Beispiel #1
def get_multichain_op_drop_data(script):
    Get OP DROP data.
    :param script: script byte data
        decoded = [x for x in deserialize.script_GetOp(script)]
    except Exception:
        return None
    data = None
    if deserialize.match_decoded(decoded, Chain.SCRIPT_MULTICHAIN_TEMPLATE):
        data = decoded[5][1]
    elif deserialize.match_decoded(decoded, Chain.SCRIPT_MULTICHAIN_P2SH_TEMPLATE):
        data = decoded[3][1]  # 4th element contains the OP_DROP data.
    elif deserialize.match_decoded(decoded, Chain.SCRIPT_MULTICHAIN_STREAM_ITEM_TEMPLATE):
        data = decoded[0][1]  # 1st element contains the creation txid OP_DROP data
    elif deserialize.match_decoded(decoded, Chain.SCRIPT_MULTICHAIN_STREAM_FORMATTED_ITEM_TEMPLATE):
        data = decoded[0][1]  # 1st element contains the creation txid OP_DROP data
    elif deserialize.match_decoded(decoded, Chain.SCRIPT_MULTICHAIN_STREAM_TEMPLATE):
        data = decoded[0][1]  # 1st element contains the OP_DROP data.
    elif deserialize.match_decoded(decoded, Chain.SCRIPT_MULTICHAIN_SPKN_TEMPLATE):
        data = decoded[0][1]  # 1st element contains the OP_DROP data.
    elif deserialize.match_decoded(decoded, Chain.SCRIPT_MULTICHAIN_FOLLOW_ON_ISSUANCE_METADATA_TEMPLATE):
        data = decoded[0][1]  # 1st element contains the OP_DROP data.
    elif len(decoded) >= 3 and decoded[-2][1] and decoded[-2][1].startswith("spkq"):
        data = decoded[-2][1] # element before last contains the OP_DROP data.
    return data
Beispiel #2
def get_gamechain_op_drop_data(script):
    Get OP DROP data.
    :param script: script byte data
        decoded = [x for x in deserialize.script_GetOp(script)]
    except Exception:
        return None
    data = None
    if deserialize.match_decoded(decoded, Chain.SCRIPT_GAMECHAIN_TEMPLATE):
        data = decoded[5][1]
    elif deserialize.match_decoded(decoded,
        data = decoded[3][1]  # 4th element contains the OP_DROP data.
    elif deserialize.match_decoded(
        data = decoded[0][
            1]  # 1st element contains the creation txid OP_DROP data
    elif deserialize.match_decoded(decoded,
        data = decoded[0][1]  # 1st element contains the OP_DROP data.
    elif deserialize.match_decoded(decoded,
        data = decoded[0][1]  # 1st element contains the OP_DROP data.
    elif deserialize.match_decoded(
        data = decoded[0][1]  # 1st element contains the OP_DROP data.
    return data
Beispiel #3
def get_multichain_op_return_data(script):
    Get OP_RETURN data.
    :param script: script byte data
        decoded = [x for x in deserialize.script_GetOp(script)]
    except Exception:
        return None
    data = None
    if deserialize.match_decoded(decoded, Chain.SCRIPT_MULTICHAIN_STREAM_TEMPLATE):
        data = decoded[3][1] # 4th element contains the OP_RETURN data.
    return data
def get_multichain_op_drop_data(script):
    Get OP DROP data.
    :param script: script byte data
        decoded = [x for x in deserialize.script_GetOp(script)]
    except Exception:
        return None
    data = None
    if deserialize.match_decoded(decoded, Chain.SCRIPT_MULTICHAIN_TEMPLATE):
        data = decoded[5][1]
    return data
Beispiel #5
def get_multichain_op_drop_data(script):
    Get OP DROP data.
    :param script: script byte data
        decoded = [x for x in deserialize.script_GetOp(script)]
    except Exception:
        return None
    data = None
    if deserialize.match_decoded(decoded, Chain.SCRIPT_MULTICHAIN_TEMPLATE):
        data = decoded[5][1]
    return data
Beispiel #6
    def parse_txout_script(chain, script):
        Return TYPE, DATA where the format of DATA depends on TYPE.

