def calcAngle(p, obstacles):
    dt, j = -1, 0
    xp, yp = p.x(), p.y()
    O = []
    for i in range(len(obstacles)):
        Test, Sol = intersectionCercle(p, i, obstacles)
        if Test:
            O.append([i, Sol])
    if len(O) == 0:
        for i in range(len(O)):
            j, Sol = O[i]
            dt1, dt2 = distancePoints((xp, yp), Sol[1]), distancePoints(
                (xp, yp), Sol[1])
            if dt1 < dt or dt2 < dt or dt == -1:
                dt = min(dt1, dt2)
                k = i
        l = O[k][0]
        xc, yc = obstacles[l][0]
        r = obstacles[l][1]
        dx, dy = xp - xc, yp - yc
        if distancePoints((xp, yp), (xc, yc)) <= r + 3 * rp:
            if dx == 0:
            if dy <= 0:
                p.theta = getAngle(dy, -dx)
            if dy > 0:
                p.theta = getAngle(-dy, dx)
            dy = (yc + r + rp - yp if yp > yc else yc - r - rp - yp)
            p.theta = getAngle(-dx, dy)
def positionValide(Coordonnées, point, obstacles):
    for pt in Coordonnées:
        if distancePoints(pt, point) < 2 * rp:
            return False
    for o in obstacles:
        if distancePoints(point, o[0]) <= o[1] + rp:
            return False
    for points in wall_points:
        if distancePoints(points, point) <= rp * 1.3:
            return False
    return True
 def shift(self, x, angle):
     #donner l'angle en degrés
     angle = angle * np.pi / 180
     nx = self.x() + x * np.cos(self.theta - angle)
     ny = self.y() + x * np.sin(self.theta - angle)
     self.angle = getAngle(nx, ny)
     self.rayon = distancePoints([0, 0], [nx, ny])
def invalid_movement(X, j, obstacles, test=1):
    p = X[j][0]
    for i in range(len(X)):
        if i != j and not (X[i][1]) and distancePoints(
                p.position(), X[i][0].position()) < 2 * rp:
            if test == 1:
                p.bloquant = i
            return True
    for o in obstacles:
        if distancePoints(p.position(), o[0]) <= o[1] + rp:
            p.blocked = True
            return True
    for points in wall_points:
        if distancePoints(points, p.position()) <= rp * 1.3:
            return True
    return False
 def __init__(self,
     self.rayon = distancePoints([0, 0], [x, y])
     self.angle = getAngle(x, y)  # we use polar coordinates
     self.theta = theta * np.pi / 180  # direction in which  person walks
     self.rayonPropre = rayonPropre  # radius of a person
     self.blocked = blocked  # can not move
     self.bloquant = bloquant  # blocks someone
 def distance_to_exit(self):
     return (distancePoints((self.x(), self.y()),
                            (0, 0.5 * (exits[0][0] + exits[0][1]))))
 def avancer(self, x):
     nx = self.x() + x * np.cos(self.theta)
     ny = self.y() + x * np.sin(self.theta)
     self.angle = getAngle(nx, ny)
     self.rayon = distancePoints([0, 0], [nx, ny])