Beispiel #1
 def delete(emp_id):
     This method is called when DELETE request is sent to url "/api/v1/employees/id"
     deletes the employee entry with specified id from database.
     :return: returns an empty response body and status code 204 if valid id
     specified. If invalid id specified - returns error message and status code 404.
     employee = EmployeeServices.get_by_id(emp_id)
     if not employee:
         return {"message": f"Employee with id {emp_id} not found"}, 404
     return "", 204
Beispiel #2
 def get(self, emp_id=None):
     This method is called when GET request is sent to
     "/api/v1/employees/[<int:id>]" url.
     :return: if "id" not specified the list of all employees in json format,
     status code 200. If id specified -  the employee with the specified id
     serialized to json. If invalid id - error message and status code 404.
     if not emp_id:
         employees = EmployeeServices.get_all()
         return self.employee_schema.dump(employees, many=True), 200
     employee = EmployeeServices.get_by_id(emp_id)
     if not employee:
         return {"message": f"Employee with id {emp_id} not found"}, 404
     return self.employee_schema.dump(employee), 200
Beispiel #3
 def post(self, dep_id):
     This method is called when POST request is sent to url
     "/api/v1/departments/<int:dep_id>/employees" with json data.
     Creates a new employee entry in database with department_id=dep_id.
     :return: if valid data provided returns the created entry serialized
     to json, status code 201, if invalid data - returns the error massage
     in json format, status code 400. If invalid department id specified in url -
     returns not-found error message, status code 404.
     department = DepartmentServices.get_by_id(dep_id)
     if not department:
         return {"message": f"Department with id {dep_id} not found"}, 404
     json_data = request.get_json(force=True)
         data = self.employee_schema.load(json_data,
     except ValidationError as e:
         return {"message": e.messages}, 400
     data["department_id"] = dep_id
         new_employee = EmployeeServices.create(data)
     except IntegrityError:
         return {"message": "Not valid department id"}, 400
     return self.employee_schema.dump(new_employee), 201
Beispiel #4
def test_delete(app):
    department_to_delete = DepartmentServices.get_by_id(1)
    departments = DepartmentServices.get_all()
    employees = EmployeeServices.get_all()
    assert department_to_delete not in departments
    assert len(departments) == 1
    # to check if cascade delete happened
    assert len(employees) == 3
Beispiel #5
 def put(self, emp_id):
     This method is called when PUT request is sent to url "/api/v1/employees/id"
     with json data, updates the employee entry with specified id in database.
     :return: if valid data provided returns the updated entry serialized
     to json, status code 200, if invalid data - returns the error massage
     in json format, status code 400. If invalid id specified - returns error
     message and status code 404.
     employee = EmployeeServices.get_by_id(emp_id)
     if not employee:
         return {"message": f"Employee with id {emp_id} not found"}, 404
     json_data = request.get_json(force=True)
         data = self.employee_schema.load(json_data)
     except ValidationError as e:
         return e.messages, 400
         employee = EmployeeServices.update(employee, data)
     except IntegrityError:
         return {"message": "Not valid department id"}, 400
     return self.employee_schema.dump(employee), 200
Beispiel #6
 def get(self, dep_id):
     This method is called when GET request is sent to
     "/api/v1/departments/<int:dep_id>/employees" url.
     :return: return the json-serialized list of employees working in
     department with id specified in url, status code 200. If invalid id -
     error message and status code 404.
     department = DepartmentServices.get_by_id(dep_id)
     if not department:
         return {"message": f"Department with id {dep_id} not found"}, 404
     employees = EmployeeServices.get_all_for_department(dep_id)
     return self.employee_schema.dump(employees, many=True), 200
Beispiel #7
 def get(self, dep_id=None):
     This method is called when GET request is sent to
     "/api/v1/employees/search" or
     "/api/v1//departments/<dep_id>/employees/search" urls.
     The method parses the "date_of_birth" and(optional) "date_for_interval"
     query parameters from the GET request, and based on them filters out
     the employees born on a specified date or in an interval between dates.
     Depending on url fetches employees for a specific department or all.
     :return: if sent to "/api/v1/employees/search" returns the list all
     employees born on a specified date or in an interval between dates in json format,
     status code 200. if sent to "/api/v1//departments/<dep_id>/employees/search" -
     the same but only for employees from specified department.
     If no "date_of_birth" parameter provided - returns error message, status code 400.
     If invalid department id provided - returns error message, status code 404.
     date_of_birth = request.args.get("date_of_birth")
     if not date_of_birth:
         return {"message": "Enter search data"}, 400
     date_of_birth = datetime.strptime(date_of_birth, "%Y-%m-%d").date()
     date_for_interval = request.args.get("date_for_interval")
     if date_for_interval:
         date_for_interval = datetime.strptime(date_for_interval,
     if not dep_id:
         employees = EmployeeServices.get_by_date_of_birth(
             date_of_birth, date_for_interval)
         department = DepartmentServices.get_by_id(dep_id)
         if not department:
             return {
                 "message": f"Department with id {dep_id} not found"
             }, 404
         employees = EmployeeServices.get_by_date_of_birth_from_department(
             dep_id, date_of_birth, date_for_interval)
     return self.employee_schema.dump(employees, many=True), 200
Beispiel #8
 def post(self):
     This method is called when POST request is sent to url "/api/v1/employees"
      with json data. Creates a new employee entry in database.
     :return: if valid data provided returns the created entry serialized
     to json, status code 201, if invalid data - returns the error massage
     in json format, status code 400.
     json_data = request.get_json(force=True)
         data = self.employee_schema.load(json_data)
     except ValidationError as e:
         return e.messages, 400
         new_employee = EmployeeServices.create(data)
     except IntegrityError:
         return {"message": "Not valid department id"}, 400
     return self.employee_schema.dump(new_employee), 201