Beispiel #1
    def select_over_all_levels(self, bboxlist, scorelist, cls_list,
        # num_images = len(image_sizes)
        results = []
        for i, (boxes, labels,
                scores) in enumerate(zip(bboxlist, cls_list, scorelist)):
            # skip the background

            keep = batched_nms_rotated(boxes, scores, labels, self.nms_thresh)

            boxes = boxes[keep]
            scores = scores[keep]
            labels = labels[keep]

            number_of_detections = boxes.size(0)

            # Limit to max_per_image detections **over all classes**
            if number_of_detections > self.fpn_post_nms_top_n > 0:
                cls_scores = scores.clone()
                image_thresh, _ = torch.kthvalue(
                    number_of_detections - self.fpn_post_nms_top_n + 1)
                keep = cls_scores >= image_thresh.item()
                keep = torch.nonzero(keep).squeeze(1)
                boxes = boxes[keep]
                scores = scores[keep]
                labels = labels[keep]

            result = Instances(image_sizes[i])
            result.pred_boxes = RotatedBoxes(boxes)
            result.scores = scores
            result.pred_classes = labels
        return results
 def test_batched_nms_rotated_0_degree_cuda(self):
     N = 2000
     num_classes = 50
     boxes, scores = self._create_tensors(N)
     idxs = torch.randint(0, num_classes, (N, ))
     rotated_boxes = torch.zeros(N, 5)
     rotated_boxes[:, 0] = (boxes[:, 0] + boxes[:, 2]) / 2.0
     rotated_boxes[:, 1] = (boxes[:, 1] + boxes[:, 3]) / 2.0
     rotated_boxes[:, 2] = boxes[:, 2] - boxes[:, 0]
     rotated_boxes[:, 3] = boxes[:, 3] - boxes[:, 1]
     err_msg = "Rotated NMS with 0 degree is incompatible with horizontal NMS for IoU={}"
     for iou in [0.2, 0.5, 0.8]:
         backup = boxes.clone()
         keep_ref = batched_nms(boxes.cuda(), scores.cuda(), idxs, iou)
         self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(boxes, backup),
                         "boxes modified by batched_nms")
         backup = rotated_boxes.clone()
         keep = batched_nms_rotated(rotated_boxes.cuda(), scores.cuda(),
                                    idxs, iou)
             torch.allclose(rotated_boxes, backup),
             "rotated_boxes modified by batched_nms_rotated",
         self.assertLessEqual(nms_edit_distance(keep, keep_ref), 2,
Beispiel #3
def bev_nms(kitti_labels, iou_threshold):
    from detectron2.layers import batched_nms_rotated
    import numpy as np
    import torch

    #? NOTE: This might be different from elsewhere. However, does not matter because this CATEGORY_TO_IDX will never
    #? have any influence outside this function.
        "Car": 0,
        "Pedestrian": 1,
        "Cyclist": 2,
        "Motorcycle": 3,
        "Undefined": 4
    boxes = []
    scores = []
    idxs = []

    #! For each label, maps its index in boxes (and scores, idx) to 
    #! -> a tuple (index of its parent (view) in kitti_labels, its index inside its kitti_label)
    overall_idx_to_label_idx = dict()
    curr_overall_idx = 0
    for kitti_label_idx, kitti_label in enumerate(kitti_labels):
        for label_idx, label in enumerate(kitti_label):
            # should be (x_ctr, y_ctr, width, height, angle_degrees)
                label.t[0], label.t[2], label.l, label.w, label.ry * (180.0 / np.pi)

            overall_idx_to_label_idx[curr_overall_idx] = (kitti_label_idx, label_idx)
            curr_overall_idx += 1

    if len(boxes) == 0: #! No detections
        return kitti_labels

    boxes = torch.FloatTensor(boxes).to("cuda")
    scores = torch.FloatTensor(scores).to("cuda")
    idxs = torch.LongTensor(idxs).to("cuda")

    #! Performs per-class nms
    resulting_box_inds = batched_nms_rotated(
    keep_inds = [[] for i in range(len(kitti_labels))]
    for overall_idx in resulting_box_inds.cpu().tolist():
        kitti_label_idx, label_idx = overall_idx_to_label_idx[overall_idx]

    for kitti_label_idx, kitti_label in enumerate(kitti_labels):
        kitti_label.labels = [kitti_label.labels[i] for i in keep_inds[kitti_label_idx]]

