192')

print("Problem 11 (b): Causal convolution")
candidate1 = np.convolve(h_delta, h_ema)
truncated1 = candidate1[:Nwindow]

candidate2 = circular_convolve(h_delta, h_ema)

axarr[2].set_title('Causal(blue) and Non-causal(red) convolution')
import delta
import json

person = {
    'name': 'Andreas',
    'skills': {
        'matlab': 3,
        'swift': 2
    'age': 25

personLater = {
    'name': 'Andreas',
    'skills': {
        'python': 3,
        'swift': 3
    'age': 26

print("Delta format:")
print(json.dumps(, personLater), indent = 4))
print("result of delta plus merge:")
print(json.dumps(delta.merge(person,, personLater)), indent = 4))
f, axarr = plt.subplots(3, 2)

with open('jpm_trades.csv', 'r') as trades_csv:
    trades = np.array(list(csv.reader(trades_csv))[1:]).astype('double')
    prices = trades[:, 1]

    Nwindow = len(prices)

    # a) Delayed impulse

    Ndelay = 32
    lag = 0

    y_fde = apply_delayed_impulse_filter(prices, Ndelay)
    h_delta = delta(Ndelay, Nwindow)
    candidate = np.convolve(prices, h_delta)
    y_convolution = candidate[:len(prices)]

    x_axis = np.arange(Ndelay, len(prices))

    axarr[0, 0].set_title("Ideal delay")
    axarr[0, 0].plot(x_axis, y_fde[Ndelay:])
    axarr[0, 0].plot(x_axis,

    # b) Box

    Nbox = 32
f, axarr = plt.subplots(3, 2)

Nwindow = 256

# a) Delayed impulse

Ndelay = 32
lag = 0

impulse = np.zeros(Nwindow)
impulse[lag] = 1

candidate = apply_delayed_impulse_filter(impulse, Ndelay)
impulse_response_fde = candidate[lag:]
impulse_response_direct = delta(Ndelay, Nwindow)

axarr[0, 0].set_ylim(0, 1.1)
axarr[0, 0].set_title("Ideal delay")
axarr[0, 0].plot(impulse_response_fde)
axarr[0, 0].plot(impulse_response_direct, 'o', markerfacecolor='none')

# b) Box

Nbox = 32
lag = 1

impulse = np.zeros(Nwindow)
impulse[lag] = 1

candidate = apply_box_filter(impulse, Nbox)
def login(argv):
    cmds = ''
    hostname = ''
    interval = 1
    out1 = []
    out2 = []
    res_1 = []
    res_2 = []
    prompt = ''
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hc:i:n:",
                                   ["command=", "interval=", "node="])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        print(' -n <node> -i <interval in secs> -c <command>')
    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt == '-h':
                ' -n <node> -i <interval in secs> -c <command>')
        elif opt in ("-i", "--interval"):
            interval = int(arg)
        elif opt in ("-c", "--command"):
            cmds = arg
        elif opt in ("-n", "--node"):
            hostname = arg
    #s = pxssh.pxssh()
    # hostname = raw_input('hostname: ')
    username = input('username: '******'password: '******'\n')
        interact.send('environment time-stamp')
        interact.send('environment no more')
        cmd_output = interact.current_output_clean
        #s.sendline('environment time-stamp')
        #s.sendline('environment no more')
        for cmd in cmds.split(";"):
            #s.prompt()  # match the prompt
        # print(s.before)    # print everything before the prompt.
        # s.prompt ()
        # s.sendline ('sleep ' + str(interval))
        # s.prompt ()         # match the prompt
        for cmd in cmds.split(";"):
            #s.prompt()  # match the prompt
            # print len(out2)
        # print(s.before)    # print everything before the prompt.
        print("The prompt is " + prompt)
        #print (out1)
        #print (out2)
        for (aOut1, aOut2) in zip(out1, out2):
        # print (res_1)
        # print (res_2)
        for (aRes_1, aRes_2) in zip(res_1, res_2):
            delta(aRes_1, aRes_2, interval)
f, axarr = plt.subplots(3, 2)

