def test_10_adds_labels_to_the_rect_elements_with_module_name(self):
        mock_dp = Mock(spec=DependencyGraph)
        mock_dp.hierarchy = Tree()
        mock_dp.hierarchy.create_node('test', 'test')
        svgf = SvgFormatter(mock_dp)
        test_svg = svgf.convert_hierarchy_to_svg(width='100%', height='100%')
        test_texts = [
            text for text in test_svg.elements
            if isinstance(text, svgwrite.text.Text)
        self.assertEqual(test_texts.text, 'test',
                         'Did not add the correct label to the elements')

    # def test_11_when_multiple_nodes_at_depth_each_rect_takes_up_a_percentage_of_row(self):
    # 	# Need to set the x,y, width etc of nodes as set them so can then use this to position children
    # 	self.assertEqual(False, True, 'Test not yet implemented')
    # 	# mock_dp = Mock(spec=DependencyGraph)
    # 	# mock_dp.hierarchy = Tree()
    # 	# mock_dp.hierarchy.create_node('test', 'test')
    # 	# mock_dp.hierarchy.create_node('test_one', 'test_one', parent='test')
    # 	# mock_dp.hierarchy.create_node('test_two', 'test_two', parent='test')
    # 	# svgf = SvgFormatter(mock_dp)
    # 	# test_svg = svgf.convert_hierarchy_to_svg(width='100%', height='100%')
    # 	# test_rects = [rect for rect in test_svg.elements if isinstance(rect, svgwrite.shapes.Rect)]
    # 	# level_1_rect = [r for r in test_rects if r.attribs['class'] == 'level-1'][0]
    # 	# self.assertEqual(level_1_rect.attribs['width'], '44.0%', 'Did not set the correct width for multiple nodes on same depth - actual = {0}'.format(level_1_rect.attribs['width']))
 def test_05_creates_a_svg_document_with_name_of_root_node(self):
     mock_dp = Mock(spec=DependencyGraph)
     mock_dp.hierarchy = Tree()
     mock_dp.hierarchy.create_node('test', 'test')
     svgf = SvgFormatter(mock_dp)
     test_svg = svgf.convert_hierarchy_to_svg()
     test_svg_fn = test_svg.filename
         test_svg_fn, 'test_dependency_graph.svg',
         'Did not create a SVG doc with right height for number of nested dicts - actual = {0}'
 def test_08_creates_a_rect_element_for_each_dependency(self):
     mock_dp = Mock(spec=DependencyGraph)
     mock_dp.hierarchy = self.test_tree
     svgf = SvgFormatter(mock_dp)
     test_svg = svgf.convert_hierarchy_to_svg()
     test_rects_size = [
         rect for rect in test_svg.elements
         if isinstance(rect, svgwrite.shapes.Rect)
     expect_rects_size = self.test_tree.size()
         len(test_rects_size), expect_rects_size,
         'Did not create a rect element for each dependency - actual = {0}'.
 def test_06_creates_a_svg_document_with_default_a4_300ppi_size(self):
     mock_dp = Mock(spec=DependencyGraph)
     mock_dp.hierarchy = Tree()
     mock_dp.hierarchy.create_node('test', 'test')
     svgf = SvgFormatter(mock_dp)
     test_svg = svgf.convert_hierarchy_to_svg()
     test_svg_height = test_svg.attribs['height']
     test_svg_width = test_svg.attribs['width']
         test_svg_width, '2480px',
         'Did not create a SVG doc with right width for a4 300ppi - actual = {0}'
         test_svg_height, '3508px',
         'Did not create a SVG doc with right height for a4 300ppi - actual = {0}'
 def test_02_initialises_with_dependency_graph_object(self):
     mock_dp = Mock(spec=DependencyGraph)
     mock_dp.hierarchy = Tree()
     mock_dp.hierarchy.create_node('test', 'test')
     svgf = SvgFormatter(mock_dp)
     self.assertTrue(hasattr(svgf, 'graph'),
                     'Init did not set up graph attribute')
 def test_09_places_the_rect_elements_bottom_up_based_on_depth(self):
     mock_dp = Mock(spec=DependencyGraph)
     mock_dp.hierarchy = self.test_tree
     svgf = SvgFormatter(mock_dp)
     test_svg = svgf.convert_hierarchy_to_svg(width='100px',
     test_rects = [
         rect for rect in test_svg.elements
         if isinstance(rect, svgwrite.shapes.Rect)
     level_0_rect = [
         r for r in test_rects if r.attribs['class'] == 'level-0'
     level_1_rect = [
         r for r in test_rects if r.attribs['class'] == 'level-1'
     level_2_rect = [
         r for r in test_rects if r.attribs['class'] == 'level-2'
     level_3_rect = [
         r for r in test_rects if r.attribs['class'] == 'level-3'
     level_4_rect = [
         r for r in test_rects if r.attribs['class'] == 'level-4'
     level_5_rect = [
         r for r in test_rects if r.attribs['class'] == 'level-5'
     level_6_rect = [
         r for r in test_rects if r.attribs['class'] == 'level-6'
     self.assertEqual(level_0_rect.attribs['y'], '83%',
                      'Did not place element correctly')
     self.assertEqual(level_1_rect.attribs['y'], '70%',
                      'Did not place element correctly')
     self.assertEqual(level_2_rect.attribs['y'], '57%',
                      'Did not place element correctly')
     self.assertEqual(level_3_rect.attribs['y'], '44%',
                      'Did not place element correctly')
     self.assertEqual(level_4_rect.attribs['y'], '31%',
                      'Did not place element correctly')
     self.assertEqual(level_5_rect.attribs['y'], '18%',
                      'Did not place element correctly')
     self.assertEqual(level_6_rect.attribs['y'], '5%',
                      'Did not place element correctly')
 def test_04_raises_error_if_negative_margin_passed_to_covert_to_svg(self):
     mock_dp = Mock(spec=DependencyGraph)
     mock_dp.hierarchy = self.test_tree
     svgf = SvgFormatter(mock_dp)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
 def test_03_raises_error_if_non_tree_graph_passed_to_convert_to_svg(self):
     mock_dp = Mock(spec=DependencyGraph)
     mock_dp.hierarchy = {'test': 'test'}
     svgf = SvgFormatter(mock_dp)
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):