        * SCRIPT_TYPE_INVALID  - DATA is the raw script
        * SCRIPT_TYPE_UNKNOWN  - DATA is the decoded script
        * SCRIPT_TYPE_PUBKEY   - DATA is the binary public key
        * SCRIPT_TYPE_ADDRESS  - DATA is the binary public key hash
        * SCRIPT_TYPE_BURN     - DATA is None
        * SCRIPT_TYPE_MULTISIG - DATA is {"m":M, "pubkeys":list_of_pubkeys}
        * SCRIPT_TYPE_P2SH     - DATA is the binary script hash
        if script is None:
            raise ValueError()
            decoded = [ x for x in deserialize.script_GetOp(script) ]
        except Exception:
            return SCRIPT_TYPE_INVALID, script
        return chain.parse_decoded_txout_script(decoded)
Beispiel #7
    def parse_txout_script(chain, script):
        Return TYPE, DATA where the format of DATA depends on TYPE.

        * SCRIPT_TYPE_INVALID  - DATA is the raw script
        * SCRIPT_TYPE_UNKNOWN  - DATA is the decoded script
        * SCRIPT_TYPE_PUBKEY   - DATA is the binary public key
        * SCRIPT_TYPE_ADDRESS  - DATA is the binary public key hash
        * SCRIPT_TYPE_BURN     - DATA is None
        * SCRIPT_TYPE_MULTISIG - DATA is {"m":M, "pubkeys":list_of_pubkeys}
        * SCRIPT_TYPE_P2SH     - DATA is the binary script hash
        if script is None:
            raise ValueError()
            decoded = [x for x in deserialize.script_GetOp(script)]
        except Exception:
            return SCRIPT_TYPE_INVALID, script
        return chain.parse_decoded_txout_script(decoded)
def get_multichain_op_drop_data(script):
    Get OP DROP data.
    :param script: script byte data
        decoded = [x for x in deserialize.script_GetOp(script)]
    except Exception:
        return None
    data = None
    if deserialize.match_decoded(decoded, Chain.SCRIPT_MULTICHAIN_TEMPLATE):
        data = decoded[5][1]
    elif deserialize.match_decoded(decoded, Chain.SCRIPT_MULTICHAIN_P2SH_TEMPLATE):
        data = decoded[3][1] # 4th element contains the OP_DROP data.
    elif deserialize.match_decoded(decoded, Chain.SCRIPT_MULTICHAIN_STREAM_ITEM_TEMPLATE):
        data = decoded[0][1] # 1st element contains the creation txid OP_DROP data
    elif deserialize.match_decoded(decoded, Chain.SCRIPT_MULTICHAIN_STREAM_TEMPLATE):
        data = decoded[0][1] # 1st element contains the OP_DROP data.
    elif deserialize.match_decoded(decoded, Chain.SCRIPT_MULTICHAIN_SPKN_TEMPLATE):
        data = decoded[0][1] # 1st element contains the OP_DROP data.
    elif deserialize.match_decoded(decoded, Chain.SCRIPT_MULTICHAIN_FOLLOW_ON_ISSUANCE_METADATA_TEMPLATE):
        data = decoded[0][1] # 1st element contains the OP_DROP data.
    return data
    store =

script = "530c333438343139353934393239027b7d6d7576a90fee462a84eac99150b023fb941a266b88ac".decode(

# i = 0
# opcode = 0
# while i < len(script):
#     vch = None
#     prevCode = opcode
#     opcode = ord(script[i])
#     i += 1
#     if opcode == 0x14 and prevCode == 0xa9:
#         break

# h160 = script[i:i+20]

# version='\x34'
# vh160 = version+h160
# addr=vh160+h3[0:4]

# print b58encode(addr)
# print binascii.hexlify(bytearray(h160))

decoded = [x for x in deserialize.script_GetOp(script)]

namechain =[3]

print namechain.parse_decoded_txout_script(decoded)
# print decoded
    store =

script = "530c333438343139353934393239027b7d6d7576a90fee462a84eac99150b023fb941a266b88ac".decode("hex")

# i = 0
# opcode = 0
# while i < len(script):
#     vch = None
#     prevCode = opcode
#     opcode = ord(script[i])
#     i += 1
#     if opcode == 0x14 and prevCode == 0xa9:
#         break

# h160 = script[i:i+20]

# version='\x34'
# vh160 = version+h160
# addr=vh160+h3[0:4]

# print b58encode(addr)
# print binascii.hexlify(bytearray(h160))

decoded = [ x for x in deserialize.script_GetOp(script) ]

namechain =[3]

print namechain.parse_decoded_txout_script(decoded)
# print decoded