Nwindow = 256

# a) Delayed impulse

Ndelay = 32
lag = 0

impulse = np.zeros(Nwindow)
impulse[lag] = 1

candidate = apply_delayed_impulse_filter(impulse, Ndelay)
impulse_response_fde = candidate[lag:]
impulse_response_direct = delta(Ndelay, Nwindow)

axarr[0, 0].set_ylim(0, 1.1)
axarr[0, 0].set_title("Ideal delay")
axarr[0, 0].plot(impulse_response_fde)
axarr[0, 0].plot(impulse_response_direct, 'o', markerfacecolor='none')

# b) Box

Nbox = 32
lag = 1

impulse = np.zeros(Nwindow)
impulse[lag] = 1

candidate = apply_box_filter(impulse, Nbox)
import delta


delta.initMatrix([[1,2,4],[3,4,7],[8,9,10]], [[5,6,1],[7,8,0]])
s =,5,[8,9,10])
from step import step
from box import box
from delta import delta
from ema import ema
from macd import macd
from diff import diff

Nwindow = 400
Neff_pos = 20
Neff_neg = 40
Neff = 20
Nbox = 20

h_step = step(Nwindow)
h_box = box(Nbox, Nwindow)
h_delta = delta(Neff_pos, Nwindow)
h_ema = ema(Neff_pos, Nwindow)
h_macd = macd(Neff_pos, Neff_neg, Nwindow)
h_diff = diff(Neff_pos, Neff_neg, Nwindow)

f, axarr = plt.subplots(3, 2)

axarr[0, 0].plot(h_step)
axarr[0, 0].set_title("step")

axarr[0, 1].plot(h_box)
axarr[0, 1].set_title("box")

axarr[1, 0].plot(h_delta)
axarr[1, 0].set_title("delta")
import delta
a = 3
b = 4

c =,b)
Beispiel #13
def login(argv):
    cmds = ''
    hostname = ''
    interval = 1
    out1 = []
    out2 = []
    res_1 = []
    res_2 = []
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hc:i:n:",
                                   ["command=", "interval=", "node="])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        print ' -n <node> -i <interval in secs> -c <command>'
    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt == '-h':
            print ' -n <node> -i <interval in secs> -c <command>'
        elif opt in ("-i", "--interval"):
            interval = int(arg)
        elif opt in ("-c", "--command"):
            cmds = arg
        elif opt in ("-n", "--node"):
            hostname = arg
    s = pxssh.pxssh()
    # hostname = raw_input('hostname: ')
    username = raw_input('username: '******'password: '******'environment time-stamp')
        s.sendline('environment no more')
        for cmd in cmds.split(";"):
            s.prompt()  # match the prompt
            # print out1[-1]
        # print(s.before)    # print everything before the prompt.
        # s.prompt ()
        # s.sendline ('sleep ' + str(interval))
        # s.prompt ()         # match the prompt
        for cmd in cmds.split(";"):
            s.prompt()  # match the prompt
            # print len(out2)
        # print(s.before)    # print everything before the prompt.
        print("The prompt is " + s.PROMPT)
        # print (out1)
        # print (out2)
        for (aOut1, aOut2) in zip(out1, out2):
            print aOut1.decode('utf-8').split("\r")[-2]
            print aOut2.decode('utf-8').split("\r")[-2]
        # print (res_1)
        # print (res_2)
        for (aRes_1, aRes_2) in zip(res_1, res_2):
            delta(aRes_1, aRes_2, interval)
f, axarr = plt.subplots(3, 2)

with open('jpm_trades.csv', 'r') as trades_csv:
    trades = np.array(list(csv.reader(trades_csv))[1:]).astype('double')
    prices = trades[:,1]

    Nwindow = len(prices)
    # a) Delayed impulse

    Ndelay = 32
    lag = 0

    y_fde = apply_delayed_impulse_filter(prices, Ndelay)
    h_delta = delta(Ndelay, Nwindow)
    candidate = np.convolve(prices, h_delta)
    y_convolution = candidate[:len(prices)]

    x_axis = np.arange(Ndelay, len(prices))

    axarr[0, 0].set_title("Ideal delay")
    axarr[0, 0].plot(x_axis, y_fde[Ndelay:])
    axarr[0, 0].plot(x_axis, y_convolution[Ndelay:], 'o', markerfacecolor='none')
    # b) Box

