Beispiel #1
def get_all_obs(infiles):
# parses data from each file into a structured array and adds it to a list.
# Output: a list of structured arrays and a list of header dictionaries
# corresponding to each object  
    all_obs_list = []
    all_headerdicts = []
    for infile in infiles:
        (obs,headerdict) = des_io.parse_observations(infile)
    return all_obs_list, all_headerdicts
Beispiel #2
def extract_colors(infiles):
    nobjects = len(infiles)

    triggers = np.zeros(nobjects, dtype='bool')
    colors = np.zeros(nobjects)
    ifluxes = np.zeros(nobjects)
    detections = np.zeros(nobjects,dtype='bool')
    deltaT = []
    SNIDset = set()
    zcutflag = 0
    allowmultitrig = True
    for i, infile in enumerate(infiles):
        # get a list with all the values in the data table
        (obs,headerdict)= des_io.parse_observations(infile)

        # skip files associated with objects w/ redshift > zmax
        if zcutflag and photoZcut(headerdict):
        # Separate deep and shallow fields
        deep_sel = deepfield(obs)
        deep = obs[deep_sel]
        shallow = obs[~deep_sel]

        # Look just at shallow fields for now
        # make a list of all the nites there were observations and make a nitedictlist
        nitelist = np.unique(shallow['MJD'].astype('int'))

        zobs, zMJD, zflux, zSNR = obsinband(shallow, 'z') # identify whether there was a z observation on a nite and get its MJD
        iobs, iMJD, iflux, iSNR = obsinband(shallow, 'i') # identify whether there was an i observation on a nite and get its MJD

        ztrig = zobs == 2
        itrig = iobs == 2
        zdet = zobs > 0
        idet = iobs > 0

        # get boolean selector list of common trigger nites for z and i observations
        zsel, isel,cnites = common_nites(zMJD, iMJD, zobs, iobs)

        trig_flags = ztrig[zsel] & itrig[isel]
        # if SNR is defined (only for sims) make sure at least one trigger obs has adequate SNR
        if zSNR.any():
            zSNRpass = zSNR >= 5
            iSNRpass = iSNR >= 5
            trig_flags = trig_flags & (zSNRpass[zsel] | iSNRpass[isel])

        trig = np.any(trig_flags)
        MJDtrig = zMJD[zsel][trig_flags]
        if len(MJDtrig)>1: 
            deltaT.append(MJDtrig.max() - MJDtrig.min())
        # cut out object if it has multiple triggers within maxtrignites
        if ((not allowmultitrig) and multitrig(MJDtrig,maximumtrignites)):

        # record whether the trigger has a follow up observation for a full detection
        detections[i] = followupdet(MJDtrig,zMJD,iMJD)
        if detections[i]:
        triggers[i] = trig
        if trig:
            zflux1 = zflux[ztrig & zsel][0] # this doesn't quite work if there are multiple triggers -- need fix
            iflux1 = iflux[itrig & isel][0]
            colors[i] = -2.5*(np.log10(iflux1)-np.log10(zflux1))
            if np.isnan(colors[i]):
                print zflux1,iflux1,headerdict['SNID']
            ifluxes[i] = iflux[iobs > 0][-1] - iflux[iobs > 0][0]
    return triggers, colors, ifluxes, np.sum(detections), SNIDset,np.array(deltaT)