    del boxes, scores, idxs, resulting_box_inds
    return kitti_labels
def grasp_fast_rcnn_inference_single_image_rotated(scores, boxes, tilts, zs,
                                                   image_shape, score_thresh,
                                                   nms_thresh, topk_per_image):
    Single-image inference. Return rotated bounding-box detection results by thresholding
    on scores and applying rotated non-maximum suppression (Rotated NMS).
        Same as `fast_rcnn_inference_rotated`, but with rotated boxes, scores, and image shapes
        per image.
        Same as `fast_rcnn_inference_rotated`, but for only one image.
    valid_mask = torch.isfinite(boxes).all(dim=1) & torch.isfinite(scores).all(
        dim=1) & torch.isfinite(tilts).all(dim=1) & torch.isfinite(zs).all(
    if not valid_mask.all():
        boxes = boxes[valid_mask]
        scores = scores[valid_mask]
        tilts = tilts[valid_mask]
        zs = zs[valid_mask]

    B = 5  # box dimension
    scores = scores[:, :-1]
    num_bbox_reg_classes = boxes.shape[1] // B
    # Convert to Boxes to use the `clip` function ...
    boxes = RotatedBoxes(boxes.reshape(-1, B))
    boxes = boxes.tensor.view(-1, num_bbox_reg_classes, B)  # R x C x B
    # Filter results based on detection scores
    filter_mask = scores > score_thresh  # R x K
    # R' x 2. First column contains indices of the R predictions;
    # Second column contains indices of classes.
    filter_inds = filter_mask.nonzero()
    if num_bbox_reg_classes == 1:
        boxes = boxes[filter_inds[:, 0], 0]
        boxes = boxes[filter_mask]
    scores = scores[filter_mask]
    tilts = tilts[filter_inds[:, 0]]
    zs = zs[filter_inds[:, 0]]

    # Apply per-class Rotated NMS
    keep = batched_nms_rotated(boxes, scores, filter_inds[:, 1], nms_thresh)
    if topk_per_image >= 0:
        keep = keep[:topk_per_image]
    boxes, scores, filter_inds = boxes[keep], scores[keep], filter_inds[keep]
    tilts, zs = tilts[keep], zs[keep]

    result = Instances(image_shape)
    result.pred_boxes = RotatedBoxes(boxes)
    result.scores = scores
    result.pred_classes = filter_inds[:, 1]
    result.pred_zs = torch.flatten(zs)
    result.pred_tilts = torch.flatten(tilts)

    return result, filter_inds[:, 0]
 def test_batched_nms_rotated_0_degree_cpu(self, device="cpu"):
     N = 2000
     num_classes = 50
     boxes, scores = self._create_tensors(N, device=device)
     idxs = torch.randint(0, num_classes, (N,))
     rotated_boxes = torch.zeros(N, 5, device=device)
     rotated_boxes[:, 0] = (boxes[:, 0] + boxes[:, 2]) / 2.0
     rotated_boxes[:, 1] = (boxes[:, 1] + boxes[:, 3]) / 2.0
     rotated_boxes[:, 2] = boxes[:, 2] - boxes[:, 0]
     rotated_boxes[:, 3] = boxes[:, 3] - boxes[:, 1]
     err_msg = "Rotated NMS with 0 degree is incompatible with horizontal NMS for IoU={}"
     for iou in [0.2, 0.5, 0.8]:
         backup = boxes.clone()
         keep_ref = batched_nms(boxes, scores, idxs, iou)
         assert torch.allclose(boxes, backup), "boxes modified by batched_nms"
         backup = rotated_boxes.clone()
         keep = batched_nms_rotated(rotated_boxes, scores, idxs, iou)
         assert torch.allclose(
             rotated_boxes, backup
         ), "rotated_boxes modified by batched_nms_rotated"
         # Occasionally the gap can be large if there are many IOU on the threshold boundary
         self.assertLessEqual(nms_edit_distance(keep, keep_ref), 5, err_msg.format(iou))
Beispiel #6
 def test_batched_nms_rotated_0_degree_cpu(self):
     # torch.manual_seed(0)
     N = 2000
     num_classes = 50
     boxes, scores = self._create_tensors(N)
     idxs = torch.randint(0, num_classes, (N, ))
     rotated_boxes = torch.zeros(N, 5)
     rotated_boxes[:, 0] = (boxes[:, 0] + boxes[:, 2]) / 2.0
     rotated_boxes[:, 1] = (boxes[:, 1] + boxes[:, 3]) / 2.0
     rotated_boxes[:, 2] = boxes[:, 2] - boxes[:, 0]
     rotated_boxes[:, 3] = boxes[:, 3] - boxes[:, 1]
     err_msg = "Rotated NMS with 0 degree is incompatible with horizontal NMS for IoU={}"
     for iou in [0.2, 0.5, 0.8]:
         backup = boxes.clone()
         keep_ref = batched_nms(boxes, scores, idxs, iou)
         assert torch.allclose(boxes,
                               backup), "boxes modified by batched_nms"
         backup = rotated_boxes.clone()
         keep = batched_nms_rotated(rotated_boxes, scores, idxs, iou)
         assert torch.allclose(
             backup), "rotated_boxes modified by batched_nms_rotated"
         assert torch.equal(keep, keep_ref), err_msg.format(iou)
Beispiel #7
def merge_branch_instances(instances, num_branch, nms_thrsh, topk_per_image):
    Merge detection results from different branches of TridentNet.
    Return detection results by applying non-maximum suppression (NMS) on bounding boxes
    and keep the unsuppressed boxes and other instances (e.g mask) if any.