    Nbox = 32
    lag = 1

    y_fde = apply_box_filter(prices, Nbox)
from delta import delta

def circular_convolve(series, impulse):
    "circular convolution"
    return np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fft(impulse)*np.fft.fft(series)).real

f, axarr = plt.subplots(3, 1)

Nwindow = 256
Neff = 32
Ndelta = 192

print("Problem 11 (a): Ema and delta impulse responses")

h_ema = ema(Neff, Nwindow)
h_delta = delta(Ndelta, Nwindow)

axarr[0].set_title('ema with Neff = 32')
axarr[1].set_title('delta at k = 192')

print("Problem 11 (b): Causal convolution")
candidate1 = np.convolve(h_delta, h_ema)
truncated1 = candidate1[:Nwindow]

candidate2 = circular_convolve(h_delta, h_ema)

axarr[2].set_title('Causal(blue) and Non-causal(red) convolution')
Beispiel #16
    def __mapping_callback(self, regmap, varmap):
        self.__varmap = varmap  # save current variable mapping
        self.__regmap = regmap
        self.__ctr += 1  # increment counter

        # varmap = [('argv', '*<BV64 mem_7fffffffffef148_4056_64 + 0x68>'),
        #          ('prog', '*<BV64 mem_7fffffffffef148_4056_64 + 0x30>')]
        # self.__varmap = varmap
        # for a, b in SYM2ADDR.iteritems():
        #     print 'XXXX', a, hex(b)
        # exit()
        # regmap = [('__r0', 'r13'), ('__r1', 'rax')]
        # varmap = [('array', '*<BV64 0x621bf0>')]
        # self.__varmap = varmap
        # regmap = [('__r0', 'rdi'), ('__r1', 'rsi')]
        # varmap = [('array', 6851008L)]
        # self.__varmap = varmap

        # if case that you want to apply a specific mapping, discard all others
        # TODO: Replace < with != (?)
        if self.__options['mapping-id'] != -1 and self.__ctr < self.__options[
            # dbg_prnt(DBG_LVL_1, "Discard current mapping.")
            return 0

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Pretty-print the register/variable mappings
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        emph('Trying mapping #%s:' % bold(self.__ctr), DBG_LVL_1)

        s = ['%s <-> %s' % (bolds(virt), bolds(real)) for virt, real in regmap]
        emph('\tRegisters: %s' % ' | '.join(s), DBG_LVL_1)

        s = [
            '%s <-> %s' %
             bolds(hex(val) if isinstance(val, long) else str(val)))
            for var, val in varmap
        emph('\tVariables: %s' % ' | '.join(s), DBG_LVL_1)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Apply (any) filters to the current mapping (DEBUG)
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        # if you want to enumerate mappings, don't move on
        if self.__options['enum']:
            return 0

        self.__options['#mappings'] += 1

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Identify accepted and clobbering blocks
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # We check this out on marking to be more efficient

        if 'rsp' in [real for _, real in regmap]:   # make sure that 'rsp' is not used
            fatal("A virtual register cannot be mapped to %s. Discard mapping..." % bolds('rsp'))
            return 0                                # try another mapping

        if not MAKE_RBP_SYMBOLIC and 'rbp' in [real for _, real in regmap]:
            fatal("A virtual register cannot be mapped to %s. Discard mapping..." % bolds('rbp'))

            return 0


        # given the current mapping, go back to the CFG and mark all accepted blocks
        accblks, rsvp = self.__mark.mark_accepted(regmap, varmap)

        # if there is (are) >= 1 statement(s) that don't have accepted blocks, discard mapping
        if not accblks:
                'There are not enough accepted blocks. Discard mapping...')
            return 0  # try another mapping

        # if there are enough accepted blocks, go back to the CFG and mark clobbering blocks
        cloblks = self.__mark.mark_clobbering(regmap, varmap)

        # At this point you can visualize the CFG
        # visualize('cfg_test', entry=self.__entry,

        # add entry point to accblks (with min uid) to avoid special cases
        accblks[START_PC] = [self.__entry]

        # also add SPL's return address as an acceptd block
        for stmt in self.__IR:  # return is the last statement in IR
            if stmt['type'] == 'return':

