Beispiel #1
    def test_is_valid_name_sanity(self, current_file, answer):
        import os
        import sys
        with patch.object(StructureValidator, '__init__', lambda a, b: None):
            structure = StructureValidator("")
            structure.current_file = current_file
            structure.old_file = None
            structure.file_path = "random_path"
            structure.is_valid = True
            structure.prev_ver = 'master'
            structure.branch_name = ''
            structure.specific_validations = None
            validator = FieldBaseValidator(structure, set(), set())
            validator.current_file = current_file

            with open("file", 'w') as temp_out:
                old_stdout = sys.stdout
                sys.stdout = temp_out
                sys.stdout = old_stdout

            with open('file', 'r') as temp_out:
                output =
                assert ('IF100' in str(output)) is answer
            # remove the temp file
            os.system('rm -rf file')
Beispiel #2
    def test_is_valid_name_prefix(self, current_file, pack_metadata, answer, mocker):
            - A set of indicator fields

            - Running is_valid_incident_field_name_prefix on it.

            - Ensure validate fails when the field name does not start with the pack name prefix.
        from demisto_sdk.commands.common.hook_validations import \
        with patch.object(StructureValidator, '__init__', lambda a, b: None):
            structure = StructureValidator("")
            structure.current_file = current_file
            structure.old_file = None
            structure.file_path = "random_path"
            structure.is_valid = True
            structure.prev_ver = 'master'
            structure.branch_name = ''
            structure.specific_validations = None
            validator = FieldBaseValidator(structure, set(), set())
            validator.current_file = current_file
            mocker.patch.object(field_base_validator, 'get_pack_metadata', return_value=pack_metadata)
            assert validator.is_valid_field_name_prefix() == answer
Beispiel #3
def mock_structure(file_path=None, current_file=None, old_file=None):
    with patch.object(StructureValidator, '__init__', lambda a, b: None):
        structure = StructureValidator(file_path)
        structure.is_valid = True
        structure.scheme_name = 'layout'
        structure.file_path = file_path
        structure.current_file = current_file
        structure.old_file = old_file
        structure.prev_ver = 'master'
        structure.branch_name = ''
        structure.specific_validations = None
        return structure
Beispiel #4
def mock_structure(file_path=None, current_file=None, old_file=None):
    # type: (Optional[str], Optional[dict], Optional[dict]) -> StructureValidator
    with patch.object(StructureValidator, '__init__', lambda a, b: None):
        structure = StructureValidator(file_path)
        structure.is_valid = True
        structure.scheme_name = 'dashboard'
        structure.file_path = file_path
        structure.current_file = current_file
        structure.old_file = old_file
        structure.prev_ver = 'master'
        structure.branch_name = ''
        structure.specific_validations = None
        return structure
Beispiel #5
 def test_is_valid_system_flag_sanity(self, current_file, answer):
     with patch.object(StructureValidator, '__init__', lambda a, b: None):
         structure = StructureValidator("")
         structure.current_file = current_file
         structure.old_file = None
         structure.file_path = "random_path"
         structure.is_valid = True
         structure.prev_ver = 'master'
         structure.branch_name = ''
         structure.specific_validations = None
         validator = FieldBaseValidator(structure, set(), set())
         validator.current_file = current_file
         assert validator.is_valid_system_flag() is answer
Beispiel #6
 def test_is_valid_cli_name_invalid(self, cliname, group):
     current_file = {"cliName": cliname, "group": group}
     with patch.object(StructureValidator, '__init__', lambda a, b: None):
         structure = StructureValidator("")
         structure.current_file = current_file
         structure.old_file = None
         structure.file_path = "random_path"
         structure.is_valid = True
         structure.prev_ver = 'master'
         structure.branch_name = ''
         structure.specific_validations = None
         validator = FieldBaseValidator(structure, set(), {'id'})
         validator.current_file = current_file
         assert not validator.is_valid_cli_name()
Beispiel #7
 def test_matching_cliname_regex(self, cliname):
     with patch.object(StructureValidator, '__init__', lambda a, b: None):
         current_file = {"cliName": cliname}
         structure = StructureValidator("")
         structure.current_file = current_file
         structure.old_file = None
         structure.file_path = "random_path"
         structure.is_valid = True
         structure.prev_ver = 'master'
         structure.branch_name = ''
         structure.specific_validations = None
         validator = FieldBaseValidator(structure, set(), set())
         validator.current_file = current_file
         assert validator.is_matching_cli_name_regex()
Beispiel #8
 def test_does_cli_name_match_id_invalid(self, _id, cliname):
     with patch.object(StructureValidator, '__init__', lambda a, b: None):
         current_file = {'id': _id, 'cliName': cliname}
         structure = StructureValidator("")
         structure.current_file = current_file
         structure.old_file = None
         structure.file_path = "random_path"
         structure.is_valid = True
         structure.prev_ver = 'master'
         structure.branch_name = ''
         structure.specific_validations = None
         validator = FieldBaseValidator(structure, set(), set())
         validator.current_file = current_file
         assert not validator.does_cli_name_match_id()
Beispiel #9
def get_validator(current_file=None, old_file=None, file_path="Packs/exists"):
    with patch.object(StructureValidator, '__init__', lambda a, b: None):
        structure = StructureValidator("")
        structure.current_file = current_file
        structure.old_file = old_file
        structure.file_path = file_path
        structure.is_valid = True
        structure.prev_ver = 'master'
        structure.branch_name = ''
        structure.quiet_bc = False
        structure.specific_validations = None
        validator = WizardValidator(structure)
        validator.current_file = current_file
    return validator
Beispiel #10
def mock_structure(file_path=None, current_file=None, old_file=None):
    with patch.object(StructureValidator, '__init__', lambda a, b: None):
        structure = StructureValidator(file_path)
        structure.is_valid = True
        structure.scheme_name = 'list'
        structure.file_path = file_path
        file = open(file_path, "r")
        structure.current_file = json.loads(
        structure.old_file = old_file
        structure.prev_ver = 'master'
        structure.branch_name = ''
        structure.quiet_bc = False
        structure.specific_validations = None
        return structure
Beispiel #11
def mock_structure(file_path=None, current_file=None, old_file=None):
    with patch.object(StructureValidator, '__init__', lambda a, b: None):
        structure = StructureValidator(file_path)
        structure.is_valid = True
        structure.scheme_name = 'genericfield'
        structure.file_path = file_path
        structure.current_file = current_file
        structure.old_file = old_file
        structure.prev_ver = 'master'
        structure.branch_name = ''
        structure.quiet_bc = False
        structure.skip_schema_check = False
        structure.pykwalify_logs = False
        structure.scheme_name = namedtuple('scheme_name',
        structure.checked_files = set()
        structure.ignored_errors = dict()
        structure.suppress_print = True
        structure.json_file_path = None
        structure.specific_validations = None
        structure.predefined_deprecated_ignored_errors = {}
        structure.predefined_by_support_ignored_errors = {}
        return structure