        instances (list[Instances]): A list of N * num_branch instances that store detection
            results. Contain N images and each image has num_branch instances.
        num_branch (int): Number of branches used for merging detection results for each image.
        nms_thresh (float):  The threshold to use for box non-maximum suppression. Value in [0, 1].
        topk_per_image (int): The number of top scoring detections to return. Set < 0 to return
            all detections.

        results: (list[Instances]): A list of N instances, one for each image in the batch,
            that stores the topk most confidence detections after merging results from multiple
    batch_size = len(instances) // num_branch
    results = []
    for i in range(batch_size):
        ins = []
        for j in range(num_branch):
            ins.append(instances[i + batch_size * j])
        instance =

        # Apply per-class NMS
        keep = batched_nms_rotated(
            instance.pred_boxes.tensor, instance.scores, instance.pred_classes, nms_thrsh
        keep = keep[:topk_per_image]
        result = instance[keep]


    return results
def find_top_rrpn_proposals(
    For each feature map, select the `pre_nms_topk` highest scoring proposals,
    apply NMS, clip proposals, and remove small boxes. Return the `post_nms_topk`
    highest scoring proposals among all the feature maps if `training` is True,
    otherwise, returns the highest `post_nms_topk` scoring proposals for each
    feature map.

        proposals (list[Tensor]): A list of L tensors. Tensor i has shape (N, Hi*Wi*A, 5).
            All proposal predictions on the feature maps.
        pred_objectness_logits (list[Tensor]): A list of L tensors. Tensor i has shape (N, Hi*Wi*A).
        images (ImageList): Input images as an :class:`ImageList`.
        nms_thresh (float): IoU threshold to use for NMS
        pre_nms_topk (int): number of top k scoring proposals to keep before applying NMS.
            When RRPN is run on multiple feature maps (as in FPN) this number is per
            feature map.
        post_nms_topk (int): number of top k scoring proposals to keep after applying NMS.
            When RRPN is run on multiple feature maps (as in FPN) this number is total,
            over all feature maps.
        min_box_side_len (float): minimum proposal box side length in pixels (absolute units
            wrt input images).
        training (bool): True if proposals are to be used in training, otherwise False.
            This arg exists only to support a legacy bug; look for the "NB: Legacy bug ..."

        proposals (list[Instances]): list of N Instances. The i-th Instances
            stores post_nms_topk object proposals for image i.
    image_sizes = images.image_sizes  # in (h, w) order
    num_images = len(image_sizes)
    device = proposals[0].device

    # 1. Select top-k anchor for every level and every image
    topk_scores = []  # #lvl Tensor, each of shape N x topk
    topk_proposals = []
    level_ids = []  # #lvl Tensor, each of shape (topk,)
    batch_idx = torch.arange(num_images, device=device)
    for level_id, proposals_i, logits_i in zip(itertools.count(), proposals,
        Hi_Wi_A = logits_i.shape[1]
        num_proposals_i = min(pre_nms_topk, Hi_Wi_A)

        # sort is faster than topk (
        # topk_scores_i, topk_idx = logits_i.topk(num_proposals_i, dim=1)
        logits_i, idx = logits_i.sort(descending=True, dim=1)
        topk_scores_i = logits_i[batch_idx, :num_proposals_i]
        topk_idx = idx[batch_idx, :num_proposals_i]

        # each is N x topk
        topk_proposals_i = proposals_i[batch_idx[:, None],
                                       topk_idx]  # N x topk x 5

            torch.full((num_proposals_i, ),

    # 2. Concat all levels together
    topk_scores = cat(topk_scores, dim=1)
    topk_proposals = cat(topk_proposals, dim=1)
    level_ids = cat(level_ids, dim=0)