                # check that target address is a valid address of a basic block
                if stmt['target'] != -1 and stmt['target'] not in ADDR2NODE:
                    fatal("Return address '0x%x' not found" % stmt['target'])

                accblks[stmt['uid']] = [stmt['target']]

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Pretty-print the accepted and clobbering blocks
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        dbg_prnt(DBG_LVL_2, 'Accepted block set (uid/block):')

        for a, b in sorted(accblks.iteritems()):
                DBG_LVL_2, '\t%s: %s' %
                (bold(a, pad=3), ', '.join(['0x%x' % x for x in b])))

        dbg_prnt(DBG_LVL_3, 'Clobbering block set (uid/block):')

        for a, b in sorted(cloblks.iteritems()):
                DBG_LVL_3, '\t%s: %s' %
                (bold(a, pad=3), ', '.join(['0x%x' % x for x in b])))

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Shuflle statements and build the Delta Graph
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        dbg_prnt(DBG_LVL_1, "Shuffling SPL payload...")

        for perm in self.__shuffle(accblks):  # start shuffling IR

            dbg_arb(DBG_LVL_1, 'Statement order:', perm)

            # build the adjacency list for that order
            adj = self.__mk_adjacency_list(perm)
            self.__adj = adj
            # remove goto statements as they are problematic
            adj, rm = self.__remove_goto(accblks, adj)

            perm = filter(lambda x: x not in rm, perm)
            perm = [(y, accblks[y]) for y in perm]

            dbg_arb(DBG_LVL_3, "Updated SPL statement adjacency list", adj)

            # create the Delta Graph for the given permutation
            DG =, self.__entry, perm, cloblks, adj)

            # visualise delta graph
            # visualize(DG.graph, VO_TYPE_DELTA)
            # exit()

            # select the K minimum induced subgraphs Hk from the Delta Graph
            # Hk = a subset of accepted blocks that reconstruct the execution of the SPL payload)
            for size, Hk in DG.k_min_induced_subgraphs(PARAMETER_K):
                if size < 0:  # Delta Graph disconnected?
                    dbg_prnt(DBG_LVL_1, "Delta Graph is disconnected.")
                    break  # try another permutation (or mapping)

                # Paths that are too long should be discarded as it's unlikely to find a trace
                if size > MAX_ALLOWED_TRACE_SIZE:
                        "Subgraph size is too long (%d > %d). Discard it." %
                        (size, MAX_ALLOWED_TRACE_SIZE))
                    break  # try another permutation (or mapping)

                # subgraph is ok. Flatten it and make it a "tree", to easily process it
                tree, pretty_tree = DG.flatten_graph(Hk)

                    'Flattened subgraph (size %d): %s' %
                    (size, bolds(str(pretty_tree))), DBG_LVL_2)

                # TODO: this check will discard "trivial" solutions (all in 1 block)
                if size == 0:
                    warn('Delta graph found but it has size 0')
                    # continue

                # enumerate all paths, and fork accordingly

                # Symbolic execution used?
                self.__options['simulate'] = True

                # visualise delta graph with Hk (induced subgraph)
                #      visualize(DG.graph, VO_TYPE_DELTA)
                #        exit()

                # TODO: In case of conditional jump, we'll have multiple "final" states.
                # We should check whether those states have conflicting constraints.
                dbg_prnt(DBG_LVL_2, "Enumerating Tree...")

                self.__simstash = []

                # -------------------------------------------------------------
                # Easter Egg: When entry point is -1, we skip it and we directly
                # start from the next statement
                # -------------------------------------------------------------
                if self.__entry == -1:

                    if not isinstance(tree[0], tuple):
                        fatal('First statement is a conditional jump.')