    # 3. For each image, run a per-level NMS, and choose topk results.
    results = []
    for n, image_size in enumerate(image_sizes):
        boxes = RotatedBoxes(topk_proposals[n])
        scores_per_img = topk_scores[n]
        valid_mask = torch.isfinite(
            boxes.tensor).all(dim=1) & torch.isfinite(scores_per_img)
        if not valid_mask.all():
            boxes = boxes[valid_mask]
            scores_per_img = scores_per_img[valid_mask]

        # filter empty boxes
        keep = boxes.nonempty(threshold=min_box_side_len)
        lvl = level_ids
        if keep.sum().item() != len(boxes):
            boxes, scores_per_img, lvl = (boxes[keep], scores_per_img[keep],

        keep = batched_nms_rotated(boxes.tensor, scores_per_img, lvl,
        # In Detectron1, there was different behavior during training vs. testing.
        # (
        # During training, topk is over the proposals from *all* images in the training batch.
        # During testing, it is over the proposals for each image separately.
        # As a result, the training behavior becomes batch-dependent,
        # and the configuration "POST_NMS_TOPK_TRAIN" end up relying on the batch size.
        # This bug is addressed in Detectron2 to make the behavior independent of batch size.
        keep = keep[:post_nms_topk]

        res = Instances(image_size)
        res.proposal_boxes = boxes[keep]
        res.objectness_logits = scores_per_img[keep]
    return results
Beispiel #9
def fast_rcnn_inference_single_image(boxes,
    Single-image inference. Return bounding-box detection results by thresholding
    on scores and applying non-maximum suppression (NMS).

        Same as `fast_rcnn_inference`, but with boxes, scores, and image shapes
        per image.

        Same as `fast_rcnn_inference`, but for only one image.
    scores = scores[:, :-1]
    num_bbox_reg_classes = boxes.shape[1] // 4
    # Convert to Boxes to use the `clip` function ...
    boxes = Boxes(boxes.reshape(-1, 4))
    boxes = boxes.tensor.view(-1, num_bbox_reg_classes, 4)  # R x C x 4

    # Filter results based on detection scores
    filter_mask = scores > score_thresh  # R x K
    # R' x 2. First column contains indices of the R predictions;
    # Second column contains indices of classes.
    filter_inds = filter_mask.nonzero()
    if num_bbox_reg_classes == 1:
        boxes = boxes[filter_inds[:, 0], 0]
        boxes = boxes[filter_mask]
    scores = scores[filter_mask]

    # Apply per-class NMS
    if not rotated_box_training or len(boxes) == 0:
        keep = batched_nms(boxes, scores, filter_inds[:, 1], nms_thresh)
        # BBox with encoding ctr_x,ctr_y,w,l
        if vp is not None and vp_bins is not None:
            _vp = vp.view(-1, num_bbox_reg_classes, vp_bins)  # R x C x bins
            _vp = _vp[filter_mask]
            if len(_vp) > 0:
                _, vp_max = torch.max(_vp, 1)
                vp_filtered = vp_max
                if vp_res is not None:
                    _vp_res = vp_res.view(-1, num_bbox_reg_classes, vp_bins)
                    _vp_res = _vp_res[filter_mask]
                    vp_res_filtered = list()
                    for i, k in enumerate(vp_max):
                        vp_res_filtered.append(_vp_res[i, k])
                    vp_filtered = _vp
            rboxes = []
            for i in range(boxes.shape[0]):
                box = boxes[i]
                angle = anglecorrection(vp_res_filtered[i] * 180 / math.pi).to(
                    box.device) if vp_res is not None else bin2ang(
                        vp_filtered[i], vp_bins).to(box.device)
                box =, angle))
            rboxes =, 5).to(vp_filtered.device)
            #keep = nms_rotated(rboxes, scores, nms_thresh)
            keep = batched_nms_rotated(rboxes, scores, filter_inds[:, 1],
            boxes[:, :, 2] = boxes[:, :, 2] + boxes[:, :, 0]  #x2
            boxes[:, :, 3] = boxes[:, :, 3] + boxes[:, :, 1]  #y2
            keep = batched_nms(boxes, scores, filter_inds[:, 1], nms_thresh)

    if topk_per_image >= 0:
        keep = keep[:topk_per_image]
    boxes, scores, filter_inds = boxes[keep], scores[keep], filter_inds[keep]

    result = Instances(image_shape)
    result.pred_boxes = Boxes(boxes)
    result.scores = scores
    result.pred_classes = filter_inds[:, 1]
    if vp is not None and vp_bins is not None:
        vp = vp.view(-1, num_bbox_reg_classes, vp_bins)  # R x C x bins
        vp = vp[filter_mask]
        vp = vp[keep]
        if vp_res is not None:
            vp_res = vp_res.view(-1, num_bbox_reg_classes, vp_bins)
            vp_res = vp_res[filter_mask]
            vp_res = vp_res[keep]
        if len(vp) > 0:
            _, vp_max = torch.max(vp, 1)
            result.viewpoint = vp_max
            if vp_res is not None:
                vp_res_filtered = list()
                for i, k in enumerate(vp_max):
                    vp_res_filtered.append(vp_res[i, k])
                # This result is directly the yaw orientation predicted
                result.viewpoint_residual = torch.tensor(vp_res_filtered).to(
            result.viewpoint = vp
            result.viewpoint_residual = vp_res
    if h is not None:
        h = h.view(-1, num_bbox_reg_classes, 2)  # R x C x bins
        h = h[filter_mask]
        h = h[keep]
        result.height = h
    return result, filter_inds[:, 0]
Beispiel #10
    def inference_single_image(self, box_cls, box_delta, anchors, image_size):
        Single-image inference. Return bounding-box detection results by thresholding
        on scores and applying non-maximum suppression (NMS).

            box_cls (list[Tensor]): list of #feature levels. Each entry contains
                tensor of size (H x W x A, K)
            box_delta (list[Tensor]): Same shape as 'box_cls' except that K becomes 4.
            anchors (list[Boxes]): list of #feature levels. Each entry contains
                a Boxes object, which contains all the anchors for that
                image in that feature level.
            image_size (tuple(H, W)): a tuple of the image height and width.

            Same as `inference`, but for only one image.
        boxes_all = []
        scores_all = []
        class_idxs_all = []

        # Iterate over every feature level
        for box_cls_i, box_reg_i, anchors_i in zip(box_cls, box_delta,
            # (HxWxAxK,)
            box_cls_i = box_cls_i.flatten().sigmoid_()

            # Keep top k top scoring indices only.
            num_topk = min(self.topk_candidates, box_reg_i.size(0))
            # torch.sort is actually faster than .topk (at least on GPUs)
            predicted_prob, topk_idxs = box_cls_i.sort(descending=True)
            predicted_prob = predicted_prob[:num_topk]
            topk_idxs = topk_idxs[:num_topk]

            # filter out the proposals with low confidence score
            keep_idxs = predicted_prob > self.score_threshold
            predicted_prob = predicted_prob[keep_idxs]
            topk_idxs = topk_idxs[keep_idxs]

            anchor_idxs = topk_idxs // self.num_classes
            classes_idxs = topk_idxs % self.num_classes

            box_reg_i = box_reg_i[anchor_idxs]
            anchors_i = anchors_i[anchor_idxs]
            # predict boxes
            predicted_boxes = self.box2box_transform.apply_deltas(
                box_reg_i, anchors_i.tensor)


        boxes_all, scores_all, class_idxs_all = [
            cat(x) for x in [boxes_all, scores_all, class_idxs_all]
        keep = batched_nms_rotated(boxes_all, scores_all, class_idxs_all,
        keep = keep[:self.max_detections_per_image]

        result = Instances(image_size)
        result.pred_boxes = RotatedBoxes(boxes_all[keep])
        result.scores = scores_all[keep]
        result.pred_classes = class_idxs_all[keep]
        return result
Beispiel #11
    return hrbb_box, pt_inbox, obb_box

hbbs = []
pt_ins = []
obbs = []
for poly in poly_rotated_box:
    box = get_all_groundthurth(poly)

hbbs = np.array(hbbs)
pt_ins = np.array(pt_ins)
obbs = np.array(obbs)
hbbs = torch.from_numpy(hbbs).to(torch.device('cuda'))
pt_ins = torch.from_numpy(pt_ins).to(torch.device('cuda'))
obbs = torch.from_numpy(obbs).to(torch.device('cuda'))

hbbs_wh = BoxMode.convert(hbbs, BoxMode.XYXY_ABS, BoxMode.XYWH_ABS)
polys = batch_hbb_hw2poly(hbbs.float(), hbbs_wh.float(), pt_ins.float(),
rotated_boxes = batch_polygonToRotRectangle(polys)
#pred_boxes = RotatedBoxes(rotated_boxes)
#rotated_box = batch_polygonToRotRectangle(poly_rotated_box)
scores = torch.Tensor([0.89, 0.92])
pred_classes = torch.Tensor([0, 0])
rotated_boxes[0, 4] = 90.0
rotated_boxes[1, 4] = 90.0
keep = batched_nms_rotated(rotated_boxes, scores.cuda(), pred_classes, 0.5)