                    # drop first transition (from entry to the 1st statement) and start
                    # directly from the 1st statement. There is no entry point.
                    # also update the entry point
                    _, _, entry = tree.pop(0)


                    emph("Easter Egg found! Skipping entry point")

                        'New flattened subgraph: %s' % bolds(str(pretty_tree)),

                    entry = self.__entry  # use the regular entry point

                    # create the simulation object
                    simulation = S.simulate(self.__proj, self.__cfg, cloblks,
                                            adj, self.__IR, regmap, varmap,
                                            rsvp, entry)
                except Exception, e:
                        "Cannot create simulation object. Discard current Hk")

                self.__sim_objs = [simulation]
                self.__terminals = [tree[0][1]]

                self.__total_path = set()
                self.__path = set()
                retn = self.__enum_tree(tree, simulation)

                # del simulation

                    DBG_LVL_2, "Done. Enumeration finished with exit code %s" %

                # visualize(self.__cfg.graph, VO_TYPE_CFG,
                #           options=VO_CFG | VO_ACC | VO_CLOB | VO_PATHS,
                #           func=self.__proj.kb.functions[0x41C750], entry=0x41C750,
                #           paths=self.__total_path)
                # exit()

                if retn == 0 and self.__consistent_stashes():
                    self.__nsolutions += 1
                    self.__options['#solutions'] = self.__nsolutions

                    # # visualise delta graph with Hk
                    # visualize(DG.graph, VO_TYPE_DELTA, options=VO_PATHS | VO_DRAW_INF_EDGES,
                    #           paths=self.__path)
                    # exit()

                    # # visualize CFG again
                    # visualize(self.__cfg.graph, VO_TYPE_CFG,
                    #           options=VO_CFG | VO_ACC | VO_CLOB | VO_PATHS,
                    #           func=self.__proj.kb.functions[0x444A9D], entry=0x444A9D,
                    #           paths=self.__total_path)
                    # exit()

                    print rainbow(
                            $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
                            $                                                                     $
                            $                 *** S O L U T I O N   F O U N D ***                 $
                            $                                                                     $
                            $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

                    emph(bolds('Solution #%d' % self.__nsolutions))
                    emph('Final Trace: %s' % bolds(str(pretty_tree)))

                    output = O.output(self.__options['format'])

                    output.comment('Solution #%d' % self.__nsolutions)
                    output.comment('Mapping #%d' % self.__ctr)
                    output.comment('Registers: %s' % ' | '.join(
                        ['%s <-> %s' % (virt, real) for virt, real in regmap]))
                    output.comment('Variables: %s' % ' | '.join([
                        '%s <-> %s' %
                        (var, hex(val) if isinstance(val, long) else str(val))
                        for var, val in varmap

                    output.comment('Simulated Trace: %s' % pretty_tree)


                    # cast it to a set to drop duplicates
                    for addr in set(self.__terminals):

                    output.comment('Entry point')
                    output.set('$pc', '0x%x' % entry)

                    # for each active stash, dump all the solutions
                        for simulation in self.__simstash:
                            simulation.dump(output, self.__options['noawp'])
                    except Exception, e:
                                 "Late exception while dumping: " + str(e))

                    emph(bolds('BOPC is now happy :)'))
                    if self.__options['noawp']:
                        print("NOAWP solution found!")


                    # save state
                    if self.__options['solutions'] == 'one':

                        for obj in self.__sim_objs:  # free memory
                            del obj

                        return -1  # we have a solution. No more mappings

                for obj in self.__sim_objs:  # free memory
                    del obj
Beispiel #17
from delta import delta

f, axarr = plt.subplots(3, 2)

print("Problem 7: Ema and delta delay on price series")
Nwindow = 500

h_ema_1 = ema(2, Nwindow)
h_ema_2 = ema(5, Nwindow)
h_ema_3 = ema(10, Nwindow)
h_ema_4 = ema(20, Nwindow)
h_ema_5 = ema(50, Nwindow)
h_ema_6 = ema(100, Nwindow)

h_delta_1 = delta(2, Nwindow)
h_delta_2 = delta(5, Nwindow)
h_delta_3 = delta(10, Nwindow)
h_delta_4 = delta(20, Nwindow)
h_delta_5 = delta(50, Nwindow)
h_delta_6 = delta(100, Nwindow)

with open('jpm_trades.csv', 'r') as trades_csv:
    trades = np.array(list(csv.reader(trades_csv))[1:]).astype('double')
    prices = trades[:,1]

    candidate1 = np.convolve(prices-prices[0], h_ema_1) + prices[0]
    y1 = candidate1[:len(prices)]
    candidate11 = np.convolve(prices-prices[0], h_delta_1) + prices[0]
    y11 = candidate11[:len(prices)]
    axarr[0, 0].plot(y1)